Monday, August 13, 2018

The Timeline of a Dossier - The Perfect Storm - Google Sheets

"via Extraneus - "Check out this spreadsheet from one of the commenters at the Apelbaum post. 
Over 20 tabs.
There are some serious sleuths out there."
The Timeline of a Dossier - The Perfect Storm - Google Sheets
Much more at link.

You ought to know!

Tax cuts only help the wealthy, right? American paychecks show otherwise | Fox News

Tax cuts only help the wealthy, right? American paychecks show otherwise | Fox News:

Image result for flickr commons images capital hillFor the first time in American history, there are more jobs available than people looking for them. Rather than sitting on the sidelines, more workers are eagerly looking for work—which is readily available. A majority of the uptick in new job seekers is fueled by women, individuals with disabilities, and minorities, looking for their first job or reentering the workforce after a poor economy pushed them out many years ago.
Opponents of this conservative pro-growth agenda are mounting a campaign to roll back the tax cuts and reverse the great economic growth we are now seeing.

Obama Foundation’s monumental rip-off

Obama Foundation’s monumental rip-off
"The Obama Presidential Center planned for Chicago is nothing more than a personal monument to Barack Obama and a center for political indoctrination in his radical views. 
It serves no public purpose the way that a presidential library would.  
Obama’s presidential papers will not be housed there, and no scholars will be afforded the opportunity to explore the history of his presidency.
And, this is receiving vast public subsidies, despite assurances that it would be privately funded.  
Barack and Michelle Obama have been playing a major role in its design, in a fashion reminiscent of a dictator putting up monuments to himself in some third world country...
...In an article there, Mark Glennon challenges the vast subsidies that all American taxpayers will be affording this personal and political endeavor:
Illinois taxpayers will put up at least $174 million for roadway and transit reconfigurations needed to accommodate the Obama Center. If you don’t live in Illinois, you may be smirking—but you’ll be footing the bill, too. Eighty percent of such spending is generally reimbursed by the federal government, and Illinois officials confirmed to me that they expect to receive $139 million from Washington if they request it.
Bait and switch
Taxpayers were softened up by a bait and switch strategy..."
Read all.

AM Fruitcake

History for August 13

History for August 13 -
Annie Oakley 1860, Bert Lahr 1895, Alfred Hitchcock 1899
Image result for Annie OakleyImage result for Bert Lahr LionImage result for Alfred Hitchcock

Fidel Castro 1926 - Cuban leader, Don Ho 1930, Danny Bonaduce 1959 - Actor ("The Partridge Family")
Image result for Fidel CastroImage result for Don Ho Image result for Danny Bonaduce

1521 - Present day Mexico City was captured by Spanish conqueror Hernando Cortez from the Aztec Indians.
Image result for Hernando Cortez

1889 - A patent for a coin-operated telephone was issued to William Gray.
Image result for coin-operated telephone was issued to William Gray.

1932 - Adolf Hitler refused to take the post of vice-chancellor of Germany. He said he was going to hold out "for all or nothing."
See the source image
1942 - Henry Ford unveiled his "Soybean Car." It was a plastic-bodied car that weighed about 1000 lbs. less than a steel car.
Image result for "Soybean Car."

1942 - Walt Disney's "Bambi" opened at Radio City Music Hall in New York City, NY.
Image result for Walt Disney's "Bambi"

1959 - In New York, ground was broken on the $320 million Verrazano Narrows Bridge.
Image result for Verrazano Narrows Bridge

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Twitter Bans Conservative Commentator Gavin McInnes | Breitbart

Image result for free clip art not allowedTwitter Bans Conservative Commentator Gavin McInnes | Breitbart:

Everywhere one looks, high-profile media figures are being cut off from their audiences without warning, either for discussing forbidden topics or embracing forbidden political positions.

The way we were-----We'll Sing in the Sunshine

Boob-tube-----Top 25 TV Shows of the 1964-65 Season (with promos, bumpers, intros, com...

Woman protests sharing abuse-shelter room with man who says he’s female

Woman protests sharing abuse-shelter room with man who says he’s female
"A Canadian woman seeking help in an abuse shelter fled the facility after she was placed in a room for two nights with a man who says he’s a woman.
They were assigned to the double room by the managers of the Palmerston House, run by the Jean Tweed Center.
The National Post reported Kristi Hanna has filed a formal complaint with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario after the Ontario Human Rights Legal Support Center warned that her description of the roommate as a “man” might be considered illegal discrimination.
Since fleeing the facility, she’s been sleeping on friends’ couches.
The two nights at the abuse shelter “were hell for me,” she said.
“It’s affecting everyone in the house. This can completely ruin your recovery, let alone your safety, let alone your life,” she told the Post.
The center is for women who are recovering addicts, and she claimed the staff “forced her” to share a small double room with a “pre-operative male-to-female transgender person.”...
Read all.

‘Diversity’ Looks a Lot Like Old-Fashioned Discrimination - WSJ

‘Diversity’ Looks a Lot Like Old-Fashioned Discrimination - WSJ-By Michael Blechman
"At 76 I am old enough to have experienced the old-fashioned kind of discrimination.
It happened in 1965, when I was in my second year at Harvard Law School.
...He told me that the most important thing for any lawyer was to be able to relate to the clients, and that of course it is always easiest for clients to relate to lawyers who are like themselves.
...Since my experience in 1965, all of the firms at which I had interviewed have overcome their prejudices and now hire and promote Jewish lawyers, as well as women, blacks, Hispanics and Asians...
See the source imageYet as the old kind of discrimination has died out, a new form has emerged—this time under the banner of “diversity.” 
It’s good to open opportunities to people who were previously excluded.
But promoting “diversity” by discriminating against nonfavored categories of people seems quite a different thing.
A continuing suit against my alma mater is a case in point.
...Furthermore, Harvard’s admissions team has allegedly justified its rejection of qualified Asian-American applicants by giving negative assessments of their character traits.
The result, according to the plaintiff, is a de facto quota for Asian-Americans—very much like the express quota of 20% imposed by Harvard on the number of Jews it would admit in the 1920s.
...Thus, the old liberal ideal of equality of opportunity has been replaced by a new goal, demographic proportionality, pursued at the cost of inequality of opportunity..."
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Woman protests sharing abuse-shelter room with man who says he’s female

Image result for flickr commons images Restroom signsWoman protests sharing abuse-shelter room with man who says he’s female:

A Canadian woman seeking help in an abuse shelter fled the facility after she was placed in a room for two nights with a man who says he’s a woman.

Puerto Rico Hurricane Maria Donations Never Given Out, Left Sitting in Parking Lot

Puerto Rico Hurricane Maria Donations Never Given Out, Left Sitting in Parking Lot
See the source image"At least 10 trailers filled food, water and medical supplies donated to victims of Hurricane Maria have been found sitting unattended in a parking lot outside a state elections office in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
The containers had been broken open and were infested with rats, The New York Times reported.
A local radio station—Radio Isla—posted a video on Friday showing cases of a range of supplies, including food and water, covered in rat and lizard droppings.
The election commission office was being used a collection point for humanitarian supplies.
...Officials have now admitted the trailers have been sat there for more than a year, even though citizens are still struggling to recover..."
Read all.

The Rise Of Mass Knife Attacks Around The World Shows The Problem Isn't Guns. It's People | Zero Hedge

The Rise Of Mass Knife Attacks Around The World Shows The Problem Isn't Guns. It's People | Zero Hedge
"In China, where firearms are tightly restricted, it’s probably no surprise that those who want to hurt people found another way to do it. 
The dramatic rise of knife attacks around the world shows that the problem these days isn’t with guns. 
It’s with people.
Mass knife attacks have become so common over the years that a Chinese police department recently released a video to teach citizens how to defend themselves against knife-wielding assailants and it has gone viral, with 16 million views in just a few days. 
It has subtitles and some great advice that even I would be able to follow.

All humor aside, some folks in the US who want to do away with the Second Amendment are probably saying smugly, “Well, knife attacks are bad, but only people with GUNS can kill dozens of victims quickly.”
Those folks would be wrong.
For example…
This tells me that it isn’t really a problem with guns. 
It’s a problem with people..."
Read on!

Lunch video-----How Anesthesia Affects Your Brain And Body


Image may contain: text

Dem revolt against Pelosi grows, amid fears her shadow could cast pall over midterm hopes | Fox News

Dem revolt against Pelosi grows, amid fears her shadow could cast pall over midterm hopes | Fox News:

Image result for flickr commons images nancy pelosiDemocratic congressional candidates are revolting against Nancy Pelosi in even bigger numbers, amid fears that her grip on power could hurt the party's chances in the midterms and hold back its next generation of leaders.
The list of candidates refusing to support the California Democrat for speaker -- or refusing to state their position -- has steadily grown, though estimates vary.
The Washington Post counts at least 27 Democratic House candidates who won't commit support.

How @CNN and Other #FakeNews Media Are Now Working to Silence Dissent : The Other McCain

How @CNN and Other #FakeNews Media Are Now Working to Silence Dissent : The Other McCain
"Journalists or Activists?
CNN, Which Admitted They Were Responsible for Getting Alex Jones Deplatformed from YouTube, Apple, and FaceBook, Now Admits It’s Also Pressuring Twitter to Deplatform Him
This is shameful.
When I was working for The Washington Times, we did not seek to prevent the distribution of The Washington Post, nor during my years as a correspondent for The American Spectator have we ever sought to silence any competing publication.
Yet CNN and other so-called “mainstream” media operations are now actively engaged in a smear campaign intended to “de-platform” alternative voices online.
See the source image
...And this is why I deplore the habit of people who, in opposing the suppression of someone like Alex Jones, feel an obligation to characterize him in a negative way, as if he is a special case in some way substantially different from those who are not (yet) de-platformed.
Is Alex Jones more “racist” than, say, Jordan Peterson or Charles Murray?
Is Alex Jones a “conspiracy theorist” in a way that, say, Jim Hoft or Pamela Geller are not?
Is Alex Jones more “controversial” than, say, Glenn Reynolds or Rush Limbaugh?
Do you see my point here?
...personally I have a hard time forgiving him for siccing a mob of his supporters on Michelle Malkin at the 2008 DNC in Denver.
Yet this is not why Alex Jones is being de-platformed now.
Rather, CNN and others on the Left are seeking to silence Alex Jones because he has been effective in calling attention to various facts that the Left desperately seeks to conceal from the general public. Please go read the entirely of the Ace of Spades post about this and ask yourself: “Who’s next?”

Why Taxpayers Are Shelling Out More Money for Worse Service – Michigan Capitol Confidential

Why Taxpayers Are Shelling Out More Money for Worse Service – Michigan Capitol Confidential
In some places, cities pay two or three times the base salary for one person-By Jarrett Skorup 
In cities around Michigan – including those in severe financial trouble – taxpayers are paying large amounts of money in overtime and extra pay.
 In some cases, cities pay two or three times a typical salary for just one person to do a job.
Some recent stories from Michigan Capitol Confidential highlight the problem:

  • The president of the union representing supervisors and managers in the Flint water department earned $161,000 in 2016 and $149,000 in 2017. In both years, his base salary was roughly one-third his gross pay. The rest came from overtime, “standby” time, and union release time.
  • Several other
    employees in Flint had similar situations in 2017. One operator foreman earned $117,000, more than half from overtime. The other operators in the water department made $107,000, $96,000 and $82,000 . Their base salaries were between $56,000 and $60,000 that year.
  • A maintenance worker for the Detroit People Mover elevated train collected nearly $175,000 – more than his general manager – in 2017. His base salary was $57,000. There were 11 employees paid six figures by the entity and nearly all of them had base salaries between $45,000 and $60,000, with the rest of their pay coming from overtime.
  • In Ann Arbor, police officers earn one-third or more of their total pay as overtime. One detective spiked his pension payment by boosting his final year’s compensation by nearly $50,000. Other employees used payments for unused compensation, vacation and sick time to do the same.
  • In Grand Rapids, 26 city employees made more than $20,000 in overtime last year. Through overtime, 378 employees were able to push their pay to more than $80,000.

So why are public entities paying so much money to one person when they could hire an extra person instead?..."
Read all!

#1 This day 1964-----Dean Martin - Everybody Loves Somebody (Audio)