Monday, August 13, 2018

The way we were-----Dionne Warwick - That's What Friends Are For

Boob-tube-----23 NEW SHOWS OF FALL TV 1986

Feinstein’s Ties To China Go Way Deeper Than An Alleged Office Spy

Feinstein’s Ties To China Go Way Deeper Than An Alleged Office Spy
"Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s warm relationship with and advocacy for Communist China go back decades and involve millions, if not billions, of dollars.
“I sometimes say that in my last life maybe I was Chinese.”—Sen. Dianne Feinstein
As media, intelligence agency, and political scrutiny of foreign meddling is seemingly at its apex, a story with big national security implications involving a high-ranking senator with access to America’s most sensitive intelligence information has been hiding in plain sight.
Image result for Chinese intelligence once recruited a staff member at a California office of U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein,The story involves China and the senior U.S. senator from California, and former chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Democrat Dianne Feinstein.
It was buried eight paragraphs into a recent Politico exposé on foreign efforts to infiltrate Silicon Valley, as a passing example of political espionage:
Former intelligence officials…[said] Chinese intelligence once recruited a staff member at a California office of U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, and the source reported back to China about local politics.
(A spokesperson for Feinstein said the office doesn’t comment on personnel matters or investigations, but noted that no Feinstein staffer in California has ever had a security clearance.)
Later comes additional detail..."
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Grand Traverse conservancy raising $71 million to guard against development | Crain's Detroit Business

Grand Traverse conservancy raising $71 million to guard against development | Crain's Detroit Business:

  • Organization seeks funding to protect more land
  • Targets lake and river shoreline parcels, wetlands, orchards
  • Popular tourist region attracting commercial, residential growth

See the source image"The Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy aims to protect land from increaseing development in the counties around Traverse City.
An organization that shields high-value farm and natural lands from development in five northern Michigan counties is kicking off the public phase of a $71 million campaign to protect additional parcels.
...Some would be purchased outright, while others would be preserved with easements that permanently limit development.
The organization has raised $53 million from foundations and individual donors, it said. 
It hopes to raise an additional $18 million from the public."

2nd city tries to tell state how to run gun law

2nd city tries to tell state how to run gun law:

Image result for flickr commons images SeattleA second Washington city has decided to tell the state how to run its gun laws and now is in court because of the decision.
WND reported last month that Seattle was being sued for imposing a gun “safe storage” requirement on residents that goes beyond what state law allows.
Now the Second Amendment Foundation says the city of Edmonds is being sued over the same issue.
The foundation is joined by the National Rifle Association in the case over the state’s 35-year-old preemption statute establishing the state’s authority to set gun rules.

The Media Are Hiding Their Knowledge and Duplicity – Buzzfeed, WaPo and New York Times Had Unredacted FISA Application For Over A Year… | The Last Refuge

The Media Are Hiding Their Knowledge and Duplicity – Buzzfeed, WaPo and New York Times Had Unredacted FISA Application For Over A Year… | The Last Refuge
"We shared a discussion thread several months ago about how the media are enmeshed within the story of the DOJ and FBI corruption. 
However, only recently did we discover the media engagements were not just pervasive, they were/are participatory.
As a consequence the same media cannot reasonably report on any aspect of the story without exposing their own duplicity; their only choice is to double down on lies they helped create and promote.
In preparation for explosive developments soon to reach critical mass CTH strongly urges everyone to think carefully about these recently discovered empirical truths:
#1) The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence had the full, unredacted, FISA application on Carter Page since March 17th, 2017.  Think carefully about that. Think about what every member of that committee has said since March 17, 2017.
#2) With the leak of the Top Secret FISA application, by James Wolfe to Ali Watkins, Buzzfeed, The Washington Post and New York Times have had the full, unredacted, FISA application in their possession since March 17th, 2017.  Again, think carefully about that.  Think about all of their reporting since March 17, 2017.
#3) As a direct consequence of #1 and #2 – The media have deliberately, and with specific intent, falsified their reporting and kept the truth hidden which would undermine their false reporting.  Again, think very carefully about the ramifications.
The media’s role in the DOJ/FBI corruption scandal is not only pervasive, it’s participatory.
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In ruling against Planet Fitness, Michigan court concludes trans women aren’t women – ThinkProgress

In ruling against Planet Fitness, Michigan court concludes trans women aren’t women – ThinkProgress:
"A Michigan appeals court has ruled that transgender women are not women and that a former Planet Fitness customer has a legal case against the chain of gyms.
The case dates back to 2015 when Yvette Cormier saw a transgender woman — whom she described as a “man” — in the women’s locker room of her Midland, Michigan Planet Fitness.
She complained to management and warned other customers, which prompted the gym to cancel her membership for “inappropriate and disruptive” behavior.
Cormier sued Planet Fitness for over $25,000 in damages, alleging that she suffered a violation of privacy, as well as embarrassment, humiliation, severe emotional distress, and damage to her reputation.
A Michigan lower court ruled against her and last year, a state court of appeals agreed that she suffered no intrusion of privacy.
...“Plaintiff’s actions indicate that she strongly preferred a locker room and a restroom in which individuals who are assigned biologically male are not present,” the court wrote...
In other words, the court agreed with Cormier’s perspective that transgender women are not women...
The decision again tosses the case back to the lower court for further examination..."

Lunch video-----Are Voter ID laws racist?



Universal basic income program fails in Ontario - Washington Times

Universal basic income program fails in Ontario - Washington Times:

Image result for flickr commons images oh, canadaFor the Ontario pilot, only low-income folks participated, and their benefits replaced unemployment insurance, the state pension and disability payments.
The government cited the program’s high cost when announcing the termination. This shouldn’t be a surprise. A similar program in the United States with a 50 percent marginal tax on earned income would cost about $250 billion per year if operating nationwide (assuming no adverse consequences of taxation). Get rid of the tax, and it would cost just shy of $1 trillion per year.

REPORT: White Supremacist Leader in Charlottesville Jason Kessler Was Obama Supporter - Occupy Protester

REPORT: White Supremacist Leader in Charlottesville Jason Kessler Was Obama Supporter - Occupy Protester
"White supremacist and ‘Unite the Right’ leader, Jason Kessler, was once reportedly a supporter a former President Obama and the Occupy movement.
According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (an organization that is certainly no friend to Conservatives), Kessler revealed his political transformation around November 2016, the same month then candidate Donald Trump won the presidential election.  
Rumors abound on white nationalist forums that Kessler’s ideological pedigree before 2016 was less than pure and seem to point to involvement in the Occupy movement and past support for President Obama.
At one recent speech in favor of Charlottesville’s status as a sanctuary city, Kessler live-streamed himself as an attendee questioned him and apologized for an undisclosed spat during Kessler’s apparent involvement with Occupy. Kessler appeared visibly perturbed by the woman’s presence and reminders of their past association...
On Sunday, a violent leftist mob shut down a press conference by white nationalists Richard Spencer and Jason Kessler outside of Charlottesville City Hall.
The mob reportedly chased Spencer and Kessler back to their waiting vehicles..."
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#1 Movie this week 1986-----The Fly (1986) Trailer

NFL Hypocrisy: They Refuse to Ban Kneeling, But Banned All These Other Things

NFL Hypocrisy: They Refuse to Ban Kneeling, But Banned All These Other Things
"During the height of the national anthem protest controversy last autumn, statements like this one from Suzanne Nossel in The Washington Post were very much en vogue:
“The threat to free-speech rights from the White House is unmistakable. 
If NFL owners do as the president asks, no matter what justification they give, the bedrock principle that the government cannot abridge the free-speech rights of individuals will have been breached.”
...But that freedom of speech only applies to kneeling for the national anthem. 
Players who take a stand on the field on any other controversial (or not so controversial) topic are on their own. 
No cause célèbre. 
No op-eds in their defense. 
No implications that those who oppose what they’re doing are secretly bigots. 
If you don’t believe me, believe Robert Jackson of Melbourne, Florida. 
He’s the writer behind a letter to the editor that’s going viral on social media as another NFL season approaches...
Read on.

#1 This day 1986-----Madonna - Papa Don't Preach

The Timeline of a Dossier - The Perfect Storm - Google Sheets

"via Extraneus - "Check out this spreadsheet from one of the commenters at the Apelbaum post. 
Over 20 tabs.
There are some serious sleuths out there."
The Timeline of a Dossier - The Perfect Storm - Google Sheets
Much more at link.

You ought to know!

Tax cuts only help the wealthy, right? American paychecks show otherwise | Fox News

Tax cuts only help the wealthy, right? American paychecks show otherwise | Fox News:

Image result for flickr commons images capital hillFor the first time in American history, there are more jobs available than people looking for them. Rather than sitting on the sidelines, more workers are eagerly looking for work—which is readily available. A majority of the uptick in new job seekers is fueled by women, individuals with disabilities, and minorities, looking for their first job or reentering the workforce after a poor economy pushed them out many years ago.
Opponents of this conservative pro-growth agenda are mounting a campaign to roll back the tax cuts and reverse the great economic growth we are now seeing.

Obama Foundation’s monumental rip-off

Obama Foundation’s monumental rip-off
"The Obama Presidential Center planned for Chicago is nothing more than a personal monument to Barack Obama and a center for political indoctrination in his radical views. 
It serves no public purpose the way that a presidential library would.  
Obama’s presidential papers will not be housed there, and no scholars will be afforded the opportunity to explore the history of his presidency.
And, this is receiving vast public subsidies, despite assurances that it would be privately funded.  
Barack and Michelle Obama have been playing a major role in its design, in a fashion reminiscent of a dictator putting up monuments to himself in some third world country...
...In an article there, Mark Glennon challenges the vast subsidies that all American taxpayers will be affording this personal and political endeavor:
Illinois taxpayers will put up at least $174 million for roadway and transit reconfigurations needed to accommodate the Obama Center. If you don’t live in Illinois, you may be smirking—but you’ll be footing the bill, too. Eighty percent of such spending is generally reimbursed by the federal government, and Illinois officials confirmed to me that they expect to receive $139 million from Washington if they request it.
Bait and switch
Taxpayers were softened up by a bait and switch strategy..."
Read all.

AM Fruitcake