Wednesday, August 15, 2018

History for August 15

See the source image
History for August 15 -
Napoleon Bonaparte 1769, Sir Walter Scott 1771, T.E. Lawrence ("Lawrence of Arabia") 1888
Image result for Napoleon BonaparteImage result for Sir Walter Scott QuotesImage result for T.E. Lawrence

Julia Child 1912, Ben Affleck 1972, Jennifer Lawrence 1990 - Actress (TV: "The Bill Engvall Show," Movies: the "Hunger Games" series)
Image result for Julia ChildImage result for Ben Affleck Image result for Jennifer Lawrence

1057 - Macbeth, the King of Scotland, was killed by the son of King Duncan.
Image result for Macbeth, the King of Scotland

1848 - The dental chair was patented by M. Waldo Hanchett.
Image result for Is It Safe Dustin Hoffman

1877 - Thomas Edison wrote to the president of the Telegraph Company in Pittsburgh, PA. The letter stated that the word, "hello" would be a more appropriate greeting than "ahoy" when answering the telephone.
Image result for "hello" would be a more appropriate greeting than "ahoy"

1911 - The product Crisco was introduced by Procter & Gamble Company.
Image result for 1911 - The product Crisco

1914 - The Panama Canal was officially opened to commercial traffic as an American ship sailed from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. The first vessel to pass through the canal was the American cargo and passenger ship SS Ancon.
Image result for 1914 - The Panama Canal was officially opened

1945 - The Allies proclaimed V-J Day a day after Japan agreed to surrender unconditionally.
Image result for V-J Day

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Democrats view socialism more favorably than capitalism: Gallup - Washington Times

Democrats view socialism more favorably than capitalism: Gallup - Washington Times:
Image result for wikicommons images Socialism
Democrats view socialism more positively than capitalism, according to a Gallup poll released Monday.
Fifty-seven percent of Democrats in the poll hold a positive view of socialism, compared to 47 percent of Democrats who hold a positive view about capitalism, Gallup found.

The way we were-----The Association - Windy - 1967

Boob-tube-----1967: The Invaders in Color!

Young Minds Are Undermined by Today's Fashionable Philosophies - Foundation for Economic Education

Young Minds Are Undermined by Today's Fashionable Philosophies - Foundation for Economic Education
"If there's a rise in suicides and depression among young people, maybe we should be looking at the philosophy being promoted everywhere that influences kids.
Rates of teenage depression and suicide in America are rising. 
Attempts to explain this increase have centered around ideas that are now pervasive in academia and entertainment media: identity politics, victim-culture, the unearned “self-esteem movement,” and the dreaded post-modernism (as it applies to philosophy and the humanities, not the arts).
I contend that a lot of these ideas ultimately serve to destabilize young people’s sense of their own individuality and wreck their ability to deal with reality in ways that are most likely to leave them depressed and despondent.
The SCARF Model
In part, I began thinking about this because my colleagues at the Foundation for Economic (FEE) and I have recently started to import some ideas from David Rock's "SCARF" model for the media we produce, and I became curious about how this might apply to society at large.
For those unfamiliar with the idea, “SCARF” is built around the concept that people are constantly seeking to avoid pain and get more rewards for their activities and that most of these behaviors center around five specific motivations (which together make up the acronym "SCARF"):
    See the source image
  • Status
  • Certainty
  • Autonomy
  • Relatedness
  • Fairness
...these are the emotions that motivate employees...
It makes a lot of sense. 
If you know that people are often motivated by improving their relative status among their peers, then you know that by offering people public praise, you’re bolstering their sense of pride in their work and helping them achieve their status-seeking goals and, on the flip-side, you know that if you berate them publicly, you’ll be smashing their sense of status among their peers and that embarrassment may ruin their desire to continue working effectively..."
Read all.

Illegal Immigrants Are Far More Likely to Commit Serious Crimes Than the U.S. Public | Intellectual Takeout

Illegal Immigrants Are Far More Likely to Commit Serious Crimes Than the U.S. Public | Intellectual Takeout
"President Trump recently held a conference with family members of U.S. citizens killed by illegal immigrants.
...In response, the Associated Press published a “fact check“ claiming that illegal immigrants are more law-abiding than the general public.
Various media outlets, such as the New York Times, Yahoo!, and a number of NBC affiliates published this article.
The Washington Post ran a similar story, and other media outlets and so-called fact checkers have made similar claims in the past.
The truth, however, is that comprehensive, straightforward facts from primary sources—namely the Obama administration Census Bureau and Department of Justice—prove that illegal immigrants are far more likely to commit serious crimes than the U.S. population. 
Studies that claim otherwise typically suffer from fallacies condemned by academic publications about how to accurately analyze data..."
Read the data!

Feinstein’s Ties To China Go Way Deeper Than An Alleged Office Spy

Feinstein’s Ties To China Go Way Deeper Than An Alleged Office Spy:

Image result for wikicommons images diane fiensineFeinstein’s dealings with the Chinese must be investigated. But so too ought the links between federal officials and all of our adversaries, be it the Chinese and Russians, the Pakistanis and Iranians, or the Muslim Brotherhood and its state supporters. Feinstein is only one politician. How many other relationships with American politicians have the Chinese and our other adversaries fostered? How many spies might they have recruited?
We need a top-to-bottom reform of our government’s vetting efforts, and enhancement of our counterintelligence capabilities. Attempts by foreign countries to infiltrate our political offices pose a grave national security threat, as Feinstein’s record clearly shows. With people like her on pertinent congressional committees, however, how many foxes have been elected to guard the henhouse? Representatives’ responses to reform measures will help us find out.

Family say they have been forced to close cafe after complaints over the Union Jack flags in food | Daily Mail Online

Family say they have been forced to close cafe after complaints over the Union Jack flags in food | Daily Mail Online
"Family say they have been forced to close their cafe after complaints over the Union Jack flags they stuck in their fry-ups
  • Station 164 in Hornchurch will shut at the end of the month over repeated abuse 
  • Owners Carol Brown and Candy Merrett were called 'racist' over tiny flags 
  • England and Union Jack flags were put in breakfasts prompting anger online 
A family cafe is being forced to close down after the owners were repeatedly abused and called 'racist' - all because they put Union Jack and England flags in their food.
Station 164 is being forced to close after the owners got lashed with a barrage of online abuse about the 'racist' toothpicks they stuck in Full English breakfastsTiny toothpicks with the flags have been inserted in fry up's since Cafe 164 opened in Hornchurch, east London, in 2016.
But Carol Brown and daughter Candy Merrett faced a wave of abuse - mainly from people who had never eaten there, recently.
Since the World Cup this summer the flags began to get a negative response, Candy, 30, said.
The mum-of-one said three to four customers every week have moaning about the one-inch flags stuck in their toast, sandwiches and Full English breakfasts.
On Thursday, Candy said she had received so much abuse on social media over the the novelty flags she will close the London themed cafe at the end of the month..."

Trump’s Honeymoon with Media Almost Over - WSJ

Trump’s Honeymoon with Media Almost Over - WSJ
"For anyone who believes that the editorial pages of American newspapers have been insufficiently critical of President Donald Trump, the Boston Globe has a solution. 
Determined not to keep readers guessing, the Globe is urging editorial boards across the country to publish simultaneous condemnations of Mr. Trump’s rhetorical attacks on the press in their Thursday editions.
On Friday the Associated Press reported:
‘‘We are not the enemy of the people,’’ said Marjorie Pritchard, deputy managing editor for the editorial page of The Boston Globe, referring to a characterization of journalists that Trump has used in the past. The president, who contends he has largely been covered unfairly by the press, also employs the term ‘‘fake news’’ often when describing the media.
Mr. Trump says that he is referring only to “fake news” purveyors—not all members of the press corps—as enemies. The AP report elaborated:
The Globe has reached out to editorial boards nationwide to write and publish editorials on Aug. 16 denouncing what the newspaper called a ‘‘dirty war against the free press.’’...
CNN said over the weekend that more than 100 newspapers have now agreed to participate. Organizing large coalitions of people to simultaneously express similar messages is generally the work of politicians and public relations executives, rather than journalists. case where the Globe’s editorial board may not benefit from its separation from the news staff. 
Reporters who have ventured out to talk to Republicans have likely discovered the common belief among such voters that media professionals are almost entirely lined up in opposition to Mr. Trump and tend to parrot each other’s attacks. 
See the source imageTherefore announcing that dozens or perhaps hundreds of ostensibly independent editorial pages will publish similar Trump critiques at the same time probably isn’t the best way to expand readership among the rightward half of the electorate.
If the Globe’s effort is actually not intended to broaden its audience but instead to energize those who already oppose the President, this again may be a strategy more suited to politics than to journalism.
The AP has more on the point of all this:
Pritchard said she hoped the editorials would make an impression on Americans.
‘‘I hope it would educate readers to realize that an attack on the First Amendment is unacceptable,’’ she said. ‘‘We are a free and independent press, it is one of the most sacred principles enshrined in the Constitution.’’
The First Amendment does not say that the government cannot criticize the press. 
Mr. Trump enjoys free speech just as his media adversaries do. 
Rather, the First Amendment prevents government from infringing on the rights of Americans to speak and publish. 
And on that score, there’s a reasonable case that Mr. Trump’s predecessor presented a greater threat to press freedom, to say nothing of Mr. Trump’s 2016 opponent. 
Mrs. Clinton wanted to restrict the ability of Americans to make a documentary about her
We don’t recall editorial boards joining together to announce they were not with her..."

Lunch video-----B-52 with no tail

‘I would murder him, for the people’

‘I would murder him, for the people’:

Image result for flickr commons images white houseThe Daily Caller reports that several members of antifa, the far-left movement known for violent protests against the president and conservatives, may be under scrutiny.
“Multiple members of the progressive protest group who gathered outside the White House Sunday threatened President Trump with physical violence and murder,” the report said. “The Secret Service tells The Daily Caller they are now ‘aware’ of the threats and are ‘investigating’ the progressive protesters.”

2016 Trump Tower Meeting Looks Increasingly Like a Setup by Russian and Clinton Operatives | RealClearInvestigations

2016 Trump Tower Meeting Looks Increasingly Like a Setup by Russian and Clinton Operatives | RealClearInvestigations
"The June 2016 Trump Tower meeting between high-ranking members of the Republican presidential  campaign staff and a Russian lawyer with Kremlin ties remains the cornerstone of claims that Donald Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election.
A growing body of evidence, however, indicates that the meeting may have been a setup -- part of a broad effort to tarnish the Trump campaign involving Hillary Clinton operatives employed by Kremlin-linked figures and Department of Justice officials. 
See the source imageThis view, that the real collusion may have taken place among those who arranged the meeting rather than the Trump officials who agreed to attend it, is supported by two disparate lines of evidence pulled together for the first time here: newly released records and a pattern of efforts to connect the Trump campaign to Russia.
The first line of evidence includes emails, texts, and memos recently turned over to Congress by the Department of Justice. 
They show how closely senior Justice Department officials and the Federal Bureau of Investigation worked with employees of Fusion GPS, a Washington-based research firm reportedly paid $1 million by Clinton operatives to dig up dirt on the Trump campaign.
They reveal that then-Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr, the fourth-highest-ranking official at DOJ, coordinated before, during and after the election with Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson, who did work for the Clinton campaign and Russians; and former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele, who was employed by Simpson...."
Read on.

10-Year-Old Crippled Boy Stands for Anthem at Tennessee Fair -- NFL Still Kneeling (VIDEO)

10-Year-Old Crippled Boy Stands for Anthem at Tennessee Fair -- NFL Still Kneeling (VIDEO)

A video of a 10-year-old Tennessee boy is going viral this weekend. Avery Price, who uses a wheelchair, is seen struggling to stand for the American National Anthem.

FOX 4 reported:
Avery Price, a 10-year-old who uses a wheelchair, managed to stand up for the singing of the national anthem. The emotional scene took place ahead of the demolition derby at the Putnam County Fair on Sunday.
In the now-viral video, shared on Facebook by Leah Norris, price can be seen hanging on to his dad for support.
Some Facebook users commented that Price’s action needs to be shown to the NFL, which has been the center of controversy over many players taking a knee during the national anthem.

Meanwhile in the NFL — They’re kneeling again.

#1 This day 1967-----The Beatles - All You Need is Love Live Rehearsal

Why Normal Americans Hate the “Elites” | Power Line

Why Normal Americans Hate the “Elites” | Power Line
"These are three news stories that came to my attention over the last 24 hours. 
I think they tell us a lot about the current, degraded state of public life in America.
First, the Boston Globe organizes a media protest against the Trump administration’s “assault on the press.”
....To listen to our heroic journalists, you might think that Trump is sending secret policemen to cart them off to prison.
No such thing, of course. 
Rather, Trump is saying things about left-wing press outlets that are nowhere near as nasty as what they have been saying about him since before his inauguration. 
Democratic Party journalists declared war on the president, and they now pretend that his fighting back is somehow an infringement of their rights. 
...Next, on a similar theme, we hear from Dani Rodrik, a professor at Harvard’s Kennedy School. Rodrik is concerned lest educational institutions “normalize” historically low unemployment, steady wage increases and a pro-America foreign policy:
The Trump administration confronts universities with a serious dilemma. On one hand, universities must be open to diverse viewpoints, including those that conflict with mainstream opinion or may seem threatening to specific groups.On the other hand, there is the danger of normalizing and legitimizing what can only be described as an odious presidency.
It requires a peculiar sense of self-worth to think that your approval is needed to legitimize a president who was elected by the American people. Left-wing academics may think that ordinary Americans don’t notice their arrogance, but they are mistaken.
See the source imageHow, exactly, does Rodrik propose to avoid “normalizing” and “legitimizing” a Republican president? Academic institutions should have nothing to do with anyone who serves in the administration, just as restaurants shouldn’t serve them:
Those who serve with him are necessarily tainted by the experience. Trump’s close associates and political appointees are his enablers….
The stain extends beyond political operatives and covers economic policymakers as well. Trump’s cabinet members and high-level appointees share collective responsibility for propping up a shameful presidency. They deserve opprobrium not merely because they hold cranky views on, say, the trade deficit or economic relations with China, but also, and more importantly, because their continued service makes them fully complicit in Trump’s behavior. Trump’s immediate circle and senior appointees…should not be accorded the degree of respect or deference that their seniority and government positions would normally merit. We do not, after all, have a normal administration that can be served honorably..."
Read all! 

You ought to know!

Antifa, BLM: The left's version of free speech - Washington Times

Antifa, BLM: The left's version of free speech - Washington Times:

Image result for flickr commons images no freedom of speechSay free speech to a Republican and you get a very different definition than when you say free speech to a Democrat.
The Democrats’ version was on display this past weekend in Washington, D.C., when scores of antifa thugs hurled such well-thought-out arguments to political problems as, “You don’t even know who the f— we are,” while rearing in the face of a USA Today journalist and photographer who were at the scene and, indeed, in the throes of finding out who the “f—” they were.
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AM Fruitcake

AM Fruitcake