Thursday, August 16, 2018

History for August 16

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History for August 16 -
Menachem Begin (Israel) 1913, Charles Bukowski 1920, Shimon Peres 1923 - Israeli politician

Image result for menachem begin quotesImage result for Charles Bukowski QuotesImage result for shimon peres quote

Kathie Lee Gifford 1953 - Television host ("Today"), James Cameron 1954 - Director ("Titanic"), Madonna Louise Ciccone 1958 - Singer
Image result for Kathie Lee GiffordImage result for James Cameron TitanicImage result for Young Madonna

1777 - During the American Revolutionary War, the Battle of Bennington took place. New England's minutemen routed the British regulars.
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1812 - Detroit fell to Indian and British troops in the War of 1812.
Image result for Detroit fell to Indian and British troops in the War of 1812.

1954 - Sports Illustrated was published for the first time. It was claimed that 250,000 subscriptions had been sold before the first issue came off of the presses.
Image result for 1954 - Sports Illustrated was published for the first time.

1984 - The U.S. Jaycees voted to admit women to full membership in the organization.
Image result for U.S. Jaycees

1995 - Voters in Bermuda rejected independence from Great Britain.
Image result for Bermuda

1999 - In Russia, Vladimir V. Putin was confirmed as prime minister by the lower house of parliament.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Donald Trump signs new defense policy bill that rebuilds military, boosts troop pay - Washington Times

Donald Trump signs new defense policy bill that rebuilds military, boosts troop pay - Washington Times:

Image result for flickr commons images U.S. Navy ShipsPresident Trump signed a $716 billion defense bill Monday that authorizes hundreds of new planes, ships and tanks — and delivers a substantial victory to the administration by watering down penalties on a Chinese telecom company.
The law adds thousands of troops to the size of the military, raises pay, modernizes the U.S. nuclear arsenal and lays the groundwork for Mr. Trump’s proposed “space force,” in what the president called “the most significant investment in our military, and in our war fighters, in modern history.”

The way we were-----Dancing Machine - The Jackson Five

Boob-tube-----CBS Evening News 8-8-1974

UMich in trouble with appeals court for not letting students cross-examine rape accusers - The College Fix

UMich in trouble with appeals court for not letting students cross-examine rape accusers - The College Fix
"You want our permission to ‘set up a kangaroo court’?
One of President Trump’s appellate court nominees is yet again positioning himself to be front and center defending the due process rights of college students.
See the source image...One of the issues was the university’s decision to allow cross-examination in every kind of misconduct proceeding except Title IX cases.
...Months after that, Thapar grilled a university lawyer for suggesting colleges could prejudge males accused of sexual assault to protect female students.
The University of Michigan’s lawyer didn’t get any easier treatment from Thapar (below) at the Aug. 1 hearing.
The judge even suggested that lawyer David DeBruin was arguing for the university’s right to “set up a kangaroo court” in all adjudications, not just Title IX proceedings..."
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When you run out of "free money"-----Branch County Sheriff's Department cuts weekend patrols after deputy retirements | WWMT

Branch County Sheriff's Department cuts weekend patrols after deputy retirements | WWMT
COLDWATER, Mich. — Without enough deputies to go around, the Branch County Sheriff Office was forced to cut to patrols to five days a week.
See the source imageDown to just five deputies to cover more than 1,000 square miles, deputies will only patrol from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Weekdays are the busiest because deputies have court responsibilities and jail transports to make on top of criminal investigations and calls for service, according to Sheriff John Pollack.
"I can't do my job with five deputies," Pollack said.
...If there is an emergency when no deputies are on duty and state troopers are tied up, Pollack said, "dispatch has been told that they call the undersheriff, the undersheriff calls all our people in."
Branch County deputies respond to about 9,000 calls a year.
...On the heels of the 20-year millage Branch County voters approved in early August to fund a new jail, Pollack says he will again ask county commissioners for additional dollars to re-staff the department..."
Read on!

Burka Brawl: Britain Finally Standing Up to Islamism?The American Spectator

Image result for flickr commons images LondonBurka Brawl: Britain Finally Standing Up to Islamism?The American Spectator:

In truth, the reason Britain’s Boris burka saga has continued on so long (apart from the alliterative possibilities that mean tabloid editors don’t want it to die) is that everyone — right, left, center, up, down, and all over the political spectrum — realizes this is a litmus test for Britain.

Progressivism and Public Education -

Progressivism and Public Education -
"Public education is the primary platform progressives are using to push their political agenda.
And republicans are helping pay for it.
See the source imageThat republicans have implicitly agreed to fund this ridiculous liability is contemptible and indicative of a broader political problem.
Republicans have thought of no viable alternative to Dewey’s K-12 socialist regime.
To address this issue conservatives must answer the following question : what kind of world should we expect schools to help create?
One simple answer is this: one that works.
...Instead universities are rapidly being converted into 4-year luxury resorts for marginally interested students. 
Additionally, college courses are gradually becoming easier as professors make concessions to more and more unprepared students.
As of 2013, more and more A’s were being given away than in any other point in US history..."
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JOURNALISM: Media Ignores Fact That Cops And NBC Reporter Were Attacked At Charlottesville.

Instapundit  Blog Archive  JOURNALISM: Media Ignores Fact That Cops And NBC Reporter Were Attacked At Charlottesville. Just…
"JOURNALISM: Media Ignores Fact That Cops And NBC Reporter Were Attacked At Charlottesville.
Just think of the media as Democratic Party operatives with bylines, and the silence makes perfect sense."

Lunch video-----Bill Warner PhD: Pew Survey-- Muslim Beliefs


Devin Nunes: Clinton campaign colluded with 'nearly every' top official at the DOJ and FBI

Devin Nunes: Clinton campaign colluded with 'nearly every' top official at the DOJ and FBI:
Image result for wikicommons images fbi logo
The dossier, published last year by BuzzFeed, contains unverified claims about the Russians having information on President Trump that could be used as leverage. Republican investigators are concerned the FBI deceived a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court when it used information from the dossier without disclosing its Democratic benefactors to gain the authority to spy on onetime Trump campaign aide Carter Page.

Who could be behind this....?.-----‘I would murder him, for the people’

‘I would murder him, for the people’

“Hanging with Trump” T-shirt
The rhetoric against President Trump occasionally has drawn the interest of law enforcement officials.
  • Madonna, for example, said she was just trying to “express herself” when she made threats against the president during Women’s March in Washington in January 2017. “Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House,” she told fellow Trump-haters...
  • The Daily Caller reports that several members of antifa, the far-left movement known for violent protests against the president and conservatives, may be under scrutiny.
  • One potential criminal express a desired to “do” Trump “like Gadhafi.”
  • Another wanted to “murder the president.”
  • “I would murder him, for the people,” said another.
The Daily Caller posted a video of the interviews with people whose opinions of the president were expressed with their middle finger." 
Read on!

Sessions' DOJ compels school district to communicate to parents in 'language they can understand'

Sessions' DOJ compels school district to communicate to parents in 'language they can understand'
See the source image"The Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division and the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Rhode Island announced on Monday that they had reached a settlement with the school district of Providence, Rhode Island, to provide English language services to the district’s 8,000 students who are not fluent in English, and to communicate with the parents about school offerings in “a language they understand,” thus providing interpretation services. 
...The Justice Department declared in its statement, that the Providence school district is now required to properly identify and place students who are not proficient in English upon their enrollment in the district’s 41 schools, and “communicate with parents about program offerings and other essential information in a language they understand..."
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#1 This day 1974-----Paper Lace - The Night Chicago Died (Live)

Tornado Probabilities

Tornado Probabilities:
"This is the probability of a tornado within 25 miles of a given point on August 14.
Note that there is a higher chance of a tornado in mid-August in Lower Michigan than in Oklahoma.
The most likely area to see a tornado is Central Florida - where they have interacting sea breezes and an occasional hurricane and also NE Colorado....
Michigan averages 16 tornadoes per year. 
This year we have had just one, a rather small EF0 on Aug. 1 at Taylor, near Detroit.
Wisconsin has had eight tornadoes, all of them small EF0 twisters."
Read on.
Tornado Probabilities

You ought to know!

Evidence: Trump Tower meeting set up by Hillary operatives

Image result for wikicommons images hillary clintonEvidence: Trump Tower meeting set up by Hillary operatives:

Newly released records and a pattern of efforts by Hillary Clinton operatives employed by Kremlin-linked figures to connect the Trump campaign to Russia indicate the infamous Trump Tower meeting between a Russian lawyer and Trump campaign staff may have been a set up.

The Most Stupid Meme on the Internet. [VIDEO] - Victory Girls Blog

The Most Stupid Meme on the Internet. [VIDEO] - Victory Girls Blog
"Internet memes, especially the political kind, are supposed to be clever little axioms that promote a cause. 
...But then there is the meme that is so blatantly stupid, I’m surprised it doesn’t break the internet.
I saw that meme recently. 
I couldn’t believe the amount of derp it contained.
stupid meme
It looks like this:

...Whoever put this historical travesty online should hang their head in shame, along with all the other morons who actually promote this. 
...In reality, the Communists were just as brutal as the Nazis, and there is really little difference. 
In fact, their body count is even higher. 
Except that our meme-maker probably never learned about this in school.
He probably didn’t know about the Holodomor, the artificial famine that Stalin used against the people of the Ukraine. 
Why did Stalin kill these people? 
Simply because Ukrainians rejected collectivization, so Stalin deported and murdered farmers and took their grain. 
He also ordered the murder of religious and cultural leaders, leaving society in shambles. 
Mass starvation resulted, and about 4 million died in the early 1930’s..."
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AM Fruitcake