Thursday, August 16, 2018

• Chart: Thousands Of American Bridges Are Falling Apart | Statista

• Chart: Thousands Of American Bridges Are Falling Apart | Statista
"Back in August 2007, the dangerous and decaying state of America's infrastructure became a shocking reality when the I-35W Mississippi River Bridge in Minneapolis collapsed, sending vehicles crashing into the river below. 
13 people were killed while another 145 were injured. 
A decade later, a new analysis by the American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) has found that 54,259 bridges in the U.S. are structurally deficient...
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Infographic: Thousands Of American Bridges Are Falling Apart  | Statista

Lunch video-----Curtiss P-40 Flying Tigers


Ocasio-Cortez claims have fact-checkers working overtime | Fox News

Ocasio-Cortez claims have fact-checkers working overtime | Fox News:

Image result for flickr commons images Alexandria Ocasio-CortezNew York congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has excited the liberal base with her media blitz touting Medicare-for-all, the elimination of ICE and more.
But the Democrat's rapid-fire claims about the state of the economy and other issues have fact-checkers scrambling to provide a reality check.
The Washington Post was the latest to put her myriad claims under the microscope.

JOURNALISM: CNN calls marchers chanting ‘f*ck the police’ and throwing eggs ‘anti-hate groups…

Instapundit  Blog Archive  JOURNALISM: CNN calls marchers chanting ‘f*ck the police’ and throwing eggs ‘anti-hate groups…
"JOURNALISM: CNN calls marchers chanting ‘f*ck the police’ and throwing eggs ‘anti-hate groups.’ 
Calling them “commies” would be more accurate, but wouldn’t support the narrative.---Posted by Glenn Reynolds"

LA To Become First In US To Install Subway Body Scanners - Slashdot

LA To Become First In US To Install Subway Body Scanners - Slashdot
"Los Angeles officials announced Tuesday that the city's subway will become the first mass transit system in the U.S. to install body scanners that screen passengers for weapons and explosives. 
See the source image"The deployment of the portable scanners, which project waves to do full-body screenings of passengers walking through a station without slowing them down, will happen in the coming months, said Alex Wiggins, who runs the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority's law enforcement division," reports the Associated Press reports:
The machines scan for metallic and non-metallic objects on a person's body, can detect suspicious items from 30 feet (9 meters) away and have the capability of scanning more than 2,000 passengers per hour. 
...The screening process is voluntary, Wiggins said, but customers who choose not be screened won't be able to ride on the subway."
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#1 This day 1984-----Ray Parker Jr. - Ghostbusters

Using the Truth to Lie | Declination

Using the Truth to Lie | Declination:
"Picture in your mind a political debate between acquaintances, perhaps on social media, or in meatspace.
You make your point, your opponent makes his.
Demands for evidence are made.
Your opponent cites a media piece.
Perhaps an article on CNN, or a reference to a study on The Atlantic.
The onus is on you to prove that the item is now incorrect. 
Yet you cannot do so, for the citations within it are true, even though the spin has rendered it into something it really is not.
How do you articulate that?
Consider this CNN headline: Children found in New Mexico compound were training for school shootings, prosecutors say.
What is wrong with it?
The headline is true.
The children were indeed in a compound in New Mexico, and were indeed training to commit school shootings.
Ah, but it omits that this was linked to Islamic terror.
Now the article itself sort-of admits this in the last section of the article.
Hogrefe said FBI analysts told him the suspects appeared to be “extremist of the Muslim belief.”
Compare this to how the same event is reported on Fox News: Investigators raided New Mexico compound on tip from terror-tied New York City imam, cleric claims.
Note the difference in spin.
One emphasizes ‘school shootings’ and the other ‘terror-tied’ and ‘imam’.
This is how the tone of a thing is subtly changed, depending on the journalist’s preferred viewpoint..."
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You ought to know!

CNN: Antifa's Violence Against 'Bigots' Is 'Right' | Breitbart

Image result for flickr commons images antifa protestersCNN: Antifa's Violence Against 'Bigots' Is 'Right' | Breitbart:

Chris Cuomo announced Monday night that CNN will not condemn but instead justify political violence against anyone it defines as “bigots” — which, according to the network’s editorial tone over the past two years, signals open season on all Trump supporters for violent activists like Antifa and the Black Bloc.

How Long Will You Tolerate Having Your Franchise Deprecated and Nullified? | Trending

How Long Will You Tolerate Having Your Franchise Deprecated and Nullified? | Trending
"Apparently, in Ohio – lest their loss mar a narrative of an inevitable blue wave – several uncounted ballots have been “found.”
See the source imageOf course, everyone knows these ballots will be uniformly Democrat, and will keep being “found” until the race tips to the Democrat. 
Which is weird, since both of these events, in a rational world, are as unlikely as a three headed eagle coming through my window right now.  
And I don’t even see a hint of feathers.
So why do we all know this?
Because this is not the first time, this is not the second time. 
This is not probably the tenth time, save that some incidents don’t get reported and we have a very short public memory.
...We make jokes about this.  
We joke about Chicago.  
We joke about “found” ballots.  
But the people elected that way still get to serve.  
And by “serve” I mean, please refer to the title of the science fiction story “to serve man.”
My question is: How long will you tolerate this?..."
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AM Fruitcake

History for August 16

See the source image
History for August 16 -
Menachem Begin (Israel) 1913, Charles Bukowski 1920, Shimon Peres 1923 - Israeli politician

Image result for menachem begin quotesImage result for Charles Bukowski QuotesImage result for shimon peres quote

Kathie Lee Gifford 1953 - Television host ("Today"), James Cameron 1954 - Director ("Titanic"), Madonna Louise Ciccone 1958 - Singer
Image result for Kathie Lee GiffordImage result for James Cameron TitanicImage result for Young Madonna

1777 - During the American Revolutionary War, the Battle of Bennington took place. New England's minutemen routed the British regulars.
See the source image

1812 - Detroit fell to Indian and British troops in the War of 1812.
Image result for Detroit fell to Indian and British troops in the War of 1812.

1954 - Sports Illustrated was published for the first time. It was claimed that 250,000 subscriptions had been sold before the first issue came off of the presses.
Image result for 1954 - Sports Illustrated was published for the first time.

1984 - The U.S. Jaycees voted to admit women to full membership in the organization.
Image result for U.S. Jaycees

1995 - Voters in Bermuda rejected independence from Great Britain.
Image result for Bermuda

1999 - In Russia, Vladimir V. Putin was confirmed as prime minister by the lower house of parliament.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Donald Trump signs new defense policy bill that rebuilds military, boosts troop pay - Washington Times

Donald Trump signs new defense policy bill that rebuilds military, boosts troop pay - Washington Times:

Image result for flickr commons images U.S. Navy ShipsPresident Trump signed a $716 billion defense bill Monday that authorizes hundreds of new planes, ships and tanks — and delivers a substantial victory to the administration by watering down penalties on a Chinese telecom company.
The law adds thousands of troops to the size of the military, raises pay, modernizes the U.S. nuclear arsenal and lays the groundwork for Mr. Trump’s proposed “space force,” in what the president called “the most significant investment in our military, and in our war fighters, in modern history.”

The way we were-----Dancing Machine - The Jackson Five

Boob-tube-----CBS Evening News 8-8-1974

UMich in trouble with appeals court for not letting students cross-examine rape accusers - The College Fix

UMich in trouble with appeals court for not letting students cross-examine rape accusers - The College Fix
"You want our permission to ‘set up a kangaroo court’?
One of President Trump’s appellate court nominees is yet again positioning himself to be front and center defending the due process rights of college students.
See the source image...One of the issues was the university’s decision to allow cross-examination in every kind of misconduct proceeding except Title IX cases.
...Months after that, Thapar grilled a university lawyer for suggesting colleges could prejudge males accused of sexual assault to protect female students.
The University of Michigan’s lawyer didn’t get any easier treatment from Thapar (below) at the Aug. 1 hearing.
The judge even suggested that lawyer David DeBruin was arguing for the university’s right to “set up a kangaroo court” in all adjudications, not just Title IX proceedings..."
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When you run out of "free money"-----Branch County Sheriff's Department cuts weekend patrols after deputy retirements | WWMT

Branch County Sheriff's Department cuts weekend patrols after deputy retirements | WWMT
COLDWATER, Mich. — Without enough deputies to go around, the Branch County Sheriff Office was forced to cut to patrols to five days a week.
See the source imageDown to just five deputies to cover more than 1,000 square miles, deputies will only patrol from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Weekdays are the busiest because deputies have court responsibilities and jail transports to make on top of criminal investigations and calls for service, according to Sheriff John Pollack.
"I can't do my job with five deputies," Pollack said.
...If there is an emergency when no deputies are on duty and state troopers are tied up, Pollack said, "dispatch has been told that they call the undersheriff, the undersheriff calls all our people in."
Branch County deputies respond to about 9,000 calls a year.
...On the heels of the 20-year millage Branch County voters approved in early August to fund a new jail, Pollack says he will again ask county commissioners for additional dollars to re-staff the department..."
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Burka Brawl: Britain Finally Standing Up to Islamism?The American Spectator

Image result for flickr commons images LondonBurka Brawl: Britain Finally Standing Up to Islamism?The American Spectator:

In truth, the reason Britain’s Boris burka saga has continued on so long (apart from the alliterative possibilities that mean tabloid editors don’t want it to die) is that everyone — right, left, center, up, down, and all over the political spectrum — realizes this is a litmus test for Britain.

Progressivism and Public Education -

Progressivism and Public Education -
"Public education is the primary platform progressives are using to push their political agenda.
And republicans are helping pay for it.
See the source imageThat republicans have implicitly agreed to fund this ridiculous liability is contemptible and indicative of a broader political problem.
Republicans have thought of no viable alternative to Dewey’s K-12 socialist regime.
To address this issue conservatives must answer the following question : what kind of world should we expect schools to help create?
One simple answer is this: one that works.
...Instead universities are rapidly being converted into 4-year luxury resorts for marginally interested students. 
Additionally, college courses are gradually becoming easier as professors make concessions to more and more unprepared students.
As of 2013, more and more A’s were being given away than in any other point in US history..."
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