Friday, August 17, 2018

The way we were-----My Eyes Adored You - Frankie Valli

Boob-tube-----TV Misc Bloopers - 1950s-60s

Democratic Socialism is Totalitarian Slavery – S.G. Cheah – Medium

Democratic Socialism is Totalitarian Slavery – S.G. Cheah – Medium:
"Have you ever wondered why, despite the continuous systemic failures of socialistic, communistic or fascistic regimes, — as evidently proven by the observable catastrophes of 2018’s Venezuela, Mao’s China, and the Soviet Union — this idea of the Utopian collectivist commune just never seems to die? 

Witness the popular resurgence of this idea in today’s celebratory praise of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s push for Democratic Socialism.
The secret to the existence and survival of these ideas is far more sinister than you may have realized.
...If you made the argument that Democratic Socialism is slavery, you would likely be accused of exaggerated fear mongering. 

But are you wrong? 
Read on to know why Socialism is essentially slavery..."
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This Overlooked Statistic May Explain America’s Education Problems | Intellectual Takeout

This Overlooked Statistic May Explain America’s Education Problems | Intellectual Takeout
"It’s often said that America’s education system hasn’t changed much in the last 100 years. 
...It has changed… and perhaps not for the better. 
School curriculum is one example of this. 
When compared to curriculum used 100 years ago, today’s reading selections are easier and reflect a diminished view of history.
Other drastic changes have come in the area of school staffing... 
Public School Staff Growth
But the increase in students is nothing compared to the increase in staff. 
Over the same time period, public school staff increased by 50 percent..."
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Mastercard orders critic of jihad dropped

Mastercard orders critic of jihad dropped:

Image result for flickr commons images MastercardThe author of 18 bestselling books, Robert Spencer is known for regularly pointing out that the perpetrators of more than 33,000 terrorist attacks since 9/11 have cited Islamic scripture as the motivation for their often deadly acts of violence.
His critics charge, without evidence, that he hates Muslims, and now Spencer has been banned from the web-based funding site Patreon, which claims Mastercard demanded the move.

Southwest Airlines limits animals onboard to cats, dogs and miniature horses

Southwest Airlines limits animals onboard to cats, dogs and miniature horses:
Image result for Miniature horses classed as service animals"Passengers flying on Southwest Airlines can’t take an emotional support snake, possum, rabbit or peacock onboard from next month – but they will be allowed a miniature horse as a service pet.
New guidance for flying animals released by the Dallas-based airline states that passengers will only be allowed to bring one cat or dog as an emotional support animal.
Miniature horses classed as service animals – those who are trained to support individuals with a disability – will also be allowed to fly.
...Earlier this year a United Airlines passenger tried to board a flight to Los Angeles with an emotional support peacock called Dexter.
She reportedly offered to buy the bird a ticket, but was refused because he did not meet the size and weight guidelines."
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What is Socialism? | Intellectual Takeout

What is Socialism? | Intellectual Takeout
"So, there’s a video making the social media rounds with a CNN reporter supposedly asking Bernie Sanders supporters to define socialism.
Here it is:

Based on a lot of what we’ve seen in articles and online comments, the reporter probably revealed quite a bit of truth about what young Americans actually understand about socialism.
Back in July 2014, Reason released a report stating that 42% of Millennials preferred socialism, but only 16% could accurately define it
So just what is socialism? 
...Here's how the Socialist Party USA, which uses the term democratic-socialism, defines socialism:...
...So there you go. 
Socialism is the government controlling not only businesses, but also neighborhoods, homes, and schools
Indeed, as the Socialist Party USA claims, it is a very different “social and economic order” than anything you’ve likely experienced."
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Lunch video-----They Won't Stop

Noon-toon---Wondermark � Archive

Wondermark  Archive  #1416; In which the Sickness descends
And honestly, I feel great!

Christian baker vindicated by SCOTUS back in court for not baking a gender transitioning cake - Washington Times

Christian baker vindicated by SCOTUS back in court for not baking a gender transitioning cake - Washington Times:

Image result for flickr commons images supreme courtSen. Ben Sasse, Nebraska Republican, said Colorado is headed down a troubling path.
“A state powerful enough to tell bakers what to bake is powerful enough to tell journalists what stories to write. This is not healthy for the country,” he said.
Kristen Waggoner, a lawyer for the religious liberty law firm Alliance Defending Freedom, which is representing Mr. Phillips, said there is little question that the state has it in for Mr. Phillips.

America spends more on taxes than on food, clothing, and housing combined.

The Daily Sheeple - Posts

The Daily Sheeple shared a post.· 

Image may contain: text
America spends more on taxes than on food, clothing, and housing combined.
A LOT more.
Housing: $2.3 trillion
Clothing: $0.4 trillion
Food: $1.7 trillion
TOTAL: $4.4 trillion
Federal Taxes: $3.4 trillion
State and Local Taxes: $1.8 trillion
TOTAL: $5.2 trillion
Do you think, as a country, we’re getting our money’s worth from all that taxation?
Table 2.4.5U. Personal Consumption Expenditures by Type of Product

Dem Gun Control Advocate Faces Murder Charges for Allegedly Shooting Campaign Worker | pluralist

Dem Gun Control Advocate Faces Murder Charges for Allegedly Shooting Campaign Worker | pluralist
See the source image​"I didn't think anything like this could happen."
"Former Georgia Democratic Congressional candidate Kellie Lynn Collins was charged with murdering a campaign staffer last Wednesday.
Curt Cain -- who served as Collins' campaign treasurer -- was found shot to death in his home in South Carolina on Tuesday, according to police. 
Collins was identified as a suspect and by Wednesday she turned herself in, ​according to The State. 
Before dropping out of the race for Georgia's 10th congressional district, Collins was an advocate for stricter ​gun ​control
On her since deleted campaign website, she promoted "responsible gun ​regulation to protect the community" ​according to BizPac Review. 
During the campaign, Collins ​told the blog Girls Really Rule that if elected she would “practice what I preach and be a proponent of public ​policies that benefit the community as a whole.”...
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Watch – Antifa Chants Death to America: 'No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!'

Watch – Antifa Chants Death to America: 'No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!'

Open borders protesters and members of the left-wing anarchist group Antifa chanted death to America during a counter-protest in Washington, DC, on Sunday.
In a video by Breitbart News’ Ian Mason, Antifa members and open borders activists can be heard and seen marching down streets throughout Washington, DC, demanding an end to the United States.
“No border, no wall, no USA at all!” Antifa and open borders activists chanted..."
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#1 This day 1970-----Bread - Make it with you (1970)

Australian farmers body says Roundup cancer ruling is 'in blatant ignorance' of science | Environment | The Guardian

Australian farmers body says Roundup cancer ruling is 'in blatant ignorance' of science | Environment | The Guardian:
See the source image"National Farmers’ Federation says US court ruling that weedkiller causes cancer sets a ‘reckless precedent’
Australia’s National Farmers’ Federation has rejected the finding of a US court that the weedkiller Roundup causes cancer, saying it set a “reckless precedent” that could harm agriculture.
On Monday, Greenpeace urged the Australian government to start restricting the sale of Roundup – which is widely available in supermarkets and hardware stores – after a Californian court found it caused the cancer of a terminally ill man.
...The active chemical in Roundup – glyphosate – has been classified as “probably carcinogenic” by the World Health Organisation but is still approved for use in Australia and the US.
On Tuesday, the NFF said the US court decision was “in blatant ignorance” of science.
“No other herbicide has been tested to the lengths that glyphosate has,” the NFF president, Fiona Simson, said.
“After four decades of evaluations, no regulatory agency in the world considers glyphosate to be carcinogenic.”...
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You ought to know!

US Internet Speed Has Gone From 12th To 6th Fastest Since End Of Net Neutrality | The Daily Caller

US Internet Speed Has Gone From 12th To 6th Fastest Since End Of Net Neutrality | The Daily Caller:
Image result for flickr commons images internet
Since the repeal of “net neutrality” took effect on June 11, the U.S. internet speed has gone from 12th to 6th fastest in the world.
FCC chairman Ajit Pai announced late last year that he would be repealing the Obama-era internet regulations known as “net neutrality.” Following this announcement, the internet went into an absolute frenzy.

Instapundit Blog Archive ANALYSIS: TRUE. …

Instapundit � Blog Archive � ANALYSIS: TRUE. …
--Glenn Reynolds"

AM Fruitcake

History for August 17

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History for August 17 -
Davy Crockett 1786 - Frontiersman, soldier and politician. He died at the Battle of the Alamo, Samuel Goldwyn (Samuel Goldfish) 1882 - Film producer, Mae West 1893 - Actress, singer, playwrite, screenwriter
Image result for Davy Crockett Quotes Image result for samuel goldwyn quotesImage result for Mae West Quotes

Robert De Niro 1943 - Actor ("Bang Drum Slowly," "Goodfellas," "Cape Fear"), Belinda Carlisle 1958 - Singer (Go-Go's), Sean Penn 1960 - Actor, screenwriter, director

Image result for Robert De Niro drunkImage result for Belinda CarlisleImage result for Sean Penn

1790 - The capital city of the U.S. moved to Philadelphia from New York City.
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1903 - Joseph Pulitzer donated a million dollars to Columbia University. This started the Pulitzer Prizes in his name.

1961 - The Communist East German government completed the construction of the Berlin Wall.
Image result for Communist East German government completed the construction of the Berlin Wall.

1978 - Maxie Anderson, Ben Abruzzo and Larry Newman became the first to land after a successful trans-Atlantic balloon flight. The voyage began in Presque Isle, ME and ended in Miserey, France. 
Image result for 1978 - Maxie Anderson-Atlantic balloon flight.

1998 - U.S. President Clinton admitted to having an improper relationship with Monica Lewinsky, a White House intern.
See the source image