Saturday, August 18, 2018


Black Slaves, Muslim Masters | Frontpage Mag

Black Slaves, Muslim Masters | Frontpage Mag:

Image result for flickr commons images SilenceArabs and Muslims have black slaves today and hardly anyone, especially the leftist class which preens about its devotion to human rights, is screaming about this. In five African nations —Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Nigeria, and Sudan— blacks serve Arab/Muslim masters. They are bought and sold like furniture. They are worked until they drop, tortured, raped, forcibly converted to Islam, and murdered. This has been going on for many years, but it only occasionally makes today’s headlines.
This is an open secret. Anyone can Google “blacks sold as slaves in Libya” and see video of slave markets.

Freedom Philosophy: Eliminating Income Inequality is Evil - Being Libertarian

Income Inequality - LibertarianFreedom Philosophy: Eliminating Income Inequality is Evil - Being Libertarian:
"Poverty is a thing to be abolished.
We should all rally around this central point.
No one should go without food and water as long as it’s within our individual power to prevent it. This raises the immediate question of what is the most effective means of eliminating poverty.
The knee-jerk reaction of some is to take from the wealthy and give to the poor.
I shall, for the purposes of philosophical charity, ascribe this motivation to them.
However, I have encountered another motive among the left, one far more disreputable, sinister, and abhorrent – that they simply wish to take from the wealthy, which is little more than hatred and jealousy.
Our reality is that inequality cures poverty.
Inequality has many causes, but primarily it’s due to supply and demand.
If doctors didn’t economically outperform low-skilled workers, the supply of doctors would drastically diminish to the point that the scarcity of their professions would drive an increase in their wages.
Wages are a function of supply and demand.
This is why a skilled hockey player earns more than a nurse, even though nurses are more valuable to society – the supply of someone with the skills of Sidney Crosby is far less than those who have the capacity to become a nurse.
...Inequality isn’t desirous in and of itself but there is such a thing as natural inequality.
Some are born smarter than others.
Some are raised with a higher work ethic.
The result of each of these tends toward inequality...."
Read all!

Unhappy refugee contractors not getting insider information out of Trump Administration � Refugee Resettlement Watch

Unhappy refugee contractors not getting insider information out of Trump Administration � Refugee Resettlement Watch
"...As I have said repeatedly, the Administration can “slash” the numbers for a few years, but without real reform of the seriously flawed program from the UN picking most of our refugees to the US State Department and its contractors*** secretly sending them to unsuspecting towns and cities (often to satisfy the needs of globalist industries), the US Refugee Admissions Program will simply pick right up where it left off in 2020 or 2024 if the present system isn’t completely scrapped.
You can read most of The Intercept story  (hat tip: Joanne) for yourself, but I have picked out a few nuggets that made me chuckle in a story about “Trump’s race to the bottom.”
Read on.
See the source image...*** These (below) are the nine federal resettlement contractors which are largely paid for their ‘humanitarian’ work by you, the US taxpayer.
As the numbers of incoming refugees decline so too does their income (as I said, they are paid by the refugee head!).  A continued reduction in the number of incoming refugees could cause one or more of these supposed non-profits to go under due to poor budgetary management—they never planned for a rainy day when federal bucks might dry up!
Another low year, perhaps lower than this year’s 20,000 plus year, could completely blow to smithereens the budget of one or more of these federal contractors which are demanding a cap of 75,000.
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees into your towns and cities and get them signed up for their services (aka welfare)! 
From my most recent accounting, here.  However, please see that Nayla Rush at the Center for Immigration Studies has done an update of their income!

#1 This day 1952-----AUF WIEDERSEH'N, SWEETHEART by Vera Lynn Canadian LONDON Label 78

Steve Russo - The Joke That Is Our Media and Their Bitter, Angry...

Steve Russo - The Joke That Is Our Media and Their Bitter, Angry...
"The Joke That Is Our Media and Their Bitter, Angry Sycophants On The Left, Attack Trump For Pointing Out The Fact That He Was Good Friends With Aretha Franklin and She Actually Did Work For Him
So, the first story I see tonight when I turn on my computer is one from "AOL NEWS" saying this.... "Trump makes false claim about Aretha Franklin in tribute by saying the Queen of Soul once worked for him"…/trump-messes-up-aretha-trib…/23503651/
They have since changes it as you can see. But don't worry, MSNBC has also been busy. They also claim that Trump 'falsely stated' that "she worked for him, often".
Does anyone in the media ever bother to do any work? It took me only a couple minutes to poke holes in these 'fake news' stories.
According to 'The Hill' she performed (worked) at his casinos and I'm sure she did more than one show so that could qualify as "often".…/402143-trump-queen-of-soul-aretha-fran…
On top of that they were good friends and made many appearances together, over more than 20 years at fundraisers for Trump.
"She also performed at one of Trump's Atlantic City casinos in the 1980s".…/2662145_1_rev-cl-franklin-areth…
And here she is at another event with Trump for Columbia Records.…/2662145_1_rev-cl-franklin-areth…
I could be wrong, but this looks like they knew each other, she did work for him and they did see each other often! Lousy, worthless fake news! And the poor excuse for humans that are Leftists that jump on this with their hatred at all things Trump, are no better.

Image may contain: 10 people, people smiling, text

You ought to know!

Cuomo Tries A Do-Over After Saying America Was ‘Never That Great’ | The Daily Caller

Cuomo Tries A Do-Over After Saying America Was ‘Never That Great’ | The Daily Caller:

Image result for flickr commons images andrew cuomoRepublican gubernatorial candidate Marc Molinaro called on Cuomo to issue an apology to the country.
“This governor is so determined to distract voters from his failed policies and corrupted administration that he’s willing to dismiss the steady, determined march of the American people, making and remaking the greatness of America,” Molinaro’s statement said.

Puerto Rico sits on half-billion dollars of unspent taxpayer funds for schools

Puerto Rico sits on half-billion dollars of unspent taxpayer funds for schools
See the source image"After public schools in Puerto Rico were ravaged by Hurricane Maria in 2017, the federal government ponied up $589,170,000 in disaster relief funds under the Aid to Restart School Operations (RESTART) program.
The funds were awarded in April of this year, while many schools on the island remained without running water, textbooks, and electricity.
Puerto Rico’s Secretary of Education Julia Keleher told Politico that her agency plans to spend the money in advance of the coming school term.
However, she said that there are “complications.”
“It’s not for lack of action. We’re erring on the side of not spending money on anything, but having a strategy and following procuring processes,” Keleher said..."
Read all.

AM Fruitcake

History for August 18

See the source image
History for August 18 -
Merriwether Lewis 1774, Max Factor 1904, Shelley Winters 1920
See the source imageImage result for Max Factor PersonImage result for Shelley Winters

Roman Polanski 1933, Robert Redford 1937, Martin Mull 1943
See the source imageImage result for Robert RedfordImage result for martin mull quotes

1227 - The Mongol conqueror Ghengis Khan died.
Image result for Ghengis Khan died.

1587 - Virginia Dare became the first child to be born on American soil of English parents. The colony that is now Roanoke Island, NC, mysteriously vanished.
Image result for Lost Colony of Roanoke

1894 - The Bureau of Immigration was established by the U.S. Congress.
Image result for 1894 - The Bureau of Immigration

1958 - Vladimir Nabokov's novel "Lolita" was published.
See the source image

1963 - James Meredith graduated from the University of Mississippi. He was the first black man to accomplish this feat.
Image result for James Meredith

2004 - Donald Trump unveiled his board game (TRUMP the Game) where players bid on real estate, buy big ticket items and make billion-dollar business deals.
Image result for TRUMP the Game

Friday, August 17, 2018

Weekly Rate Of Acid Attacks In U.K. Hits Staggering Number, Khan's London Hit Hardest | Daily Wire

Weekly Rate Of Acid Attacks In U.K. Hits Staggering Number, Khan's London Hit Hardest | Daily Wire:

Image result for flickr commons images LondonNew police figures reveal that the U.K. is averaging at least 15 barbaric acid attacks a week.
The figures, first reported by The Mirror, show a total of 2,602 reported attacks from January 2015 to May of this year, averaging out to 15 per week. In comparison, there were only 100 total attacks reported from 2007 to 2011.
Stunningly, nearly 75% of such attacks have been carried out in London, a city often praised by the Left for its multiculturalism and tolerance.

The way we were-----My Eyes Adored You - Frankie Valli

Boob-tube-----TV Misc Bloopers - 1950s-60s

Democratic Socialism is Totalitarian Slavery – S.G. Cheah – Medium

Democratic Socialism is Totalitarian Slavery – S.G. Cheah – Medium:
"Have you ever wondered why, despite the continuous systemic failures of socialistic, communistic or fascistic regimes, — as evidently proven by the observable catastrophes of 2018’s Venezuela, Mao’s China, and the Soviet Union — this idea of the Utopian collectivist commune just never seems to die? 

Witness the popular resurgence of this idea in today’s celebratory praise of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s push for Democratic Socialism.
The secret to the existence and survival of these ideas is far more sinister than you may have realized.
...If you made the argument that Democratic Socialism is slavery, you would likely be accused of exaggerated fear mongering. 

But are you wrong? 
Read on to know why Socialism is essentially slavery..."
Read all!

This Overlooked Statistic May Explain America’s Education Problems | Intellectual Takeout

This Overlooked Statistic May Explain America’s Education Problems | Intellectual Takeout
"It’s often said that America’s education system hasn’t changed much in the last 100 years. 
...It has changed… and perhaps not for the better. 
School curriculum is one example of this. 
When compared to curriculum used 100 years ago, today’s reading selections are easier and reflect a diminished view of history.
Other drastic changes have come in the area of school staffing... 
Public School Staff Growth
But the increase in students is nothing compared to the increase in staff. 
Over the same time period, public school staff increased by 50 percent..."
Read all.

Mastercard orders critic of jihad dropped

Mastercard orders critic of jihad dropped:

Image result for flickr commons images MastercardThe author of 18 bestselling books, Robert Spencer is known for regularly pointing out that the perpetrators of more than 33,000 terrorist attacks since 9/11 have cited Islamic scripture as the motivation for their often deadly acts of violence.
His critics charge, without evidence, that he hates Muslims, and now Spencer has been banned from the web-based funding site Patreon, which claims Mastercard demanded the move.

Southwest Airlines limits animals onboard to cats, dogs and miniature horses

Southwest Airlines limits animals onboard to cats, dogs and miniature horses:
Image result for Miniature horses classed as service animals"Passengers flying on Southwest Airlines can’t take an emotional support snake, possum, rabbit or peacock onboard from next month – but they will be allowed a miniature horse as a service pet.
New guidance for flying animals released by the Dallas-based airline states that passengers will only be allowed to bring one cat or dog as an emotional support animal.
Miniature horses classed as service animals – those who are trained to support individuals with a disability – will also be allowed to fly.
...Earlier this year a United Airlines passenger tried to board a flight to Los Angeles with an emotional support peacock called Dexter.
She reportedly offered to buy the bird a ticket, but was refused because he did not meet the size and weight guidelines."
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What is Socialism? | Intellectual Takeout

What is Socialism? | Intellectual Takeout
"So, there’s a video making the social media rounds with a CNN reporter supposedly asking Bernie Sanders supporters to define socialism.
Here it is:

Based on a lot of what we’ve seen in articles and online comments, the reporter probably revealed quite a bit of truth about what young Americans actually understand about socialism.
Back in July 2014, Reason released a report stating that 42% of Millennials preferred socialism, but only 16% could accurately define it
So just what is socialism? 
...Here's how the Socialist Party USA, which uses the term democratic-socialism, defines socialism:...
...So there you go. 
Socialism is the government controlling not only businesses, but also neighborhoods, homes, and schools
Indeed, as the Socialist Party USA claims, it is a very different “social and economic order” than anything you’ve likely experienced."
Read all.

Lunch video-----They Won't Stop