Monday, August 20, 2018

John Brennan, CIA 'Kool-Aid drinkers' blasted by Benghazi terror survivor Kris Paronto - Washington Times

See the source imageJohn Brennan, CIA 'Kool-Aid drinkers' blasted by Benghazi terror survivor Kris Paronto - Washington Times--- The Washington Times 
"Benghazi terror attack survivor Kris Paronto made it clear this week that he won’t be defending former CIA director John Brennan anytime soon.
The former Army Ranger and CIA contractor who lived to tell the tale of the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya, said Mr. Brennan essentially got off easy when President Trump revoked his security clearance.
Mr. Paronto lost his security clearance years ago for telling his account of the attack.
Amb. Christopher Stevens, foreign service officer Sean Smith, and CIA contractors Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty were killed during the siege on a CIA compound.

...The @CIA @FBI and @NSAGov did everything in it’s power to cover up shady @BarackObama activities, criminal @HillaryClinton activities&tried to influence the presidential election with misinformation&leaking info to the MSM.
Now they’re up in arms over their Security clearances?”
Mr. Paronto, ...was given three nondisclosure agreements within six months after returning home.

He maintained that his security clearances were revoked under dubious reasons“Normally when you have a clearance suspended, you’re supposed to know why … I was never given that,”...
A 2014 report by the House Intelligence Committee found that the Obama administration acted properly during the attack.
The military and the CIA were also declared clear of any wrongdoing.
“It’s a pity though that the truth is something that’s not very popular in today’s society,” Mr. Paronto and fellow terror survivor John Tiegentold CNN in December 2014.

What Your Car Knows About You

See the source imageWhat Your Car Knows About You
"Car makers are collecting massive amounts of data from the latest cars on the road.
Now, they’re figuring out how to make money off it.
With millions of cars rolling off dealer lots with built-in connectivity, auto companies are gaining access to unprecedented amounts of real-time data that allow them to track everything from where a car is located to how hard it is braking and whether or not the windshield wipers are on.
The data is generated by the car’s onboard sensors and computers, and then stored by the auto maker in cloud-based servers.
Some new cars have as many as 100 built-in processors that generate data..."
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Elizabeth Warren Proposes to Nationalize Every Major American Business

Elizabeth Warren Proposes to Nationalize Every Major American Business:
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Every once in a while the mask slips.
In this case it’s Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, who’s “Accountable Capitalism Act” would literally nationalize every major business in the USA:
Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts has one-upped socialists Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: She proposes to nationalize every major business in the United States of America. If successful, it would constitute the largest seizure of private property in human history.

More Than 700,000 Overstayed Visas in 2017

See the source imageMore Than 700,000 Overstayed Visas in 2017:
"Around 700,000 people overstayed their temporary visas in fiscal year 2017, according to a recently released estimate from the Department of Homeland Security.
Six hundred thousand of these individuals are suspected to have remained in the country, according to DHS, while the other 100,000 or so simply departed after their visas expired..."
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Masterpiece Cakeshop II: It’s about Compulsion, Not Civil Rights | National Review

Masterpiece Cakeshop II: It’s about Compulsion, Not Civil Rights | National Review
"Phillips serves customers of all sorts, including homosexual customers. 
What he declines to do is to make cakes for certain events, participation in which, even as a vendor, would violate his conscience. 
As he put it: “I serve everybody. It’s just that I don’t create cakes for every occasion.”
Image result for comply!Phillips has been prosecuted under a civil-rights law, but this is not really a case about civil rights: It is a case about compulsion.
After winning his case at the Supreme Court, Phillips was again targeted by Colorado activists, one of whom asked him to make a cake to celebrate coming out as transgender. 
Phillips declined, and was ordered to the state to compulsory mediation. 
He is countersuing...
...The situation of African Americans in the 1960s was both unjust and untenable. 
...But it would be foolish to analogize the situation of gay or transgender Americans in Colorado in 2018 to the situation of black Americans in Mississippi in 1930 or Arkansas in 1964. 
...No gay couple seeking a wedding cake is going to have to travel three states away to find one if Phillips declines their custom. 
No transgender person celebrating a coming out is going to want for baked goods if Phillips refuses service.
Everybody knows this. The activists targeting Phillips do not care. 
The point is not to see to it that gay and transgender people can live their lives as they wish to — the point is to coerce Jack Phillips into conformity..."
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Lunch video-----What Was the Cold War?


Gender Confusion: A Tool of the Left

Gender Confusion: A Tool of the Left:

Image result for Democrat SignThe Democratic Party has gone off the deep end in many more ways than just pushing socialism. One sign is the fanatical embrace of identity politics, which has become the hallmark of the Party of Obama (POO). Look at Vermont. There, the Democrats' primary race for governor was won by Christine Hallquist.

Putin and Merkel discuss pipeline after Trump slammed gas deal | Daily Mail Online

Putin and Merkel discuss pipeline after Trump slammed gas deal | Daily Mail Online
Vladimir Putin and Angela Merkel relaxed in the beautiful garden of a German country palace as they began talks on a new gas pipelinePutin and Merkel share a drink in the sunshine as they discuss a new gas pipeline after Trump blasted Germany for being reliant on Russian energy
  • Vladimir Putin and Angela Merkel met at Meseberg Palace for bilateral talks
  • They discussed the Nord Stream 2 pipeline hated by US President Donald Trump 
  • Trump last month said Germany was 'totally controlled by Russia' at the G7
  • Pair will also discuss Ukraine, Syria, and Russia's human right record
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#1 Movie this week 1982-----ET The Extra Terrestrial (1982) Official 20th Anniversary Trailer Movie HD

FAKE NEWS Cries a River About Illegal Alien Arrested While Taking His Pregnant Wife to Hospital.... Leaves Out FACT He Was MURDERER!

FAKE NEWS Cries a River About Illegal Alien Arrested While Taking His Pregnant Wife to Hospital.... Leaves Out FACT He Was MURDERER!  READ ALL!

Fake News media is caught lying again.

This time they’re defending a murdered to score political points agianst President Trump.

These are sick people.

The mainstream media cried a river about the arrest of an illegal alien who was caught by police while taking his pregnant wife to the hospital.

They left off the part that he is a murderer.

Has the liberal media ever cried this hard for an American murderer who was arrested while driving with his pregnant wife?
Or is it only the illegals who count any more on the left?
FOX News has the rest of the story.
A California woman said Saturday that she had to drive herself to the hospital and give birth without her husband after he was detained by immigration agents.
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials said the man was detained because he was wanted on an outstanding arrest warrant in a homicide case in Mexico.
Maria del Carmen Venegas said she and her husband, Joel Arrona Lara, were driving to the hospital Wednesday when they stopped for gas in San Bernardino, just east of Los Angeles.
Surveillance footage shows two vehicles immediately flank the couple’s van after they pulled into the gas station. Agents with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement questioned the couple and asked for identification, Venegas said.
Venegas, 32, said she provided hers but that Arrona had left his at home in their rush to the hospital. The surveillance footage shows the agents handcuffing the 35-year-old Arrona and taking him away, leaving a sobbing Venegas alone at the gas station.

#1 This day 1982-----Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger

NY Times Columnist: Trump ‘Would Certainly Like to’ Murder People Without Due Process

NY Times Columnist: Trump ‘Would Certainly Like to’ Murder People Without Due Process
"New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg argued with her fellow panelists on MSNBC’s "Meet the Press Daily" Friday about whether President Donald Trump is the leader of the free world or an aspiring despot.
..."He’s not the leader of the free world, but, sorry," Goldberg said.
"By default he’s the leader of the free world," Commentary magazine editor John Podhoretz replied.
"Angela Merkel is the leader of the free world," Goldberg said, while Podhoretz laughed.
"Well, he is the most important person in the world in politics right now," Huey-Burns said, looking at Goldberg.
..."[Trump] is not rounding people up and murdering them without any due process," Tur said.
"He would certainly like to," Goldberg replied..."
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You ought to know!

Whistleblower makes shocking IRS, insider trading allegations

Whistleblower makes shocking IRS, insider trading allegations:
Image result for flickr commons images capital hill
A whistleblower made this shocking allegation to me last week: the IRS was tipping off members of Congress to corporate takeovers so the elected officials could profit from insider trading.
My snitch also charged that higher-level employees of the IRS also used that information to enrich themselves.

Hyperinflation in Venezuela - in pictures - The National

Hyperinflation in Venezuela - in pictures - The National:
"Venezuela has devalued its currency by about 95 per cent ahead of the rollout of a new bolivar as part of a recovery plan that seeks to loosen the grip of hyperinflation on the country.
In recent weeks, goods have skyrocketed in price, leaving locals needing piles of cash to purchase household essentials..."

AM Fruitcake

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History for August 20

See the source image
History for August 20 -
Benjamin Harrison (U.S.) 1833, Edgar Guest 1881, Jacqueline Susann 1921 - Author
Image result for Benjamin Harrison QuotesSee the source imageImage result for jacqueline susann books

Don King 1931, Ron Paul 1935, Al Roker 1954 - Telvision personality
Image result for Don KingImage result for Ron PaulImage result for Al Roker

1882 - Tchaikovsky's "1812 Overture" debuted in Moscow.
Image result for 1812 Overture Album Cover

1923 - The first American dirigible, the "Shenandoah," was launched in Lakehurst, NJ. The ship began its maiden voyage from the same location on September 4.
Image result for American dirigible, the "Shenandoah,"

1940 - France fell to the Germans during World War II.
Image result for France fell to the Germans during World War II.

1964 - A $1 billion anti-poverty measure was signed by U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson.
Image result for President Lyndon B. Johnson. poverty

1967 - The New York Times reported about a noise reduction system for album and tape recording developed by technicians R. and D.W. Dolby. Elektra Record's subsidiary, Checkmate Records became the first label to use the new Dolby process in its recordings.
Image result for Dolby sound

1997 - Britain began voluntary evacuation of its Caribbean island of Montserrat due to the volcanic activity of the Soufriere Hills.
Image result for Montserrat due to the volcanic activity of the Soufriere Hills.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

The left's enforcers: CNN sues to reveal names and addresses of Manafort jurors

The left's enforcers: CNN sues to reveal names and addresses of Manafort jurors:

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In a motion filed in federal court on Thursday, CNN and several other media outlets requested that the court release the names and home addresses of all jurors in the Paul Manafort fraud case. Jurors have not yet rendered a verdict on any of the 18 charges against Manafort, who briefly served as President Donald Trump's campaign manager in 2016.