Tuesday, August 21, 2018

History for August 21

See the source image
History for August 21 - On-This-Day.com
Aubrey Beardsley 1872, William Count Basie 1904, Wilt Chamberlain 1936
Image result for Aubrey BeardsleyImage result for William Count BasieImage result for Wilt Chamberlain

Kenny Rogers 1938 - Country singer, Jackie DeShannon 1944 - Singer, Willie Lanier 1945
Image result for Kenny RogersImage result for Jackie DeShannonImage result for Willie Lanier

1831 - Nat Turner, a former slave, led a violent insurrection in Virginia. He was later executed.
Image result for Nat Turner Wanted Poster

1841 - A patent for venetian blinds was issued to John Hampton.
Image result for venetian blinds

1888 - The adding machine was patented by William Burroughs.
Image result for Antique Burroughs Adding Machine

1923 - In Kalamazoo, Michigan, an ordinance was passed forbidding dancers from gazing into the eyes of their partner.
Image result for gazing into the eyes of their partner.

1959 - Hawaii became the 50th state. U.S. President Eisenhower also issued the order for the 50 star flag.
Image result for 1959 - Hawaii became the 50th state.

1996 - The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 was signed by U.S. President Clinton. The act made it easier to obtain and keep health insurance.
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Monday, August 20, 2018

FBI agents signed NDA for matters involving Hillary’s emails

FBI agents signed NDA for matters involving Hillary’s emails:

Image result for flickr commons images hillary clintonIn an unusual move, FBI agents working the Hillary Clinton email case had to sign a special form reminding them not to blab about the probe to anyone unless called to testify.
Sources said they had never heard of the “Case Briefing Acknowledgment” form being used before, although all agents must initially sign nondisclosure agreements to obtain security clearance.
“This is very, very unusual. I’ve never signed one, never circulated one to others,” said one retired FBI chief.

The way we were-----The Toys - Lovers Concerto - HQ

Boob-tube-----Top 10 Celebrity Interview Meltdowns

John Brennan, CIA 'Kool-Aid drinkers' blasted by Benghazi terror survivor Kris Paronto - Washington Times

See the source imageJohn Brennan, CIA 'Kool-Aid drinkers' blasted by Benghazi terror survivor Kris Paronto - Washington Times--- The Washington Times 
"Benghazi terror attack survivor Kris Paronto made it clear this week that he won’t be defending former CIA director John Brennan anytime soon.
The former Army Ranger and CIA contractor who lived to tell the tale of the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya, said Mr. Brennan essentially got off easy when President Trump revoked his security clearance.
Mr. Paronto lost his security clearance years ago for telling his account of the attack.
Amb. Christopher Stevens, foreign service officer Sean Smith, and CIA contractors Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty were killed during the siege on a CIA compound.

...The @CIA @FBI and @NSAGov did everything in it’s power to cover up shady @BarackObama activities, criminal @HillaryClinton activities&tried to influence the presidential election with misinformation&leaking info to the MSM.
Now they’re up in arms over their Security clearances?”
Mr. Paronto, ...was given three nondisclosure agreements within six months after returning home.

He maintained that his security clearances were revoked under dubious reasons“Normally when you have a clearance suspended, you’re supposed to know why … I was never given that,”...
A 2014 report by the House Intelligence Committee found that the Obama administration acted properly during the attack.
The military and the CIA were also declared clear of any wrongdoing.
“It’s a pity though that the truth is something that’s not very popular in today’s society,” Mr. Paronto and fellow terror survivor John Tiegentold CNN in December 2014.

What Your Car Knows About You

See the source imageWhat Your Car Knows About You
"Car makers are collecting massive amounts of data from the latest cars on the road.
Now, they’re figuring out how to make money off it.
With millions of cars rolling off dealer lots with built-in connectivity, auto companies are gaining access to unprecedented amounts of real-time data that allow them to track everything from where a car is located to how hard it is braking and whether or not the windshield wipers are on.
The data is generated by the car’s onboard sensors and computers, and then stored by the auto maker in cloud-based servers.
Some new cars have as many as 100 built-in processors that generate data..."
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Elizabeth Warren Proposes to Nationalize Every Major American Business

Elizabeth Warren Proposes to Nationalize Every Major American Business:
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Every once in a while the mask slips.
In this case it’s Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, who’s “Accountable Capitalism Act” would literally nationalize every major business in the USA:
Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts has one-upped socialists Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: She proposes to nationalize every major business in the United States of America. If successful, it would constitute the largest seizure of private property in human history.

More Than 700,000 Overstayed Visas in 2017

See the source imageMore Than 700,000 Overstayed Visas in 2017:
"Around 700,000 people overstayed their temporary visas in fiscal year 2017, according to a recently released estimate from the Department of Homeland Security.
Six hundred thousand of these individuals are suspected to have remained in the country, according to DHS, while the other 100,000 or so simply departed after their visas expired..."
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Masterpiece Cakeshop II: It’s about Compulsion, Not Civil Rights | National Review

Masterpiece Cakeshop II: It’s about Compulsion, Not Civil Rights | National Review
"Phillips serves customers of all sorts, including homosexual customers. 
What he declines to do is to make cakes for certain events, participation in which, even as a vendor, would violate his conscience. 
As he put it: “I serve everybody. It’s just that I don’t create cakes for every occasion.”
Image result for comply!Phillips has been prosecuted under a civil-rights law, but this is not really a case about civil rights: It is a case about compulsion.
After winning his case at the Supreme Court, Phillips was again targeted by Colorado activists, one of whom asked him to make a cake to celebrate coming out as transgender. 
Phillips declined, and was ordered to the state to compulsory mediation. 
He is countersuing...
...The situation of African Americans in the 1960s was both unjust and untenable. 
...But it would be foolish to analogize the situation of gay or transgender Americans in Colorado in 2018 to the situation of black Americans in Mississippi in 1930 or Arkansas in 1964. 
...No gay couple seeking a wedding cake is going to have to travel three states away to find one if Phillips declines their custom. 
No transgender person celebrating a coming out is going to want for baked goods if Phillips refuses service.
Everybody knows this. The activists targeting Phillips do not care. 
The point is not to see to it that gay and transgender people can live their lives as they wish to — the point is to coerce Jack Phillips into conformity..."
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Lunch video-----What Was the Cold War?
