Wednesday, August 22, 2018

History for August 22

Image result for deng xiaoping quotes
History for August 22 -
Samuel Langley 1834, Claude Debussy 1862, Deng Xiaoping 1904
See the source imageImage result for claude debussy clair de luneSee the source image

Ray Bradbury 1920, H. Norman Schwarzkopf 1934 - United States General, Cindy Williams 1947 - Actress ("Laverne and Shirley")
Image result for Ray Bradbury BooksImage result for Norman Schwarzkopf QuotesImage result for Cindy Williams

1485 - The War of the Roses ended with the death of England's King Richard III. He was killed in the Battle of Bosworth Field. His successor was Henry V II.
Image result for 1485 - The War of the Roses

1770 - Australia was claimed under the British crown when Captain James Cook landed there.
Image result for 1770 - Australia was claimed under the British crown

1851 - The schooner America outraced the Aurora off the English coast to win a trophy that became known as the America's Cup.
Image result for 1851 - The schooner America outraced the Aurora

1906 - The Victor Talking Machine Company of Camden, NJ began to manufacture the Victrola. The hand-cranked unit, with horn cabinet, sold for $200.

1938 - Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers appeared on the cover of "LIFE" magazine.
Image result for Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers appeared on the cover of "LIFE" magazine.

1996 - U.S. President Clinton signed legislation that ended guaranteed cash payments to the poor and demanded work from recipients.
Image result for 1996 President Clinton ended guaranteed cash payments poor

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

U.S. Steel to Invest $750M Thanks to Tariffs: ‘We Are Experiencing a Renaissance’

Image result for U.S. Steel Gary IndU.S. Steel to Invest $750M Thanks to Tariffs: ‘We Are Experiencing a Renaissance’:

U.S. Steel has announced that they will invest $750 million at their 110-year-old steel manufacturing plant known as Gary Works in Gary, Indiana, crediting President Trump’s protective tariffs on steel imports.

The way we were-----Cher - Half Breed

Boob-tube-----Saturday Morning and After School TV 1950/60s

Who needs democracy when you have data? - MIT Technology Review

Who needs democracy when you have data? - MIT Technology Review
"Here’s how China rules using data, AI, and internet surveillance.--by Christina Larson
People in Beijing are always under the watchful eye of Mao—and myriad surveillance cameras.
In 1955, science fiction writer Isaac Asimov published a short story about an experiment in “electronic democracy,” in which a single citizen, selected to represent an entire population, responded to questions generated by a computer named Multivac. 
See the source imageThe machine took this data and calculated the results of an election that therefore never needed to happen. 
Asimov’s story was set in Bloomington, Indiana, but today an approximation of Multivac is being built in China.
...How do you effectively govern a country that’s home to one in five people on the planet, with an increasingly complex economy and society, if you don’t allow public debate, civil activism, and electoral feedback? 
How do you gather enough information to actually make decisions? 
And how does a government that doesn’t invite its citizens to participate still engender trust and bend public behavior without putting police on every doorstep?
...Xi Jinping... his strategy for understanding and responding to what is going on in a nation of 1.4 billion relies on a combination of surveillance, AI, and big data to monitor people’s lives and behavior in minute detail.
...But police are increasingly stopping petitioners from ever reaching Beijing. 
“Now trains require national IDs to purchase tickets, which makes it easy for the authorities to identify potential ‘troublemakers’ such as those who have protested against the government in the past,” says Maya Wang, senior China researcher for Human Rights Watch. 
“Several petitioners told us they have been stopped at train platforms.” 
The bloggers, activists, and lawyers are also being systematically silenced or imprisoned...
...These initiatives include ...“social credit,” “smart city” plans, and technology-driven policing in the western region of Xinjiang. 
Often they involve partnerships between the government and China’s tech companies.
The most far-reaching is the Social Credit System, though a better translation in English might be the “trust” or “reputation” system. 
The government plan, which covers both people and businesses, lists among its goals the “construction of sincerity in government affairs, commercial sincerity, and judicial credibility.” 
...The algorithm is thought to highlight suspicious behaviors such as visiting a mosque or owning too many books.
Blacklists are the system’s first tool..."
Read all!

Don’t blame Ocasio-Cortez – blame her schooling - Israel National News

Don’t blame Ocasio-Cortez – blame her schooling - Israel National News:
"We should not be amazed that this newly hatched Socialist Democrat is so clueless about the economy and international relations.
Every time she appears on television she comes across dumber and dumber.
The Left’s new IT Girl, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez can’t seem to get it straight on anything.
We should not be amazed that this newly hatched Socialist Democrat is so clueless about the economy and international relations…namely, at the moment, the Palestinian-Arab/Israeli conflict.
...On what topic is she the expert?
Nothing much, apparently, yet she will be sitting pretty in the next Congress after her surprising defeat over a veteran incumbent.
...She came from Boston University.
No knock on that fine college. Just seems that these days our schools of higher learning are high on diversity and low on a well-rounded education. 
...Get them while they’re young. Brainwash them and bamboozle them while they are still fresh-faced, runs the motto from the Left..."
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The Full List Of Anti-Trump Attacks And Harassment This Year Is Stunning | The Daily Caller

Image result for flickr commons images Anti Trump ViolenceThe Full List Of Anti-Trump Attacks And Harassment This Year Is Stunning | The Daily Caller:

The Daily Caller compiled a list of nearly two-dozen incidents alone since January in which Democratic officials made violent jokes about the president and his supporters, Trump officials were harassed in public and other disturbing incidents that lowered the state of discourse.
Here’s the full list:

Minnesota: Muslims to show their “power” at Vikings Stadium event tomorrow (update) � Refugee Resettlement Watch

Minnesota: Muslims to show their “power” at Vikings Stadium event tomorrow (update) � Refugee Resettlement Watch
Vikings stadium
"...We first reported it here last Thursday, but this is a must-read filled with details and expert translations of what one might expect to hear at the “one-of-a-kind Muslim event that’s never happened before on U.S. soil.”
Here are just some of Hohmann’s opening paragraphs:
The Minnesota Vikings’ US Bank Stadium seats 65,000 people for pro football but the state’s imams are hoping to fill those seats with more than 50,000-plus Muslims chanting “Allahu Akbar!” on Tuesday, Aug. 21, in celebration of the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Ahda...
Featured speaker DR. WALEED AL-MANEESE PH.D
While an event of this size takes at least a year to plan, details about the Super Eid have been held under wraps. The first visible sign that it would happen came in mid-July, when a website popped up under the registered domain name of
“Super Eid” was formally announced by a group of 13 imams during a cryptic 20-minute press conference outside the US Bank Stadium, aired Aug. 7 on Somali TV of Minnesota.
The imams, speaking mostly in Arabic and Somali, said they were inviting tens of thousands of Muslims to come together to celebrate an Islamic holiday that involves not only the slaughter of animals but three hours of chanting “Allahu Akbar,” followed by feasting, merrymaking and events for children.
One imam exclaimed at the Aug. 7 announcement that “Super Eid 2018” is being designed as a statement to America that the best Islamic teachers, imams and scholars will be “coming together and showing the unity and the power of our community.”...
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Watch as ex-CIA analyst falls victim to Trump Derangement Syndrome, goes berserk on CNN

Watch as ex-CIA analyst falls victim to Trump Derangement Syndrome, goes berserk on CNN
"We now have a visual depiction of the onset of a Trump Derangement Syndrome episode, causing a presumably serious person to lose self-control.  
If the psychology and psychiatry professions were not so politicized and left wing, it could be useful documentary evidence for DSM-6 to include TDS as a recognized diagnosis.  
Friday, on Anderson Cooper’s CNN show AC 360 (with substitute host Jim Sciutto), ex-CIA executive Phil Mudd reacted badly to the charge from fellow panelist Paris Dennard that “courtesy” security clearances for former national security officials enable them to cash in.
The video below is worth watching for its 1 minute and 43 seconds of TDS building into a full-blown breakdown. 
You can actually see the fury building in Mudd’s face..."
Read/watch all.

Lunch video-----Discrimination and Disparities with Thomas Sowell


Judge Jeanine dubs Mueller with new nickname

Judge Jeanine dubs Mueller with new nickname:

Image result for flickr commons images robert muellerA “cleaner” in organized crime lingo is an operative, often an assassin, who cleans up the messes of botched jobs.
Pirro linked a Mueller testimony regarding the Benghazi attacks that killed four Americans in 2012 to Democrats “panicking” in 2018. Pirro claimed Mueller’s past is laden with government cover-ups, including for the former secretary of state and 2016 presidential candidate.
“Your credentials as a government serial cleaner are really good,” Pirro said Saturday. “You testified, after four Americans are killed in Benghazi, to cover for Hillary Clinton’s incompetence. Bob, why would you say that the FBI couldn’t get into Benghazi in time?”

The Diversity Staff at the University of Michigan Is Nearly 100 People | Intellectual Takeout

College Tuitiion Increase ChartThe Diversity Staff at the University of Michigan Is Nearly 100 People | Intellectual Takeout:
"There are various reasons for surging education costs, but the primary one is the expansion of university administration in recent decades..."
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Trumponomics Makes 401(k) Millionaires Like The Swiss Make Chocolates

Trumponomics Makes 401(k) Millionaires Like The Swiss Make Chocolates
Image result for trump millionairesEDITORIALS--Trumponomics Makes 401(k) Millionaires Like The Swiss Make Chocolates
"It was a little report, one you might easily have missed, from the people at Fidelity Investments:
The number of people with more than a million dollars in their 401(k) is soaring. 
Bad news for the economics of envy.
Fidelity says that the number of people at the end of the second quarter with a million dollars or more in their Fidelity 401(k) surged by 50,000 to 168,000, a 42% gain..."
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#1 This day 1962-----Little Eva The Locomotion

IT’S GREAT AGAIN: What Truckers & Railroads Just Said about the US Economy. The transportation se…

See the source imageInstapundit  Blog Archive  I
IT’S GREAT AGAIN: What Truckers & Railroads Just Said about the US Economy.
The transportation sector is a reflection of the goods-based economy in the US. Demand has been blistering across all modes of transportation. Freight shipment volume (not pricing… we’ll get to pricing in a moment) by truck, rail, air, and barge, according to the Cass Freight Index jumped 10.6% in July compared to a year earlier. This pushed the index, which is not seasonally adjusted, to its highest level for July since 2007.
The dynamics in the transportation sector are “clearly signaling that the US economy, at least for now, is ignoring all of the angst coming out of Washington D.C. about the trade wars,” the report by Cass said.
Plus, ripple effects: “Trucking companies are responding to the capacity squeeze: In July, their orders for Class 8 trucks soared 187% from a year ago, to 52,250 units, the highest number of monthly orders ever.”---Posted by Stephen Green 

You ought to know!

Media ignore key detail in story about ICE arresting father driving pregnant wife to hospital | TheBlaze

Image result for free clip art ShhMedia ignore key detail in story about ICE arresting father driving pregnant wife to hospital | TheBlaze:

The mainstream media were aghast on Saturday after Immigration and Customs Enforcement arrested an illegal immigrant who was driving to the hospital with his pregnant wife to deliver their baby.
However, most outlets conveniently buried the story’s most important detail: the man was wanted for murder.

Steve Russo - Watch Twitter CEO Makes Stunning Admission Of Their...

Steve Russo - Watch Twitter CEO Makes Stunning Admission Of Their...
"Watch Twitter CEO Makes Stunning Admission Of Their "Leftist" Bias During CNN Interview and Facebook Apologizes For Pulling Prager U Conservative Educational Videos, Says It Was Just A ‘Mistake’ But... They're Still Restricting 80 Videos
Liberals control every newspaper in America, as far as I know, except the Manchester Union Leader.
They control CBS, ABC, NBC, NPR, PBS and every cable network except Fox News.
They control what is left of the news magazines, and pretty much every other magazine, too.
Only talk radio and the pesky internet lie outside their grasp, so that is where they seek to impose censorship..."
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AM Fruitcake