Thursday, August 23, 2018

History for August 23

See the source image
History for August 23 -
Louis XVI (France) 1754, Oliver Hazard Perry 1785, Gene Kelly 1912
See the source imageImage result for Oliver Hazard PerryImage result for Gene Kelly

Tex Williams 1917, Barbara Eden 1934 - Actress ("I Dream of Jeannie"), Richard Sanders 1940 - Actor ("WKRP in Cincinnati")
Image result for tex williamsImage result for Barbara EdenImage result for Richard Sanders

1939 - Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union signed a non-aggression treaty.

1947 - Margaret Truman, U.S. President Truman's daughter, gave her first public performance as a singer. The event was at the Hollywood Bowl and had an audience of 15,000.
Image result for Margaret Truman Hollywood Bow

1959 - In the Peanuts comic strip, Sally debuted as an infant.
Image result for Peanuts comic Sally debuted

1962 - The first live TV program was relayed between the U.S. and Europe through the U.S. Telstar satellite.
Image result for Telstar satellite.

1990 - President Saddam Hussein appeared on Iraqi state television with a group of Western detainees that he referred to as "guests." He told the group that they were being held "to prevent the scourge of war."
Image result for Saddam Hussein Iraqi state television Western detainees "guests.

1998 - Protestors in Sudan carried a sign that bore the resemblance of Monica Lewinsky and the words "No War for Monika." The anti-U.S. demonstration was in Khartoum, Sudan.
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Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Let there be light bulbs! Trump looks to flip switch on Obama ban

Let there be light bulbs! Trump looks to flip switch on Obama ban:

Image result for Incandescent Bulb LumensAn Obama administration decision to ban incandescent light bulbs was based on a misunderstanding of the law, according to the Department of Energy, meaning those faithful products that had been in use for a century may be returning.
The development in a war that began when Congress restricted some bulbs to increase energy efficiency during the George W. Bush administration was reported by Tim Nerozzi at AMI Newswire.
The original campaign to ban incandescent bulbs was criticized as one of the “most blatantly unconstitutional and amazingly stupid congressional acts,” inspiring the creation of a bumper sticker that states “I’m pro-choice on lightbulbs.”
Opponents of the ban argued incandescents have benefits not offered by alternatives.

The way we were-----Mony Mony by Tommy James & The Shondells

Boob-tube-----Science Fiction Theater - 1955 - Hour of Nightmare - S01E12

The Full List Of Anti-Trump Attacks And Harassment This Year Is Stunning | The Daily Caller

The Full List Of Anti-Trump Attacks And Harassment This Year Is Stunning | The Daily Caller
"Violent anti-Trump rhetoric, harassment of White House officials and attacks on the president’s supporters have seemingly become the new norm since Trump took office.
See the source imageIn the latest incident on Sunday, Democratic Rep. Alcee Hastings joked that it would be a “catastrophe” if anyone saved President Trump from drowning. (RELATED: Dem Rep. Alcee Hastings Jokes About Trump Drowning In The Potomac River) 
The Daily Caller compiled a list of nearly two-dozen incidents alone since January in which Democratic officials made violent jokes about the president and his supporters, Trump officials were harassed in public and other disturbing incidents that lowered the state of discourse.
Here’s the full list:

1/02: Police discover FB live of people beating disabled man while shouting “Fuck Trump!”
1/12: CNN guest Rick Wilson threatens to “gut” a Trump supporter “like a fish”...
Much more, read all!

The struggle between free people and Communists,... - David L Rosenthal

The struggle between free people and Communists,... - David L Rosenthal
"The struggle between free people and Communists, and between free people and Islamofascists, is not politics. 
The struggle is war. 
The goal is to enslave or destroy us.
Defending America from domestic enemies is as easy and as difficult as enforcing the existing laws that were passed specifically to prevent Communism and Fascism from destroying America. 
One does not coexist with cancer. 
See the source imageOne destroys it. 
As for upcoming generations, one eliminates indoctrinating agents from public education. 
Our enemies in government and law enforcement are those who refuse to enforce our laws. 
They must be removed and prevented from having any influence in government, law enforcement, or education.
Those who oppose the Constitution, the purposes explained in its Preamble, and the Bill of Rights, whether intentionally or inadvertently, support our enemies in the furtherance of their destructive objectives. 
It does not matter that some of them are labelled Republican.
Unless an official is willing to support and defend the Constitution, they are a domestic enemy."

DOJ's Bruce Ohr wrote Christopher Steele was 'very concerned about Comey's firing -- afraid they will be exposed' | Fox News

DOJ's Bruce Ohr wrote Christopher Steele was 'very concerned about Comey's firing -- afraid they will be exposed' | Fox News:

Image result for Bruce Ohr ClintonA collection of Justice Department official Bruce Ohr's emails, texts and handwritten notes, reviewed by Fox News, reveals that he was deeply connected to the unverified Steele dossier as well as its author and, during the presidential election campaign, the alleged government surveillance abuses involving a Trump campaign official.
The dossier, which was used by federal officials to justify the surveillance of a top Trump aide, Carter Page, was created by Fusion GPS and paid for by Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

2016 Trump Tower Meeting Looks Increasingly Like a Setup by Russian and Clinton Operatives | RealClearInvestigations

2016 Trump Tower Meeting Looks Increasingly Like a Setup by Russian and Clinton Operatives | RealClearInvestigations
See the source image"The June 2016 Trump Tower meeting between high-ranking members of the Republican presidential  campaign staff and a Russian lawyer with Kremlin ties remains the cornerstone of claims that Donald Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election.
A growing body of evidence, however, indicates that the meeting may have been a setup -- part of a broad effort to tarnish the Trump campaign involving Hillary Clinton operatives employed by Kremlin-linked figures and Department of Justice officials.
This view, that the real collusion may have taken place among those who arranged the meeting rather than the Trump officials who agreed to attend it, is supported by two disparate lines of evidence pulled together for the first time here: newly released records and a pattern of efforts to connect the Trump campaign to Russia..."
Read all!

Pulling Their Clearances Is Only the Start – It’s Time to Stamp out Elite Privilege

Pulling Their Clearances Is Only the Start – It’s Time to Stamp out Elite Privilege
"...those fascist monsters took away my TOP SECRET security clearance.
...But John Brennan, that hack, and his elite pals are supposed to get the special privilege of keeping it.
See the source imageWhy?
As a professional courtesy.
See, security clearances are things you pass out as favors or rewards, I guess, at least among the elite. Courtesy among them, nothing for you, though.
You aren’t special.
You’re just some guy serving his country and not turning it into a profit center on the outside.
Like a sucker.
I got my clearance for the same reason you readers who got one got yours –because I needed it to do my job in the service of our country. 
And when I stopped needing it because I was no longer doing a job in the service of my country, I didn’t get to keep it to inflate my value as a pundit or “consultant.”..."
Read all.

Lunch video-----A Nation of Immigrants


Franklin Graham Rips Chelsea Clinton for Saying Abortions Added Trillions to Economy

Franklin Graham Rips Chelsea Clinton for Saying Abortions Added Trillions to Economy:

Image result for Flicker commons images Chelsea ClintonIf there was ever any doubt about where the heart of the compassionate left lies, this should clear that up for good.
When it comes to the ugliness of abortion, liberals throw everything under the bus — including the lives of the unborn.
In this case, Chelsea Clinton showed her true colors as she expresses her preference for women to have abortions because it is, in her opinion, financially advantageous for the economy.

Purveyors of hate-----Prominent Democrat encouraging the assassination of Trump

Prominent Democrat encouraging the assassination of Trump
"...We have already seen a Bernie Bro attempt to assassinate a number of Congressional Republicans on a softball field, so any sane person understands that provocations issued by a person in a position of public trust and authority should not go anywhere near inciting violence.
Yet Alcee Hastings, a senior Democratic whip in the House of Representatives, and a prominent member of the Congressional Black Caucus, offered a threatening joke to a rally on Sunday.  
As the poor quality of the video embedded below attests, TV cameras were not there to record the event, and Hastings probably didn't expect the broader public to become aware of his incitement.
Amber Athey of the Daily Caller:
Hastings was speaking at a rally in Sunshine, Fla. when he repeated a joke he heard from Ari Silver, the son of former Florida state legislator Barry Silver.  ("Collusion"? –T.L.)
"I will tell you one joke," Hastings said.  "Do you know the difference between a crisis and a catastrophe?"
"'A crisis is if Donald Trump falls into the Potomac River and can't swim,'" Hastings said, retelling the joke.  "'And a catastrophe is anybody saves his ass.'"
The crowd cheered and whooped in delight at the joke.
...Hastings, of course, does not belong in any position of prominence or trust, as he was impeached, convicted, and driven off the federal bench for soliciting a $150,000 bribe in return for leniency in the sentences of two mob-related felons..."
Read all.

Healthline Website Says the Term 'Vagina' Is No Longer Gender Inclusive - Will Start Using "Front Hole" Instead

Healthline Website Says the Term 'Vagina' Is No Longer Gender Inclusive - Will Start Using "Front Hole" Instead
This is your brain on liberalism.
Healthline is one of the most trafficked websites in the United States. 
As of Aug 2018, it had a global ranking by Alexa of 614 and a United States ranking of 237.
This much respected online health journal announced a major shift this week in an attempt to be more inclusive to the LGBTQIA community.

From now on “front hole” will be used on the site instead of “vagina” so that some nutcase who identifies as a teapot or a rake will feel included.

#1 This day 1965-----Sonny & Cher - I Got You Babe (Official Music Video)

Top Far Left Organizations Bragged About Working with Facebook and Twitter to Censor and Eliminate Conservative Content

Top Far Left Organizations Bragged About Working with Facebook and Twitter to Censor and Eliminate Conservative Content
"In January 2017 after Hillary Clinton was shellacked in the November 2016 election top Democrat operatives at Media Matters, Share Blue, American Bridge, and CREW came together and released their two-year plan to take back power in Washington DC.
Share Blue is a far left website that works with the Democrat party and claims to reach 140 million people a month.
The Washington Free Beacon obtained a copy of this document
The Free Beacon published this lengthy document by David Brock, the founder of Soros-funded Media Matters website, from a January donor retreat.
The 49 page memo outlined how the George Soros-funded groups Media Matters, American Bridge, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) and Shareblue planned to undermine President Trump’s agenda and help Democrats win control of Congress and the White House by 2020...

The document then claims that Media Matters and far left groups have “access to raw data from Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites” so they can “systemically monitor and analyze this unfiltered data.”

According to their report these far left groups have been working with Facebook and Twitter to eliminate conservative content.

Read on!

You ought to know!

Newt Gingrich: Mueller's fatal mistake | Fox News

Newt Gingrich: Mueller's fatal mistake | Fox News:

Image result for Flicker commons images robert muellerMueller’s fatal mistake was revealed Saturday in The New York Times story titled, “White House Counsel, Don McGahn, Has Cooperated Extensively in Mueller Inquiry.” Michael Schmidt and Maggie Haberman reported that there were at least 30 hours of interviews between the Mueller team and the White House Counsel.
Don McGahn asserted throughout the interviews that “he never saw Mr. Trump go beyond his legal authorities.”

South African govt approves first farm seizures from leaked list of 190

South African govt approves first farm seizures from leaked list of 190

  • South Africa begins seizing white-owned farms
  • SOUTH Africa has targeted the first two farms for unilateral seizure after the owners refused an offer of one-tenth of the land’s value.
Read all!

AM Fruitcake