Thursday, August 23, 2018

Alan Dershowitz: Cohen 'Pleading Guilty to a Crime that Doesn't Exist'

Alan Dershowitz: Cohen 'Pleading Guilty to a Crime that Doesn't Exist':
Image result for flickr commons images Dershowitz
“This isn’t even close to high crimes and misdemeanors,” said Dershowitz. “First of all, it has to be a crime, and this isn’t a crime.”
Dershowitz concluded, “Cohen is pleading guilty to a crime that doesn’t exist. The only reason they put it in there [is because] they had him dead to rights on other crime. The only reason they put it in there is to connect Trump because Trump isn’t connected to any of the other crimes to which he pleaded guilty. Those are real crimes.”

Iranian-Backed 'Sleeper Cell' Militants Hibernating in U.S., Positioned for Attack

Iranian-Backed 'Sleeper Cell' Militants Hibernating in U.S., Positioned for Attack:

Image result for flickr commons images IranIranian-backed militants are operating across the United States mostly unfettered, raising concerns in Congress and among regional experts that these "sleeper cell" agents are poised to launch a large-scale attack on the American homeland, according to testimony before lawmakers.
Iranian agents tied to the terror group Hezbollah have already been discovered in the United States plotting attacks, giving rise to fears that Tehran could order a strike inside America should tensions between the Trump administration and Islamic Republic reach a boiling point.

The way we were-----Lloyd Price - Personality (1959)

Boob-tube-----Vintage TV Commercials from the 1940's & 50's (7+ ads)

Mom investigated for letting 8-year-old walk dog around the block

See the source imageMom investigated for letting 8-year-old walk dog around the block
"WILMETTE, Ill. - Just after returning home from a walk around the block with her dog, Marshmallow, an 8-year-old Wilmette girl expected a visit from a playmate. 
Instead, police officers arrived at the family's door.
An anonymous caller had contacted police after seeing the girl walking the dog alone, said her mother, Corey Widen. 
While police never pursued charges, the seemingly common activity launched an Illinois Department of Children and Family Services investigation to see if Widen was neglecting her children, she said.
...Widen's story is not unique. 
Mothers in the Chicago area and across the country have found themselves at the center of investigations by police or child welfare officials after their children were spotted alone but unharmed - playing in parks or left for minutes in a car parked outside a store - activities that could pass for typical or harmless but now are perceived by some as unacceptable..."
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In case you forgot: Congress paid millions in hush money to protect politicians

In case you forgot: Congress paid millions in hush money to protect politicians
Image result for Congressional watchdog"For all those Democrats and the MSM seeking to use Michael Cohen's plea deal to implicate President Trump in the alleged crime confessed to by Cohen, don't forget to use the precedent set by the highly respected institution we call the Congress of the United States of America when you make arguments that Donald Trump was trying to influence an election with a payment to silence his accusers.
The following is a list of articles from major news outlets with short excerpts written about members of Congress paying "secret settlements" for everything from sexual harassment to who knows what else – because we really don't know "what else" they did.  
It's a secret.
The secrecy, or can we say cover-up, is meant to protect the identity of the elected officials involved who need to silence their accusers.  
You know, just in case the information might become public and affect their positions in Congress or – wait for it – the outcomes of their next elections.

  • Sexual harassment fund exposes Congress
Under Congressional Accountability Act, taxpayers pay for secret settlements. Where's the accountability?
When sexual harassers agree on confidential settlements with victims, at least the payments come out of the harassers' own pockets or from companies that choose to employ them.
But not, as the nation has learned this month, when the harasser serves in Congress. Then, taxpayers foot the bill. And the entire episode remains hidden.

  • How Congress plays by different rules on sexual harassment and misconduct..."

Lots here. Read all.

Kobach: Razor-Thin Margin of Victory in Kansas Illustrates Why We Must Stop Voter Fraud

Kobach: Razor-Thin Margin of Victory in Kansas Illustrates Why We Must Stop Voter Fraud:
Image result for free clip art Voter Fraud
Meanwhile, the Left continues to tell us that voter fraud is a myth, because fraudulent votes are a tiny percentage of total votes cast. That’s like claiming the drunk driving is a myth, because drunk drivers are a tiny percentage of total drivers on the road. It’s nonsense.
When elections are close, the impact of voter fraud is magnified. It’s reassuring for Kansans to know that voter fraud did not tip the scales in 2018. In a state without such election security measures, voters may be left wondering who really won.

Facebook apparently identifying posts with conservative content as spam

Facebook apparently identifying posts with conservative content as spam
"It looks as though Facebook has altered its algorithms overnight so that people posting conservative content receive a notice from Facebook that it looks like "spam" and has been declined.  
Overnight, we have heard from many people about AT content being declined publication as spam.
Once the Facebook user responds that it isn't spam, it appears that the posting takes place.

American Thinker is not the only site to experience this automatic identification as spam..."
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YDSA urges socialists to infiltrate public education

YDSA urges socialists to infiltrate public education
  • The Young Democratic Socialists of America are encouraging socialists to become teachers in order to exploit the “political, economic, and social potential the industry holds.”
  • The pamphlet argues that education is a "strategic" sector for socialists to infiltrate because it is already heavily unionized, and also offers a platform to engage entire families in campaigns for socialist policies.

  • The Young Democratic Socialists of America organization is urging socialists to “take jobs as teachers” in order to exploit the “political, economic, and social potential the industry holds.”
    “Why Socialists Should Become Teachers,” an 11-page pamphlet crafted jointly by YDSA and the Democratic Socialist Labor Commission, contends that education is “a strategic industry to organize,” and offers prospective socialist educators “a basic roadmap for how to get a job in education.”...
    Read all.

Lunch video-----'Never mind the heat, climate change is hoax by gravy-train scientists'


Mask off! Social-media censor king revealed - WND

Mask off! Social-media censor king revealed - WND:

Image result for flickr commons images george sorosThe Free Beacon obtained a copy of the memo, “Democracy Matters: Strategic Plan for Action,” by attending the retreat.
The memo spells out a four-year agenda that deployed Media Matters along with American Bridge, Shareblue and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) to attack Trump and Republicans.
The strategies are impeachment, expanding Media Matters’ mission to combat “government misinformation,” ensuring Democratic control of the Senate in the 2018 midterm elections, filing lawsuits against the Trump administration, monetizing political advocacy, using a “digital attacker” to delegitimize Trump’s presidency and damage Republicans, and partnering with Facebook to combat “fake news.”

Mark Levin: “Donald Trump Is in the Clear” – The Cohen Hush Money Payment IS NOT an In Kind Campaign Contribution... Obama Did It Also

 Steve Russo - Mark Levin: “Donald Trump Is in the Clear” – The...
"Mark Levin: “Donald Trump Is in the Clear” – The Cohen Hush Money Payment IS NOT an In Kind Campaign Contribution... Obama Did It Also
"I could spend two hours writing out what Mark Levin sums up in 3 minutes.
All day long, every cable network had their so-called "legal experts" on, claiming the Cohen verdict is the end for Trump. 
Not one of them got it right or even comprehends what happened in the plea agreement on Tuesday.
Trump attorney Michael Cohen pleaded guilty Tuesday to eight counts — including two campaign finance violations involving payments to silence women he believed could be detrimental to the 2016 presidential campaign as part of the plea agreement. 
But... that's not a crime. 
It's not a crime to pay off someone with a Non Disclosure Agreement. 
Cohen most likely had 20 charges and Mueller made a deal with him to plead guilty to the 6 counts and he threw the two counts of payments in as a way to make it look like Trump was guilty of something. 
The problem for Mueller is, it's not illegal.
The former FEC Chairman, Professor Bradley Smith also said the payment Cohen pleaded guilty to DOES NOT qualify as campaign violations.…/
If that were the case, then Obama would be charged for doing it also.
Flashback: Obama Campaign Fined Big for Hiding Donors, Keeping Illegal Donations

The Mollie Tibbetts story isn't getting much play on the progressive outlets.

Image may contain: 1 personFans of Best of the Web Today--Michael Smith
The Mollie Tibbetts story isn't getting much play on the progressive outlets. 
The lack of coverage is due to 5 factors they deem not important enough:
1. She was white.
2. She was from a flyover state (Iowa)
3. She was murdered by a member of a class progressives protect (illegal aliens)
4. Her murder supports President Trump's premise that strong border enforcement is necessary
5. Other than those, it is clearly just a local crime story not worthy of national coverage.
You would think with all the anti-rape culture/sexual violence protests out there, the fact a female was murdered by a male would bring some attention - but what this shows is that protecting illegal aliens is far more important to the progressive left than protecting women.

#1 This day 1968-----Rascals People Got To Be Free

The College Textbook Pricing Racket | Intellectual Takeout

The College Textbook Pricing Racket | Intellectual Takeout:
"The business of selling college textbooks is a racket. 
As Ernie Smith of Atlas Obscura notes, it has a long history.
Every academic year a new edition of practically every college textbook is released by the publisher.
The prices of college textbooks are horrendously high, sometimes in excess of $200. 
See the source imageSince textbooks are required reading in almost every college course, students must buy or rent the newest, and thus the most expensive, edition.
...Sometimes publishers contact professors asking them to write textbooks.
The profit motive for publishers is immense.
So is it for the professor who writes a widely used textbook.
Royalties from a single book have been known to pay entire mortgages.
But why do college textbook publishers charge so much? 
George Washington University political science professor Henry Farrell offers an explanation:
“College textbook publishers charge vast and extortionate amounts for their textbooks for one simple reason.
They do it because they can. 
Students usually have to take a few required big courses for their major, and they have to buy the required textbooks for these courses.
 This means that the market is price insensitive (which is economic jargon for saying that demand doesn’t go down as much as it should when prices go up)..."
Read all!

You ought to know!

Muslims chant 'Allahu akbar' at Vikings stadium - WND

Image result for free clip art Warning SignMuslims chant 'Allahu akbar' at Vikings stadium - WND

CAIR, however, founded by members of Hamas, was named an unindicted co-conspirator in a plot to fund the terrorist group. And CAIR itself was designated a terrorist organization by the Muslim Gulf state United Arab Emirates, along with groups such as ISIS and al-Qaida.

Senators Introduce Bill That Would Require State and Local Governments To Use Paper Ballots in an Effort To Secure Elections

Senators Introduce Bill That Would Require State and Local Governments To Use Paper Ballots in an Effort To Secure Elections
"On Tuesday, nine Senators introduced a bill that would require state and local governments to use paper ballots in an effort to secure elections from hackers. The bill would also require rigorous audits for all federal elections to ensure that results match the votes. "Leaving the fate of America's democracy up to hackable election machines is like leaving your front door open, unlocked and putting up a sign that says 'out of town,'" Sen. Ron Wyden, a Democrat from Oregon, said in a release. "Any failure to secure our elections amounts to disenfranchising American voters." The Protecting American Votes and Elections Act of 2018 was drafted amid intense scrutiny of voting systems ahead of the mid-term elections in November. Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election has elevated concern over the security of the country's voting systems. The senators said rigorous audits will ensure votes are legitimate. Currently, 22 states don't require post-election audits, according to the release."

AM Fruitcake