Friday, August 24, 2018

Former Clinton Pollster: Hillary Clinton Broke Campaign Finance Laws, Not Donald Trump | Breitbart

Former Clinton Pollster: Hillary Clinton Broke Campaign Finance Laws, Not Donald Trump | Breitbart:

Image result for flickr commons images hillary clintonPenn argues that while what Trump is alleged to have done — paying Stormy Daniels for a non-disclosure agreement she had sought for five years prior to the election — was legal, Hillary Clinton failed to report campaign expenditures that led to the Steele dossier.
If anyone broke campaign finance law, Penn argues, it was Clinton, not Trump — but prosecutors want Trump out of office.
He writes:

The way we were-----Herman's Hermits - Silhouettes

Boob-tube-----FORGOTTEN TV COMEDY, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s.

Russia's Terrifying MiG-35 Finally Unleashed In Action - World War Wings

Russia's Terrifying MiG-35 Finally Unleashed In Action - World War Wings
"The battle for aerial supremacy took a sharp turn towards Russia as the Mikoyan MiG-35 made its debut in a very public ceremony in Moscow.
Classified a Generation 4++ fighter jet, the MiG-35 will replace Russia’s MiG-29 and will compete against the F-22 and F-35.
...If all goes according to their plans they will earn excess revenue by providing a global market with the MiG-35 and gain aerial combat supremacy. 
For those skeptical about Russia’s new fighter jet, official test footage has been revealed in this clip.

Why the Sudden Frenzy Against Plastic Straws? | Intellectual Takeout

See the source imageWhy the Sudden Frenzy Against Plastic Straws? | Intellectual Takeout
"If you took a nice summer vacation, you might have missed the latest frenzy in American political culture: the huge movement to ban plastic straws.
It’s real. Several cities in California have passed “straw-on-request” laws.
Companies such as Starbucks have promised to eliminate them in two years, though one wonders how paper is going to fare when sucking up a hot latte. 
Signature petitions are alive all over the county.
I’ve even noticed that the wait staff at restaurants is reluctant even to give them out, as if giving you a convenient, clean, and effective way to drink your water is treading on dangerous territory.
My first theory was that this is the American prohibitionist culture run amok..."
Read on.

Andrew Cuomo pardons another undocumented immigrant

Image result for flickr commons images Andrew CumoAndrew Cuomo pardons another undocumented immigrant:

Gov. Andrew Cuomo issued yet another pardon to an undocumented immigrant with a criminal conviction ahead of his deportation hearing Tuesday.

Where America’s millionaires choose to live – and it’s not just California and New York | Daily Mail Online

Where America’s millionaires choose to live – and it’s not just California and New York | Daily Mail Online
Revealed: Where America’s millionaires choose to live – and it’s not just California and New York
  • About 7.2 American households qualify as millionaires - 5.8 percent of the nation
  • More live in California than anywhere else, followed by Texas and New York 
  • However, Maryland has the highest concentration of millionaires per capita, followed by New Jersey, Connecticut, Hawaii, Alaska and Massachusetts 
California, Texas and New York may have the highest number of millionaires, but other states, including Alaska, Wyoming and New Jersey have the densest concentration of millionaires per capita. The numbers listed in each state indicate the total number of people who qualify as millionaires, while the green shading indicates the concentration of those people in a given state: The darker the shade of green, the higher proportion of millionaires in a given state
Read on!

From the tweeter in Chief--h/t Momto2: Donald J. Trump
“Department of Justice will not be improperly influenced by political considerations.” 
Jeff, this is GREAT, what everyone wants, so look into all of the corruption on the “other side” including deleted Emails, Comey lies & leaks, Mueller conflicts, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr......
Donald J. Trump
Image result for donald trump@realDonaldTrump
....FISA abuse, Christopher Steele & his phony and corrupt Dossier, the Clinton Foundation, illegal surveillance of Trump Campaign, Russian collusion by Dems - and so much more. 
Open up the papers & documents without redaction? 
Come on Jeff, you can do it, the country is waiting!
Donald J. Trump

Ex-NSA contractor to spend 63 months in jail over “classified” information. 
Gee, this is “small potatoes” compared to what Hillary Clinton did! 
So unfair Jeff, Double Standard."

Lunch video-----Bongino: "There's a Sickness in the Media"


Judge Gives No Jail Time To Imran Awan, Attorney Claims He Was Building ‘Women’s Shelter’ | The Daily Caller

Image result for free clip art Thumbs downJudge Gives No Jail Time To Imran Awan, Attorney Claims He Was Building ‘Women’s Shelter’ | The Daily Caller:

A federal judge declined to give jail time to former Democratic IT aide Imran Awan Tuesday, saying he has “suffered enough” at the hands of politicians “at the highest levels of government.” In addition, the Department of Justice said it did not find any evidence that supported criminal charges.

Study: U.S. Leads World In Reducing CO2 Emissions, While Paris Accord Nations Break Promises | Daily Wire

Study: U.S. Leads World In Reducing CO2 Emissions, While Paris Accord Nations Break Promises | Daily Wire
"...In fact...the USA is doing better than any other country that signed the accord, including all of Europe and our neighbor to the north.
See the source image...One of the studies Moore cites is BP's new "Statistical Review of World Energy," which notes that the U.S. led the world in carbon emissions declines in 2017, the ninth time it's done so this century:
Declines were led by the US (-0.5%). This is the ninth time in this century that the US has had the largest decline in emissions in the world. This also was the third consecutive year that emissions in the US declined, though the fall was the smallest over the last three years.
Carbon emissions from energy use from the US are the lowest since 1992, the year that the UNFCCC came into existence...
...Not a single EU nation is within 80 percent of its respective target for emission reduction, according to Climate Action Network Europe (CANE). 
In its official EU report, CANE said “All EU countries are failing to increase their climate action in line with the Paris Agreement goal.” 
All but five countries aren’t even at 50 percent of their current targets...
Read all! 

San Francisco "Poop Patrollers" Make $185,000 | Zero Hedge

San Francisco "Poop Patrollers" Make $185,000 | Zero Hedge
"We wish we could say this was a satire piece, but a new story in the San Francisco Chronicle reveals just how lucrative collecting shit actually is
It's but the latest in a string of shocking revelations to hit headlines throughout the summer exposing how deep San Francisco's crisis of vast amounts of vagrant-generated feces covering its public streets actually runs (no pun intended). 
We detailed last week how city authorities have finally decided to do something after thousands of feces complaints (during only one week in July, over 16,000 were recorded), the cancellation of a major medical convention and an outraged new Mayor, London Breed, who was absolutely shocked after walking through her city: they established a professional "poop patrol"
...While at first glance it doesn't sound like the type of job people will be knocking down human resources doors to apply for, the SF Chronicle has revealed just how much each member of this apparently elite "poop patrol" team will cost the city: $184,678 in salary and benefits..."
Read all.

#1 This day 1962-----Little Eva The Locomotion

16 Dumb Design Flaws That Actually Got Approved

16 Dumb Design Flaws That Actually Got Approved
9. The paradoxical cookie.

Reddit | Vexced
To truly be all things to all cookies, you must be gluten free while containing gluten.
It's a zen thing, way over the heads of lesser cookies."
Read on!

You ought to know!

FEC Records Indicate Hillary Campaign Illegally Laundered $84 Million

Image result for flickr commons images hillary clintonFEC Records Indicate Hillary Campaign Illegally Laundered $84 Million:

Yet the mainstream media took no notice of last week’s federal court filing that exposes an $84 million money-laundering conspiracy the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign executed during the 2016 presidential election in violation of federal campaign-finance law.

This is all about the fall election!

Occupy Dimwits - Posts
No automatic alt text available.
"The purge has begun.
I have friends who own pages similar to mine and we sometimes ask each other to post for us. 
We have all started our own pages and won tens of thousands of followers because of our memes.
I post to this page every single day. 
@Meme Right was unpublished today without warning by FB with no explanation. 
The original deadline we were told to comply or have our pages shut down was AUGUST 29th. 
It was unpublished this evening.
This is all about the fall election! 
They KNOW who helped Trump become president and they have all the mainstream media on their side. 
They can’t stand the fact that WE HAVE A LOUD VOICE."

AM Fruitcake

History for August 24

See the source image
History for August 24 -
Joshua Lionel Cowen 1880, Edmund Germer 1901, Yasser Arafat 1929
See the source imageImage result for Edmund GermerImage result for Yasser Arafat Quotes

Kenny Baker 1934 - Actor (R2D2 in "Star Wars"), Anne Archer 1947 - Actress, Steve Guttenberg 1958 - Actor
Image result for Kenny BakerSee the source imageImage result for Steve Guttenberg

0079 - Mount Vesuvius erupted killing approximately 20,000 people. The cities of Pompeii, Stabiae and Herculaneum were buried in volcanic ash.
Image result for Mount Vesuvius erupted

0410 - The Visigoths overran Rome. This event symbolized the fall of the Western Roman Empire.
See the source image

1814 - Washington, DC, was invaded by British forces that set fire to the White House and Capitol.
Image result for British forces that set fire to the White House and Capitol

1932 - Amelia Earhart became the first woman to fly across the U.S. non-stop. The trip from Los Angeles, CA to Newark, NJ, took about 19 hours.
Image result for Amelia Earhart became the first woman to fly across the U.S. non-stop

1949 - The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) went into effect. The agreement was that an attack against on one of the parties would be considered "an attack against them all."
Image result for 1949 - The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

1954 - The Communist Party was virtually outlawed in the U.S. when the Communist Control Act went into effect.
Image result for Communist Control Act