Saturday, August 25, 2018

Boob-tube-----Jerry Springer: Best Fights Part 2: Must Watch !

The way we were-----Sha Na Na ~Mr Bass Man

We'll assume the price of divorce correlates with the price of entry.....

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(4) Steve Russo - Majority of Americans Under 18 Live in Welfare households...

(4) Steve Russo - Majority of Americans Under 18 Live in Welfare...
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"Majority of Americans Under 18 Live in Welfare Households
No wonder these millennials on the Left have embraced the likes of the Socialist hypocrite Bernie Sanders.
Barack Obama’s legacy is secure. 

Welfare has reached the tipping point:
In 2016, according to the most recent data from the Census Bureau, there were approximately 73,586,000 people under 18 in the United States, and 38,365,000 of them — or 52.1 percent — resided in households in which one or more persons received benefits from a means-tested government program…/521-percent-kids-live-households-…
If we continue on our current path, despite the present health of the economy, in the future the majority of Americans will be paid to be poor..."
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Bill Nelson slapped with ethics complaint amid charges of fabricating Russian hacking claim - Washington Times

Image result for flickr commons images Sen. Bill NelsonBill Nelson slapped with ethics complaint amid charges of fabricating Russian hacking claim - Washington Times:

A conservative group filed a complaint Thursday with the Senate Ethics Committee, alleging Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson broke the law this month when claiming Russian operatives had penetrated Florida’s election apparatus.
Florida officials have insisted they are aware of no such cyber strike by foreign actors, and last week the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI said they had no evidence that such an attack has occurred.

Children made up story about white man urinating on black child: police |

The accusation got tons of local/national play.
The result of endless, liberal hate-washing of young children.
That it is fake hate-news will get little notice.
Likely, now legend in the correct communities.
And the lies will stand.
Exactly as planned.
Children made up story about white man urinating on black child: police |
"GRAND RAPIDS, MI -- A story about a white man urinating on a 5-year-old black child and calling her a racial slur was fabricated, police said.
Grand Rapids police and prosecutors late Friday, Aug. 24 said they determined the story was not valid and said no charges would be issued against a 60-year-old man arrested following the initial report on Wednesday..."


Instapundit Blog Archive CORRUPTION OF THE BLOOD: 
Conor Daly loses Lilly Diabetes sponsorship over remark his father made over 30 years ago.

This is social “justice.” 
And Lilly Diabetes should be ashamed.---Posted by Glenn Reynolds"

REPORT: Comey’s FBI Read Less Than 1 Percent Of Weiner’s Laptop Emails | The Daily Caller

REPORT: Comey’s FBI Read Less Than 1 Percent Of Weiner’s Laptop Emails | The Daily Caller:

Image result for flickr commons images james comey
“3,000 out of potentially relevant 700,000 emails were actually individually examined for classified information and incriminating evidence,” Sperry continued. “Peter Strzok, the disgraced agent who was in charge of this midyear investigation into the Clinton emails, he actually personally handpicked the 3,000 sample. And with two other investigators, they went through them all supposedly, pulled an all-nighter, ordered pizza, and said nothing new here. Case closed once again.”

Lunch video-----Going Postal: Why are US Taxpayers subsidizing all Chinese packages?!


Democrats Are Leaving Their Party in Droves. Conservatives Should Pay Attention.

Image result for People Walking Away Clip ArtDemocrats Are Leaving Their Party in Droves. Conservatives Should Pay Attention.:

Nearly every WalkAway has a unique reason for leaving the Democratic Party. Some of the most common reasons I’ve encountered are:

What The Teachers' Union Doesn't Want You To Know About Charter Schools

What The Teachers' Union Doesn't Want You To Know About Charter Schools
See the source image"In an era of stagnating educational achievement and bloated public school budgets, America’s education system is in dire need of innovation. 
Despite strong opposition from entrenched interests, the growth in charter schools exemplifies educational innovation in cities and towns across the country.
Charter schools receive public funding but are independently operated
With more flexibility, they provide a worthwhile alternative to traditional public schools.
In many areas, interest in charter schools is so high that they must conduct a lottery to determine which students will receive admittance.
...But what about the actual effects of charter schools on student achievement?..."
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The enemy within.

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#1 This day 1959-----The Browns - The Three Bells

Nate Jackson: Reminder: Trump's a Pretty Good President — The Patriot Post

Nate Jackson: Reminder: Trump's a Pretty Good President — The Patriot Post:
"...This week was dominated by salacious news that wasn’t good for President Donald Trump. 
But his presidency has yielded far more good news than bad news, and it’s worth keeping that in mind in spite of the efforts of Democrats and their Leftmedia cohorts to overturn the 2016 election results.

  • On the economic front, Trump and the Republican Congress passed massive tax cuts for the vast majority of Americans — without a single Democrat vote. (In fact, Democrats continue to campaign against you keeping more of your money.) 
  • Trump’s record rollback of regulations is saving billions of dollars.
  • He exited the economically costly Paris Climate Accord. 
  • Tax cuts and deregulation have jumpstarted the economy (which is bad news for Democrats) and seeded a record-long bull market. 
  • ...Trump’s tariffs and trade negotiations are a strategic gamble to use a good economy to bear the short-term cost for long-term gain..."

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You ought to know!

Visa, Mastercard Block Donations To 'David Horowitz Freedom Center' After SPLC Labels Them A Hate Group | Daily Wire

Visa, Mastercard Block Donations To 'David Horowitz Freedom Center' After SPLC Labels Them A Hate Group | Daily Wire:

Image result for flickr commons images Visa Master CardIn an email to supporters on Wednesday under the subject "Transaction Denied," the DHFC announced that at the request of the Southern Poverty Law Center, the two credit card companies will no longer be allowing donations to DHFC.
"We're under attack by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)," the email begins. "For years, the SPLC has labeled the Freedom Center a hate group and tried to get organizations like Amazon, Facebook and Twitter to ban us and silence our message."

Profs get $248k grant to study ‘gender microaggressions’

Profs get $248k grant to study ‘gender microaggressions’
  • The National Science Foundation recently awarded three Iowa State University professors a $248,000 research grant to study "gender microaggressions" among engineering students.
  • The lead researcher hopes the project will "contribute to diversifying engineering programs" and help students "feel safe" in class...
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AM Fruitcake

History for August 25

See the source image
History for August 25 -
Leonard Bernstein 1918, George C. Wallace 1919, Sean Connery 1930 - Actor
Image result for Leonard Bernstein QuotesSee the source imageImage result for Sean Connery

Regis Philbin 1931 - Talk show host, game show host ("Who Wants to be a Milllionaire"), Tom Skerritt 1933 - Actor ("Picket Fences"), Gene Simmons 1949 - Musician (KISS)
Image result for Regis PhilbinImage result for Tom SkerrittImage result for Gene Simmons

1916 - The National Park Service was established as part of the U.S. Department of the Interior.
Image result for 1916 - The National Park Service

1941 - U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt signed the bill appropriating funds for construction of the Pentagon.
Image result for construction of the Pentagon.

1944 - Paris, France, was liberated by Allied forces ending four years of German occupation.
Image result for Paris, France, was liberated by Allied forces

1946 - Ben Hogan won the PGA in Portland, OR. It was his first major golf title.
Image result for 1946 - Ben Hogan

1950 - U.S. President Truman ordered the seizure of U.S. railroads to avert a strike.
Image result for U.S. President Truman ordered the seizure of U.S. railroads

1972 - In Great Britain, computerized axial tomography (CAT scan) was introduced.
Image result for 1972 - In Great Britain, computerized axial tomography (CAT scan