Thursday, August 30, 2018

When morons run your city-Taxpayers on the hook AGAIN!!-----PEAK Training Academy owner loses lease at Walker Arena Annex |

PEAK Training Academy owner loses lease at Walker Arena Annex |

MUSKEGON, MI - City officials recently voted to terminate a lease agreement with the company operating the PEAK Training Academy in the LC Walker Arena...
See the source imageThe deal also leaves the city on the hook for $165,000 as it pays off PEAK's debts to two local investors, and takes up his utility payments, which were valued in 2015 at $15,000 annually.
...The PEAK Training Academy was established in 2016 and is located in the 6,000-square-foot arena annex. 
...Williams' creditors were the Muskegon Angels investment group and developers Muskegon Quality Builders, Peterson said. 
The Muskegon Angels helped purchase equipment for the facility, while Muskegon Quality Builders helped get the building ready for commercial use.
According to the termination agreement, the city now will be responsible for those debts and will pay:
  • Muskegon Quality Builders $1,500 a month for the next 70 months.
  • Muskegon Angels $1,000 a month for the next 60 months. ..."
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"LIKELY"?!!-----Mueller wants to review emails between Manafort, former lawyer - POLITICO

Mueller wants to review emails between Manafort, former lawyer - POLITICO
"Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team wants to review emails between Paul Manafort and one of his former lawyers — messages that would typically be protected by attorney-client privilege.
Manafort’s emails are a special case, Mueller’s team argued in a court motion Wednesday.
Attorney-client privilege doesn’t apply when the client enlists a lawyer’s help to commit a crime — and that’s what Mueller’s team is arguing that Manafort did.
...The question of how attorney-client privilege applies to a lawyer who advised Manafort and his former deputy, Rick Gates, around their foreign lobbying work on behalf of former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych has dogged the Washington case for nearly a year.
...Attorney-client privilege didn’t apply to Manafort’s discussions with the lawyer, U.S. District Court Judge Beryl Howell wrote, because Mueller’s team had demonstrated that Manafort “likely violated federal law”..."
Read on!

Officers told stand aside as 'Silent Sam' fell, report says

Officers told stand aside as 'Silent Sam' fell, report says:
See the source imageCHAPEL HILL, N.C. (AP) — A police chief assisting with crowd control during a protest at the University of North Carolina told his officers to stand aside as protesters tore down a century-old Confederate monument, according to documents obtained by a television station.
The messages obtained by WRAL-TV show Chapel Hill Police Chief Chris Blue closely monitored the Aug. 20 protest as his officers backed up the UNC police force that takes the lead in policing the Chapel Hill campus.
...During the protest around the statue known as “Silent Sam” in a main campus quad, Blue instructed officers “Let’s give them lots of space” and “stay way out,” the messages show.
At one point Blue sent a message saying Chapel Hill officers were “too close.”
Shortly thereafter protesters pulled down the statue..."
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Lunch video-----"All White People Are Racist"


Witness: Fusion GPS, Trump Tower Participants Met with Clinton Associate Ed Lieberman | Breitbart

Witness: Fusion GPS, Trump Tower Participants Met with Clinton Associate Ed Lieberman | Breitbart:

Image result for flickr commons images hillary clintonAttorney Edward Lieberman, whose late wife Evelyn previously served as Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff when she was First Lady, was present at one and possibly two dinner meetings between the controversial Fusion GPS firm and key participants in the infamous June 2016 Trump Tower meeting, according to witness testimony reviewed by Breitbart News.
One of those meetings with Fusion GPS took place just days after the Trump Tower meeting, the testimony reveals.
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And the liberal media agrees!-----Don’t ‘monkey this up’ and elect Andrew Gillum, Ron DeSantis says | Tampa Bay Times

Don’t ‘monkey this up’ and elect Andrew Gillum, Ron DeSantis says | Tampa Bay Times:
"Democrats immediately criticized the comment as racist. 
Gillum is the first black nominee for governor..."
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Racist Monkeys!

CULTURE OF CORRUPTION: New York Governor Andrew Cuomo halted an investigation into the Manhattan DA…

See the source imageInstapundit � Blog Archive � CULTURE OF CORRUPTION:
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo halted an investigation into the Manhattan DA’s handling of the Harvey Weinstein case just as the law firm representing the Hollywood producer gave Cuomo’s campaign $25,000.---Posted by Glenn Reynolds

#1 This day 1955-----The Yellow Rose Of Texas Mitch Miller Orchestra 1955

Gregg Jarrett: The scheme from Bruce Ohr and Comey's confederates to clear Clinton, damage Trump | Fox News

Gregg Jarrett: The scheme from Bruce Ohr and Comey's confederates to clear Clinton, damage Trump | Fox News
See the source image"Editor's note: This op-ed is based on the author’s book “The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump.”
Director James Comey knew the FBI was incorruptible. 
This is precisely why he seized control of the investigation of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s email practices covering her time as secretary of state, instead of allowing the FBI field office to conduct the probe.
By commandeering control of the investigation, Comey and his confederates could twist the facts and contort the law to dictate the outcome they desired. 
Clinton was the beneficiary of what FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe reportedly described as the “HQ special.”
The same is true of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation. 
The very people who cleared Clinton of crimes – despite strong evidence that she broke the law – also assumed unfettered authority over the so-called “collusion” investigation to determine if Donald Trump’s presidential campaign worked with Russia to help Trump become president..."
Read all.
And read the book!

You ought to know!

Student arrested for stealing MAGA hat, slapping teacher in profanity-laced tirade | Fox News

Student arrested for stealing MAGA hat, slapping teacher in profanity-laced tirade | Fox News:

Image result for Maga Hat ManA high school senior in California was arrested Monday after she went on a profanity-laced tirade against a classmate for wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat.
Union Mine High School student, Jo-Ann Butler, 17, was suspended for one week and faces two counts of battery: one against her classmate for grabbing his MAGA hat and the other against her English teacher, whom she slapped as he escorted her out of the classroom in an altercation captured on a cellphone, according to CBS Sacramento.

Northwest Passage Icebound - Ice Age Now

Northwest Passage Icebound - Ice Age Now
"“CCG icebreakers cannot safely escort pleasure craft.” 
At least 22 vessels affected and several have turned back to Greenland, according to Daria Blackwell of
Daria also posted this release from NORDREG CANADA, a branch of the Canadian Coast Guard.
Subject: 9H9573 – INFO – 08-18-1256 – LR – HEAVIER ICE CONDITIONS
Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2018 13:06:44 +0000
Good morning,
Due to heavier than normal ice concentrations in the Canadian arctic waters north of 70 degrees, the Canadian Coast Guard, recommends that pleasure craft do not navigate in the Beaufort Sea, Barrow, Peel Sound, Franklin Strait and Prince Regent. CCG icebreakers cannot safely escort pleasure craft. Operators of pleasure craft considering a northwest passage should also consider the risk of having to winter in a safe haven in the Arctic, or in the case of an emergency, be evacuated from beset vessels. Safety of mariners is our primary concern.
To confirm that the “heavier than normal ice concentrations” statement was true, I checked Denmark’s Polar Portal site.
Turns out that as of today, 23 Aug 2018, Arctic sea-ice volume for this date is higher than the 2004-2013 average (thick black line vs thick grey line).
Arctic sea-ice volume is also higher for this date than in 2015, 2016 and 2017.
I have a sneaking suspicion that you won’t hear much about this from the mainstream media.
So much for Al Gore’s ice-free Arctic.
Thanks to Lloyd Chandler for this info"

AM Fruitcake

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History for August 30

See the source image
History for August 30 -
Mary Shelley (Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin) 1797 - Author, Maria Montessori 1870, Huey P. Long 1893
Image result for Frankenstein by Mary Shelley 1818Image result for Maria MontessoriImage result for Huey P. Long

Shirley Booth 1907, Fred MacMurray 1908, Ted Williams 1918
Image result for Shirley BoothImage result for Fred MacMurrayImage result for Ted Williams

1905 - Ty Cobb made his major league batting debut with the Detroit Tigers.
Image result for Ty Cobb made his major league batting debut with the Detroit Tigers.

1994 - Rosa Parks was robbed and beaten by Joseph Skipper. Parks was known for her refusal to give up her seat on a bus in 1955, which sparked the civil rights movement.
See the source image

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Google-Facebook 'can shift 12 million votes this election' - WND

Image result for free clip art Ballot BoxGoogle-Facebook 'can shift 12 million votes this election' - WND:

A study of how Google and Facebook are manipulating the political views of their users shows the internet tech giants have the power to shift “upwards of 12 million votes” in November’s midterm elections, psychologist Robert Epstein told Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson.
“We should be extremely concerned,” said Epstein. “Content no longer matters. All that matters is the filtering and ordering of content.”

The way we were-----Classics IV - Stormy

Boob-tube-----Boris Karloff's Thriller - A Good Imagination