Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Yikes!-----Mystery of the Cargo Ships That Sink When Their Cargo Suddenly Liquefies - Slashdot

Mystery of the Cargo Ships That Sink When Their Cargo Suddenly Liquefies - Slashdot
"An anonymous reader writes (condensed for space):
On average, ten "solid bulk cargo" carriers have been lost at sea each year for the last decade. 
See the source imageSolid bulk cargoes -- defined as granular materials loaded directly into a ship's hold -- can suddenly turn from a solid state into a liquid state, a process known as liquefaction. 
And this can be disastrous for any ship carrying them -- and their crew. 
A lot is known about the physics of the liquefaction of granular materials from geotechnical and earthquake engineering. 
The vigorous shaking of the earth causes pressure in the ground water to increase to such a level that the soil "liquefies." 
Yet despite our understanding of this phenomenon, and the guidelines in place to prevent it occurring, it is still causing ships to sink and taking their crew with them."

EU news: These nations want to DESTROY us, rages Brussels boss | World | News |

EU news: These nations want to DESTROY us, rages Brussels boss | World | News |
"THE European Union is in “mortal danger” because a number of nations want to destroy it, budget Commissioner Günther Oettinger has sensationally claimed.
See the source imageThe Brussels boss said Europe would only be able to show it remains capable of being strong against a number of challenges facing it if national leaders and the European Parliament could quickly agree the EU’s next long-term budget.
...“In my view, the project is in mortal danger.
“Some within Europe want to weaken it or even destroy it — Poland, Hungary, Romania, the government of Italy.”
Mr Oettinger also picked out Russian President Vladimir Putin, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and “the clever Chinese” as putting the EU at risk by using trade wars and aggression.
The Budget Commissioner, a senior official within Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats and a long-time ally of the German Chancellor, even attacked his own country Germany for not showing enough enthusiasm for the EU, particularly when it comes to the budget..."
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Lunch video-----Vox leader Javier Ortega Smith gives stirring speech in Ceuta after 600 ...


Judicial Watch: Justice Department Discloses No FISA Court Hearings Held on Carter Page Warrants - Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch: Justice Department Discloses No FISA Court Hearings Held on Carter Page Warrants - Judicial Watch:

Image result for flickr commons images department of justice LogoJudicial Watch today announced that in response to a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, the Justice Department (DOJ) admitted in a court filing last night that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court held no hearings on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) spy warrant applications targeting Carter Page, a former Trump campaign part-time advisor who was the subject of four controversial FISA warrants.
In the filing the Justice Department finally revealed that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court held no hearings on the Page FISA spy warrants, first issued in 2016 and subsequently renewed three times:

Here’s How Clinton’s Campaign Helped Turn Flint’s Lead Problem Into An Actual Crisis | The Daily Caller

Here’s How Clinton’s Campaign Helped Turn Flint’s Lead Problem Into An Actual Crisis | The Daily Caller
  • Toxicology experts worry media coverage of Flint’s water problems painted an inaccurate portrait of the issue
  • Hillary Clinton’s decision to use Flint as a campaign talking point might have contributed to the over-the-top coverage 
  • Data shows Flint’s lead levels were not dangerously high relative to other communities 
"Reports painting Flint’s lead problems as a crisis skyrocketed after former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used the town as a primary campaign talking point during her run for president, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation analysis.
See the source image...Toxicology experts worry the reporting blew the problem out of proportion, especially as data showed Flint’s lead levels were not exceptionally high...
“Every single American should be outraged,” Clinton said.
Reports on the lead in the town’s water exploded following Clinton’s debate.
...“The numbers in Flint didn’t compute. They were being horribly exaggerated,” Hernán Gómez, an associate professor at the University of Michigan, and medical toxicologist at Hurley Medical Center, told TheDCNF. 
Blood lead levels (BLL) are no higher in Flint than in other cities across Michigan, said Gómez, who describes himself as a political moderate without an ideological ax to grind.
“We have no evidence that permanent brain damage has occurred,” making it unfair and inaccurate “to paint the Flint situation” in a way that suggests lead is poisoning children, he added..." 
Read it all!

University encourages students to report feeling ‘belittled, disrespected’ to bias team - The College Fix

See the source imageImage result for Grand Valley StateUniversity encourages students to report feeling ‘belittled, disrespected’ to bias team - The College Fix
"...The Michigan-based public university encourages students to report when they feel “belittled, disrespected or isolated” to the school’s bias response team, which promises to review the matter, according to its website.
“...If anyone in the Grand Valley community feels belittled, disrespected, or isolated based on their identity, there is a mechanism to report the incident,” the university’s website states.
..Several years ago, The College Fix reported on two professors who voiced conservative viewpoints at Grand Valley State who were subsequently reported to the school’s bias response team by students in their class during the fall 2015 semester.

  • In one case, a professor stated they believed there are only two genders and did not want to use pronouns such as Ze and Zir. 
  • In the second case, a professor said he believed children deserved to be raised by a mother and father, a statement that — after it was reported to campus administrators — prompted the department chair to have a “conversation with the faculty member about the incident,” a campus spokesperson told The College Fix at the time.

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#1 This day 1967-----Bobbie Gentry - Ode To Billie Joe

Nike Value Takes a Knee as Colin Kaepernick Becomes Face of Brand… | The Last Refuge

Nike Value Takes a Knee as Colin Kaepernick Becomes Face of Brand… | The Last Refuge
"Nike shares fall Tuesday after the company revealed failed NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick will be the modern face of the brand.  
It will get much worse; much worse.
... The financial loss is actually much more significant, and only beginning.
There is another problem.  
Not only is Nike...
  • branding themselves based on severe political ideology; and not only is 
  • Nike selecting a failed athlete to express that image; and not only has this decision 
  • removed well over half of their potential customer base; but 
  • Nike has also decided to go much further.  
Nike will present an entire line of Colin Kaepernick apparel and products. 
Essentially an apparel line for the Antifa audience.

Details on Kaepernick and :
- It’s wide endorsement. He’s going to have his own branded line. Shoes, shirts, jerseys, etc. There will be Kaepernick apparel.
- Contract is a “star” deal on par with a top end player. Millions per year. Star deals also include royalties.
The Kaepernick-Nike product offerings could likely include: hoodies, masks, helmets, gloves and a full line-up of ‘Colin’s Riot Gear‘ for the most discerning combatants amid the social justice community.
From an investment perspective, this means Nike is putting massive amounts of money into a product offering that automatically has removed the top tier purchasers of their products.  In essence, Nike has made the fatal mistake in consumer product marketing.
Nike has decided to go from broad-based consumer appeal, to a very niche appeal for the most hard-core political activists who might also wear sporting apparel.
Here is an example of their target audience.

Occupy Wall Street / Antifa : “Believe in Something, Even if it Means Sacrificing Everything”…
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You ought to know!

The handwritten notes exposing what Fusion GPS told DOJ about Trump | TheHill

The handwritten notes exposing what Fusion GPS told DOJ about Trump | TheHill:

Image result for flickr commons images bruce ohrA memory stick quietly exchanged in a coffee shop.
An admission of a “Hail Mary” leak.
An unmistakable effort to push the Russia investigation closer to Donald Trump’s inner circle with uncorroborated tales.
Those are just some of the highlights from the day that Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson — paid by Hillary Clinton’s campaign to find dirt on her GOP rival — met secretly with a top Justice Department official, right after Trump won the 2016 election.

The same politicians and outlets mourning Sen. John McCain's death previously lambasted him. Bush and Obama supporters both attacked him viciously.

Opinion: Op-Ed and Commentary -
"Hypocrisy, they say, is the tribute that vice pays to virtue.  
If so, then much tribute was paid this weekend.
I am speaking, of course, of the funeral for Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and the concomitant speechifying by politicians and pundits.  
...McCain's funeral puts hypocrisy on display
...As someone said on Twitter, they came not to praise McCain, but to bury Trump. 
See the source image
And yet, despite solemn encomia to civility, honor, and integrity from the likes of Barack Obama and Henry Kissinger, amplified by the press’s Greek chorus, the notion that we used to live in some golden age of civility and bipartisanship exemplified by the career of Sen. McCain is belied by, among other things, the career of John McCain.
Now that he’s dead, McCain is a Good Republican. 
But when he was alive, and a threat to other people’s power, he was treated as a racist, a warmonger, and potentially unstable. 
He was vilified by the press, and by some of the very politicians who were speaking on his behalf. 
...What’s all this about?  
It’s certainly not about civility, or decency, or bipartisanship.  
As David French wrote: “The contrast between the outpouring of love for McCain in his last days and the astonishing vitriol directed at him in 2000 and 2008 demonstrates once again how disingenuous, low, and cheap American politics were well before Trump came on the scene.”
And at this point, I suspect the voters are onto the game."
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AM Fruitcake

History for September 5

See the source image
History for September 5 -
Jesse James 1847, Bob Newhart 1929 - Actor, comedian (The Bob Newhart Show), William Devane 1939 - Actor 
Image result for Jesse JamesImage result for Bob NewhartImage result for William Devane 1939 - Actor

Raquel Welch 1940 - Actress, Freddie Mercury (Queen) 1946, Michael Keaton 1951 - Actor ("Batman")
Image result for Raquel WelchImage result for Freddie MercuryImage result for Michael Keaton

1793 - In France, the "Reign of Terror" began. The National Convention enacted measures to repress the French Revolutionary activities.
Image result for "Reign of Terror"

1881 - The American Red Cross provided relief for disaster for the first time. The disaster was the Great Fire of 1881 in Michigan.
Image result for Great Fire of 1881 in Michigan.

Tuesday, September 04, 2018

College suppresses study when 1 group goes ‘nuts’

College suppresses study when 1 group goes ‘nuts’:

Image result for flickr commons images Transgender symbol
The Federalist translates: “The reason trans activists went nuts is that the study reinforces what plenty of parents, public health experts, and doctors have been saying: Transgenderism looks a lot like a dangerous fad. It’s telling that their response was to demand suppressing the results. It’s also telling that Brown chose to prioritize the unreasonable demands of a tiny minority above the potential well-being of children and the process of scientific inquiry.”

The way we were-----The Monkees- Hey Hey We're The Monkees.


Millennials aren’t taking offence. They’re hunting for victims | Spectator USA

Millennials aren’t taking offence. They’re hunting for victims | Spectator USA
"...To refresh your memory, the American magazine the Nation printed a formal apology for running a harmless 14-line poem by a white writer about homelessness. 
The poet’s sins: using the word ‘cripple’ and adopting a voice lightly evoking what I gather we’re now to call ‘AAVE’: African-American Vernacular English. 
Facebookers were incensed, comments huffy. 
The poet apologised, too.
I decried this ritual progressive self-abasement as cowardly and undignified. 
But it’s worth taking a second look at that story as a prime example of screaming emotional fraudulence in the public sphere.
Employing today’s prescribed lexicon, those apologies regretted the ‘pain’, ‘harm’, and ‘offence’ this sad-ass little poem had caused to stricken communities. 
But let’s get real. 
None of those poetry readers felt any pain. 
(Remember pain, actual pain? Drop a brick on your foot in sandals. Yeah. That’s ‘pain’.) 
No one suffered any harm — either tangible or psychic. 
Why, I wager that those irate chiders in the peanut gallery were no more genuinely offended than the magazine editors doing damage control were genuinely sorry.
What is the real emotional experience of pouncing on minor infractions of rules right-on activists seem to be making up as they go along, and which only proliferate and grow more exacting the more cravenly the rest of us obey the last ones? 
(The latest: ‘stay in your lane’, or ‘white writers shalt not use AAVE’.) 
Nothing short of exhilaration. 
Crusaders relish locating another paper dragon to slay. 
In the guise of suffering and woundedness, the overriding emotion in call-out culture is a sensation of triumph..."
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John Elway claims Kaepernick had an NFL contract offer but turned it down

See the source imageJohn Elway claims Kaepernick had an NFL contract offer but turned it down
"...According to Broncos General Manager John Elway, Kaepernick actually had an offer for a quarterback job in hand but he turned it down...
Denver Broncos general manager John Elway said Thursday that free-agent quarterback Colin Kaepernick had an opportunity to sign with the team.
According to NFL Network’s James Palmer, Elway said, “Colin had his chance to be here. We offered him a contract.”
In 2016, Elway told reporters that the Broncos had made an offer to Kaepernick. According to CSN Bay Area’s Mindi Bach, the contract would have paid Kaepernick $7 million per season over two seasons.
Since parting ways with the San Francisco 49ers at the end of the 2016 season, Kaepernick has gone unsigned..."
Read on.

LBJ'S Democratic Plantation - American Greatness

LBJ'S Democratic Plantation - American Greatness:

Image result for flickr commons images Lyndon JohnsonHere is a man who, according to a memo filed by FBI agent William Branigan, seems to have been in the Ku Klux Klan. This memo was only revealed in recent months, with the release of the JFK Files. Progressive media—even progressive historians—largely have ignored it, trying to pretend it does not exist. Branigan cites a source with direct knowledge, even though he does not name his source. As one blogger notes, no one with even a cursory knowledge of LBJ’s background could regard his involvement with the KKK as a shock or a surprise.