Thursday, September 06, 2018

Pro-Islam Indoctrination in Public Schools? | Clarion Project

Pro-Islam Indoctrination in Public Schools? | Clarion Project

  • "Parents across the U.S. have objected to a Department of Education program called “Access Islam.” The federally-funded program is directed at children from grades 5-12 and is also featured on various websites, including PBS Learning Media.
  • The Smithsonian also promotes the course as does the Indiana Department of Education and the United Nations.
  • Parents charge that the course amounts to nothing less than proselytizing about Islam in public schools. 
  • In addition, they note that the Department of Education provides no comparable study or promotion of any other religion.

A video from the course prominently features a Christian convert to Islam, who declares emotionally how he has found the true religion without any “intermediaries.”
In addition to videos, students are given worksheets to learn the Five Pillars of Islam and how to pray. Children are also expected to memorize verses from the Quran and know the meaning of those verses..."
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Lunch video-----Left or Liberal?


Unisex changing rooms proven ‘magnets’ for sex assault

Image result for free clip art Big SurpriseUnisex changing rooms proven ‘magnets’ for sex assault:

As the homosexual and transgender agendas advance, there’s evidence that unisex changing rooms at public swimming pools are becoming a “magnet” for sexual offenders.

Birthright Citizenship On The Wane—The US May Soon Be The ONLY Target For Birth Tourism | Blog Posts |

Birthright Citizenship On The Wane—The US May Soon Be The ONLY Target For Birth Tourism | Blog Posts |
"I have mentioned before, rather often I think, that, to quote the Center for Immigration Studies, "Of advanced economies, Canada and the United States are the only countries that grant automatic citizenship to children born to illegal aliens."
See the source imageIn an age of cheap and easy international travel, birthright citizenship is, for prosperous and stable nations, an invitation to obstetric tourism. 
For nations that do not carefully control their borders and track foreign visa holders, birthright citizenship is also one more incentive to illegal immigration.
..Last weekend at the biennial convention of Canada's Conservative Party delegates passed a resolution changing the party's policy book to say, quote:
We encourage the government to enact legislation which will fully eliminate birthright citizenship in Canada unless one of the parents of the child born in Canada is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada.
...Birthright-citizenship-wise, it may soon be America alone. 
Then we'll be getting all the obstetric tourists instead of just half of them."
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The In-N-Out Burger Boycott Shows that Under Socialism, Those Who Don’t Obey Won’t Eat

See the source imageThe In-N-Out Burger Boycott Shows that Under Socialism, Those Who Don’t Obey Won’t Eat
"Last week, Eric Bauman, the chair of the California Democratic Party, called for a boycott of the popular California hamburger chain In-N-Out Burger.
What was In-N-Out Burger’s crime? 
Los Angeles Magazine reported that the burger chain had contributed to the Republican Party.
Bauman tweeted a link to the story about the contribution and called the chain “creeps:”
Et tu In-N-Out? Tens of thousands of dollars donated to the California Republican Party… it’s time to #BoycottInNOut—let Trump and his cronies support these creeps… perhaps animal style!
...It is hard to interpret the call for a boycott of In-and-Out as anything but a sign of California’s further descent into totalitarianism. 
Those who don’t support the ruling political regime will have their economic livelihood threatened.
Current events and history warn us: 
A political party demanding loyalty to the party as a condition for doing business is a terrible path to go down.
...Food has already been used as a political weapon in Venezuela. 
...Immediately upon obtaining power in 1933, Hitler began to eliminate any opponents, not just Jews. 
In his book, The Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany, Professor Thomas Childers covers the 1933 “Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service” which “led to the immediate dismissal of all ‘non-Aryans’ from state-subsidized theaters, orchestras, museums, schools, and research institutions.” 
...Hitler’s goal? 
Opposition in any segment of society was to be eliminated. Childers continues..."
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#1 This day 1990-----Jon Bon Jovi - Blaze Of Glory

Democrats’ Brett Kavanaugh Antics Expose Hollowness of Calls for Civility | National Review

Democrats’ Brett Kavanaugh Antics Expose Hollowness of Calls for Civility | National Review
"The sordid spectacle that opened Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings put the lie to left-wing laments about the decline of civility in American politics.
We hear a lot about norms these days. 
We live in a time when alleged pre-existing norms of decency, civility, and respect are being cast aside for the sake of “winning.” 
Fred Guttenberg, father of Parkland victim, Jaime, tries to shakes hands with Brett Kavanaugh: "My daughter was murdered at Parkland."

White House says an "unidentified individual approached" Kavanaugh, but "before the judge was able to shake his hand, security had intervened."
The ends justify the means, and a dignified loser is just that: a loser. 
There is a real sense that we’re losing something irreplaceable, a shared respect that once allowed partisans to battle over ideas while remaining bound together as citizens of the world’s greatest constitutional republic.
...Unfortunately, it appears that all too much of the talk about norms and civility and decency is just another weapon of convenience, to be dropped the moment it is perceived to pave the path of defeat.
Just look at the disgusting spectacle that was day one (and the opening of day two) of Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing.
...So, the next time you hear grave words about civility, respond with a request: 
Show, don’t tell. 
When the chips are down, will you practice what you preach? 
Yesterday’s performance provides a clear answer, and it should worry all of us who genuinely care about health of American political discourse."
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You ought to know!

Pelosi Haunted by Women Her Party SuppressedThe American Spectator

Pelosi Haunted by Women Her Party SuppressedThe American Spectator:

Image result for flickr commons images susan b. anthonyThe Democratic war on women’s suffrage became even more vicious in 1878, when Republican Senator Aaron A. Sargent, a friend of Susan B. Anthony, introduced the Nineteenth Amendment. Congressional Democrats, when they were unable to bottle it up in committee, voted it down every time it reached the floor of either House until 1919, when the GOP won landslide victories in both houses of Congress. James R. Mann, a Republican congressman from Illinois, reintroduced the amendment in the House and it was at long last passed by both houses and subsequently sent to the states for ratification.

Professor: One Reason Why Universities Became Day Cares | Intellectual Takeout

Professor: One Reason Why Universities Became Day Cares | Intellectual Takeout:
"Last fall, university president Dr. Everett Piper made headlines when he warned students that college was not intended to be a day care, but “a place where you will quickly learn that you need to grow up.”
The realization that many of today’s university students have not grown up has caught on with the general public, and many are now wondering how such a thing happened.
One of the individuals pondering this development is Professor Jonathan Zimmerman.
In an article for Aeon, Zimmerman opines that increased emphasis on campus bureaucracy may have been a major contributor to the “infantilizing” of today’s students:
See the source image“[The years between 1976 and 2012] witnessed a dramatic shift in patterns of university employment, away from faculty and towards administrators.
In 1975, universities had almost twice as many professors as administrators; 40 years later, the administrators outnumber the faculty.
Over this span, the number of ‘executive, administrative, and managerial employees’ at universities rose by 85 per cent; meanwhile, so-called ‘professional staff’ – accountants, counsellors, and so on – ballooned by an astonishing 240 per cent.
...As universities layered on more and more bureaucracy, students came to believe that every campus problem had a bureaucratic solution..."
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AM Fruitcake

History for September 6

See the source image

History for September 6 -
Marquis de Lafayette 1757, Jane Addams 1860, Joseph P. Kennedy 1888
Image result for Marquis de LafayetteSee the source image See the source image

Jane Curtin 1947, Jeff Foxworthy 1958, Rosie Perez 1964
Image result for Jane CurtinImage result for Jeff FoxworthyImage result for Rosie Perez

1901 - U.S. President William McKinley was shot and mortally wounded (he died eight days later) by Leon Czolgosz. Czolgosz, an American anarchist, was executed the following October.
Image result for William McKinley was shot

1941 - Jews in German-occupied areas were ordered to wear the Star of David with the word "Jew" inscribed. The order only applied to Jews over the age of 6.
Image result for Jews in German-occupied areas were ordered to wear the Star of David with the word "Jew

Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Kavanaugh cites 'Ginsburg rule' in declining certain questions during confirmation hearing: What is it? | Fox News

Kavanaugh cites 'Ginsburg rule' in declining certain questions during confirmation hearing: What is it? | Fox News:

Image result for flickr commons images Brett Kavanaugh During Wednesday's Supreme Court confirmation hearing, Brett Kavanaugh warned he wouldn’t answer certain hypothetical questions from lawmakers, citing the so-called “Ginsburg rule.”
Kavanaugh said he studied past hearings of Supreme Court nominees, including those of the eight current justices, and how they reacted when asked about specific cases. He pointed specifically to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who during her 1993 confirmation hearing said it would be wrong for her to “preview in this legislative chamber how I would cast my vote on questions the Supreme Court may be called upon to decide" – a move that has since been dubbed the “Ginsburg rule.”

Facebook Employee Who Personally Censored PragerU Videos Gets a Slap on the Wrist After Facebook Joins Twitter and YouTube in Attacking PragerU

Image result for flickr commons images facebook logoFacebook Employee Who Personally Censored PragerU Videos Gets a Slap on the Wrist After Facebook Joins Twitter and YouTube in Attacking PragerU:

When the Facebook employee ruled that the videos were in fact "hate speech," he also put the PragerU administrator "into a feature block." This means that the staffer at PragerU responsible for most Facebook posts "was prohibited from posting on PragerU's behalf."  This means that each of the 20 subsequent PragerU posts did not reach PragerU's audience.

The way we were-----Hot Rod Lincoln - Commander Cody (Studio)

Boob-tube-----One Step Beyond EMERGENCY ONLY S1E3

Instapundit Blog Archive YESTERDAY IN HISTORY:

Instapundit �Blog Archive  YESTERDAY IN HISTORY
I forgot to post this yesterday. 
And maybe it’s fitting that I forgot. 
See the source imageOn September 4, 476 A.D., came the Fall of the Roman Empire (or rather the Western Roman Empire, the only Roman Empire to be headquartered in … wait for it … Rome). 
Here’s the crucial point: 
The September 4th date is just a convention. 
It is the date Odoacer overthrew Romulus Augustulus
But one could make an argument for dating the fall earlier or later. It is very doubtful that average Romans understood on that exact date that they were witnessing the close of an epoch. 
Alas, history is like that. 
Civilizations fall inch by inch, not all at once.  
It’s easy to miss.---Posted by Gail Heriot"

What Do Serial Killers and the Left Have in Common?The American Spectator

What Do Serial Killers and the Left Have in Common?The American Spectator
"...You see, the same Democratic Party that today has taken up the mantle of defending America’s hallowed republican institutions is the same party of domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and anti-America radical Saul Alinsky.
Fact is, the last two years of “resistance” has had little to do with upholding morality or fighting for what the Left believes in. 
Whatever it may believe in, the Left’s pursuit of raw power — its long march through the institutions — has always been its primary goal. 
See the source imageThus, everything that has transpired over the last two years — from the endless public loathing of Trump to the efforts to delegitimize Trump’s presidency with baseless claims of “Russia collusion” — is because the Democratic Party’s collective ego has been wounded.
...So terrible has the “resistance” to Trump’s presidency been that the Democrats now impede the president’s governing abilities, as mandated by the very same Constitution the Left is claiming to defend.
...Trump has threatened the Left’s vice-grip on power. 
To make matters worse its adherents, Trump is actually fulfilling his campaign promises to the Right-wing base — something that few Republican presidents in the modern age have managed to do. That’s a double-threat to America’s Leftist oligarchy.
Thus, the Democrats love the Constitution and America’s institutions the way that a serial killer loves the bodies of his victims. 
...Enough is enough. 
Either the Republicans won in 2016 or they didn’t. 
Waiting for the Democrats to simply give up on their claims — to give up on their mad dash for absolute power — would be like expecting Hannibal Lecter not to eat his victims. 
It’s in their nature. 
The only thing the Right can do now is to fight back or be made into a permanent political minority."
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Household Income Jumps To All Time Highs Under Trumph

Household Income Jumps To All Time Highs Under Trumph:

Image result for flickr commons images president trumpMore interesting is the fact that median household income has shot up more than 4% in the 19 months since Trump took office. It had been flat over the previous year and a half. Over the course of President Obama's entire eight years in office, median household income climbed a mere 0.3%, Sentier data show.