Friday, September 07, 2018

Lunch video-----The Truth About Climate Change


Three Texas Doctors: We Saw Protesters Paid In Cash To Disrupt Kavanaugh Hearing On Line To Enter | Video | RealClearPolitics

Three Texas Doctors: We Saw Protesters Paid In Cash To Disrupt Kavanaugh Hearing On Line To Enter | Video | RealClearPolitics:
Image result for flickr commons images capital hill
Author and commentator Adam W. Schindler interviews three Texas doctors who traveled to Washington D.C. to attend the confirmation hearings for Judge Brett Kavanaugh. While waiting on line, they say they witnessed protesters being paid in cash to cause trouble in the hearing and in the public line to get in, Tuesday on Capitol Hill.

The Deplorables-"Nike could have set up a foundation..."

The Deplorables
Roger Simkins shared a post.
Image may contain: 2 people, meme and text
Roger Simkins
Nike could have set up a foundation in the name of Pat Tillman and in concert with his family, used the money they are paying numnuts, to benefit those causes they say they want to support !!!

'Most of Bush's nominees are Nazis' — those memos Patrick Leahy griped about were damning to the Democrats

'Most of Bush's nominees are Nazis' — those memos Patrick Leahy griped about were damning to the Democrats
"...Here's what happened: After Sen. Jim Jeffords switched from Republican to Democrat in 2001, he flipped the Senate in the process.
...The old story does, however, shed light on how Democrats handle Republican judicial nominees.

  • ' Most of Clinton's nominees were impeachable. ... most of Bush's nominees are Nazis.'

See the source imageOne Judiciary Committee memo ( memorialized in the Congressional Record) suggested making an example out of a Bush nominee — letting them through, but only after brutally lambasting them.
It had some colorful language.
It granted that Bill Clinton's controversial nominees were "impeachable," but asserted that "most of Bush's nominees are Nazis."

  • Timing abortion fights for before the elections

Michael McConnell was a Bush nominee eventually confirmed by voice vote.
...That is, to fight a losing fight over a clearly qualified judge in order to rile up the abortion lobby before the election.

  • ' [E]specially dangerous, because ... he is Latino'

The Dems' biggest fight in Bush's first term was over the nomination of Miguel Estrada...
A staffer for Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., wrote to a memo saying liberal groups had "identified Miguel Estrada (D.C. Circuit) as especially dangerous, because he has a minimal paper trail, he is Latino, and the White House seems to be grooming him for a Supreme Court appointment."
And so they did torpedo Estrada, demanding his privileged memos as solicitor general as a condition for consideration.
This is how Democrats' racial politics work — they train particular hatred on minorities and women who think independently of them and hold conservative views..."
Read all.

#1 This day 1971-----Go Away Little Girl - Donny Osmond (Audio)

Fascinating!-----The Big Lie - The Chronicle of Higher Education

The Big Lie - The Chronicle of Higher Education
"The chemistry professor and his wife argued often in those days, as their marriage was coming to an end and a custody battle brewed over their two young children. 
Then, one summer night, things got so heated that the police were called to intervene.
Brian and Stacey McNaughton had bought their single-family home in Fort Collins, Colo., six years earlier for $525,000. 
It was the sort of place, situated on an oversize corner lot in a neighborhood filled with doctors and lawyers, that projected the kind of solid middle-class status that the couple had achieved after years of study. 
Brian McNaughton, once a first-generation college student, was on the tenure track at Colorado State University, and his wife was a nurse anesthetist.
But all of that risked being torn asunder because of the big lie — a lie that they shared, and that Stacey McNaughton was now threatening to expose..."
Read on!

You ought to know!

Former Obama Education Secretary Rewrites History On Campus Due Process | Daily Wire

Former Obama Education Secretary Rewrites History On Campus Due Process | Daily Wire:

Image result for Arnie DuncanAfter years of reporters exposing the lack of fairness, due process, and sanity in campus sexual assault adjudications (not those reporters in the left-leaning media, of course, except for Emily Yoffe), the federal government is finally taking action to try and fix the issue. Naturally, this has caused those responsible for creating the mess in the first place to attempt to rewrite history and paint themselves as champions of something they most certainly weren’t.

Only 90 days?!!-----Ex-Michigan senator to spend 90 days in prison for theft from taxpayers |

Ex-Michigan senator to spend 90 days in prison for theft from taxpayers |
'Ghost Employee' scam!
"Former state Sen. Bert Johnson, who pleaded guilty earlier this year to defrauding taxpayers of more than $23,000, will spend 90 days in prison.
...Based on the sentencing guidelines and plea agreement, Johnson, a 44-year-old Democrat from Highland Park, could have faced six months to a year in prison.

AM Fruitcake

History for September 7

See the source image
History for September 7 -
Elizabeth I 1533 - Queen of England, Michael DeBakey 1908, David Packard 1912
Image result for Elizabeth IImage result for Michael DeBakeySee the source image

Peter Lawford 1923, Buddy Holly (Charles Hardin Holley) 1936 - Singer, Corbin Bernsen 1954 - Actor ("L.A. Law")
Image result for Peter LawfordImage result for Buddy HollyImage result for Corbin Bernsen

1813 - The nickname "Uncle Sam" was first used as a symbolic reference to the United States. The reference appeared in an editorial in the New York's Troy Post.
Image result for Pre Civil War Uncle Sam

1979 - ESPN, the Entertainment and Sports Programming Network, made its debut on cable TV.
Image result for 1979 - ESPN

Thursday, September 06, 2018

3 Takeaways From Day 3 of Kavanaugh’s Confirmation Hearings | The Heritage Foundation

Image result for free clip art Piles of Paper3 Takeaways From Day 3 of Kavanaugh’s Confirmation Hearings | The Heritage Foundation:

So far, more than 350,000 pages of material from or about Kavanaugh’s professional work have been made available to the public. That’s more than for the past five Supreme Court nominees combined.

Nike Stock Down After Announcement Of Kaepernick Campaign | The Daily Caller

Nike Stock Down After Announcement Of Kaepernick Campaign | The Daily Caller:
Image result for Boycott Nike
Nike stock was down 2.75 percent Tuesday morning after the company announced former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick as the new face of its “Just Do It” campaign.
The slogan for the campaign is, “Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything.”
The promotion of the former athlete, who protested racial injustice by kneeling during the national anthem, has led to major backlash against the sports company. A boycott was started and people began posting videos of themselves burning their Nike gear.

The way we were-----Journey - Faithfully (Official Video)

Boob-tube-----Replacement Players: Cast Changes In TV Shows 1950s to 1970s (and some '...

Democrats' visions of hand signals from white supremacists

Democrats' visions of hand signals from white supremacists
"They seem not to have wondered why a white supremacist would find it necessary or useful to communicate such beliefs by an obscure hand gesture that isn't really a white supremacist hand gesture, when so many other forms of communication are readily available and more easily concealed from alert eyes like their own.
They seem to find it inconceivable that everyone doesn’t know that the hand gesture recognized universally and for many years in this country as signifying "OK" now signifies support of white supremacy.
See the source imageIn other words, they have taken leave of their senses.
...The United States, in their view, continues to be an irredeemably racist country. 
That's the message of bestselling writer Ta-Nehisi Coates. “America’s progress on race has been minimal,” as Columbia’s John McWhorter summarizes this view, “just pretty window dressing here and there,” with “no reason to hope things will get even better.”
...focusing on hidden hand signals and phantom masses of white supremacists is just plain nuts. Democrats need to keep the signals from getting out of hand."

Three Texas Doctors: We Saw Protesters Paid In Cash To Disrupt Kavanaugh Hearing On Line To Enter | Video | RealClearPolitics

Three Texas Doctors: We Saw Protesters Paid In Cash To Disrupt Kavanaugh Hearing On Line To Enter | Video | RealClearPolitics
"Author and commentator Adam W. Schindler interviews three Texas doctors who traveled to Washington D.C. to attend the confirmation hearings for Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
While waiting on line, they say they witnessed protesters being paid in cash to cause trouble in the hearing and in the public line to get in, Tuesday on Capitol Hill...
ADAM W. SCHINDLER: We are here in the line for the public tickets at the Supreme Court hearing in Washington D.C.... day one... there has been a little bit of chaos here, some interesting things were going on on the line... These are not random protests, and we've got some eyewitnesses here to tell you what happened in line this morning in D.C... Read all!

I have to admit, I am skeptical. How do we know she didn't just buy tickets or a t-shirt? How is this "proof" of anything?
Good question. The pic itself does not prove anything. The context does. And the eye witnesses.

Facebook at Senate Intelligence Hearing: Inauthentic Behavior Means Behavior that Is Inauthentic | Breitbart

Image result for free clip art Speaking out of side of mouthFacebook at Senate Intelligence Hearing: Inauthentic Behavior Means Behavior that Is Inauthentic | Breitbart:

Unfortunately, the early answers to these questions were about as informative as being told that your dog won’t hunt because the dog doesn’t hunt.
If social media is a mirror on society, then perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised that the answers to questions about social media simply mirror the questions.
Take this exchange:

How Colleges Are Ripping Off a Generation of Ill-Prepared Students | Intellectual Takeout

How Colleges Are Ripping Off a Generation of Ill-Prepared Students | Intellectual Takeout
See the source image"Earlier this month, the 2017 National Assessment of Educational Progress, aka the nation’s “report card,” was released. It’s not a pretty story.
Only 37 percent of 12th-graders tested proficient or better in reading, and only 25 percent did so in math.
Among black students, only 17 percent tested proficient or better in reading, and just 7 percent reached at least a proficient level in math.
The atrocious National Assessment of Educational Progress performance is only a fraction of the bad news.
Nationally, our high school graduation rate is over 80 percent.
That means high school diplomas, which attest that these students can read and compute at a 12th-grade level, are conferred when 63 percent are not proficient in reading and 75 percent are not proficient in math.
For blacks, the news is worse..."
Read all!