Saturday, September 08, 2018

Give up your cars? What could possibly go wrong?----Los Angeles Will Be the First City to Use Body Scanners on Subways. Which Could Be Next?

Los Angeles Will Be the First City to Use Body Scanners on Subways. Which Could Be Next?
"Several cities and transit agencies have been working with the TSA to test the security devices.
A passenger arriving at Los Angeles' Union Station is screened using the city's new body scanners, in a demonstration by the Transportation Security Administration this week. (AP/Richard Vogel)
Los Angeles will be the first U.S. city to deploy body scanners, similar to those used by airport security, in its sprawling transit system.
The city last fall partnered with the federal Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to test a portable body scanner at one of its busiest light rail stops, the 7th Street Metro Center Station.
On Tuesday, Los Angeles announced that it is making the scanners a permanent part of its transit security..."
Read all.
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Lunch video-----The Left is Crazytown

Noon-toon-----Wondermark � Archive � #1422; In which the Staff is short

Wondermark � Archive � #1422; In which the Staff is short
It is definitely a literal bone thing. That doesn't rule out it ALSO being a sex thing, but it is definitely, foremost, a bone thing.

Byron York: On Trump-Russia, too much secrecy keeps public in dark

Byron York: On Trump-Russia, too much secrecy keeps public in dark:

Image result for free clip art top secretToday, the culture of secrecy is keeping the public from learning some basic facts about the Trump-Russia affair, even as newscasts and newspapers are filled with reporting, speculation, and debate about it. When it comes to allegations that the Trump campaign conspired with Russia to fix the 2016 election, the Justice Department and other agencies have withheld information from the public because such information is classified, or because it is purportedly critical to an ongoing investigation, or because officials just want to keep the Department's secrets secret.

Doris, in her “Hate Free Zone” T-shirt...

Rodney Allebach - Doris, in her “Hate Free Zone” T-shirt, called...
"Doris, in her “Hate Free Zone” T-shirt, called Kavanaugh a “f#cking @sshole who needs to die!”

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The People's Cube - All 39 members of the Heaven's Gate cult killed themselves while wearing the same Nike sneakers with a big swoosh.

The People's Cube - Posts
"All 39 members of the Heaven's Gate cult killed themselves while wearing the same Nike sneakers with a big swoosh. 
They believed in something and sacrificed everything. 
They just did it."

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#1 This day 1974-----Eric Clapton - I Shot the Sheriff

Poll: Majority Of Democrats Believe A Straight-Up Conspiracy Theory | The Daily Caller

See the source imagePoll: Majority Of Democrats Believe A Straight-Up Conspiracy Theory | The Daily Caller:
"A majority of Democratic voters think Russia tampered with vote counts in order to help President Donald Trump win the 2016 election, despite there being no evidence whatsoever to support that claim, a new poll shows.
Fifty-five percent of Democrats believe it’s either “definitely true” or “probably true” that “Russia tampered with vote tallies in order to get Donald Trump elected president,” according to a YouGov/Economist survey published Wednesday..."
Read on.

Senate Democrats Prove They’re Unfit to Govern�The American Spectator

Senate Democrats Prove They’re Unfit to GovernThe American Spectator:

Image result for free clip art 3 Ring CircusBut the Democrats have shown themselves to be utterly irresponsible in the discharge of their constitutional duties in this process. Their frivolous objections to proceeding with the hearings, despicable coordination with protesters whose antics were so disgusting that the nominee had to remove his children from the room, and their lack of real concern for any issue unrelated to removing the President from office reveal that the Democrats are too corrupt to be trusted with real power anytime soon. - Vintage Advertisements Would Be Banned Today - Vintage Advertisements Would Be Banned Today

History for September 8

See the source image
History for September 8 -
Antonin Dvorak 1841, Jimmie Rodgers 1897, Sid Caesar 1922
Image result for Antonin Dvorak Symphony No. 9See the source imageImage result for Sid Caesar

Peter Sellers 1925, Patsy Cline 1932, Jonathan Taylor Thomas 1981
Image result for Peter SellersImage result for Patsy Cline CrazyImage result for Jonathan Taylor Thomas

1966 - NBC-TV aired the first episode of "Star Trek" entitled "The Man Trap". The show was canceled on September 2, 1969.
See the source image

1974 - U.S. President Ford granted an unconditional pardon to former U.S. President Nixon.
Image result for President Ford granted an unconditional pardon to former U.S. President Nixon.

Friday, September 07, 2018

23,000 California DMV voter-registration fails, and we're not supposed to worry about illegals voting

Image result for California DMV Registration Logo23,000 California DMV voter-registration fails, and we're not supposed to worry about illegals voting:

Tens of thousands of Californians have been registered to vote incorrectly by the state Department of Motor Vehicles, including some who were assigned the wrong political party preference, officials said Wednesday.

The way we were-----B.J.Thomas - Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head


Science academies urge paper ballots for all US elections

Science academies urge paper ballots for all US elections
"No Internet technology is safe, secure or reliable for voting, find National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.---Heidi Ledford
See the source imagePaper ballots that can be tallied by hand are the most secure way to conduct an election, according to a report from the US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
The report, released on 6 September, calls for all US elections to be conducted using such ballots by the 2020 presidential election. 
It comes after US intelligence agencies concluded that the Russian government backed attempts to infiltrate the United States’ election infrastructure during the 2016 presidential election.
...The report says it is safe for paper ballots to be counted by a machine using an optical scanner, but it stipulates that recounts and audits should be conducted by hand.
It also recommends the immediate removal of voting machines that do not allow manual auditing."
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Don't Tell Climate Change Fanatics This Piece Of News | Daily Wire

Image result for free clip art stop signDon't Tell Climate Change Fanatics This Piece Of News | Daily Wire:

Global warming and climate change fanatics, stop now before you read any further.
According to a new study published in Nature, in the roughly quarter century between 1982 and 2016, global tree canopy cover increased by 865,000 square miles.

Gassed in Jersey | City Journal

Gassed in Jersey | City Journal:
"It’s a fundamental economic principle: if you tax something, you get less of it. 
See the source imageNew Jersey legislators tried to protect themselves against that law in 2016, with legislation raising the state’s gas tax by 22.6 cents per gallon, designed to provide the state with an additional $1.2 billion a year for a state transportation trust fund that had gone broke.
The law carried the provision that if revenues fell short because drivers bought less of the higher-priced gas, then the tax would automatically increase.
Not surprisingly, New Jersey is getting less from its new gas tax than the state anticipated.
...Advocates for the original tax hike, including the Democratic-controlled legislature and Governor Christie, justified it on the grounds that the state needed money to restart essential infrastructure projects that had been halted when the state ran out of money..."
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What Do Serial Killers and the Left Have in Common?The American Spectator

What Do Serial Killers and the Left Have in Common?The American Spectator:

Image result for Power FistWatching the incessant virtue signaling by the Democrats about protecting the Constitution during the opening of the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation hearing reminded me of the time Hannibal Lecter teamed up with the FBI agent who arrested him to stop another serial killer. In other words, it wasn’t sincere. You see, the same Democratic Party that today has taken up the mantle of defending America’s hallowed republican institutions is the same party of domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and anti-America radical Saul Alinsky.
Fact is, the last two years of “resistance” has had little to do with upholding morality or fighting for what the Left believes in. Whatever it may believe in, the Left’s pursuit of raw power — its long march through the institutions — has always been its primary goal. Thus, everything that has transpired over the last two years — from the endless public loathing of Trump to the efforts to delegitimize Trump’s presidency with baseless claims of “Russia collusion” — is because the Democratic Party’s collective ego has been wounded.