Thursday, September 13, 2018

THE CREEPY LINE: Initial Screening in NYC Sold Out. “An eye-opening documentary

Instapundit  Blog Archive  THE CREEPY LINE: Initial Screening in NYC Sold Out. “An eye-opening documentary, The Creepy Lin…
THE CREEPY LINEInitial Screening in NYC Sold Out.
“An eye-opening documentary, The Creepy Line reveals the stunning degree to which society is manipulated by Google and Facebook and blows the lid off the remarkably subtle – hence powerful – manner in which they do it. 
The Creepy Line is a title taken from the words of former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, when during a 2010 interview he explained Google’s code of conduct: 
‘The Google policy on a lot of things is to get right up to the creepy line and not cross it.’ 
However, as Dr. Robert Epstein explains in the film, ‘Google crosses the creepy line every day.’..."
Here’s the trailer:

"Looks good, and in plenty of time to induce those Halloween chills.---Posted by Stephen Green"

Your education dollars at work-----College rolls out colorful approach to 'microaggressions'

College rolls out colorful approach to 'microaggressions'
  • The University of Utah has started a new poster campaign on campus in order to highlight “commonly used microaggressions."
  • The campaign is a part of the university’s priority to create a “welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone who comes to campus.”
  • One University of Utah student who is part of one of the "marginalized groups" told Campus Reform that he finds the posters "incredibly insulting."

..."Microaggressions are subtle—often unintentional—statements or actions that reveal unconscious biases toward members of marginalized communities," a statement from the university read.
The University of Utah gave examples of "microaggressions," including “I don’t think of you as a person with a disability” and “you speak really good English.” 
Other “microaggressions” include “you’re pretty for a dark-skin girl,” “you don’t look like a lesbian,” “what are you?” (presumably referring to ethnicity/nationality) and “where are you really from?”...
Read on.

#1 This day 1957-----PAUL ANKA - DIANA HD

You ought to know!

Why Border Security Matters | American Center for Law and Justice

Why Border Security Matters | American Center for Law and Justice:

Image result for flickr commons images Bill Clinton’s 1995 State of the Union speechWho would have thought just a few short years ago that both Democrats and Republicans, who saw securing our southern border as an important issue and a point of agreement between the two parties, would be in a political battle over the matter? As the President and GOP members of Congress call for immigration reform, enforcing existing laws, and building a wall to secure the border with Mexico—leaders in the Democrat Party accuse them of bigotry and a lack of compassion.
Consider then-President Bill Clinton’s 1995 State of the Union speech:

Seattle's Amazon Tax Was Going to Raise $20 Million For Affordable Housing. Now the City is Getting Sued for $40 Million for Stopping a Housing Project. - Hit & Run :

Seattle's Amazon Tax Was Going to Raise $20 Million For Affordable Housing. Now the City is Getting Sued for $40 Million for Stopping a Housing Project. - Hit & Run :
"...Earlier this summer the Seattle City Council passed a since repealed $20 million tax on jobs (also known as an Amazon Tax), with plans to spend that money on affordable housing and homelessness services in the increasingly expensive, housing-starved city.
EmeraldUmbrellaStudio/Dreamstime.comIf a new lawsuit filed against the city is successful, Seattle will have to pay out twice that amount for actively stopping the construction of a housing project.
...Currently occupying Forbes' property is famed Seattle music venue the Showbox, which would have to be demolished to make room for the proposed apartment building. 
When word got out about the threat to the Showbox, a vocal crowd of supporters and local musicians demanded the city save the venue by any means necessary.
Their cause was quickly picked up by Seattle City Council, which slapped together emergency legislation to include the Showbox, and just the Showbox, in the nearby Pike Place Market Historical District, effectively scuttling any plans to build housing on the property.
...The city council's actions in this case are gallingly reckless.
...It also undermines the confidence of developers, who must now worry that their next project with the city may be scuttled after enough community protest or outrage.
That's a risk that Seattle, with its consistently rising housing costs and rising homelessness, can ill afford to take."
Fascinating visit to the deranged minds of liberal electeds.
Read all!

AM Fruitcake

History for September 13

See the source image
History for September 13 -
Milton S. Hershey 1857, John Pershing 1860, J.B. Priestley 1894
Image result for Milton Hershey QuotesImage result for john pershing islam quotesImage result for J. B. Priestley Quotes

Jacqueline Bisset 1944, Fiona Apple 1977, Ben Savage 1980
Image result for Jacqueline BissetImage result for Fiona AppleImage result for Ben Savage

1759 - The French were defeated by the British on the Plains of Abraham in the final French and Indian War.
Image result for French were defeated by the British on the Plains of Abraham

1922 - In El Azizia, Libya, the highest shade temperature was recorded at 136.4 degrees Fahrenheit.
See the source image

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Rush Limbaugh: New York Times possibly 'made up' Trump op-ed with 'composite series of opinions' - Washington Times

Rush Limbaugh: New York Times possibly 'made up' Trump op-ed with 'composite series of opinions' - Washington Times:

Image result for free clip art Story timeRush Limbaugh says last week’s op-ed in The New York Times by an anonymous White House official may be a “made up” composite piece by numerous people.
The man behind the “golden EIB microphone” returned on Monday from a short hiatus to address “I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration,” which detailed a senior official who is undermining the president from the administrative shadows.
“I believe the New York Times made it up. I think it’s a composite series of opinions from a bunch of people New York Times have on staff or talk to,” the radio host said. “Folks, they have been making things up for two years, two-and-a-half, three years on Donald Trump. Why would this be any different? Again, I’m not saying there aren’t any saboteurs.”

The way we were-----Bee Gees - How Deep Is Your Love (1977)

Boob-tube-----THE OUTER LIMITS - Creation Of A Sci-Fi Classic !!

Protester Smears Menstrual Bloody Mess in Kavanaugh Hearing - The Shad Olson Show

Protester Smears Menstrual Bloody Mess in Kavanaugh Hearing - The Shad Olson Show
"The bloody deranged left: A woman resists Capitol security attempts to remove her from the Kavanaugh committee hearing even as she apparently menstruates all over her clothing and chair.
As cameras cut away and committee members struggled to restore order to the Senate Judiciary Committee chamber, Americans were left in the dark as to the full disgusting detail of last week’s militant leftist protests that disrupted confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh...

The incident is a continuation of an apparent feminist obsession with their own menstrual blood, with multiple feminist demonstrations featuring hordes of women smeared with their own excretions and multiple feminist artists mocking Trump with portraiture and caricature created by finger-painting in their own menstrual blood."
Read all.

Kennesaw State cheerleader who knelt for Anthem sues for 'violation of civil rights' - The College Fix

Kennesaw State cheerleader who knelt for Anthem sues for 'violation of civil rights' - The College Fix
Image result for Tommia Dean"A Kennesaw State University cheerleader who, along with four teammates, had knelt for the National Anthem during a football game in September of
last year, is suing school and state officials for violating her civil rights.
In her complaint, Tommia Dean alleges Georgia State Representative Earl Ehrhart and Cobb County Sheriff Neil Warren conspired with KU President Sam Olens and two athletic directors to keep her and her peers off the field during the playing of the Anthem.
The Sentinel reports:
“By prohibiting the cheerleaders, including Plaintiff Dean, from taking the field and kneeling during the national anthem, Defendant Olens, Whitlock and Griffin in conspiracy under the pretext of improving the fan experience and acting under color of state law, violated Plaintiff Dean’s clearly established constitutional rights of which a reasonable person and government official would have known,” the complaint states.
Dean has suffered from migraine headaches and emotional distress, and is suing for monetary damages for “the violation of her constitutional rights...”
Read on.

Byron York: When a foreign adversary meddled in a presidential election

Byron York: When a foreign adversary meddled in a presidential election:

Image result for Bill and Hillary Clinton DancingThe country doing the meddling, of course, was China, and the presidential candidate was Bill Clinton, who was already in the White House and seeking re-election in 1996.
Looking back on press accounts from the era, it's striking how brazen a number of the players were as they went about the task of funneling illegal foreign donations to the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. The names have been mostly forgotten now -- Charlie Trie, John Huang, Johnny Chung -- but the record remains.

Potentially BIG!!-----Experimental cancer vaccine combo has 100% success rate in mice

Experimental cancer vaccine combo has 100% success rate in mice:
Image result for melanoma."A promising new cancer vaccine has shown the ability to ward off, and stop the return, of aggressive cancer cells.
By adding a molecule called Diprovocim to a vaccine, researchers report being able to draw cancer-fighting cells to tumor sites in mice.
It works in conjunction with other cancer-treatment therapies to stop some aggressive, and often deadly, forms of cancer, like melanoma.
...the researchers discovered the mice given the combination of Diprovocim and the vaccine had a 100 percent survival rate of over 54 days.
When researchers attempted to re-introduce the tumor in mice, “it wouldn’t take,” says Professor Boger.
“The animal is already vaccinated against it.”...
Read all!

Best read of the month, so far!-----Is Trump Chaos an Impeachable Offense | National Review

Is Trump Chaos an Impeachable Offense | National Review

  • Trump is destabilizing the status quo, as he promised to do. 
  • The keepers of the status quo cry foul.

"Until 2017, there were certain political assumptions that most people no longer really believed but also preferred not to question — given the likely animus from the so-called bipartisan establishment, a naked entity which, by convention, we all agreed was splendidly clothed.

  • China could freely cheat on trade, and the U.S. could take the commercial hit, because one day its misbegotten riches would force liberalization and thereby make China a member in good standing of the family of democratic nations...
  • NATO member nations always would promise, indeed swear, that they would meet their military spending commitments..
  • The Palestinians will always remain “refugees” in a way that similar contemporaneously displaced people who were also forced out of their homeland — Prussians, Jews of the Middle East, or Volga Germans — no longer have refugee status, after more than 70 years...
  • Much more-read all!

...The list of status quo absurdities is nearly limitless...
Again, the stance toward all these paradoxes was that it was more of a problem to tell the truth, address reality, and make the necessary difficult adjustments than to shrug, continue on, and maintain the façade of normality. 
Then a president came along with no prior investment in the economic and foreign-policy establishment, and apparently no desire to create any, or to worry much about his own ignorance of past conventional wisdom. 
And so in breakneck speed he began cancelling deals, renegotiating asymmetrical agreements, and questioning protocols of decades past — and he did so without adopting the comportment of past presidents and the advice of either the administrative state or the Washington political-media establishment.
The ensuing reaction was that the Trump medicine was said to be worse than the preexisting disease, although no one could really explain why that was so.
So we are left only with “Trump did it,” and therefore he should be impeached, declared insane, sued, forced to resign...
And he made changes in a rude and uncouth manner that the establishment did not like — just as a nude emperor in invisible clothes does not like it when an outsider observes that he is naked."

Lunch video-----What Is Net Neutrality?

Wondermark Archive #1423; The Cossack Gone Astray

Wondermark  Archive  #1423; The Cossack Gone Astray
Turns out you can weave a LOT of Chekhov short story titles into 17 short lines of dialogue

See civility on parade: Waters threatens Trump supporters ‘all the time’

See civility on parade: Waters threatens Trump supporters ‘all the time’:

Image result for flickr commons images maxine watersThe civility of the left is on display in two new videos featuring Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., threatening Vice President Mike Pence and assuring her fans she threatens Trump supporters “all the time,” along with an actress demanding to know “Where’s John Wilkes Booth when you need him?”
The suggestion that someone assassinate a president came from Broadway star Carole Cook.
Waters’ mantra has been “impeachment” since President Donald Trump was elected by the American people.
But now she’s gone further, explaining it’s not just the president that she threatens.

Who Had the Bright Idea of Transferring Men to Women’s Prisons? | Intellectual Takeout

Who Had the Bright Idea of Transferring Men to Women’s Prisons? | Intellectual Takeout
Who Had the Bright Idea of Transferring Men to Women̢۪s Prisons?"The other day I was told by a rheumatologist working for the National Health Service that there was a note in my records recommending me for a PSA test (a marker for prostate disease) because of my age.
A PSA test for a woman? 
What is going on in the NHS?
Ah, but the note had a rider: though not appropriate for a woman, the test was necessary “if the patient was transgender".
Clearly, being married to a man, having smear tests and giving birth to three children can no longer be seen as accurate guides to anyone’s “gender”.
This kind of loopiness is relatively harmless.
What happened in New Hall Prison for women in northern England is not.
In a case reported in the British media last week, a convicted rapist sexually assaulted four women in the jail between September and November last year.
Why was he in a women’s jail? 
Because “he” was really a “she”, or so he/she said, and so authoritatively that prison authorities believed him/her..."
Read on.