Saturday, September 15, 2018

#1 This day 1989-----Gloria Estefan - Don't Wanna Lose You

They even lie about weather!-----Hilarious! @weatherchannel reporter fakes intensity of #HurricaneFlorence wind – gets caught | Watts Up With That?

Hilarious! @weatherchannel reporter fakes intensity of #HurricaneFlorence wind – gets caught | Watts Up With That?
Hilarious! @weatherchannel reporter fakes intensity of #HurricaneFlorence wind – gets caught

You ought to know!

Why Medicare for All is a rotten deal for most

Why Medicare for All is a rotten deal for most:

Image result for Pinocchio ArtFor starters, it will rip away private health coverage from half of all Americans, including the 157 million who get their insurance the old-fashioned way — earning it through a job.
Conveniently, the Dems are forgetting to tell you that private insurance will be banned under their scheme, and employers will be barred from covering workers or their families.
Union members and executives who bargained for gold-plated private plans will lose them and have to settle for the same one-size-fits-all public coverage as people who refuse to work at all. Just for equality’s sake. Even illegal immigrants will get the same benefits. What’s the point of working?

Volunteer/paid positions for Election Day Tuesday Nov. 6, 2018

Click to Home
Election Inspector-Paid position-ALL DAY! (these are the election day poll workers)
  •  Election Inspector-Muskegon County (Pay, location and hours vary)
Training--Wed. Oct 3/2018
Need to return form by Sep. 24! (link has all info and form)
FREE 3 Hour Training required!
Training for the November 6, 2018 General Election
Election Inspectors are people who are paid to assist voters at the polls on Election Day. 
Once training is completed, participants will receive a certificate which will qualifiy them to work any election in the state of Michigan for through July 2020.    
SessionDay(s)                                  TimesDates                     Location
Morning Session 9:00 AM — 12:00 PM -Muskegon Innovation Hub 200 Viridian Drive Muskegon, MI 49440
Afternoon Session 1:00 PM — 4:00 PM -Muskegon Innovation Hub 200 Viridian Drive Muskegon, MI 49440
  • Election Inspector-City of Muskegon ($10.50/hr. All Day approx. 6AM-10PM)
Training---TBD-Late Oct.
Free 2 Hour Training required
Training for the November 6, 2018 General Election
Election Inspectors are people who are paid to assist voters at the polls on Election Day. 
Once training is completed, participants will receive a certificate which will qualify them to work any election in the state of Michigan for through July 2020.    

Election Day Poll Challenger
  •  Election Day Poll Challenger (Volunteer position-no pay.)

Contact Muskegon County Republican Party, Libertarian or Democrat Party
You pick hours and precinct location to volunteer
Free on-line training required-TBD-Contact your local political party.
This position is for you to officially view election day proceedings and, if observed, report issues to officials.

AM Fruitcake

History for September 15

See the source image
History for September 15 -
James Fenimore Cooper 1789, William H. Taft (U.S.) 1857, Agatha Christie 1890
Image result for James Fenimore Cooper QuotesImage result for William H. TaftImage result for gatha Christie

Jean Renoir 1894, Oliver Stone 1946, Tommy Lee Jones 1946
Image result for Jean Renoir 1866Image result for Natural Born Killers MovieImage result for Tommy Lee Jones Younger

1935 - The Nuremberg Laws were enacted by Nazi Germany. The act stripped all German Jews of their civil rights and the swastika was made the official symbol of Nazi Germany.
Image result for The Nuremberg Laws

1940 - The German Luftwaffe suffered the loss of 185 planes in the Battle of Britain. The change in tide forced Hitler to abandon his plans for invading Britain.
Image result for Battle of Britain.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Joe DiGenova: Latest Strzok-Page texts reveal criminal and civil liability of many officials – 'they are going down'

Joe DiGenova: Latest Strzok-Page texts reveal criminal and civil liability of many officials – 'they are going down':

Image result for Joe Di Genova Former Federal ProsecutorThe former U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, Joe DiGenova, knows what he is talking about when it comes to legal liability, and he has the guts to lay out in straight talk what really happened with the conspiracy to swing a presidential election, cover up the effort, and take out a duly elected president. Last night, on Sean Hannity's show, he explained the fate awaiting not just the Strzok-Page lovebirds, but a range of officials, including James Comey. The five minutes or so, including a bonus comment by David Limbaugh, of the video embedded below offers a very rewarding payoff for your time.

Rep. Jordan: 13 Different FBI Agents Were Working with One Reporter

Rep. Jordan: 13 Different FBI Agents Were Working with One Reporter:

Image result for flickr commons images Rep. Jim JordanNewly revealed text messages show Strzok discussing media leaks with his paramour, former FBI attorney Lisa Page. “I had literally just gone to find this phone to tell you I want to talk to you about media leak strategy with DOJ before you go,” one of the texts reads.
“The term ‘media leak strategy’ in Mr. Strzok’s text refers to a Department-wide initiative to detect and stop leaks to the media," Aitan Goelman, Strzok's attorney, said on Tuesday. “The president and his enablers are once again peddling unfounded conspiracy theories to mislead the American people.”

The way we were-----Number One Songs of 1978 - Billboard Hot 100

Boob-tube-----The Life and Times of Grizzly Adams 27

Hurricane Florence is not climate change or global warning. It’s just the weather–Roy Spencer | NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT

Hurricane Florence is not climate change or global warning. It’s just the weather–Roy Spencer | NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT
"...Writing for NBC News, Kristina Dahl contended, “With each new storm, we are forced to question whether this is our new, climate change-fueled reality, and to ask ourselves what we can do to minimize the toll from supercharged storms.”
...But like most claims regarding global warming, the real effect is small, probably temporary, and most likely due to natural weather patterns. 
Any changes in hurricanes over 70 years, even if real, can easily be part of natural cycles — or incomplete data...
...Until 2017, the United States went 11 years without a major hurricane strike — something that is statistically very improbable. 
Nine years into that 11-year hurricane drought, a NASA scientist computed it as a 1-in-177-year event.
My point is that nature varies, and unusual things happen sometimes.
Now it’s fashionable to blame stalling hurricanes on global warming...
...Well, aren’t we being told these storms are getting stronger on average? 
The answer is no. 
The 30 most costly hurricanes in U.S. history (according to federal data from January) show no increase in intensity over time. 
The monetary cost of damages has increased dramatically in recent decades, but that is due to increasing population, wealth and the amount of vulnerable infrastructure. 
It’s not due to stronger storms.
If humans have any influence on hurricanes at all, it probably won’t be evident for many decades to come. Natural variability is simply too large. 
This should not be surprising given that humanity’s greenhouse gas emissions have caused only a 1 percent change in the natural energy flows coursing through the climate system."

Michael Moore Accused of Stiffing, Smearing Vendors: ‘All I Would Like Is to Be Paid’

See the source imageMichael Moore Accused of Stiffing, Smearing Vendors: ‘All I Would Like Is to Be Paid’
"Last week ...Michael Moore debuted his latest film, Fahrenheit 11/9.
...Simultaneously, critics of the documentarian are calling hypocrisy, insisting that Moore’s conduct is at odds with his reputation as a champion of the people.
In early June, Boston Light & Sound, Inc. filed a lawsuit against Moore’s Traverse City Film Festival.
In the claim, BL&S stated that a total payment of $256,500 had been due by September 30, 2017, for their work on the 2017 film festival. 
...However, rather than paying the contract balance, or any part thereof, in response to demand letters, TCFF attempted to avoid fulfilling its contractual obligation and the debt incurred by threatening to distribute false and defamatory stories to harm BL&S’ good name and business relationships.” 
The Traverse City Film Festival has denied these allegations..."

The USA Just Became The World's Largest Oil Producer

Image result for flickr commons images U.S. Oil DrillersThe USA Just Became The World's Largest Oil Producer:

The U.S. surpassed Saudi Arabia to become the world’s largest producer of crude oil, according to preliminary estimates from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

Media Politicize Florence, Blame Trump for Storms, Predict Mass Death :: Grabien News

Media Politicize Florence, Blame Trump for Storms, Predict Mass Death :: Grabien News
"Hurricane Florence is now bearing down on North Carolina, and the media is looking to score political points.
On MSNBC, host Chris Hayes invited meteorologist Eric Holthaus on to argue global warming is making hurricanes worse, and that President Trump is to blame.
See the source image"We have a president that is denying the impacts of, you know, this hurricane season last year and this year and actively making the problem worse by, you know, not addressing this root cause of worsening storms,” Holthaus told to a nodding Hayes.
On CNN, political analyst John Avlon, in a segment titled "Reality Check," suggested Trump is at fault for Hurricane Florence, and that his climate policies could kill up to 80,000 people per decade...
In the Washington Post, the paper editorialized that Trump is "complicit" in Hurricane Florence's anticipated destruction. 
"When it comes to extreme weather, Mr. Trump is complicit," the editors wrote...
Read all.

TWO DAYS LATER: CNN Has Still Not Done A Story About Farzad Fazeli Who Attempted To Stab Republican Candidate

TWO DAYS LATER: CNN Has Still Not Done A Story About Farzad Fazeli Who Attempted To Stab Republican Candidate
"It has been two days since a man named Farzad Fazeli tried to stab Republican congressional candidate Rudy Peters with a switchblade and CNN has still not covered the story.
Peter Hasson posted this report at the Daily Caller yesterday:
More than 24 hours after authorities announced the arrest of a California man who allegedly tried to stab a Republican congressional candidate, CNN has yet to inform its audience of the story.
Farzad Fazeli, 35, allegedly made disparaging remarks about the Republican Party before pulling out a switchblade and attempting to stab Rudy Peters at a festival Sunday, according to the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office…
But by Wednesday evening, CNN had published zero articles on the attempted stabbing. A Daily Caller News Foundation review of CNN’s on-air coverage Tuesday and Wednesday found zero segments informing viewers of the attack.
As of this morning, there’s still nothing. See the screen cap below:

Do you think CNN would ignore this story if the political roles were reversed? 
Imagine if a Trump supporter tried to stab a Democrat candidate for Congress. 
Does anyone believe CNN would ignore that? 
They would likely turn it into a lead story and run it for days."

Lunch video-----What Happens When Democrats Run Your State?


Ted Cruz Renews Call to Designate Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Group | Homeland Security

Ted Cruz Renews Call to Designate Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Group | Homeland Security:

Image result for flickr commons images Muslim BrotherhoodThe men and women here know the Muslim Brotherhood’s motto is "Jihad is our way and dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope." This is who some in the press and some in the political world urge us to think of as a moderate group. Well, read the Brotherhood’s explanatory memorandum on the general strategic goal for the Brotherhood in North America. It says, "the process of settlement is a civilization jihad process. The Muslim Brotherhood must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believer."
Muslim Brotherhood does not hide that they are a terrorist organization.
Here’s what the Department of Justice said about the Muslim Brotherhood during the Holy Land Foundation trial: "The government’s case includes testimony that in the early 1990’s, Hamas’ parent organization, the Muslim Brotherhood, planned to establish a network of organizations within the U.S. to spread a militant Islamist message and to raise money for Hamas."

UC Boulder labels 'illegal alien' a 'problematic phrase'

UC Boulder labels 'illegal alien' a 'problematic phrase'
  • The University of Colorado-Boulder added "inclusive" terms to its library catalog to expand beyond the "problematic" term "illegal aliens"
  • The "more ethical" search terms include "noncitizen" and "undocumented immigrants."
The University of Colorado-Boulder has removed the term  “illegal aliens” from its library catalog in favor of “more ethical subject headings” to foster an “inclusive atmosphere.”
Library subject headings are used to help researchers find relevant material by using certain keywords. 
Now, at UC Boulder, student researchers can use terms like “noncitizen,” and “undocumented immigrants” to find documents that previously were only identified by the legal designation of “illegal alien.”...
Read on.