Sunday, September 16, 2018

#1 This day 1998-----Aerosmith - I Don't Want to Miss a Thing (Video)

USAID Spends $89.7 Million Finding Jobs for 55 Afghan Women

USAID Spends $89.7 Million Finding Jobs for 55 Afghan Women
'It is unclear whether the agency can deliver the opportunities it promised the women of Afghanistan'
See the source imageA federal government program to promote gender equality in Afghanistan and help women find employment is costing taxpayers over $200 million but has only found jobs for 55 women.
The United States Agency for International Development program promised to "empower 75,000 women" but so far has shown little progress, according to a new report released by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR).
"It is unclear whether the agency can deliver the opportunities it promised the women of Afghanistan," the inspector general said..."
Read all.

You ought to know!

Deja vu: Kerry accused of ‘shameful’ shadow diplomacy with Iran

Deja vu: Kerry accused of ‘shameful’ shadow diplomacy with Iran:

Image result for Flicker Commons Images John KerryEchoing accusations five decades ago that he conducted unauthorized diplomacy with communist Vietnamese leaders in Paris, John Kerry is being accused by a Trump administration official of trying to undermine the president by conducting “shadow diplomacy” with Iranian officials to salvage the nuclear deal.
Kerry has admitted in promotions for his new book, “Every Day Is Extra,” that he still speaks with European and Iranian diplomats

The Emerging Victimhood Culture is Scary | Intellectual Takeout

The Emerging Victimhood Culture is Scary | Intellectual Takeout
"By now you’ve most likely heard about the increasingly sanitized, PC culture that is coming to predominate on college campuses. 
And on a weekly basis you witness a public figure self-immolate in an attempt to quell the frenzied demand of a mob for an apology.
So what’s going on?
A recent scholarly paper from Bradley Campbell and Jason Manning—“Microaggression and Moral Cultures”—claims these trends are indicative of the emergence of a “victimhood culture” in America.
See the source image...But now, we have the victimhood culture. Quoting Campbell and Manning, Friedersdorf explains this as
“characterized by concern with status and sensitivity to slight combined with a heavy reliance on third parties. People are intolerant of insults, even if unintentional, and react by bringing them to the attention of authorities or to the public at large. Domination is the main form of deviance, and victimization a way of attracting sympathy, so rather than emphasize either their strength or inner worth, the aggrieved emphasize their oppression and social marginalization.
Victimhood cultures emerge in settings, like today’s college campuses..."
Read all. 

AM Fruitcake

History for September 16

See the source image
History for September 16 -
B.B. King 1925, Peter Falk 1927, Mickey Rourke 1956 
Image result for B.B. KingImage result for Peter FalkImage result for mickey rourke

David Copperfield 1956, Marc Anthony 1968, Nick Jonas 1992 - Singer, actor
Image result for David Copperfield IllusionistImage result for Marc AnthonyImage result for Nick Jonas

1908 - General Motors was founded by William Crapo "Billy" Durant. The company was formed by merging the Buick and Olds car companies.
Image result for William Crapo "Billy" Durant

1968 - "The Andy Griffith Show" was seen for the final time on CBS.
Image result for 1968 - "The Andy Griffith Show" was seen for the final time on CBS.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Give Trump the Nobel Prize for Economics | RealClearPolitics

Give Trump the Nobel Prize for Economics | RealClearPolitics:

Image result for Flicker Commons Images nobel prize in economicsAnd what is the result of all this "chaos" and "mayhem" in the White House that the media is in such a frenzy about? Well, as we learned last week, we now have the lowest number of American workers on unemployment insurance since Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, the biggest manufacturing boom in 14 years, the lowest black unemployment rate ever recorded, and an economy that is growing at 4.4 percent this quarter, on top of 4.2 percent growth last quarter.
The surging Trump economy is arguably the news story of the decade and yet it is covered, if at all, as a ho-hum yawner.

The way we were-----Cilla Black - Anyone Who Had A Heart (Live)

Boob-tube-----Debbie Harry & Kermit The Frog - Rainbow Connection

Students Learn About Bullied Boy Named “Osama” on 9/11 | Todd Starnes

Students Learn About Bullied Boy Named “Osama” on 9/11 | Todd Starnes
"While most Americans were commemorating the victims of the September 11th terrorist attacks, a group of boys and girls at Glen Meadow Middle School were learning about a bullied Muslim boy named Osama.
Marine veteran Ed O’Rourke tells the New Jersey Herald that he found out by accident about the lesson in his daughter’s sixth grade social studies class.
“I thought it was a joke,” he told the newspaper. “I couldn’t believe it.”
The short story, “My Name is Osama,” was first published by the National Council for the Social Studies. 
The lesson is intended to teach children about bullying and tolerance.
According to Education World the fictionalized story is about an Iraqi boy named Osama whose family moves to the United States and endures bullying after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
There were no lessons that day on the Islamic radicals who waged jihad on our nation. 
There were no lessons about the heroes of that day. 
There were no stories about the Navy SEALs who took out the real Osama.
Talk about tone deaf...
And in the process, these left wing propagandists disguised as public school teachers are poisoning the minds of our children right under our noses. 
And to rub salt in our wounds – they’re using our tax dollars to fund their nefarious schemes."

Letter: A case against the National Popular Vote

Letter: A case against the National Popular Vote
See the source image"In contrast with the views expressed by The Detroit News in the Sept. 9 editorial, "Michigan should pass National Popular Vote," I believe it is important for Michigan to avoid jumping on the National Popular Vote train.
In the 2016 presidential election, Michigan turned red for the first time since 1988 and voted to allocate all 16 of our electors to President Trump. Hillary Clinton would have gained these electors if National Popular Vote were the law of the land. In this light, could support for this initiative be a referendum against President Trump? In short, I don’t believe so, but it is likely a referendum against the free-thinking citizens who put Trump into office.
During my eight years in the Michigan Senate, I learned a very salient truth. If there is one thing that unifies establishment politicians, it is control. In addition to pushing policies that increase their control over our lives, they like to ensure the election of themselves or their establishment “friends." They value control above party, above principle and, above all, above the views of our citizens.
My contention is that the popular vote at its heart is all about control..."
Read all! 
State Sen. Patrick Colbeck--R-Canton Township 

Democrats sputter lies like they have Tourette's syndrome - Washington Times

Democrats sputter lies like they have Tourette's syndrome - Washington Times:

Image result for free clip art Liar Liar pants on fireIn just the past few days, there was Sen. Kamala Harris and her utterly deceptive tweet of Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh’s characterization of birth control as “abortion-inducing drugs,” a phrase that he only used as a direct quote of another, the Priests for Life. Harris, in an outright lie, attributed the quote directly to Kavanaugh, saying he “was nominated for the purpose of taking away a woman’s constitutionally protected right to” choose, and that, “make no mistake — this is about punishing women.”
Lie, lie, lie. Democrats seem to churn them out like they have Tourette’s syndrome, like they simply can’t stop themselves.

How our government spends our money--Budget Outline

How our government spends our money--Budget Outline
A long list of budget requests and Congress approvals.
Take a look.
Science--Total funding: $28.5 billion

  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration-Trump administration requested a 16% cut-Congress increased the funding by 4%, to a total of almost $6 billion
  • National Science Foundation-Trump administration requested an 11% cut-Congress increased their budget by 4%, to a total of $7.7 billion

Trump Is Right! Stockpile of Bottled Water Found Hidden in Puerto Rico - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Trump Is Right! Stockpile of Bottled Water Found Hidden in Puerto Rico - The Rush Limbaugh Show:

Image result for flickr commons images Bottled Water
RUSH: One of the things that… You know, Trump yesterday was talking about how great the United States response was to the hurricane in Puerto Rico. The media’s outraged. The media can’t stand it! The media’s livid! “How dare Trump say that our response was magnificent!” It was, and so was our response to Hurricane Katrina! Despite all the conventions. You know what’s been found in Puerto Rico?

Lunch video-----Steve Bannon's Trump @ War Trailer

Noon-toon-----Wondermark Archive #1424; In which the Stacks hold Facts

Wondermark � Archive � #1424; In which the Stacks hold Facts
'The Scarlet Herring' seemed like it was gonna be pretty good, but then it never really went anywhere.

Brett Kavanaugh's Opponents Aren't Really Against Him. They're Against the Constitution.

Brett Kavanaugh's Opponents Aren't Really Against Him. They're Against the Constitution.:

Image result for flickr commons images U.S. ConstitutionIf confirmed, Brett Kavanaugh will bring to the Supreme Court a vision closer to that of the Framers than the vision of those who believe that the Constitution is a “living document.”
Those Americans rallying against Kavanaugh’s confirmation are really against the Constitution rather than the man—Kavanaugh—whom I believe would take seriously his oath of office to uphold and defend the Constitution.

Victor Davis Hanson--Demonization of Nunes Is a Window into Our Times – American Greatness

Demonization of Nunes Is a Window into Our Times – American Greatness
"Much of what we now know about the unethical and often illegal behavior of the FBI, CIA, National Security Agency, and Department of Justice emerged due to the efforts of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. 
Its chairman during its stunning disclosures has been Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), who in turn has been constantly demonized for his efforts.
Yet without the committee’s digging, Americans would not have known 

  • that Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee paid for an unsubstantiated 2016 dossier on Donald Trump compiled by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele.
  • ...the FBI and Justice Department used unverified information from the Steele dossier to obtain a warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court allowing for the surveillance of former Trump campaign aide Carter Page.
  • ...Americans would not have had any idea that Bruce Ohr, who once ranked fourth in the Department of Justice hierarchy, coordinated opposition research on Trump with Steele, the FBI and Fusion GPS. Ohr took this unethical step because his wife was working for Fusion GPS—a fact that was withheld on federal disclosure forms.
  • ...uncovered the names of prominent FBI and Justice Department officials—including James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Rod Rosenstein, and Sally Yates—who had approved FISA court warrant applications that were based on the largely discredited Steele dossier.
  • Most dramatically, we learned that members of the Obama Administration had unmasked the names of U.S. citizens swept up in government surveillance. Many of those names were illegally leaked to the press. This disclosure forced former U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power and former National Security Adviser Susan Rice to confess that they had requested most of the unmaskings. Rice had previously denied it.
  • The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence also confirmed that FBI agents had interviewed former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and did not think he had lied to them concerning his contact with a top Russian diplomat.

No one so far has refuted the committee’s findings
Yet Chairman Nunes has become the subject of unprecedented venom, largely because a spate of further embarrassing scandals at the FBI, Justice Department, and CIA have resulted from his committee’s findings.
...More ironies abound. 
Prior to 2016, Nunes was praised by both conservatives and liberals for his warnings to the Obama Administration about the dangers from Russian cyberattacks and meddling in U.S. affairs...
The demonization of Nunes is a window into our times. 

  • We hunt for mythical Russian collusion while foreign collusion between Christopher Steele and his Russian sources is ignored. 
  • Progressives who claim an affinity for the middle classes demonize farmers as hicks. 
  • A supposedly noble press prints fake news and traces down someone’s long-dead great-grandmother to suggest divided loyalties.

The real question is not why today’s jaded media go to such lengths to slander Nunes, but why they are so afraid of him."
Read it all!

Pot Stocks Tumble On Report Of Possible Lifetime Travel Ban For Toking Canadians | Zero Hedge

Pot Stocks Tumble On Report Of Possible Lifetime Travel Ban For Toking Canadians | Zero Hedge
"Update: And just like that, marijuana stocks are careening lower after hours, following Politico report that all Canadians, especially those working in the pot sector, risk lifetime travel bans to the US, according to a senior official overseeing US border operations. 
See the source image
Here’s exactly how it would work at the border: CBP officials are not planning to go out of their way to interrogate every Canadian traveler about marijuana use. However, other factors may cause them to raise the topic.
“Our officers are not going to be asking everyone whether they have used marijuana, but if other questions lead there — or if there is a smell coming from the car, they might ask,” Owen said. Likewise, marijuana residue, which can linger for weeks inside a car, could be detected by CBP inspection dogs and lead to further questioning, he noted. If asked about past drug use, travelers should not lie, he said. “If you lie about it, that’s fraud and misrepresentation, which carries a lifetime ban,” Owen said.
If a traveler admits to past use of any illegal drugs, including marijuana, the traveler will be found to be inadmissible into the United States. CBP typically will allow them the opportunity to “voluntary withdraw” from the border — or face an “expedited removal.” -Politico
Canadians who work in the marijuana industry will not be permitted to enter the US. 
Read on.