Wednesday, September 19, 2018

You ought to know!

The Problem of Identity Politics and Its Solution - Imprimis

The Problem of Identity Politics and Its Solution - Imprimis:

Image result for wikicommons images Irving KristolUnder the new leftist dispensation, the study of English became the application of critical and literary theory to disparate texts so as to uncover the hidden power relations they concealed. The study of history became the study of social history or “people’s history,” the record of Western Civilization’s oppression of various groups. And popping up everywhere were new departments of “studies”: African-American Studies, Women’s Studies, Queer Studies, Chicano Studies, Gender Studies, and so on. “What these radicals blandly call multiculturalism,” wrote Irving Kristol,

is as much a “war against the West” as Nazism and Stalinism ever were. Under the guise of multiculturalism, their ideas—whose radical substance often goes beyond the bounds of the political into sheer fantasy—are infiltrating our educational system at all levels.

FLASHBACK: Remember When ‘View’ Hosts Dismissed Rape Claims against Liberals?

FLASHBACK: Remember When ‘View’ Hosts Dismissed Rape Claims against Liberals?
"The co-hosts of The View...
See the source imageOn a day like this, it’s important to remember that these hosts are hypocrites who have a double standard when it comes to sex accusations...
On another occasion, Behar referred to the women who bravely stepped forward to tell their stories about Clinton as “tramps.”  
On September 29, 2009, while discussing the child rape charges against director Roman Polanski, a man who is now facing a fifth accusation of sexual assault against a childView co-host Whoopi Goldberg dismissed the 1977 incident:I know it wasn’t rape-rape.” 
Contrasting the U.S. to Europe, she added: “We're a different kind of society. We see things differently. The world sees 13 year olds and 14 year olds in the rest of Europe... not everybody agrees with the way we see things...” 
Read on.

AM Fruitcake

History for September 19

See the source image
History for September 19 -
Sir William Golding 1911, Adam West 1928 - Actor (TV: "Batman"), Mike Royko 1932
Image result for Sir William Golding Quotes Image result for Adam WestImage result for Mike Royko Quotes

"Mama" Cass Elliott (The Mamas and Papas) 1943, Freda Payne 1945, Jeremy Irons 1948 - Actor
Image result for Mama" Cass ElliottImage result for 1973 Freda PayneImage result for Jeremy Irons Younger

1777 - The Battle of Saratoga was won by American soldiers during the Revolutionary War.
Image result for Battle of Saratoga

1876 - Melville R. Bissell patented the carpet sweeper.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Nunes Expects to Release 70 Witness Depositions Taken by His Committee in the 'Next Few Weeks'

Nunes Expects to Release 70 Witness Depositions Taken by His Committee in the 'Next Few Weeks':

Image result for flickr commons images Devin NunesThey also used planted news stories to corroborate the -- the dossier in front of the court. So they went to the court and said, look, look at these news stories, Judge. They actually match this dossier, never telling the court that actually, no, those were planted news stories by the Clinton campaign and the FBI.
So these -- these people are really dirty. I hope that we continue to get all of this information out before the election, so that people know just how sick this Russia Kool-Aid that's been poured upon the American people, how bad it's really been.

The way we were-----Frank Sinatra and Jose Jose - New York New York

Boob-tube-----Manhunt in Space 1954 Rocky Jones

Furious and fuming: Broadcasters saturate airwaves with adjectives to portray Trump as unstable - Washington Times

Furious and fuming: Broadcasters saturate airwaves with adjectives to portray Trump as unstable - Washington Times
"Broadcasters have a very limited lexicon when it comes to describing President Trump according to a 9-month study of the exact words used in major broadcast coverage. 
Mr. Trump is primarily described as angry, fuming and outraged — and it’s a calculated strategy.
“TV news reporters have saturated the airwaves with subjective language about the President’s emotional state, most of it casting him as an out-of-control hothead,” wrote Rich Noyes and Bill D’Agostino, both senior analysts for, a conservative press watchdog.
See the source imageThey looked at every single broadcast evening news story about the president from Jan. 1 through Sept. 10, then tallied the number of times these bombastic terms were used.
“Broadcast journalists were most likely to describe the President as angry, often using highly-charged words to paint him as unhinged or out-of-control,” the analysts said. 
“Viewers heard Trump variously described as ‘furious’ (17 times), ‘fuming’ (14), ‘outraged’ (8), ‘venting’ (5), ‘infuriated’ (5), ‘livid’ (3), ‘enraged’ (3), ‘seething’ (2), or just plain-old ‘angry’ (23).
“When Trump communicated, he was said to be ‘lashing out’ (53), on a ‘tirade’ (8), ‘blasting’ (5), or ‘erupting’ (3),” they wrote. 
“The President was also ‘on the warpath,’ ‘volcanic,’ ‘unglued,’ ‘spoiling for a fight”’and even ‘went ballistic,’ according to reporters at various times this year.”..."
Read on.

$50 million sexual harassment lawsuit shines light on Columbia’s staff-student sex policy - The College Fix

$50 million sexual harassment lawsuit shines light on Columbia’s staff-student sex policy - The College Fix:
"Staff apparently not forbidden from pursuing romantic or sexual relationships with students
Columbia University’s policy on sexual and romantic relationships between students and staff appears to permit those relationships even when there is a “supervisory, advisory or mentoring context.”
...The elite university’s policy came to light after the dean of students at the university’s School of General Studies. Harford was fired for “unacceptable” conduct, the school said last month.
firing of Tom Harford, the
...filed a federal lawsuit against both Harford and Columbia on behalf of unnamed student Jane Doe, who alleged sexual harassment by Harford.
Doe is seeking $50 million in damages.
...The suit claims that, following this, Harford “used his power and influence at Columbia to coerce Doe into an inappropriate sexual and romantic relationship.”
Further, it also states that Harford told stories about his “violent past” in order to “intimidate” Doe, and that the dean exploited her reliance on scholarship funding as “bait” to keep her in the relationship.
The alleged relationship itself may have been permissible under university policy..."
Read on.

The legacy of Barack Obama (and it's not a good one)

Image result for flickr commons images obamaThe legacy of Barack Obama (and it's not a good one):

But as we look back on the eight years that Obama served as president, we see a much different picture — a picture that’s certainly historic, but for all the wrong reasons.

Attacks On Republicans: Hatemongers On The Left Are Fomenting Increased Violence | Investor's Business Daily

Attacks On Republicans: Hatemongers On The Left Are Fomenting Increased Violence | Investor's Business Daily
Eliminationist Rhetoric: What will it take before virulent Trump-haters admit that their increasingly violent rhetoric is putting lives in danger? 
Attacks on Republicans over the past few days show that the time for the left's reckoning is drawing near.
See the source imageIn case you haven't heard — which would not be surprising, given the general media blackout on such events — attacks on Republicans are increasing and increasingly dangerous.
In just the past few days:

  • A California resident attacked California GOP congressional candidate Rudy Peters with a switchblade. Witnesses said the assailant was spewing profanity-laced remarks about Trump and the Republican Party.
  • A Republican Party office in Laramie, Wyoming caught fire — in what officials suspect was arson — just days after it opened.
  • A deranged driver repeatedly rammed his truck into a local Fox News affiliate in Dallas, Texas.
  • Also this week, a leftist threatened to commit mass slaughter at a "Make America Great" event at Trump's hotel in DC. "I am coming with a gun and i expect to get numerous bloodstained MAGA hats as trophies," the unnamed Twitter account holder tweeted.

Breitbart started collecting examples of attacks on Republicans and Trump supporters in recent months. 
Their list is now over  550. 
In the past couple days...

  • Someone spat at a Hispanic immigrant woman wearing a Trump hat. 
  • A black man got kicked out of a bar for the same offense.
  • Then there are the repeated calls — either explicit or implicit — to attack Republicans coming from prominent journalists, politicians and celebrities. MSNBC's Joe Scarborough used the 17th anniversary of 9/11 to declare President Trump a bigger threat to America than terrorists who killed 2,977 on that day — to say nothing of the hundreds who died later from 9/11-related cancers..."

Read on.

More Yale freshmen identify as LGBTQ than conservative, survey finds - The College Fix

More Yale freshmen identify as LGBTQ than conservative, survey finds - The College Fix
"Queer freshmen greatly outnumber conservatives at the university, according to a survey
A Yale Daily News survey of freshmen students at that university found that more students of the class of 2022 identify on the LGBTQ spectrum than as conservative, and that queer freshmen even outnumber other sizable demographics in the class, such as Protestants and Catholics.
The paper’s survey, the results of which are composed of 864 respondents, or just over one-half of the freshman class, found that only nine percent of respondents identified as “somewhat conservative,” with one percent identifying as “very conservative.” 
LGBTQ respondents, on the other hand, greatly outnumberd conservatives in total: According to the survey, “nearly 5 percent [of respondents] identify as gay and just over 9 percent as bisexual or transsexual. 
...A 2018 Gallup poll estimated that 4.5 percent of all Americans identified as LGBTQ..."
Read on.

Lunch video------ Death of Revlon (Kara Hultgreen's 1994 F-14 Tomcat crash)


No, Trump’s Presidency Is Not Failed

No, Trump’s Presidency Is Not Failed:

Image result for flickr commons images president trumpTrump may have a different management style and he may throw out many ideas that are unconventional, but that is why he was elected – to shake the establishment to its core.  He has done that and that is why they hate him so.  It is also why many Americans love him.  Our country had ossified without anyone questioning the status quo on a direct line to government controlling every aspect of our lives.

Chelsea Clinton: 'As a Deeply Religious Person,' Banning Abortions 'Is UnChristian to Me'

Chelsea Clinton: 'As a Deeply Religious Person,' Banning Abortions 'Is UnChristian to Me'
"Chelsea Clinton has said that, as a "deeply religious person," the idea of America going back to a pre-Roe v. Wade society where abortions were banned is "unChristian."
..."Like that's unconscionable to me, and also, I'm sure that this will unleash another wave of hate in my direction, but as a deeply religious person, it's also unChristian to me," she added, referring to her Methodist faith.
...At the event, she seemed to suggest that the ability to have legal abortions has led to economic growth in the U.S..."
Watch the clip of Clinton's interview with SiriusXM below:

Fastest Manned Aircraft In History Blasts Past Mach 6 - How It Nearly Ended In Disaster - World War Wings

Fastest Manned Aircraft In History Blasts Past Mach 6 – How It Nearly Ended In Disaster | World War Wings VideosFastest Manned Aircraft In History Blasts Past Mach 6 - How It Nearly Ended In Disaster - World War Wings:
Fastest Manned Aircraft In History Blasts Past Mach 6 – How It Nearly Ended In Disaster

...On October 3rd, 1967 Major William “Pete” Knight took the flight of his life into a modified X-15A-2 and made history.
...However, the troubles began when it reached the world record speed. The heat-resistant coating began to tear off and internal temperatures reached over 3000 degrees. 
A dummy ramjet ripped off of the aircraft and created a hole for heat to seep inside blasting Major Knight..."
Read all!

#1 This day 1952-----Volare - Domenico Modugno - Nel blu dipinto di blu

The bright light of nuclear fusion might burn away climate doomsters’ fears | Watts Up With That?

The bright light of nuclear fusion might burn away climate doomsters’ fears | Watts Up With That?
"Summary: News from the frontiers of science, where the future is being built and the predictions of doomsters will be defeated. 
Also, see the last section: why has fusion always been 30 years away? 
And naming the people responsible for this failure.
“We think we have the science, speed and scale to put carbon-free fusion power on the grid in 15 years.”
— Robert Mumgaard, CEO of Commonwealth Fusion Systems (PhD in Nuclear Physics, MIT). Source: The Guardian, March 2018.
One of the great oddities of our time is the widespread belief that our CO2 emissions will destroy the Earth in the 21st century...
..It’s also unlikely, and widespread belief it is probability is stunning achievement of modern propaganda.
In the real world, the technology of energy generation and use advances rapidly. Although nuclear power is dying as an industry (destroyed by incompetence), solar tech is taking a growing share of the electric generation market. 
Steady improvements suggest that it has a big future (although less than dreamers believe)...

...The private sector sees profits in fusion power

The US government fusion program was funded since 1976 at levels far below that required to deliver results at at some indefinite date (“far out in time”; see the last section below). 
But decades of work have brought fusion to an important milestone. 
The growing interest of private investors – especially professional venture capitalists – marks the start of a new phase in the development of fusion power. 
These are smart business people expecting results soon, and putting money on the table..."
Read all.

Paths to fusion - by funding