Thursday, September 20, 2018

Chuck Grassley's Letter to Brett Kavanaugh's Accuser | National Review

Chuck Grassley's Letter to Brett Kavanaugh's Accuser | National Review:

Image result for flickr commons images Chuck GrassleySenate Judiciary Committee chairman Chuck Grassley sent a letter to Christine Blasey Ford’s attorney Wednesday making a final request that Ford attend a committee hearing scheduled for Monday and making clear that the FBI has no jurisdiction to investigate her claim prior to the hearing.
In the letter, Grassley explains that the Senate is charged with investigating the claim under its constitutional “advise and consent” duty.
“The FBI does not make a credibility assessment of any information it receives with respect to a nominee.

Feinstein Still Hasn’t Turned Over the Letter From Kavanaugh’s Accuser to Chuck Grassley

Feinstein Still Hasn’t Turned Over the Letter From Kavanaugh’s Accuser to Chuck Grassley:

Image result for Senator Dianne FeinsteinRanking Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee Dianne Feinstein is still refusing to turn over the unredacted version of a letter sent to her office in July. The letter is from Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault during a party in high school nearly 40 years ago.

North and South Korea Agree to Joint Search for Korean War Remains

North and South Korea Agree to Joint Search for Korean War Remains:

Image result for wikicommons images Panmunjom North and South Korean military officials agreed on Wednesday to conduct joint searches for the remains of Korean War soldiers, the first such cooperative project undertaken since the end of the war in 1953.
In a joint statement, officials from the two countries made a commitment to disarm the border village of Panmunjom by the end of October, beginning with the removal of landmines and some guard posts.

The way we were-----Detroit Spinners - Rubberband Man

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Chuck Todd: Maybe Kavanaugh Should Withdraw, Spare Country ‘Tinderbox’ Hearing

Chuck Todd: Maybe Kavanaugh Should Withdraw, Spare Country ‘Tinderbox’ Hearing
"Appearing on Tuesday’s Today show, Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd suggested that the best course of action for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh might just be to withdraw rather than defend himself against sexual assault allegations during a public Senate hearing scheduled for Monday. 
The NBC News Political Director feared that any hearing would be a “tinderbox” that could “erupt a culture war.”
“Chuck, tell us what your gut tells you about this nomination. Is this thing in real trouble do you think?,”asked co-host Hoda Kotb. 
Todd replied: “I definitely think it’s in trouble.” 
He then advanced the case for Kavanaugh quitting the confirmation process: “I think nothing would surprise me, including him, by the end of the week, if Judge Kavanaugh decides he doesn’t want to go through this, it isn’t worth it, he doesn’t want to – maybe he can win but he doesn’t want an asterisk – I mean, it wouldn’t surprise me if he chose to withdraw and chose to back down.”

 So whether Kavanaugh is actually guilty or not apparently doesn’t matter, the media will place an “asterisk” next to his name regardless..."
Read/view on!

Project Veritas Publishes First Report on “Administrative State” Resistance Bureaucrats…. | The Last Refuge

Project Veritas Publishes First Report on “Administrative State” Resistance Bureaucrats…. | The Last Refuge
Project Veritas Publishes First Report on “Administrative State” Resistance Bureaucrats….
Stuart Karaffa is just the first federal government employee that Project Veritas has filmed in an undercover series unmasking the deep state. 
More video reports are to be released soon."

Trump: Exposing FBI corruption would be 'a crowning achievement' - Washington Times

Trump: Exposing FBI corruption would be 'a crowning achievement' - Washington Times:

Image result for flickr commons images president trumpPresident Trump said Wednesday that his order to declassify documents about FISA, Carter Page and the Russia probe is a “great service to the country” that could expose the special counsel investigation as a “hoax.”
In an interview with Hill.TV, Mr. Trump said the move is all about transparency but hopes to expose “something that is truly a cancer in our country.”

CNN's Jim Acosta has learned Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's attorneys have submitted a list of expert witnesses they demand to be allowed to testify.

(1) Fans of Best of the Web Today (yes, a spoof... but is it really?)
Dateline CNN
CNN's Jim Acosta has learned Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's attorneys have submitted a list of expert witnesses they demand to be allowed to testify.
The list includes:
Al Sharpton
Tawana Brawley
Mike Nifong
Crystal Mangum
Jackie Coakley
Haven Monahan
Sabrina Erdely
The staff of Rolling Stone Magazine
UVA President Teresa Sullivan

Republicans Set to Push Ahead With Kavanaugh Nomination

Republicans Set to Push Ahead With Kavanaugh Nomination:
Image result for flickr commons images Chuck Grassley
Mr. Grassley responded that the committee wasn’t willing to wait for a full FBI investigation of Dr. Ford’s allegations.
“Dr. Ford’s testimony would reflect her personal knowledge and memory of events. Nothing the FBI or any other investigator does would have any bearing on what Dr. Ford tells the committee, so there is no reason for any further delay,” Mr. Grassley said in a statement Tuesday night.
Sen. Lindsey Graham, a Republican on the Judiciary committee, said Wednesday the committee should set a vote.

Lunch video-----10 More Tragedies Caught on Film | British Pathé


Letter: A case against the National Popular Vote

Letter: A case against the National Popular Vote:

Image result for flickr commons images voting boothMy contention is that the popular vote at its heart is all about control. It hides under a mask of respecting the will of the people, but actually does the exact opposite. The sentiment of the vast majority of voters is shaped by the media rather than direct engagement with candidates or hands-on study of issues. It is much easier to control voter sentiments via a New York-based national media cabal than it is to control 50 unique laboratories of thought.
How does the media control voter sentiments? They control what news you hear and what news you don’t hear. They control which candidates you hear about and which you do not.

You bet there's money in it!-----Meanwhile the GoFund Me for "Ford's security" has raised over $173k of its $175K goal.

Eric Ivers It was $100,000 goal just a bit ago. I wonder if they can raise a million.

Eric Ivers I also note that it isn't Ford doing the ask. I wonder how much is being cut off of the top, and to what extent this is just a money laundering of Ford's payoff.
Jennifer Verner They are laundering money

Nathan Bupp You can bank on the fact that this whole stunt has been funded by either George Soros and Tom Steyer or both.
Keith Barry There are more than enough home-grown liberals to fund that. Some of them are wealthy. Some, very wealthy. 

And they certainly don't mind dropping 10k on a hate burger and constitutional judge frying.

These are the statewide initiatives voters will see on the November ballot |

These are the statewide initiatives voters will see on the November ballot |
"Proposal 2: Create independent redistricting commission

#1 This day 1960-----Chubby Checker-The Twist

Is Gender Dysphoria a Fad? | Intellectual Takeout

Is Gender Dysphoria a Fad? | Intellectual Takeout
"Camille Paglia recently suggested that the rise of gender dysphoria is simply the new face of the counter-culture.
Every adult knows the myriad challenges of adolescence. 
Is Gender Dysphoria a Fad?The hormones.
The confusion.
The pressure.
It’s a period when it’s not unusual for teens to gain freedom, drift from Mom and Dad, and be introduced to alcohol, drugs, and sex.
This would be difficult enough, but children are then usually thrust into large schools with other teens.
And did I mention that all this is happening at an age when humans reach the zenith of base cruelty?
...When we think of teen rebellion in the modern era, we tend to think of a revolt against authority. Think James Dean or Jack Kerouac in the 1950s.
But many teens today seem to be rebelling against something greater: nature.
Gender dysphoria, a condition described as “strong, persistent feelings of identification with the opposite gender and discomfort with one's own assigned sex,” is quite common in young people today..."
Read on.

You ought to know!