Tuesday, September 25, 2018

How to Spot Misleading Statistics in the Gun Control Debate | Intellectual Takeout

How to Spot Misleading Statistics in the Gun Control Debate | Intellectual Takeout
"The academic debate over gun control consists mainly of a war of statistics. 
...How should untrained laypersons go about interpreting the findings of statistical studies?
Statistics come in all shapes and sizes, so the first thing we need to do is determine which kinds of statistics are relevant to the gun control debate and which are irrelevant. 
To do this, we need a clear understanding of what the gun control debate is fundamentally about. 
We can’t separate the relevant from the irrelevant if we aren’t clear about how to frame the issue.
So, what is the debate over gun ownership fundamentally about? 
Many seem to think that it’s about deterrence; that is, whether gun ownership prevents crime. 
See the source image...To illustrate the difference, let’s suppose that I encounter a mugger while taking a walk. 
I brandish my firearm to the mugger, who is undeterred and rushes me with a knife. 
I then shoot the mugger, stopping the crime. 
In that situation, my gun has failed to prevent a crime, but it was successful at resisting a crime. 
The gun was an effective and reasonable means of self-defense even though it failed to deter the would-be mugger.
This is a very crucial point that must be carefully appreciated. 
Even if guns don't prevent crime by reducing the overall crime rate, it wouldn’t mean that guns are not a reasonable means of resisting crime. 
As far as gun rights are concerned, the single most important issue is simply the question of whether guns do a good job when deployed against a criminal assailant. 
Deterrence is not the key issue at stake..."
Much more here.
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AM Fruitcake

History for September 25

See the source image
History for September 25 - On-This-Day.com
William Faulkner 1897, Barbara Walters 1929 - TV personality, Michael Douglas 1944 - Actor
Image result for William Faulkner QuotesImage result for Barbara WaltersImage result for Michael Douglas

Mark Hamill 1951 - Actor ("Star Wars"), Christopher Reeve 1952 - Actor ("Superman"), Will Smith 1968 - Actor ("Independence Day," "Fresh Prince of Bell-Air")
Image result for Mark HamillImage result for Christopher ReeveImage result for Will Smith

1789 - The first U.S. Congress adopted 12 amendments to the Constitution. Ten of the amendments became the Bill of Rights.

See the source image

1983 - A Soviet military officer, Stanislav Petrov, averted a potential worldwide nuclear war. He declared a false alarm after a U.S. attack was detected by a Soviet early warning system. It was later discovered the alarms had been set off when the satellite warning system mistakenly interpreted sunlight reflections off clouds as the presence of enemy missiles.
Image result for Stanislav Petrov,

Monday, September 24, 2018

The Burning of Brett Kavanaugh

The Burning of Brett Kavanaugh:

Image result for flickr commons images u.s. constitutionWe have also lost track of the concept of innocent until proven guilty -- beyond reasonable doubt. This has been slipping away for quite a while now. The media have become our judge and jury; the more sensational and politically potent an accusation is, the more likely it will be seen as true, and no amount of correction will undo that.
What bothers me the most, however, is that we’ve lost all contact with common sense, with any desire to arrive at the truth.

Big Brother: Google Admits to Altering Android Phone Settings Remotely Without Permission | Breitbart

Image result for flickr commons images Big Brother WatchingBig Brother: Google Admits to Altering Android Phone Settings Remotely Without Permission | Breitbart:

Tech giant Google has admitted to changing Android phone settings remotely without user permission, a move considered by experts to be bad for “transparency and consent.”

The way we were-----The Monkees - "Daydream Believer" (Official Music Video)

Boob-tube-----Adventures of Superboy (UNSOLD) Pilot 1961 COMPLETE !!

Thousands of Marijuana Plants Found in San Bernardino National Forest North of Big Bear Lake | KTLA

Thousands of Marijuana Plants Found in San Bernardino National Forest North of Big Bear Lake | KTLA
Image result for build the wall"Thousands of marijuana plants were found growing in large plots within the San Bernardino National Forest north of Big Bear Lake and south of Lucerne Valley, authorities announced Friday.
...Nobody was arrested, but authorities said they suspect illegal drug trafficking organizations were responsible.
RELATED STORY--Marijuana Worth $5.25 Million Found Within Sequoia National Park; No Arrest Made
They also used illegal toxic pesticides, according to the agency..."
Read on.

Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign 2020: Farce | National Review

Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign 2020: Farce | National Review
"She actually believes she still has a shot at the White House.
See the source imageWhen Homer Simpson looks in the mirror, he sees ripped chest muscles and arms like the trunks of beech trees.
When Hillary Clinton looks in the mirror, she sees America’s sweetheart.
She thinks: America adores me.
She thinks: America already chose me to be president once!
She thinks: Everyone is comparing me with Donald Trump and realizing I’m a better choice.
She is hoping for a call that will never come: an earnest, sobbing plea from the Democratic party to be their standard bearer in 2020.
How else to explain Clinton’s latest media blitzkrieg?...
Read all.

New York City Just Sent Its Transportation Industry Back to the 1930s | The Heritage Foundation

New York City Just Sent Its Transportation Industry Back to the 1930s | The Heritage Foundation:
Image result for flickr commons images New Yourk taxi
The consequences are predictable: Service shortages and higher prices are inevitable when artificial caps prevent supply from growing to meet demand. Taxis experienced both problems, and now Uber and Lyft will, too.
Those high prices will only be worsened by the proposed $17.22 minimum wage for drivers—an average pay hike of more than 22 percent, some estimate. Consumers will bear that cost.
And that’s just to start.