Sunday, September 30, 2018

Life in a Gynocracy

Life in a Gynocracy
"The performance of women this week – from Senator Dianne Feinstein to Christine Blasey Ford to the howling mobs on Capitol Hill – made me seriously consider surgically altering my sex.  
They are demanding special treatment because of their sex and in the process placing all of us – male and female alike – at peril of witch hunts against men and then, in time, against all who will not bow to their rule.
My Facebook friend Alex Bensky reminded me of the advantage to me of transgendering: 
Ah, then we'd be unable to criticize your politics, your social viewpoints, your choice of teams to root for, and anything else you say because we'd be transphobic...
Victor Davis Hanson offered up the most succinct summary of Blasey Ford's testimony: 
The "process" of memorializing Ford's testimony involved a strange inversion of constitutional norms: The idea of a statute of limitations is ossified; hearsay is legitimate testimony; inexact and contradictory recall is proof of trauma, and therefore of validity; the burden of proof is on the accused, not the accuser; detail and evidence are subordinated to assumed sincerity; proof that one later relates an allegation to another is considered proof that the assault actually occurred in the manner alleged; motive is largely irrelevant; the accuser establishes the guidelines of the state's investigation of the allegations; and the individual allegation gains credence by cosmic resonance with all other such similar allegations.
...I want you to pay attention to the distortions of language and statistics used to advance the gynocrats' agenda.
Since when do those accusing others of crimes become "survivors" rather than "accusers"?..."
Read all. 

Headed into Space-Age record cold, warns NASA scientist - Ice Age Now

Headed into Space-Age record cold, warns NASA scientist - Ice Age Now
“It could happen in a matter of months,” says Martin Mlynczak of NASA’s Langley Research Center.
29 Sep 2018 -“The sun is entering one of the deepest Solar Minima of the Space Age,” writes Dr Tony Phillips, editor of 
Sunspots have been absent for most of 2018, and Earth’s upper atmosphere is responding.
Data from NASA’s TIMED satellite show that the thermosphere (the uppermost layer of air around our planet) is cooling and shrinking, literally decreasing the radius of the atmosphere.
To help track the latest developments, Martin Mlynczak of NASA’s Langley Research Center and his colleagues recently introduced the “Thermosphere Climate Index” (TCI), which tells how much heat nitric oxide (NO) molecules are dumping into space. 
During Solar Maximum, TCI is high (“Hot”); during Solar Minimum, it is low (“Cold”).
“Right now, it is very low indeed … 10 times smaller than we see during more active phases of the solar cycle,” says Mlynczak

The Thermosphere Climate Index by Mlynczak and colleagues.
Displays times of Cold, Cool, Neutral, Warm, and Hot since 1940.

“If current trends continue, it could soon set a Space Age record for cold,” says Mlynczak. 
“We’re not there quite yet, but it could happen in a matter of months.”

I had an affair with Brett Kavanaugh

I had an affair with Brett Kavanaugh:

Image result for Lady Thinking Clip Art FreeAnd if Kavanaugh gets dumped from consideration to the Supreme Court, I look forward to Trump’s next nominee so I can recall my sexual assault by him as well. All I’ll need is a poor memory, six days with a porn attorney, a leftist agenda, and I’ll be ready … right after I scrub my social media accounts and bleach my laptop.
So my deepest thanks to everyone who has helped kill the antiquated and patriarchal concepts of the rule of law and the presumption of innocence. We finally get to reap what we sowed.

No, You Misandrists, Men are Not Trash | Dr. Helen

No, You Misandrists, Men are Not Trash | Dr. Helen
"How in the world do these protestors think they will help their cause to wear shirts that state "Men are trash?" 
See the source imageNote the differences between left and right in the Politico news headline on the Kavanaugh protests: "'Men Are Trash' vs. 'I Stand With Brett': Wild scene at the Capitol for Kavanaugh drama."
The latter slogan is clear and addresses the situation, the former is a sweeping statement that suggests all men (including minorities) are not worth due process due to their gender...
...Liberals and even some white knight types hate men and many do not believe in due process for them. 
Even liberal mothers at some level know their sons are toast if it comes down to a sexual misconduct dispute. 
They may care at that time or think it won't happen to their son but until that time, and maybe even after it, they will believe that "Men are Trash." 
Why would any self-respecting man go along with this type of misandry?"
Read all.

How Trump Rescued Our Economy From Obama’s ‘New Normal’

How Trump Rescued Our Economy From Obama’s ‘New Normal’:

Image result for flickr commons images president trumpIt’s hard to believe that just two short years ago, our economy was limping along with no sign of a massive boom around the corner.
Beyond any shadow of a doubt, the pivotal factor in the last two years has been President Donald Trump.
Consider this. From 2009 to 2014, real median income fell overall. It did jump a few times between 2012 and 2014, but the overall trend was one of malaise. The reason? President Barack Obama’s regulations and taxes sat like a wet blanket over our economy.

Lunch video-----Daniel Greenfield "The Second Civil War" #SCTeaParty18


Why the Left Is Consumed With Hate - WSJ

Why the Left Is Consumed With Hate - WSJ:

Image result for Democrats the Party of HateFor many on the left a hateful anti-Americanism has become a self-congratulatory lifestyle. “America was never that great,” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo recently said. For radical groups like Black Lives Matter, hatred of America is a theme of identity, a display of racial pride.
For other leftists, hate is a license. Conservative speakers can be shouted down, even assaulted, on university campuses. Republican officials can be harassed in restaurants, in the street, in front of their homes. Certain leaders of the left—Rep. Maxine Waters comes to mind—are self-appointed practitioners of hate, urging their followers to think of hatred as power itself.
How did the American left—conceived to bring more compassion and justice to the world—become so given to hate?

Never Negotiate With Sociopaths: Liars, Democrats and the #Kavanaugh Smear : The Other McCain

Never Negotiate With Sociopaths: Liars, Democrats and the #Kavanaugh Smear : The Other McCain
"There was a moment during Thursday’s hearing when Christine Blasey Ford was asked, “Was it communicated to you by your counsel or someone else, that the committee had asked to interview you and that — that they offered to come out to California to do so?”
At which point, her lawyer Michael Bromwich grabbed the microphone to interrupt: “We’re going to object, Mr. Chairman, to any call for privileged conversations between counsel and Dr. Ford.”
A poker player would call that a “tell.” 
Among the many things we learned from Thursday’s hearing was that the excuse given for delaying Professor Ford’s testimony was a lie. 
She wasn’t afraid of flying. 
She was a frequent flyer, traveling to vacations around the world and, in point of fact, at the time the Senate Judiciary Committee was offering to fly to California to interview her, Professor Ford was not in California. 
She was already in the D.C. area, having flown there to strategize with her lawyers, who were recommended to her by Sen. Dianne Feinstein. 
She had also flown to the D.C. area in August, when she took a polygraph test at the Hilton Hotelnear Baltimore-Washington International Airport.

This was all a set-up, a carefully planned ambush by Democrats, calculated either to force Judge Kavanaugh to withdraw his name for the Supreme Court nomination, or else to delay the process past the midterm elections, turning the nomination into a campaign issue.
Once you understand this, the coordination between Senate Democrats and Professor Ford’s lawyers appears highly significant. 
...Don’t appease bullies, and never negotiate with sociopaths.
Most notably, if the July 1 party were the event at which Ford claims she was assaulted, what about Timmy, Tom, Bernie, and Squi? They are, respectively, Kavanaugh high school friends Tim Gaudette, Tom Kane, Bernie McCarthy, and Chris Garrett. What might they know about what took place?
If the July 1 party were the event in question, the presence of Garrett would be especially noteworthy. In her testimony, Ford said she was going out with Garrett at that time in the summer of 1982. Today, she remembers him well. When Kavanaugh supporter Ed Whalen came up with a theory of mistaken identity, suggesting without evidence that Garrett, and not Kavanaugh, attacked Ford, Ford quickly said that there was no way she would mistake the two, and that she knew without doubt that Kavanaugh, not Garrett, was her attacker.
But if Garrett, who Ford has clear memories of, had been at the party, he would obviously be a witness in the matter, and someone the FBI would want to interview. His presence would also raise the question of why Ford has never mentioned him. She remembers a party from 36 years ago, remembers five people who were there, and doesn’t remember that the person she was closest to at the time was also there? . . .
Read the rest of that by Byron York. There is something definitely wrong with Professor Ford’s story, but we don’t know what it is. Neither the Democrats nor the media (but I repeat myself) seem to have any interest in examining her story critically. Maybe the FBI will..."
Read all!

Kumbaya? Senate D’s and R’s Unite For Aircraft Owner Tax Breaks – Michigan Capitol Confidential

Image result for drain the swampKumbaya? Senate D’s and R’s Unite For Aircraft Owner Tax Breaks – Michigan Capitol Confidential:
"With the country appearing to be fractured politically, it is worth reporting when both Democrats and Republicans in the Michigan Senate can come together to support a bill.
That’s what happened Wednesday when the Senate voted 36-0 to pass House Bill 4351, sponsored by Rep. Bronna Kahle, R-Adrian.
It would exempt private aircraft owners from having to pay sales tax on airplane parts, and a second bill would extend the exemption to the use tax..."

#1 This day 1980-----Queen - Another One Bites the Dust (Official Video)

The way we were-----One Fine Day - Carole King (81.121.08)

Here Are 65 Women Democrats Recently Refused To Believe

Here Are 65 Women Democrats Recently Refused To Believe:
See the source image"Liberals have constantly insisted that women need to be believed — yet it’s the left who are now ignoring the testimony of not just one woman, but dozens.
After unproven and vague allegations were raised against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, much media attention was given to his accusers, whose stories range from “impossible to prove” to “absolutely outlandish.”
Far less attention, however, has been paid to a staggering 65 women who have come forward not to condemn Kavanaugh, but to support him as the widely-respected family man and legal scholar they know him to be.
Over five dozen different women recently signed a letter addressed to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley and his Democrat counterpart, Senator Dianne Feinstein.
“We are women who have known Brett Kavanaugh for more than 35 years and knew him while he attended high school between 1979 and 1983,” the publicly available letter begins.
“For the entire time we have known Brett Kavanaugh, he has behaved honorably and treated women with respect,” they continued, refuting the scandalous claims against the nominee..."
Read on.

You ought to know!

Defending Kavanaugh Isn't an Attack on Women

Defending Kavanaugh Isn't an Attack on Women:

Image result for Flickercommons images Bret KavanaughKavanaugh, after all, is the perfect straw man to pay for the sins of all men, past and present. In this paranoid environment, erected on the bad faith of identity politics, any questions regarding credibility, motivation, substantiation, or due process can conveniently be dismissed as an attack on women.
If men, for example, question Ford, it’s a re-victimization, not only of the accuser but of every woman who’s ever been sexually assaulted. If a woman asks those questions—well, that would also be an insult to both the accuser and every woman who has ever been sexually assaulted.

Yahoo Finance Cannabis Stock Watchlist

See the source imageYahoo Finance Cannabis Stock Watchlist:
"Weed has been a red-hot investment theme in 2018.
As some cannabis companies’ share prices have shot up in the past few months, some already caution that we may be experiencing a bitcoin craze again.
Here are the cannabis stocks that Yahoo Finance is watching closely. 
You can track their daily performance by following our Cannabis Stock Watchlist.
A few prominent players in marijuana stocks trade on the NASDAQ and the New York Stock Exchange, while the majority are available for investors on the OTC markets due to U.S. regulations.
From pure cannabis players to traditional giants investing in the field, we’ve got you covered..."
Read on.

AM Fruitcake

History for September 30

See the source image
History for September 30 -
William Wrigley, Jr. 1861 - Chewing gum tycoon, Deborah Kerr (Trimmer) 1921 - Actress ("The King and I", "Separate Tables"), Truman Capote (Streckfus Persons) 1924 - Writer (In Cold Blood, Other Voices, Breakfast at Tiffany's), actor
Image result for William Wrigley, Jr.Image result for Deborah Kerr"The King and I"Image result for Truman Capote

Angie Dickinson 1931 - Actress (Police Woman, Cassie and Company), Johnny Mathis 1935 - Singer, Marilyn McCoo 1943 - Singer (5th Dimension), TV hostess (Solid Gold), 
Image result for Angie DickinsonImage result for Johnny Mathis AlbumsImage result for Marilyn McCoo Young

1846 - Dr. William Morton performed a painless tooth extraction after administering ether to a patient.
Image result for Dr. William Morton performed a painless tooth extraction

1938 - The Munich Conference ended with a decision to appease Adolf Hitler. Britain, and France allowed Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland to be annexed by the Nazis.
Image result for The Munich Conference

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Five Big Problems with Christine Blasey Ford's Testimony at the Kavanaugh Hearings | Trending

Image result for Flickercommons images Christine Blasey FordFive Big Problems with Christine Blasey Ford's Testimony at the Kavanaugh Hearings | Trending:

Christine Blasey Ford has testified at the Kavanaugh hearings and she seems like a perfectly nice, sympathetic woman, I guess... if she isn’t falsely accusing you of sexual assault. However, there were still enormous problems with her testimony.

The way we were-----The Skyliners - Since I Don't Have You