Monday, October 01, 2018

Colorado Children's Hospital Dumps Gender from Wristbands

Colorado Children's Hospital Dumps Gender from Wristbands
The Gender Unicorn Chart"Children’s Hospital in Aurora, Colorado, announced that it is taking markings of gender off patient wristbands in order to satisfy politically correct, transgender activists.
The hospital said the male and female designations were removed to support kids who claim to be transgender and to support their “unique gender identity.”
“We are seeing more and more patients who have diverse gender identities,” Children’s Hospital Colorado spokesperson Dr. Natalie Nokoff told WLTX-TV 19. 
“I think that’s true of programs all across the United States.”...
Read all!

Vandals Deface Illinois County's GOP Headquarters with 'Rape' Graffiti

Image result for flickr commons images spray paintVandals Deface Illinois County's GOP Headquarters with 'Rape' Graffiti:

This is the latest act in a long-line of incidents related to violence against Trump supporters. Over the past three years, Breitbart News has recorded at least 567 acts of violence—including vandalism—carried out against Trump supporters.

Kent State's 'West Side Story' canceled after complaints about 'incorrect' race castings - The College Fix

Kent State's 'West Side Story' canceled after complaints about 'incorrect' race castings - The College Fix
"The Kent State School of Theatre and Dance has chosen to cancel its production of “West Side Story” due to some students remaining dissatisfied with the production’s casting decisions.
Theater major Bridgett Martinez, of Puerto Rican heritage, apparently thought her ethnic background alone would get her the play’s lead role of Maria. 
See the source imageShe was disappointed that she was cast as Maria’s understudy, reports, but got really upset upon seeing the full cast list.
“I was just blown away because it was not correct at all,” she said.
“Not correct” means several non-Latino students had gotten traditional “Latino” roles in the classic musical, including the leads.
Another theater major, Viviana Cardenas, was irked a role she wanted had gone to a black student.
“I don’t get to tell other people’s stories because of the color of my skin, but yet when there is this story that is about people of cultures like me, about people of color like me, and that gets taken away from me … that was the most heartbreaking,” she said..."
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Inside the Beltway: Kavanaugh drama: Buckle up, pay attention - Washington Times

Inside the Beltway: Kavanaugh drama: Buckle up, pay attention - Washington Times:

Image result for flickr commons images fbi building in dc“In the criminal justice system, the FBI investigates by not only gathering information but evaluating it, making judgments about the credibility of witnesses or the truth of what they say, pursuing leads, and offering conclusions or even recommendations. In other words, they figure out what really happened. In the confirmation process, the FBI gathers information and stops there. The Senate must do the rest,” Mr. Jipping advises, adding, “Additional information-gathering by the FBI simply cannot provide anything that the process has not already uncovered and thoroughly examined. The mantra of ‘FBI investigation’ by Kavanaugh’s opponents is misleading in its purpose and has no validity.”

Lunch video-----The Diversity Delusion | Heather Mac Donald


This Isn't About Brett Kavanaugh. This Is About the Left's Blood Sacrifice.

This Isn't About Brett Kavanaugh. This Is About the Left's Blood Sacrifice.:

Image result for flickr commons images Lady JusticeCriminals will go to great lengths to cover up a crime, or to prevent that crime from being brought into open court. The same goes for entire societies that have given themselves over to criminal behavior, as ours has. A people, a nation, a party, a faction, that has the blood-guilt of 60 million children on its hands, will certainly not stick at slandering a nominated jurist if that slander will successfully prevent a reckoning for the murders.
A society that is complicit in guilt of this magnitude cannot afford to honor Lady Justice. She is their sworn enemy. Due process is their adversary. An orderly weighing of evidence is the very last thing they can afford to allow. And so a society that will not repent of murdering the children is a society that must insist on murdering Lady Justice. There is a reason they hate that woman.

ArtPrize Announces 20 Public Vote Finalists, Independent Award Winners

ArtPrize Announces 20 Public Vote Finalists, Independent Award Winners
  • Contemporary Black Art Award: 108 Death Masks: A Communal Prayer for Peace and Justice by Nikesha Breeze at DeVos Place Convention Center, determined by independent jury. Organized by The African American Art and Music Celebration with presenting sponsor, City of Grand Rapids. 
  • Artista Latino Award: THE STRING PROJECT by Chelsea Nix & Mariano Cortez at DeVos Place Convention Center, determined by public vote. Organized by the West Michigan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce with presenting sponsor, City of Grand Rapids. 
  • Asian Artist Award: Black Panther by YanFang Inlow at Grand Rapids Police Department, determined by public vote. Organized by the West Michigan Asian American Association with presenting sponsor, City of Grand Rapids. 
  • Asian Artist Award: Pure Michigan by Huaming Wang at DeVos Place Convention Center, determined by public vote. Organized by the West Michigan Asian American Association with presenting sponsor, City of Grand Rapids. 
  • Decon + Reuse Vote Award: Abiding In The Shadow by Jeff Best at Amway Grand Plaza Hotel, determined by public vote. Organized and sponsored by The Building Materials Reuse Association. 
  • American Civil Liberties Union Award: By Her Own Hand by Lora Robertson, determined by independent jury. Organized by Fountain Street Church with presenting sponsor, ACLU. 
  • Social Action Committee Award: Reverse Alchemy by Anthony Thompson, determined by independent jury. Organized by Fountain Street Church with presenting sponsor, ACLU.

#1 Movie this week 1959-----North by Northwest - Original Theatrical Trailer

Germany’s Energiewende program exposed as a catastrophic failure | Watts Up With That?

Germany’s Energiewende program exposed as a catastrophic failure | Watts Up With That?
"EU climate alarmist champion Germany has its Energiewende program exposed as a catastrophic failure with enormous costs
An audit of the EU’s leading climate alarmism energy policy program concludes that Germany’s Energiewende is a colossal and hugely expensive debacle.
“Germany’s Federal Audit Office has accused the federal government of having largely failed to manage the transformation of Germany’s energy systems.”
...Germany would miss its targets for both reducing greenhouse gas emissions and primary energy consumption as well as for increasing energy productivity and the share of renewable energy in transport. 
At the same time, policy makers had burdened the nation with enormous costs.”
The audit further concluded that the program is a monumental bureaucratic nightmare where “The Federal Government, incidentally, does not have an overall grasp of the costs or any transparency in this respect.”...
...Germany’s electricity rate have skyrocketed to the highest levels in the EU largely driven by the Energiewende debacle.
As is always the case the climate alarmist renewable energy advocacy main stream media in both the U.S. and  Europe will do everything possible to conceal this disastrous policy debacle from public view.
Read all!


The Trump Doctrine Promises to "Make the UN Great Again."

The Trump Doctrine Promises to "Make the UN Great Again."
"This week’s most important news took place on Monday in New York when President Trump unveiled his "Trump Doctrine" at the UN General Assembly, not in Washington over whether Brett Kavanaugh groped Christine Blasey Ford at a party some thirty-six years ago...
...The “Trump Doctrine” declares: “America is governed by Americans. We reject the ideology of globalism, and we embrace the doctrine of patriotism.”
This is a dramatic repudiation of both President Obama’s interventionism and President Bush’s “unipolar moment” marking a change of course of American foreign policy to Trump’s “principled realism.”
Trump promised:
“America will always choose independence and cooperation over global governance, control, and domination. 
I honor the right of every nation in this room to pursue its own customs, beliefs, and traditions. 
The United States will not tell you how to live or work or worship. 
We only ask that you honor our sovereignty in return.”
...The Trump Doctrine promises to "Make the UN Great Again."

You ought to know!

Why The Ritual Defamation Of Kavanaugh Threatens Every American

Why The Ritual Defamation Of Kavanaugh Threatens Every American:

Image result for flickr commons images brett kavanaughWe should all learn to detect the features of ritual defamation and call foul whenever we see them. If you don’t know what they are, learn them now. It’s a matter of self-defense. It will put much of what you’ve seen over the past few weeks in a new and deeply disturbing light, because ritual defamation by whim will only spread if not stopped.
Let’s begin. First, Wilcox’s definition of defamation is as follows:

Instapundit Blog Archive VICTORY GIRLS: Facebook Blackout: I’m a Traitor to My Gender Because I Won’t Participate in the…

Instapundit Blog Archive  I’m a Traitor to My Gender Because I Won’t Participate in the…
Victory Girls Blog"VICTORY GIRLS: 
Facebook Blackout: I’m a Traitor to My Gender Because I Won’t Participate in the Virtual Burka Protest.
"...Look, I know a lot of women, especially young women, are lost, and are trying to navigate their lives in this utopia feminists call The Patriarchy. The feminists have told them lots of lies about how women are more limited than ever, how women are more targeted than ever, and how masculinity is more toxic than ever. But it’s just not true. Our society, in America, is more equal than ever, more accommodating than ever, and men are (sadly) more placid than ever.
See the source image
Women have never had so much opportunity and it is frustrating to see them set these self-imposed limitations. What is even more frustrating than the damage they do to themselves individually, is the damage they are doing to women’s place in the world generally. Feminists keep moving the goal posts so that they have new things to complain about, but if yesterday’s feminists were to look around and see the dynamics we have going on today, they probably would’ve been pretty impressed. . . .

Feminists wanted a sexual revolution, but come to find out they can’t handle it the morning after. They wanted women to be in the locker room, but come to find out they can’t handle a little rough talk. They wanted to be taken seriously, but come to find out they have made a mockery of themselves by presenting as fragile teenagers who need a chaperones and vocal coaches. Women need to take responsibility for themselves and quit blaming their shortcomings on men. Men have graciously moved out of the way, but please let’s not expect them to be doormats too.
You could make a pretty strong argument for bringing back the patriarchy, just based on feminist statements about how fragile and gullible women are.--Posted by Glenn Reynolds"

AM Fruitcake

History for October 1

See the source image
History for October 1 -
James Lawrence 1781, William Boeing 1881, Walter Matthau 1920
See the source image Image result for Walter Matthau

Jimmy Carter (U.S.) 1924, Tom Bosley 1927, Richard Harris 1930
Image result for Jimmy CarterImage result for Tom BosleyImage result for Camelot Richard Harris

1964 - The Free Speech Movement was started at the University of California at Berkeley.
See the source image

1971 - Walt Disney World opened in Orlando, FL.
Image result for Walt Disney World opened in Orlando, FL.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Steve Hilton: Kavanaugh hearing shows divisive Democrats must be defeated before they destroy America | Fox News

Image result for flickr commons images MaskSteve Hilton: Kavanaugh hearing shows divisive Democrats must be defeated before they destroy America | Fox News:

Before Thursday, I just disagreed with the Democrats. Now I'm frightened of them. Frightened because the mask was ripped off. Underneath all that pompous, sanctimonious, self-righteous preening about "social justice" and the "right side of history," they disdain actual justice.
Democrats have overnight abandoned one of the foundational principles of a civilized society: the concept that everyone accused of a crime is innocent until proven guilty.

The way we were-----Santo & Johnny "Sleep Walk"

Boob-tube-----BBC President Kennedy death noted for british t.v. 1963