Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Gotta love the MSM outrage over this.........

Saturday morning cartoons?

Arutz Sheva - Israel National News: "Hamas Launches Web Site Encouraging Kids to Become Martyrs

The Palestinian Authority's ruling Hamas terror group has launched a web site for children, preaching the moral desirability of being a suicide terrorist via cartoons and children's stories. ......
One of the stories on the site quotes a mother saying that when she heard her son had become a shahid, a martyr, she bought dates, candies and coffee to give out.
Dates and candies? I guess virgins aren't high on the list of 6 year old's "treats".

More minimum wage info

WZZM 13 Grand Rapids - Michigan Minimum-wage war flares: "Increasing the minimum wage from $5.15 to $6.85 an hour, they said, would have the opposite effect of what supporters of the move intend - to create more job options and offer workers more opportunities."

This will bring companies to Michigan?

WZZM 13 Grand Rapids - Group petitions for vote to raise amount workers in state are paid: "Nearly two months after Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm called for a minimum-wage increase during her State of the State address, an independent group last week announced plans to get the issue on the Nov. 7 ballot."

$1 Billion? & WOOD TV8 - Grand Rapids news and weather - Mississippi official: No preference for Kia plant site: "The Detroit-based Automotive News reported Monday that the Gulf Opportunity Zone legislation would allow Mississippi to offer Kia an incentive package worth nearly $1 billion.
The bill was signed into law in 2005.
While Mississippi will be able to offer a better package because of post-Katrina legislation"
It's tough for Michigan to compete with that post-Katrina moolah.

This is why it's real hard to admire so many athletes

Sports Law Blog: "Sports Illustrated has just posted a story on a new book by San Francisco Chronicle reporters Mark Fainaru-Wada and Lance Williams entitled 'Game of Shadows.' The book examines, in excruciating detail, alleged steroid use by Barry Bonds:"

Holy Red Rock, not Yanni!

Yanni Arrested in Alleged Domestic Dispute: "Yanni Arrested in Alleged Domestic Dispute
45 minutes ago
The musician Yanni was arrested at his home after an alleged domestic dispute with his girlfriend, authorities said.
Yanni, whose legal name is John Yanni Christopher, was arrested early Friday and faces a domestic battery charge, according to a police report."
Never play chopsticks with Yanni!

Tight election!

News From The Associated Press: "DeLay Wins Four-Way Battle for Nomination
The Hammer only got 63% in a 4 way race! Yeah, big surprise... to the MSM.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

This is gonna be sticky....

County work force diverse, but only in lower ranks, report indicates: "The goal for management at the county should be to think outside of the box when filling higher positions, Nash said. Administrators should ask themselves if their current criteria for hiring, like prior experience and formal training, give women and minorities a fair chance to compete.
Traditional 'glass ceilings' have kept women and minorities out of higher-paying fields, so they often lack experience and training, Nash said. Administrators need to look at other qualities in an effort to bring more of them into the more elite fields, he said. "
If "experience and formal training" (like education?) are out as requirments what's going to replace them?

Happy 70th Birthday to the Spitfire.

Silent Running � Blog Archive � Happy 70th Birthday to the Spitfire.: "Happy 70th Birthday to the Spitfire. March 5th, 2006 "
I missed this.

The real George Bush?

Very funny!

What's up with the sheep sex stories?

WZZM13 GRAND RAPIDS Tuesday, March 07, 2006: "Thelma's wounds are healing now. And yet, when anyone comes close, she gets skittish and mean. Sometimes she'll even ram her head into Lori Wyman, the woman who has raised her since she was just a lamb."....Wyman says someone, with some frequency over the last year and a half, invaded her 20-acre property in rural Calhoun County and sexually assaulted Thelma and another sheep named Louise.
Thelma and Louise?

More mutton!

Carolina Journal Silence of the Lambs: "That's because, journalists say, it would be "offensive" to Muslims to print a cartoon depicting the prophet. Of course, all of us know how touchy-feely the media have been over the years about depicting Christian icons. "Art" of the Crucifix in a bottle of urine and a statue of the Virgin Mary smeared with excrement evoked tears of sadness in many a journalist's eye......
Page One photos of protesters burning the Stars and Stripes here and abroad also pass the journalistic smell test."
The difference is these "sheep" do it to us.....

What would Shari Lewis say?

East Valley Tribune Daily Arizona news for Chandler, Gilbert, Tempe, Mesa, Scottsdale: "A Mesa deputy fire chief is on paid leave after being accused of bestial acts with his nextdoor neighbor's lamb. Maricopa County sheriff's deputies took LeRoy Johnson, 52, into custody at his Gilbert home on Saturday."
"Are ya happy to see me or is that a lambchop in your pocket....?"

AtlantaGuy responds: Baa ... more bad reporting by the MSM. My understanding is that the animal made an illegal ewe-turn and the Deputy was simply conducting aroutine body cavity search for drugs and illegal weapons. It's easy tosit in a pine-paneled farm house and second guess the officer's actions;but things are different out there in the barn yard!


Mother of the year?

The Indepundit: "Of course she's not doing it for Casey. Mother Sheehan has already gone through Casey's $250,000 insurance payout like a drunken sailor on shore leave, but her poor son doesn't even have a marker on his grave.
What's up with that, Cindy?"

Cabela's massive tax breaks!

Not enough bang for buck - The Boston Globe: "The place was also built with $32 million in state and local tax breaks and grants.
Massachusetts may soon have not one but two of these monster outdoor megastores within five miles of each other. Cabela's and its archrival, Bass Pro Shops, are both looking to build on busy Route 1. One big difference between the two: Cabela's wants as much as $25 million in tax incentives and grants; Bass Pro Shops says it needs no such incentives at all.

Why does one retailer say it needs tax incentives to move here and the other does not? Because it thinks it can get them.
The two retailers have been playing this shakedown game all over the country as they expand out of their heartland base."
Didn't the "progressives" used to call this CORPORATE WELFARE? Watch your wallets, West Michigan taxpayers!

No surprise here.

Board member gets ticketed for crash with bus: "Muskegon County Commissioner Bill Gill, chairman of the county board's transportation committee, was issued a traffic ticket for an 'improper passing' last week after his car was bumped from behind by a Muskegon Area Transit System bus.
Gill, known for angry outbursts in the past, also became 'loud and threatening' with the bus driver after the minor accident, according to the MATS driver's written report. "
Simply said, Commissioner Gill is a bully and a thug.

1st photos of early "progressives"!

The time-warp family who walk on all fours the Daily Mail: "An extraordinary family who walk on all fours are being hailed as the breakthrough discovery which could shed light on the moment Man first stood upright. "
But, why are they wearing shoes on their "feet" and not on their "hands"? Hmmm.....

Be prepared for more ridiculous spending!

Be prepared for more helpful freeway signs: "The 'eyes in the sky' electronic message boards have been up since fall, but do they really give motorists real-time information to help them avoid clogged freeways? "
Who approved this nonsense? I've seen hundreds of these electric nuisances and none work.

NPR Crooks?

Ex-U-M stations chief calls practices suspicious: "The former director of the University of Michigan's public radio and TV stations said Monday he blew the whistle on suspicious business practices at the stations, spurring criminal and internal probes."
And Air America is losing its flagship in NYC. Bummer for the "progressives".

Dead last!

Pointing fingers doesn't get state's job done - 03/03/06 - The Detroit News: "M ichigan has weathered a difficult road the past few years. We are the only state to lose jobs in both 2004 and 2005, and by any objective standard we are at or near the bottom of the barrel in economic growth in this country. As other states are enjoying budget surpluses and robust jobs growth, Michigan continues to lag behind."
And our governor is at war with companies already located in Michigan.

That's $27,000 per employee!

Many businesses agree: Mich. tax is stumbling block: "It wasn't Michigan's weather or good fishing that convinced Advanced Photonix Inc. to move 68 jobs from California and Wisconsin to Ann Arbor.
What sealed the deal last month was the state's offer to cut Advanced Photonix's Single Business Tax by $1 million over 10 years, said Chief Executive Officer Richard Kurtz. The company -- in turn -- must add 37 jobs by 2015."

What ever happened to her? - Runaway bride dolls disappear as quickly as she did - Mar 6, 2006: "DULUTH, Georgia (AP) -- Like the woman who inspired their creation, Runaway Bride bobblehead dolls disappeared quickly during a sports promotion in her hometown."
Now we know!

I keep reading about this.

The Great Space Elevator - Gizmodo: "The Great Space Elevator
Is it real or not?

Monday, March 06, 2006


Threads2: "FREDERICK, Maryland-A liberal arts college is reviewing its rules for selecting homecoming royalty after a lesbian was crowned king of the dance, an official said. But Jennifer Jones, the 21-year-old senior who beat out three men for the honor at Hood College, says her victory last month was a plus for the private school. "
I mean...a chick...The King?
What Would Elvis Do?

"No Shiite, Sherlock"

OpinionJournal -: "No Shiite, Sherlock"
'The Palestinian Authority security forces are investigating whether Iran, Hizbullah or al-Qaida are behind a new Shi'ite group that has been operating in the West Bank and Gaza Strip over the past few days. . . . A PA security official said he did not understand how a Shi'ite group could operate in the West Bank and Gaza Strip 'where we don't have even one Shi'ite.' All the Muslims living in the PA-controlled areas are Sunnis.'--Jerusalem Post, March 6"
OK...not an important story. I just liked the headline...

This isn't gonna work

Fennville teachers to get bonuses if students improve on MEAPS: "How much are higher MEAP scores worth to teachers?
As much as $500 a year in the small town of Fennville. "

Send this link to your "favorite" college professor
click the link to see them at work.

ROTC is commin' at ya!

You knew this was coming!

City sewer rates expected to rise 35 percent: "The Norton Shores City Council Tuesday will consider increasing the city's sewer-use rates 35 percent and charging Idlewild residents more than others pay for water. "
The taxman may not be under the bed, he's down your toilet!

About time!

Threads2: "WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court ruled unanimously Monday that colleges that accept federal money must allow military recruiters on campus, despite university objections to the Pentagon's 'don't ask, don't tell' policy on gays. Justices rejected a free-speech challenge from law school professors who claimed they should not be forced to associate with military recruiters or promote their campus appearances "
They're gonna be some pants in a bunch at the Ivys.