Where is the outrage? Is this what liberals expect from a city run by afro-Americans?
toledoblade.com -: "Little bang, big bucks.
MAD at your own city council? Consider Detroit's and you'll feel a little better. .....Estimates of the city budget deficit are as high as $400 million. The city's population, less than half what it was 50 years ago, is still fleeing at the rate of 1,000 people a month.
But in a stubborn denial of reality, Detroit City Council is asking for a 23 percent budget increase. The nine councilmen say they need that money, bad. Why? They have to pay for increased pensions and health care costs for their own bloated staffs.
'As long as you don't go crazy and do something illegal, you can spend that money as you see fit,' Council President Kenneth Cockrel, Jr., said.
Earlier this year, the council nearly put the Detroit Zoo out of business after one councilwoman, fresh from a bar fight, held up plans to transfer the zoo to a private society. She said she thought General Motors should be asked to pay to support the elephants. The Detroit Zoo doesn't have elephants. (This councilwoman is the wife of Congressman John Conyers)
As calculated by the Detroit News last week, New York's city council costs residents $6.18 a citizen. Chicagoans pay $6.49. Detroit, the nation's poorest big city, has a council that costs every citizen $17.33.
That will go up, of course, after they vote themselves a raise.
The old saying is "you get what you pay for." Detroit should be so lucky.
Important stuff you won't get from the liberal media! We do the surfing so you can be informed AND have a life!
Sunday, April 09, 2006
This is the SECOND crook-teacher to get caught!
Fla. Teacher Accused of Taking Bribes: "A second middle school teacher was arrested for allegedly letting students skip gym class if they paid $1 each day.
Tamara B. Tootle, 39, turned herself in Thursday and faces six counts of bribery, the Escambia County Sheriff's Office said.
Authorities said she told students at Ernest Ward Middle School during the 2004-05 school year that they didn't have to dress for her physical education class but would still receive a 100 percent for participation for a bribe. "
Maybe the no-gym kids were "investing" their money in this nifty class for 13 year olds? http://www.escambia.k12.fl.us/schscnts/wardm/home.html
Winner of Florida Stock Market Game for the 97-98 & 98-99 School Years.
Gordo's Rule
Gordo's Rule-If an MSM news story ignores or buries the party affiliation of a perp, the perp is not Republican.
Instapundit.com -: "UPDATE: Reader Peter Malloy emails:
I hate to turn a good Porkbuster story into an anti-NYT screed (well, not really), but did you notice that the NYT front page (online) story does not get around to stating that Mollohan is a Democrat until the 8th paragraph? You can be certain that it it were a Republican, that fact would be in the headline."
World progress?
Only one demonstrator killed? Certainly not good news but it seems to be the trend worldwide that mowing down dozens of innocents just isn't acceptable anymore. At least it's a positive trend.
My Way News: "Nepali troops killed a demonstrator on Saturday west of the capital when they opened fire on massive protests against King Gyanendra's absolute rule."
Jimmah's giant bunny is back?
My Way News: "'They call it the monster. It's very big -- it's nearly the size of a dog,' said Joan Smith, whose son Jeff owns one of the plots under attack.
'It's eating everything, all the vegetables,' she told Reuters. 'They are trying to shoot it. They go along hoping to catch it but I think it's too crafty.'"
Why does NBC want phoney racial tension?
Despicable! NBC looks to "prove" racism, can't find any and just tries harder. They don't seem too interested in sending a white guy in a suit to stroll around Detroit on an August evening, do they. Race baiters!
Daily Pundit: NBC newsmagazine 'Dateline' says it will send Muslims to the NASCAR event at Texas Motor Speedway this weekend, in an attempt to record discrimination or harassment.
F-35 Joint Strike Fighter
U�ba - F-35 Joint Strike Fighter: "I did found these pictures in a chinese site (wpeu.net), can't really tell about it's acurracy.
Below follows the Wikipedia entry about the F35 From Wikipedia:
The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) is a military fighter aircraft designed by the United States and the United Kingdom. It is intended to replace the current generation of strike fighters, particularly the vertical take off and landing Harrier jump jets : the AV-8 Harrier II (US), Harrier GR7/9 (UK), and the Sea Harrier (UK), along with the conventional A-10 Thunderbolt II, F/A-18 Hornet and the F-16 Fighting Falcon. The F-35, expected to be ready for service in 2011."
Friday, April 07, 2006
Which picture will cause outrage in the Muslim world?
Triple blasts kill 70-plus at Baghdad mosque - Apr 7, 2006: "Three suicide bombers -- two of whom were disguised as Shiite women -- struck a Baghdad mosque affiliated with a major Shiite political party Friday, killing at least 74 people, according to the Iraqi Health Ministry.
Another 140 people were wounded, authorities said."
A religion of peace......
"eliminate the PROBLEM"?
Mlive.com's Printer-Friendly Page: "Commissioner Bill Gill, a black Democrat, noted that information gathered for the 2000 U.S. Census revealed that Michigan has five of the most racially segregated communities in the nation.
'Muskegon is one of them,' Gill told his colleagues.
'We have a lot of work to do.' Commissioner John Snider, a white Republican, concurred.
'We need to recognize what a lot of people tell us, that we are a segregated community, and as a board must try to come up with a plan, and provide more leadership, to help eliminate that problem,' Snider said. "
Amazing! People decide, on their own, in a free society, where they want to live and our County Commissioners want to "eliminate that problem"! More Kum-by-ya drivel from the feel-good crowd.
When they have a summit on the criminally disfunctional Heights School system and the racist crooks who have run that city into the ground.......... Oh, that would be racist to bring that up, sorry....
Seriously, Is anyone checking the IQ of these administrators?
Embezzlement case delayed two weeks: "The former principal of Otsego Baptist Academy will have to wait in jail two more weeks to find out whether he will stand trial on charges he embezzled up to $80,000 from the school to invest in a Nigerian Internet scam. "
I suspect this isn't his first super-bozo move.
Is a lapdancer just a "dancer"?
Alleged Rape Victim Had Past Brush With Law: "New information about the victim has been divulged, concerning charges arising from an incident that occurred several years ago. According to a 2002 police report, the woman, currently a 27-year-old student at North Carolina Central University, gave a taxi driver a lap dance at a Durham strip club. Subsequently, according to the report, she stole the man's car and led deputies on a high-speed chase that ended in Wake County.
Apparently, the deputy thought the chase was over when the woman turned down a dead-end road near Brier Creek, but instead she tried to run over him, according to the police report."
Naive young mother dancing to pay for college....right. Something's starting to smell like a set-up here.
The US economy rocks!
Employers Boost March Payrolls by 211,000: "The unemployment rate, which dropped from February's 4.8 percent, ended up matching January's jobless rate, which was the lowest in 4 1/2 years.....
Employment was stronger in March than economists were expecting. ......
Employees' average hourly earnings, meanwhile, were $16.49 in March.
When will Michigan dump Jennie and join the fun?
If you care about this country READ This!
Michelle Malkin: THE MESS AT DHS: "Among Maxwell's other devastating charges are that CIS continues to recklessly ram through applications of all kinds in an attempt to rid itself of a massive backlog........ As I reported in Invasion, immigration agents across the country received bonuses when they met quotas for approving applications. According to documents I've obtained, those national security-undermining incentives and bonuses remain in place today.
Scroll down Michelle's site to see the proof that INS/CIS is simply movin' bodies through the system...now. Wait until "amnesty" is declared. E or write your congerssman and senators.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Global warming!
Yahoo! News Photo: "A sudden Spring snow falls on St. Albans Park in Queens, Wednesday, April 5, 2006, in New York"
For those junk scientists out there.
Bono to address economic idiots.
Bono to address economic club: "'He's a serious person,' O'Neill said. 'He cares deeply about these issues, and you know what? He knows a lot about them.'
The same year, Bono co-founded DATA, a nonprofit group dedicated to fighting poverty in Africa. Over the years, it has focused world attention on that troubled continent on the issue of debt relief for the world's poorest nations. "
This Bozo won't tell his adoring fans that "debt relief for the world's poorest nations" simply means bailing out New York banks, encouraging more ill concieved loans and guaranteeing that the US/UN supported dictators of those "poor" countries maintain their grip on the miserable citizens under their control.
Feel good liberalism at its worst!
What is wrong with our leaders?
What Bush fails to see at the border Editorials/Op-Ed The Washington Times, America's Newspaper: "What is happening on the southern border is unprecedented. Not only in our own history, but in the history of the world. No country at any time anywhere has sustained the influx of tens of millions of foreigners across its borders. A wave of anti-American leftism is sweeping Latin America. A socialist radical may soon be elected as the president of Mexico, a country which officially encourages its emigrants to vote in Mexican elections, urging them to think of themselves as Mexican first and perhaps only. The eventual outcome is plain for anyone with eyes to see. This is invasion masquerading as immigration. "
Interesting concept
Educators support trimester concept: "Schools in Newaygo County have switched to trimesters as has Spring Lake High School.
In Holton's case, students will take five 71-minute classes rather than the current seven 51-minute classes. Trimesters consist of three annual terms of 12 weeks, compared to the current two 18-week semesters. At Orchard View, where trimesters also will be 12 weeks, students will take five rather than the current six classes. "
In Holton's case, students will take five 71-minute classes rather than the current seven 51-minute classes. Trimesters consist of three annual terms of 12 weeks, compared to the current two 18-week semesters. At Orchard View, where trimesters also will be 12 weeks, students will take five rather than the current six classes. "
Abba and The Bee Gees!
Festival's tribute bands should leave you dancin': "After 12 years, Coast Guard Festival officials have decided not to bring back the Beatles coverband, '1964' The Tribute, at least this year. In its place, organizers have tapped Abbamania, which tours heavily across England and Ireland doing songs by the Swedish supergroup Abba.
That same night, Aug. 3, another tribute band will perform as well: Stayin' Alive, which covers songs by The Bee Gees. "
Detroit Sold For Scrap The Onion - America's Finest News Source: "The OnionSearch News Archives
Detroit Sold For Scrap
April 5, 2006
Detroit, a former industrial metropolis in southeastern Michigan with a population of just under 1 million, was sold at auction Tuesday to bulk scrap dealers and smelting foundries across the United States.
Site of the former Detroit Museum of African-American History, which took in over $135.'This is what's best for Detroit,' Mayor Kwame M. Kilpatrick said. 'We must act now, while we can still get a little something for it.'"
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Another reason for school choice
Boy turns in knife but may still be expelled IndyStar.com: "A Far-Eastside couple say they are stunned that a Warren Township Schools principal suspended their son and recommended his expulsion for possession of a pocketknife even though he turned the knife in to the office as soon as he arrived at school.
After turning in the knife, the eighth-grader was suspended from Stonybrook Middle School for 10 days and may be expelled."
Why would anyone send their children to a school whose leaders have such miserable judgement?
Heritage Tidbits: Manufacturing Myths about China . . . and the United States: "The US is still the top manufacturing nation, producing almost a quarter of global output, the same as in 1994, while Japan's share has shrunk. Adjusted to reflect steady falls in the prices of manufactures relative to other goods and services, US output has doubled since 1985 and its share of gross domestic product has changed little in half a century. . . . "
There's a lot of bogus info out there.
What Should I Read Next?
What Should I Read Next?: "Enter a book you like and the site will analyse our database of real readers' favourite books (over 20,000 and growing) to suggest what you could read next.
It's a bit like browsing the bookshelves of a (very) well read friend!"
From Kim Komando
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Pre-geezer actress fails to attract 14 year olds!
Instapundit.com -: "At the box office this weekend, Ice Age 2 clobbered Basic Instinct 2 hauling in $70 million dollars, compared with less than $3 million for the Sharon Stone movie. One film is about a prehistoric creature's struggle to survive and find love, the other is the animated sequel to the movie Ice Age. "
Hollywood producers, and their trophy wives, shocked!
"Separate the men from the boys...."
Isn't that what this is all about?
Kesher Talk: An army of Davids: Flight 93: "I also found the trailer very powerful and looked away several times. I'm sure during the movie I will be shutting my eyes frequently. (I'm kind of a wuss about screen horror and violence.) I even found the stills in the interactive timeline hard to look at.
I have a feeling this movie will quietly "separate the men from the boys," as it were. It will make the moonbats more moonbatty, and it will strengthen the resolve of those inclined that way. It will draw a line in the sand. "
Kesher Talk: An army of Davids: Flight 93: "I also found the trailer very powerful and looked away several times. I'm sure during the movie I will be shutting my eyes frequently. (I'm kind of a wuss about screen horror and violence.) I even found the stills in the interactive timeline hard to look at.
I have a feeling this movie will quietly "separate the men from the boys," as it were. It will make the moonbats more moonbatty, and it will strengthen the resolve of those inclined that way. It will draw a line in the sand. "
Very emotional to watch
This is the site for the trailer for the movie "United 93".
Very moving and reignites my anger and resolve to support our mission to destroy the enemies of our civilization.
This is the site for the trailer for the movie "United 93".
Very moving and reignites my anger and resolve to support our mission to destroy the enemies of our civilization.
On the other hand, these people can't handle the reality that faces our world today. They sicken me.
'United 93': Is U.S. ready for a 9/11 film? - Newsweek Entertainment - MSNBC.com: "'One lady was crying,' says one of the theater's managers, Kevin Adjodha. 'She was saying we shouldn't have [played the trailer]. That this was wrong ... I don't think people are ready for this.'"
Now they tell us!
Donkeys better than wives: textbook - World Breaking News - Breaking News 24/7 - NEWS.com.au: "A TEXTBOOK used at schools in the Indian state of Rajasthan compares housewives to donkeys, and suggests the animals make better companions as they complain less and are more loyal to their 'masters', The Times of India reported today.
'A donkey is like a housewife ... In fact, the donkey is a shade better, for while the housewife may sometimes complain and walk off to her parents' home, you'll never catch the donkey being disloyal to his master,' the newspaper reported, quoting a Hindi-language primer meant for 14-year-olds."
Gotta ba a tough sell to a 14 year old boy. Girls smell better. Among other things.....
TOTAL INFORMATION ANALYSIS: "Hastert's SS goons assault Hon. McKinney
The Honorable Cynthia McKinney, the only U.S. Congressperson who has spoken out about 9/11 as an inside job, is under assault by the people supposed to be protecting here.
Call U.S. Capitol Police, (202) 224-1677, and ask why they haven't fired the officer who assaulted Comgresswoman Cynthia McKinney,
Call U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert's office, which has been attacking McKinney in the media, and demand he call off his goon squads and not dare to issue a warrant on McKinney and apologize for his brownshirt tactics at Phone: 202-225-2976. From AP Mar 31, 2006 : "
The Honorable Cynthia McKinney, the only U.S. Congressperson who has spoken out about 9/11 as an inside job, is under assault by the people supposed to be protecting here.
Call U.S. Capitol Police, (202) 224-1677, and ask why they haven't fired the officer who assaulted Comgresswoman Cynthia McKinney,
Call U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert's office, which has been attacking McKinney in the media, and demand he call off his goon squads and not dare to issue a warrant on McKinney and apologize for his brownshirt tactics at Phone: 202-225-2976. From AP Mar 31, 2006 : "
Duo urges commendation for Capitol Police service �The Washington Times, America's Newspaper: "Two House members will introduce tomorrow a resolution to commend the U.S. Capitol Police department, which Rep. Cynthia A. McKinney accused last week of racial profiling.
'The 1,700 officers of the Capitol Police force risk their lives every day protecting constituents, staff and members of Congress,' "
This has got to be a tough call for democrats. Support brave men and women or a democrook.
Yes, Virginia. There is a difference between political parties.
McKinney Admits "Error" With Taxpayer Money: "WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Rep. Cynthia McKinney admits that she broke government rules by spending money to fly a celebrity to Atlanta."
Democrooks stand tall with their violent, thief of a Congresswoman while GOPers are glad their Congre-crook is gone, gone, gone. There surely is a difference!
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