Saturday, May 06, 2006


Threads2: "Russia and China on Friday opposed key provisions in a U.N. draft resolution that orders Iran to curb its nuclear ambitions, making an agreement unlikely before ministers come to New York next week. Both nations object to the use of Chapter 7 of the U.N. Charter, used in dozens of Security Council resolutions for peacekeeping missions and other legally-binding actions. "

Yeah, right.....

Bono speaks -- but why here?: "But why did Bono accept the Economic Club's invitation this year? Grand Rapids Mayor George Heartwell, who will meet Bono and present him with a key to the city, thinks he knows why.
'I'd certainly like to think that Grand Rapids is distinguishing itself on a national level these days,' Heartwell said. 'And we know Grand Rapids is one of the best kept secrets in the Midwest.'"

Far out dude!

Motown in the mix at Michigan State graduation: " Motown founder Berry Gordy Jr. returned to his home state Friday with a simple message for Michigan State University graduates.
'Don't judge yourself by others' standards ... have your own,' Gordy told thousands of graduates and their guests. 'And don't get caught up into the trap of changing yourself to fit the world. The world has to change to fit you. And if you stick to your principles, values and morals long enough, it will.'"
Make sure you tell you new employer that Berry said they've gotta change to fit your world.....dude.

Sick education system

Brighton closes two middle schools due to teacher sick calls: "About half of the teachers at two middle schools called in sick shortly before classes were to begin Friday, resulting in the schools being closed for the day."
Um, isn't this an illegal strike? And "what about the children"? Apparently, the little ones don't matter when money is involved.....

Give 'em a free house?

Muskegon wants free houses : "The NIC's mission ties in with ongoing efforts by the city of Muskegon to offer quality homes to first-time purchasers, and also in an ongoing program to rezone most of the older central city back to single-family zoning. For years, widespread multi-family zoning has encouraged the business of buying up large older homes and carving them into rental apartments.
By now, everyone agrees that single-family owner-occupancy is the surest path to safe, stable neighborhoods. We hope that Burgess will be able to carry that ball a long way in the future. "
Not so sure "everyone agrees" with that idiocy. How 'bout low taxes, good schools and low crimerate? Huh?

Bozo alert!

Police station trick draws jail treat: "A Fruitport Township man who walked into a police station in a Halloween costume despite facing felony warrants has been sentenced to jail. "

Friday, May 05, 2006

We can't deport illegals who commit crimes?

Bid fails to deport immigrant prisoners / Bill to ease crowding seen as a victim of demonstrations: "One of the toughest opponents of the idea has traditionally been the guards' union. The prison guards have long fought measures that would reduce jobs. "
And the prison guard union has the power? Amazing!

Big surprise?

Tom McMahon: Americans Are Leaving The Blue States And Moving To The Red States:
Let's see. Folks move from high cost/high crime states to low cost/low crime states? Funny this wasn't on PerkieKatieToday lately.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Never believe the MSM...

.....without checking your skepticism first.
Power Line: The Times 'Fesses Up: "A correction of the article appeared on this page on Tuesday. It should have acknowledged that if The Times had correctly understood the history of the proposal, the article would have qualified it, and would not have appeared on Page A1."
This was carried by most of the world's MSM without question. Front page NYT!
And a flat out lie.

Is this guy a Kennedy? - News - Ault Mayor Charged With Domestic Violence, Child Abuse: "Officers 'observed the (Breathalyzer) results climbing at a rapid rate, reaching above a 0.4 (percent) . . . the numbers were moving too fast for the officer to read and the machine shut off and would not turn back on, as if it was broken,' according to an arrest affidavit."

Grab a hankie, read this and be proud....

..... you have shared this world with U.S. Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class John Fralish.
The Middle Ground: Chai Tea, Mud Huts, Villages With No Names and Heroes:
"And also, perhaps, demonstrates how one man's character can change the mindset of a community"

A Culture of coruption...

This is getting tedious.
Is it genetic?
DRUDGE REPORT FLASH 2006: "Police labor union officials asked acting Chief Christopher McGaffin this afternoon to allow a Capitol Police officer to complete his investigation into an early-morning car crash involving Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-R.I.), son of Sen. Ted Kennedy.

ROLL CALL reports: According to a letter sent by Officer Greg Baird, acting chairman of the USCP FOP, the wreck took place at approximately 2:45 a.m. Thursday when Kennedy's car, operating with its running lights turned off, narrowly missed colliding with a Capitol Police cruiser and smashed into a security barricade at First and C streets Southeast.

"The driver exited the vehicle and he was observed to be staggering", Baird's letter states. Officers approached the driver, who "declared to them he was a Congressman and was late to a vote. The House had adjourned nearly three hours before this incident. It was Congressman Patrick J. Kennedy from Rhode Island."

Baird wrote that Capitol Police Patrol Division units, who are trained in driving under the influence cases, were not allowed to perform basic field sobriety tests on the Congressman. Instead, two sergeants, who also responded to the accident, proceeded to confer with the Capitol Police watch commander on duty and then "ordered all of the Patrol Division Units to leave the scene and that they were taking over."

A source tells the DRUDGE REPORT: It was apparent that the driver was intoxicated (stumbling) and claimed he was in a hurry to make a vote. When it became apparent who it was instead of processing a normal DWI the watch commander had the Patrol units clear the scene and allowed other building officials drive Kennedy home.

This morning's incident comes just over two weeks after Kennedy was involved in a car accident in Rhode Island.


Isn't that nice.....

Pageant returns -- with boys: "After a one-year absence, officials with the Grand Haven Coast Guard Festival have approved the return of a pageant featuring high school seniors -- but the event will be noticeably different from past years.
Two prominent format changes have been made: Boys will be included. Bathing suits? Not a chance.
The event will focus less on physical beauty, unlike past years when bathing suits were part of the pageant. This year, it will place a spotlight on volunteerism, leadership and support for the U.S. Coast Guard, said Michael J. Smith, the festival's executive director"

Obscene Profits!

Except these obscene "profits" go to Greedy Professors instead of shareholders.
No problem for the MSM. They only attack tax paying institutions.
HUMAN EVENTS ONLINE - Tuition Soars Due to Knowledge Shortfall by Ann Coulter:
It seems like a summer ritual. Rising professors' salaries mean rising tuition prices. But this year, sticker shock at the tuition window is fueling more concern than ever. And it has many people asking where is it going to end?

JAMIE COURT, CONSUMER RIGHTS ADVOCATE: Every time you see the price of tuition go up, you can hear 'ka-ching, ka-ching' in the bank accounts of the college professors.
That's how oil company profits are reported. Why not subsidize the oil companies, which provide a product essential to allowing 300 million Americans to live, and put a cap on the price of college, which seems designed to turn out more liberal parasites on the productive?
As economist Richard Vedder of Ohio University has demonstrated, every time the government subsidizes college tuition through tuition tax credits, college tuition rises by the precise amount of the tuition tax credit.
How about investigating the 'shameful display of greed' by college professors? "

Almost refreshing!

I thought only democrats got any illegal sex.
Prostitution Alleged In Cunningham Case: "Federal authorities are investigating allegations that a California defense contractor arranged for a Washington area limousine company to provide prostitutes to convicted former congressman Randy 'Duke' Cunningham (R-Calif.) and possibly other lawmakers, sources familiar with the probe said yesterday."
The drive-by-media loves this one, except there won't be any "perp-walk" for Duke. He's already livin' large in the "Big-House".

A culture of corruption!

My golly. This list is growing dang fast!
Jefferson probe figure to plead guilty: "The head of a technology company at the center of a federal investigation into Rep. William Jefferson, D-New Orleans, is expected to plead guilty today to aiding and abetting the solicitation of bribes and has agreed to cooperate with the investigation, according to court documents and sources familiar with the case. "

"... making squirrels edgy....."?

There's got to be a stronger word than "hypocrisy" to describe these hypocrites.
Threads2: "Noisy wind farms in California are making squirrels edgy and prone to scurrying for cover. This change in behaviour could have knock-on effects on animals that depend upon the squirrel, such as the golden eagle, which feeds on the rodent, and the red-legged frog and California tiger salamander, which live in its burrows. /abreak/ Wind turbine noise may affect wildlife communities all over the world, the researchers write in a forthcoming issue of Biological Conservation.
It has been observed that the large Bourbon-Sucking Ground Sloth native to Massachussetts (Tedkennedis Taxaholic Mumblis) has been driven from his burrow at the mere rumor of nearby wind turbines to loudly utter its call of ''NIMBY, NIMBY.'' Dontcha just love it when leftoids consume each other? "

Maybe Sudan would be a better visit?

My Way News: "A Mexican man who at 550 kg (1,200 lb) is possibly the heaviest person in the world hopes to travel to Italy for a life-saving operation to shed weight"
I mean, like what's this guy eat for breakfast, entire grocery stores? And what's that blob-like thing between his legs?

Hold on here!

The Deetroit city council won't allow drivers to use cell phones in Detroit? Take a wrong turn, easy to do in that hellhole, and you're gonna need cell-help ASAP. But you're breakin' the law by call the poolice? Like the Deetroit poolice need more things to do than arresting criminals. Gimme a break. Council Approves Cell Phone Ban: "Drivers in the city of Detroit will have to end their calls, as a cell phone ban has been approved."

A Culture of corruption!

Truth Detector: Albright & Clinton: Somebody Is Lying: "Somebody is lying. (story) 'Former secretary of state Madeleine Albright insisted yesterday that Sudan never offered to round up bin Laden and extradite him to the US, saying that President Clinton's claim to the contrary was a misstatement. She was asked about Clinton's admission in 2002 on Hannity & Colmes last night that he had turned down Sudan's offer to extradite bin Laden because he had committed no crime against America. Albright told Hannity & Colmes, 'He was not [offered]. He was not.''
Too bad the Drive-by-media is only interested in making up "Bush lied" lies and not reporting the real thing. I guess no Pulitzers for that.

Can't blame them for asking!

Fred On Everything: What the US does is to say to impoverished and desperate people, "See this river? Don't cross it. If you do, we'll give you all sorts of privileges, and jobs, and a chance to advance in life and give your kids a good future. Now, don't cross it, you hear? "
AtlantaGuy send this from Fred, who lives in Mexico.
My take: The "illegals" problem can be fixed instantly, at close to zero cost. People without proof of legal residence are immediately deported. No hearings. If they choose to attempt re-entry to USA, have them apply through established channels from outside our country. Any person utilizing any free public services, (drivers licenses in particular) must provide similar proof of legality or be denied service , except in the case of medical emergency. Every state must set federally approved voter verification procedures. Any state or city not in compliance will be denied federal funds for those services. Giant penalties for any company found employing illegals. Simple, cheap. Don't even need no stinkin' fence.

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Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Wonder what's his favorite restaurant?

Princess Mary in a dad-eat-dog world The World The Australian: "THE royal families of Europe have traditionally been dog lovers, pampering their corgis, labradors and wolfhounds. Prince Henrik of Denmark, however, loves dogs in a rather different way: delicately sliced, lightly fried and served on a plate.
'Dog meat tastes like rabbit,' he said in an interview published in the lifestyle magazine Ud & Se. 'Like dried baby goat. Or perhaps - I know! - like veal. Like the veal of a baby suckling calf, only drier.' "
These pure-bread "royals" might serve the world better as pig feed.
Oh, he's French. Thought ya'd like to know.

Great Blue Angels "up close and personal"

Full throttle with the Blue Angels
The AJS sleeper doesn't seem too bad. Very fun site.

Obscene profits!

Starbucks 2Q Earnings Rise 27 Percent - Yahoo! News: "Starbucks Corp. reported Wednesday that its fiscal second-quarter profit rose 27 percent, citing brisk customer demand for its coffee drinks, a strong showing for green tea beverages and its ever-growing footprint of stores.
Lucky for Starbucks all the "outraged-by-obscene profits" Senators are grillin' the guys providing us with gas for our cars......

Suicidal move for Bolivia

Bolivia's Risky Game: The sudden move to nationalize energy reserves is almost certain to alienate foreign investors -- and even allies like Brazil
Bolivian President Evo Morales' announcement on May 1 that he is nationalizing the country's oil and gas resources made headlines around the world.
Map included for American public school graduates.

Kraut's aren't having a problem.

German's BMW says 1st-quarter net profit rose 81 percent
FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) Automaker BMW AG said Wednesday that its first-quarter net profit rose 81 percent, driven in part by the sale of its stake in engine maker Rolls-Royce Group PLC and improved demand for its stylish but pricey luxury sedans.
Jeepers, I wonder if there is any corolation with quality?

Didn't bother Toyota or Honda

April auto sales hurt by higher gas prices - Yahoo! News: "Toyota Motor Corp. (7203.T) posted an almost 9 percent gain and Honda Motor Co. (7267.T) notched a 6.5 percent rise in stronger-than-expected sales, while General Motors (NYSE:GM - news) saw sales drop 7 percent and Ford (NYSE:F - news) lost 3 percent."
What's weather got to do with GM/Ford sales that doesn't affect Toyota or Honda? A little media bias?

This is scary!

Filling tanks, funding dictators - Los Angeles Times: "Of the top 14 oil exporters, only one is a well-established liberal democracy, Norway. Two others have recently made a transition to democracy, Mexico and Nigeria. Iraq is trying to follow in their footsteps. That's it. Every other major oil exporter is a dictatorship and the run-up in oil prices has been a tremendous boon to them.

My associate at the Council on Foreign Relations, Ian Cornwall, calculates that if oil averages $71 a barrel this year, 10 autocracies stand to make about $500 billion more than in 2003, when oil was at $27. This windfall helps to squelch liberal forces and entrench noxious dictators in such oil producers as Russia (which stands to make $115 billion more this year than in 2003) and Venezuela ($36 billion). Vladimir Putin and Hugo Chavez can buy off their publics with generous subsidies and ignore Western pressure while sabotaging democratic developments from Central America to Central Asia. "

Prices to die for....

Police seek ID of heart-attack victim stricken in Wal-Mart store: "Police seek ID of heart-attack victim stricken in Wal-Mart store
FRUITPORT TOWNSHIP, Mich. (AP) He suffered a heart attack and collapsed while inside a Wal-Mart SuperCenter. He was taken to a hospital, where he soon was pronounced dead.
The man collapsed around 9 p.m. April 24 in the store's grocery section, after telling an employee that he was having trouble breathing. More than a week later, police in Muskegon County's Fruitport Township were still trying to find out his name."
Or is Cheney and Walmart secretly using the Patriot Act to kill innocent Americans?