Saturday, May 13, 2006

An American disgrace!

Don't you know who I am?: "But when it comes to determining who will push the nuclear button, ......, we, for the most part throughout America, don't even bother to ask who the hell is voting him in.
A friend of mine voted in the town elections the other day and was never asked who he was. He then asked the polling people if they had ever seen him before. He went on to say that he could'�ve used his neighbor's name, his mechanic's name and address and then waited until the first shift of poll workers went home and come back and voted again.
My, they were unnerved about it. Wow, they said, in unison. They'd never thought about that.
Did you also know, he went on, that Governor Lynch recently vetoed a bill that would've prevented this?
No, they all said, and were shocked that they hadn't heard a word about it.
No, America just stumbles along fat, dumb and happy, letting anybody at all drag into a polling place, not checking a thing, allowing the most brazen Democrats to vote over and over, with no concern evinced about who in the hell is determining the end user of the votes--the fellow with the nuclear football, the guy who can trumpet down the walls of Jericho, the man or woman who can flatten the planet, the woman who can sic the IRS on us.
It is a shame that the last place where no one knows my name, or anyone else's, is at my polling place.
Don't you know who I am?"

Friday, May 12, 2006

He he...he he.....

Send this to your democrat friends....
Brother Jeb would make 'great' US president: Bush:
President George W. Bush praised his brother, Florida governor Jeb Bush, as an 'excellent' leader who would make a 'great president' of the United States, according to news accounts.
'I think Jeb would be a great president. But it's up to Jeb to make a decision to run,' Bush told reporters ..... "

Visible Earth

Visible Earth: Home: A catalog of NASA images and animations of our home planet

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Shoe hazing!

Dang good thing the boys didn't have to wear these, pardner.....
BREITBART.COM - Vt. Fraternity Members Face Hazing Fines: "Vt. Fraternity Members Face Hazing Fines
Four fraternity members accused of making pledges wear cowboy clothes and suffer homophobic insults in a 'Brokeback Mountain'-themed initiation ritual face $1,000 fines under the state's anti-hazing law.
University of Vermont police said the civil penalties stemmed from a March 2 party at the Phi Gamma Delta house based on the movie about gay cowboys.
'What they did, which I felt was homophobic in nature, was inappropriate,' UVM Police Chief Gary Margolis said.

It's not just about free minutes!

Power Line: "One, as A.J. Strata points out, the USA Today article identified Qwest as the one major carrier that declined the NSA's request for cooperation. Presumably Qwest has now become the terrorists' telecom company of choice. Way to go, USA Today!"
Makes my choice of a cell phone provider a bit easier.


Gingrich to speak at Lincoln dinner: Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich will be the keynote speaker at the Ottawa County Lincoln Day Dinner June 8 at the Pinnacle Center.
The dinner will provide attendees with an opportunity to hear from one of the most-requested speakers in the country on a variety of topics, from national security to health care reforms to the political outlook for the '06 mid-term elections.
Individual tickets and tables are available for $60 per person by contacting the Ottawa County GOP office, 513 East 8th in Holland, or by calling (616) 396-3791 or e-mailing "

Latest rankings show Muskegon Chronicle is delusional

Latest rankings show Muskegon boom is real: "Change is inevitable in a global economy, but it's starting to look as if Muskegon is weathering change better than some. While this community still may rank 253 on a nationwide list of 393, that's just the current score: "
The Chronicle is giddy over being in the 37th percentile. WooHoo!

Summer's on the way!

Welcome to his nightmare: "Joe Austin, executive director of the festival that annually draws an estimated 600,000 people, announced this morning that David Lee Roth (June 30), Alice Cooper (July 2), Macy Gray and Ginuwine (July 6) and the bands Shinedown and Trapt (July 3) have been signed to perform.
Those acts join a concert lineup of the Miller Lite Headline artists that already included The Steve Miller Band (July 8) Smash Mouth (July 4), Sugarland (July 5) and Raven Symone (July 8). "

Is Canada suicidal? - Muslim girls allowed private swim test: "The decision to close a high school pool to give three Muslim girls a private swimming class is stoking debate over the place of faith in Quebec's public institutions.
At issue is the practice known as 'reasonable accommodation' for religious views, one that's increasingly common in a city that's home to most of Quebec's immigrants.
Parents say the decision by Commission Scolaire Marie-Victorin, with more that 40,000 students in 80 schools, risks encouraging 'segregation in the name of religion.'
The board argues it is simply respecting provisions of a recent Supreme Court judgment on wearing Sikh kirpans (ceremonial daggers) in classrooms that set limits on restricting religious rights."
Swimming is one thing. But knives in class? What do our northern cousins do with Rastafarian ninth graders?

Won't this make marriage more expensive?

Salary Center: AOL Find a Job: "If paid, Stay at Home Moms would earn $134,121 annually (up from 2005's salary of $131,471). Working Moms would earn $85,876 annually for the "mom job" portion of their work, in addition to their actual "work job" salary. "
What about stay at home dogs? Guard, companion, cat corraller, best friend, ball retriever, food recycler, stress reviever, photo journalist....

Chick stuff

The American Princess: Nothing Says Summer: "Nothing Says Summer
Like Emilio Pucci cork platforms. "
Tryin' to broaden my audience!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

He's baack....

Rocky Mountain News: Education: "But in no case has the committee ever found that misconduct occurred, and the group has never recommended action against a faculty member.
The five-member faculty investigation into Churchill took four months to review charges, which include plagiarism, fabrication of material and misuse of sources. "
Why would any parent send their child to U of Colorado?

American suicide?

House Panel Supports Bilingual Voting: "Later, the committee voted 33-1 to extend the law, due to expire next year, for 25 more years. Only Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, who offered the amendment to strike the bilingual ballots, voted against it"
We don't need no stinkin' english!

The ugly truth about men

The Sun Online - News: The ugly truth about men: "BEARDS and moustaches are women's biggest turn-off, a poll has revealed. "
I'm thinkin' it's not the only consideration.... - Where Are They Now: The Beardstown Ladies - Where Are They Now: The Beardstown Ladies: "Where Are They Now: The Beardstown Ladies
Once Icons of an Emerging Investor Class,
They're Still Together � Buying and Holding"

The infantile left

Joe's Dartblog: Speaking Truth to Hecklers: "This exchange, as so many in the last three years have, underscores the necessity of making logic classes mandatory as early as elementary school. If not, there will too many stationwagon conversations like this:
CHILD: Mom, do you have an Altoid?
MOM: Yes, I think so. Look in my purse.
CHILD: I don't see any.
MOM: Oh, I thought I had some.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Why the MSM silence?

The only logical conclusion is they support our enemies.
Captain's Quarters: "Captured AQ Documents: 'Every Year Is Worse Than The Previous Year'
CENTCOM announced today that they had captured al-Qaeda correspondence in Iraq that discusses the state of the insurgency, especially around Baghdad but also around the entire country. Far from optimistic, the documents captured in an April 16th raid reveal frustration and desperation, as the terrorists acknowledge the superior position of American and free Iraqi forces and their ability to quickly adapt to new tactics.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Free speach for me but not for thee....

The American Princess: Banned In Boston?: "The people shouldn't be able to directly attack a court decision", said Gary Buseck, legal director of Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders, which filed the lawsuit.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Doesn't beer do the same thing...

.... cheaper?

Dixie Chicks new album $1.99

Best Buy Circulars & Catalogs >
Dixie Chicks: Not Ready To Make Nice $1.99
Cool Summer Buyer's Guide
Sunday Ad 5/7
I'm thinkin' it's not gonna be sellin' well? Who'd of guessed....

Why does "liberal" always equal "sophistry"?

Ace of Spades HQ: "Background: Ray McGovern, identified only as a 'former CIA official' by the MSM, has some 'interesting theories,' as it turns out. He claims, as Islamist nutbags do, that an Israeli company had prior warning of 9/11 and that's why Jews didn't show up for work that day, as lunatic poet Amiri Baraka claims. (PS, they did show up for work, idiot.)
The MSM doesn't report that, ever."

Now the NYT tells us....

Federal Recipe for Gasoline Helped Drive Up the Price - New York Times: "Nine months after Congress passed major energy legislation, one provision affecting gasoline formulas is helping to drive the price of gas up much faster than the rising price of crude oil.
And because the new gasoline recipe contains less energy, mileage per gallon is declining.

Tax cuts = booming economy = soaring tax receipts!

Kudlow's Money Politic$: Economic Boom Continues: "According to Action Economics, daily data from the U.S. Treasury for April show that the booming economy produced soaring tax receipts that came in 15 percent above a year ago. "
Who'd have guessed?

Justice delivered!

Dad fatally shoots robber; son injured: "A father fatally shot a man who tried to rob his family as they waited in their sport utility vehicle for a summer camp enrollment to open, authorities said. ...The alleged robber approached the driver's window early Saturday, pointed a gun at the father and demanded money, Sheriff's Office spokesman Ken Jefferson said. He then ordered the family of five to unlock one of the SUV's doors, he said."
When will the MSM report the robber was simply trying to raise money for his son's med school tuition......Bush's bad economy, you know...

Maybe Jenny's a golfer?

Sluggish economy may be hurting boating season: "The traditional launch of the boating season in Michigan has seen a decline in boat registrations and fishing licenses in recent years.
The state's economy has been sluggish. And gas prices at some marinas are hovering around $3.50 a gallon, meaning a weekend of fun on the water will cost $200 or more on bigger boats that burn a gallon to cover two miles or less.
'This is not a winning economy for anybody,' Mark Mathes, co-owner of Emerald City Harbor in St. Clair Shores, told The Detroit News for a Saturday story."

Dems promise impeachment

Confident Democrats Lay Out Agenda: "Democratic leaders, increasingly confident they will seize control of the House in November, are laying plans for a legislative blitz during their first week in power that would raise the minimum wage, roll back parts of the Republican prescription drug law, implement homeland security measures and reinstate lapsed budget deficit controls.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) said in an interview last week that a Democratic House would launch a series of investigations of the Bush administration
, beginning with the White House's first-term energy task force and probably including the use of intelligence in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq. Pelosi denied Republican allegations that a Democratic House would move quickly to impeach President Bush. But, she said of the planned investigations, 'You never know where it leads to.'"
Hey, Nancy! I think I've got a hint where it will lead with you leading the House.

Former Dem Guv's Plan to Destroy USA

Richard D. Lamm:

Not an urban legend, amigos. Check out Snopes!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Bush's fault!

Investor's Business Daily: The Boom Goes On: "Here's the reality.
Durable goods orders in March rose 18.3% from a year earlier, the second largest gain in over a decade.
Retail sales on a same-store basis grew 6.6% in April, the best gain in over two years.
Home resales continue to rise, defying repeated predictions of a bust. Meanwhile, new-home sales surged 13.8% in March.
Finally, GDP grew 4.8% in the first quarter and has averaged 3.9% since 2003's tax cuts � reversing the abysmal 1.7% average growth that prevailed after the 2000 stock market crash.
They used to call numbers like this a boom.
Yet most people seem to think the economy's in trouble. No doubt, they fear higher oil prices and interest rates and the damage they could do. So do we. But unlike the rest of the media, we don't ignore the good news. And right now, there's plenty of that to go around. You read it here first."

A culture of corruption?

Sanchezes got funds from man who admits bribes: "Rep. Loretta Sanchez and her sister, Rep. Linda Sanchez, have received campaign contributions from a Kentucky technology executive who this week admitted bribing a Louisiana Democrat.
Vernon Jackson on Wednesday pleaded guilty to bribing Rep. William Jefferson, D-La. The Sanchezes were the only two other lawmakers who received donations from Jackson, according to research conducted by the Center for Responsive Politics, a Washington-based campaign finance watchdog group.
Jackson and his wife, Sandra, contributed $12,000 to Loretta Sanchez, D-Garden Grove, in 2001 and 2003. They gave $4,000 to Linda Sanchez, D-Lakewood, in 2001, her first House election.
Loretta is a democrat. Just thought you'd like to know since the article seems to miss it.

Classic Chronicle hit piece

DeVos arrives with polished message: "About a year ago, Dick DeVos failed to impress a Republican Party dinner crowd in Muskegon.
The businessman-turned-politician stumbled through a passionless speech, which began with a 10-minute description of how the 2000 Grant Hill-for-Ben Wallace trade was good for his family owned basketball team, the Orlando Magic. Of course, it was a room full of Detroit Pistons fans with no interest in what was good for the Magic.
Some even wondered why he was bothering to run for governor. "
Gee, I wonder who the wonderer was? Maybe someone workin' for the local newspaper?