Between GOPers and Libs.
Even before I left for work this morning, I received 2 phone calls and 3 E-mails from friends joyously celebrating Al Zarquawi's death. FOX News anchors had a glow of giddy happiness about them. Callers into Bill Bennett's radio show were ebullient.
Man o man, what a way to start the day!
On the other hand were the Democrat channels, appearing as glum as if Bill Clinton had been caught lying on TV.
The anti-American channels, CNN and MSNBC had the murdered, Nick Berg's father on, denouncing Bush, the war and generally throwing dirty water on the wonderful news.
Most channels had "experts" warning us viewers not to expect "the violence" to end immediately. I know that no rightys would think that. Do these hate-America, TV-sound-bite spewers believe it? Why else would they warn us? The liberal media is so out of touch with the American public they don't realize how transparent they are. Bummer.... for them. No us! Ha!
I wonder how many Democrats called and E-mailed their friends to share the celebration this AM. Yeah, right.
Oh, and don't forget the Left "supports the troops", just not their mission. Like killing Al Z.
Well, it's a spectacular day for the rest of us Americans and the world!
Yeee Haaaa!