Monday, February 05, 2007

Is the left just forgetful or are they liars?

Will: Inconvenient Kyoto Truths - Newsweek George F. Will - "Enough already. It is time to call some bluffs. "
Odd how the MSM sorta forgets how the libs voted, isn't it? And, oh those tortilla prices!

Interesting analysis

"That's Saul, folks!": Articles of Interest 2-5-07
"So the question is, do we invest (spend) in Michigan’s future…and how do we do that. In an article from the Mackinac Center, they point out how government manipulates the word “invest” to mean “spend beyond” the current tax revenues. And that drum roll has started.
If I sound cynical and skeptical, I am. I’ve watched this Administration bow to the “wants” of special interests, blame everyone under the sun for our problems, and continue to increase spending year after year while Michigan’s economy falters."

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Swiss may expand assisted suicide law - Yahoo! News

Swiss may expand assisted suicide law - Yahoo! News: "LAUSANNE, Switzerland - A ruling by Switzerland's highest court released Friday has opened up the possibility that people with serious mental illnesses could be helped by doctors to take their own lives. "

Free moolah!


France: Workers of the World, Zzz - New York Times: "The health minister, Xavier Bertrand, plans to spend $9 million this year to improve public awareness of sleeping problems. One thing he wants to know is whether French workers should be allowed to nap on the job. They enjoy a 35-hour work week and generous vacations, yet 56 percent complain that a poor night’s sleep has affected their job performance, according to the ministry. “Why not a nap at work?” Mr. Bertrand told a news conference. “It can’t be a taboo subject.”"
Why not sex on the job?

The Volokh Conspiracy - -

The Volokh Conspiracy - -: "The letter 'X' soon may be banned in Saudi Arabia because it resembles the mother of all banned religious symbols in the oil kingdom: the cross."

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Outside the Wire - Marine Tour Iraq Documentary

Outside the Wire - Marine Tour Iraq Documentary


OxBlog: "I pledge allegiance to the first amendment, which I interpret to mean that government shouldn’t traffic with religion—neither promote it nor persecute it—and this means that, in the public arena, the candidate should not use religious rhetoric, which does nothing but harm, fogging over the clear lines of argument on the issues and eliciting irrelevant and irrational choices in the electorate.

I'm sure Dr. King would beg to differ with the passage in boldface."

RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Ugly American

RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Ugly American

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Gotta love those Rcaial Caususes

The Politico: "Rep. Loretta Sanchez has quit the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, accusing the chairman, Rep. Joe Baca, of telling people she's a 'whore.' "

YouTube - Bill O'Reilly and Anti-War Mentality - Penn and Fonda

YouTube - Bill O'Reilly and Anti-War Mentality - Penn and Fonda

Sad when death arrives..

....some visits are less destressing than others....
Molly Ivins Dies of Cancer at 62: "Best-selling author and columnist Molly Ivins, the sharp-witted liberal who skewered the political establishment and referred to President Bush as 'Shrub,' died Wednesday after a long battle with breast cancer. She was 62."

Comedian Al Franken to run for U.S. Senate in Minnesota

Comedian Al Franken to run for U.S. Senate in Minnesota: "Comedian Al Franken has decided to run for the U.S. Senate in Minnesota in 2008, challenging incumbent Republican Norm Coleman, a senior Democratic party official said Wednesday."

Power Line: The Untold Story

Power Line: The Untold Story - Baby Cages Product Line - Baby Cages Product Line

Harper's letter dismisses Kyoto as 'socialist scheme'

Harper's letter dismisses Kyoto as 'socialist scheme': "public-opinion polls indicate the environment has become the number one issue among Canadians.

Right On: The straightforward arithmetic of jihad | Jerusalem Post

Right On: The straightforward arithmetic of jihad Jerusalem Post

RealClearPolitics - Articles - See No Dissent, Call It Science

RealClearPolitics - Articles - See No Dissent, Call It Science: "It is a sign of how politicized global warming has become when a father's push for his daughter's junior high school science class to present both sides of the global warming controversy becomes a national story -- with the father being portrayed as the villain. "

Tuesday, January 30, 2007 & WOOD TV8 - Grand Rapids news, weather, sports and video - Mandatory retirement age for pilots may be going up & WOOD TV8 - Grand Rapids news, weather, sports and video - Mandatory retirement age for pilots may be going up: "Mandatory retirement age for pilots may be going up

Updated: Jan 30, 2007 08:10 AM EST

UPDATE -- US aviation officials will decide Tuesday if the mandatory retirement age for commercial pilots should go from 60 to 65.
The current age limit has been in place for almost 50 years.
Under the new plan, pilots older than 65 would still be able to fly a jetliner, as long as the co-pilot is under 60."

YouTube - Saturday Night Live: Nancy Pelosi

YouTube - Saturday Night Live: Nancy Pelosi

Friday, January 26, 2007

Grand Rapids - Man answers door, gets shot

Man answers door, gets shot
Home delivery for flu protection?

Strategic Defense Initiative by Paul M. Weyrich - HUMAN EVENTS

Strategic Defense Initiative by Paul M. Weyrich - HUMAN EVENTS: "We are in the midst of a new space race. This race, unlike the last, is one that usually is ignored -- or derided -- by the news media. Unlike the last, this one is deadly serious. It involves much higher stakes than putting a man on the moon. We can only pray that our politicians and the public will summon the will to prevail. Losing it would bring severe consequences."

To Serve Man

FrontPage :: To Serve Man by Julia Gorin: "Imagine German writing turning up on public buses and university walls in 1942, and the citizenry being expected to not bat an eyelash, with the Germans and the media, who do the enemy’s bidding, admonishing us, “What did you think it said?” "

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Nice weather kills!

"What a beautiful day Honey".
Where's AlGore when you need him?

Nothing new here

But tell this fact to your local "progressives" and they will say.... he's a liar? mistaken... gotta syndrome? ......I can't hear you...I can't hear you...I can't hear you......
Media Monitor - Media Bias Confirmed - December 4, 2006: "Thomas Edsall, former top political reporter for the Washington Post, told Hugh Hewitt that Democrats outnumber Republicans in the press corps by a factor of 15 or 25 to 1."

Islam rules in China?

Amazing how quickly "freedom of religion" morphed into "freedom from religion" to "we gotta change our whole social structure to avoid pissing off the freakin' Muslims". In the entire world!

Classical Values :: The year that dare not speak its name?: "The year that dare not speak its name?
In China, it's the Year Of The P-P-P-Pig!
Yay! Right?
Not in China. According to this detailed WSJ report, the Chinese government is systematically censoring all mentions of pig and pig images "
I'm thinking the movie"Babe" isn't a big hit in Al Quaida-land....

Parents of the year!

Maybe he shoulda gotta part time job?
Michigan Man With Mannequin Fetish Sentenced for Breaking Storefront Windows "Dotson is unemployed and has lived with his parents most of his life."