The Columbus Dispatch : Duke lacrosse players owe woman apology: "Duke lacrosse players owe woman apology
Tuesday, April 17, 2007 3:32 AM
I respond to the Associated Press article in Thursday's Dispatch, 'All charges dropped against players,' regarding the Duke lacrosse rape case.
As a 24-year-old white, male college student, I am appalled that a case so pregnant with issues of race, gender, income disparity and prejudice has been swept under the rug.
Even if these young men did not rape this young woman, they still acted in a racist, misogynist manner that should not be condoned in any society. It is disheartening to think that these young men are owed an apology.
Not only do these men owe this young woman an apology, but also this case should cast a spotlight on any demographic of white elites who may hold these principles dear.
If that is overstepping, ask yourself this question: Where would this case be if these young men were inner-city blacks and the young woman was the daughter of wealthy, white elites? I think we all know the answer.
Columbus "