Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Conveniently ignoring the elephant in the room.

I wonder if the topic of teacher/administrator total compensation comes up? Yeah, right....

Education funding forum Monday night: "GRAND RAPIDS -- Education funding and the role it plays in the state's budget crisis will be the topic of a community forum Monday night.
The forum will touch on that along with the upcoming non-homestead millage for Grand Rapids Public Schools."

Brave men don't cut and run!

Blue Angels still coming to Battle Creek: "The Navy's flight demonstration team, the Blue Angels, is still planning on its stop in Battle Creek this summer.
There was speculation that the U.S. Navy team may not continue its tour after an accident that killed one of their pilots on April 21st.
24 Hour News 8 received word from the Battle Creek Field of Flight Air Show and Balloon Festival that the jet team will perform on June 30th and July 1st."

Let's see.....

...the Granholm administration is SO efficient that the only place she can find to cut is education (not teacher compensation, oh no!) and healthcare to the poor. And we sheep hardly even bleat.

Budget ax could fall on schools, Medicaid in month: "Monday, she started the time clock by notifying the legislature, schools and Medicaid providers that money could be cut in 30 days if the legislature doesn't act."

Monday, April 30, 2007

And they say they don't have enough of our money?

TaxProf Blog: Today is Tax Freedom Day®:
The Tax Foundation has announced that today (the 120th day of 2007) is Tax Freedom Day® -- Americans will work four months of the year, from January 1 to April 30, before they have earned enough money to pay this year's tax obligations at the federal, state and local levels."

This should be a best seller TODAY!

The Good Wife's Guide: "Listen to him. You may have a dozen important things to tell him, but the moment of his arrival is not the time. Let him talk first - remember, his topics of conversation are more important than yours. "

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Serious agenda clash

Scotsman.com News - International - How to save the planet? More nuclear power and GM crops, say climate experts: "THE world's leading climate-change experts will this week put themselves on a collision course with environmentalists by proposing a series of controversial measures to tackle global warming.
More than 2,000 scientists will put forward a global warming action-plan to save the world from overheating, including a major expansion of nuclear power, using GM crops to boost biofuels and burying carbons underground. "

Economy Slows But May Hold Seeds of Growth - WSJ.com

Economy Slows But May Hold Seeds of Growth - WSJ.com: "The U.S. economy started 2007 with its weakest growth in four years, as a housing slump continued to hobble expansion. But consumers spent freely and business investment picked up, suggesting the worst of the slowdown might be past and giving economists reason to predict faster growth in the months ahead."

Scotsman.com News - International - Afghan infant deaths fall by 40,000 a year since ousting of Taleban

Scotsman.com News - International - Afghan infant deaths fall by 40,000 a year since ousting of Taleban: "According to the preliminary results of a Johns Hopkins University study, the infant mortality rate has declined to about 135 per 1,000 live births in 2006, down from an estimated 165 per 1,000 in 2001. "

Didn't the democrat leaders say these folks don't want "freedom"?

Secular rally in Turkey draws 700,000 - USATODAY.com: "The possibility of an observant Muslim president is pitting Turkey's deeply secular military and civilian establishment against its religiously oriented ruling party in a fundamental struggle over national identity."

Box of condoms leads to evacuation - Yahoo! News

Box of condoms leads to evacuation - Yahoo! News: "Several classrooms at Des Moines Area Community College were evacuated after college officials became nervous about a suspicious package. "
College officials called police and postal inspectors after the box was delivered Thursday. What they found inside wasn't a bomb — it was a box containing 500 condoms.
The package was sent to a teacher of a human sexuality class, and was sent by a person who had been a previous speaker at the class, said Rob Denson, the college's president.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Rodney King=Nancy Pelosi?

Hmmmm...... both from the Left coast.....

Commentary: Liberal Approach to War on Terror: "Can't We All Just Get Along?" - The Post Chronicle: "So-called progressives now embrace the Rodney King strategery for dealing with disagreements and rivalries."

Oh, please!

This is not news. It is the Oprah-fication of the liberal MSM. "If you're not depressed... something is wrong with you." Gimme a break.
Surviving is good.

My Way News - Va. Tech Wounded May Heal Slowly: "Senior Kevin Sterne will see the scar on his thigh every time he pulls on his pants. Freshman Hilary Strollo will have to decide whether to bare her stomach in a swimsuit. And on the day someone slips a wedding band on her finger, junior Katelyn Carney will see the healed-up hole that a Virginia Tech gunman put in her left hand."
Not surprisingly, no mention that the dead and wounded may have been saved if V-Tech wasn't a "gun-free zone".
I wonder why the authors kinda forgot to include that info.......?

These are THE RULES!

Let's be good Americans and respect our flag and what it stands for.

Gazing at the Flag: Flying the Flag at Half Staff (Half Mast)

Read the comments. And graze the "Gazing at the Flag" site. Worth your time.

The reason the GOPers lost the House....

... is also the reason we may win it back. GOPers get rid of their scum. Democrat leaders wallow in theirs.
I'd really prefer that there was a bit more outrage at the spouse/child/ex-spouse link to governmental corruption.

Renzi could soon resign U.S. House seat - The Business Journal of Phoenix:: "U.S. Rep. Rick Renzi, R-Ariz., could soon step down in the wake of a federal investigation into his involvement in a federal land swap deal and FBI raids of an insurance agency owned by his wife.
His resignation could come as early as Friday or soon after, according to sources familiar with the matter. "

Beauty and balls!

Female Thunderbird pilots a first for Air & Sea Show: South Florida Sun-Sentinel: "As they roar through their hair-raising maneuvers at this year's McDonald's Air & Sea Show, there will be something distinctly, well, feminine about the Air Force Thunderbirds.

For the first time since the squadron started flying in the seaside extravaganza in 1995, not just one, but two female pilots will be at the controls of the unit's F-16 Fighting Falcons."

Touching story

Blues boy's 'best friends' : " Kody Price was supposed to see his pen pal today at an air show in Vidalia, Ga.

But that won't happen. Kody Price was supposed to see his pen pal today at an air show in Vidalia, Ga.

But that won't happen."

Democrats giving America a clear choice

It's one thing to oppose, another to appease... and another to collaborate.

Democrats plug their ears:
"It's remarkable that Democrats, as a matter of policy, are siding with America's enemies in time of war. It didn't work so well for them when they did that during the Civil War. And it is questionable political strategy to make a swift retreat from Iraq the centerpiece of their legislative agenda....

Ms. Pelosi made a trip to Damascus early this month to meet with Syrian dictator Bashar Assad. That trip was panned by the normally Democrat-friendly Washington Post, which said: "Ms. Pelosi's attempt to establish a shadow presidency is not only counterproductive, it is foolish." Ms. Pelosi also expressed a desire to meet with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, until bad press forced a hasty retreat.
This makes absolutely stunning Ms. Pelosi's refusal to meet with Gen. David Petraeus, the commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, when he visited Washington this week. (She did speak with him on the telephone.) She gives the appearance of being eager to meet with America's enemies anytime, anywhere, but she can't find time in her busy schedule to meet with the commander of our troops.

"I've been struck by the degree to which the debate in Washington seems to be lagging behind the reality in Iraq," said military historian Frederick Kagan, one of the surge's godfathers, who has just returned from a visit there.
We won't know until about midsummer whether apparent improvements since the surge began will last, although it's very good news that sectarian killings in Baghdad have plunged and that nearly all the tribes in Anbar province, once an insurgent stronghold, have banded together to fight al-Qaeda.

But when General Petraeus came to Washington to report on these developments, Mr. Reid and Ms. Pelosi essentially stuck their fingers in their ears. Have Democrats invested so much political capital in defeat that good news is as unwelcome to them as news of Sherman's capture of Atlanta was to the Copperhead Democrats in 1864? Is their insistence on precipitous retreat driven by fear we might win?

Edwards doesn't believe there is a war on terror?

I guess that when haircuts and class action lawsuits are your life, women in burkas, children in suicide vests and the declared "Death to America" is just too ......... trivial?
Ben Smith's Blog - Politico.com: "Edwards aide David Ginsberg confirmed that the former North Carolina senator had not raised his hand in response to Brian Williams' question,'Do you believe there is such a thing as a global war on terror?'"

She sure proved you don't need 1600 SAT to succeed if you're a feminist.

Does anyone think the quality of MIT grads has improved during this fraud's tenure?
Heck, if you're a feminist lib, you don't need no stinkin' kolege at all.

Dean at M.I.T. Resigns, Ending a 28-Year Lie - New York Times: "Among other things, she told students that they did not need perfect SAT scores to get into M.I.T. She also redesigned the institute’s application form, leaving less space for students to list their extracurricular activities, so as not to imply that every student needed 10 activities to fill the 10 lines that used to be there. "

Friday, April 27, 2007

Hard to argue with this conversation

YouTube - Boston Legal - Guise & Dolls

Liberal logic!

Doh! Why didn't I think of this? We can reduce global warming by legislating more "night"!

NWAnews.com :: Northwest Arkansas' News Source: "Daylight exacerbates warning
You may have noticed that March of this year was particularly hot. As a matter of fact, I understand that it was the hottest March since the beginning of the last century. All of the trees were fully leafed out and legions of bugs and snakes were crawling around during a time in Arkansas when, on a normal year, we might see a snowflake or two. This should come as no surprise to any reasonable person. As you know, Daylight Saving Time started almost a month early this year. You would think that members of Congress would have considered the warming effect that an extra hour of daylight would have on our climate. Or did they ? Perhaps this is another plot by a liberal Congress to make us believe that global warming is a real threat. Perhaps next time there should be serious studies performed before Congress passes laws with such far-reaching effects.
CONNIE M. MESKIMEN / Hot Springs "

Breaking through the wall of lies

Osprey Media. - Cornwall Standard Freeholder: "The current debate about global warming is 'completely irrational,' and people need to start taking a different approach, say two Ottawa scientists.

Carleton University science professor Tim Patterson said global warming will not bring about the downfall of life on the planet. "

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

If these savings are real why don't we see more of the same?

The Rapid's first hybrid bus takes inaugural drive: "The $510,000 bus, about the same size as typical transit buses, runs on a combination of electrical batteries and diesel power and is expected to save fuel and emit fewer pollutants, officials said. "

Pools are a priority, cops, roads aren't.

I'd be very interested in where the $250,000 came from. Wouldn't you?

WOODTV.com & WOOD TV8 - Grand Rapids news, weather, sports and video - All GR city pools to open: "Good news for those looking forward to swimming this summer--despite budget problems, all six Grand Rapids city pools will be open.
The City of Grand Rapids has budgeted enough money to open three of the six public pools, but Monday afternoon a group of donors has come forward to open the gates for the remaining three.
A group called 'Making Great Waves for Kids' has collected more than $250,000-enough to convince the city to open the remaining three pools on June 25th.
Organizers worked with the city and others to raise enough to cover 2007 and are still collecting money to cover the next two years as well.
'It's my goal to work with the city and business leaders to develop a long term plan to have this thing dealt with indefinitely,' said Roosevelt Tillman with Making Great Waves for Kids. 'The great news today is that the first year, year one, we got it taken care of. We have the funds to do that now, so that's alright.'
The pool schedule is from June 25th through August 18th, and this year kids 17 and under will be admitted free-thanks to donations by Bob Sullivan and former state senator Glenn Steil.
To help contribute to the swimming pools, send a tax-deductible donation to:

GR City Parks Fund
Parks and Recreation Department
201 Market Ave. SW
Grand Rapids, MI 49503"

Sunday, April 22, 2007

"Fu** The Blue Angels"

The headline from a Seattle blog.
Remember Americans, Al Quaida isn't our only enemy.

The Stranger Forums - Fuck The Blue Angels: "Isn't Seattle too liberal to be hosting what amounts to a goddamn soveit era military parade complete with fighter jets and boats? All we need is a missle truck to complete the look. Who pays for this crap anyway?"

(I changed my headline because of the Brotherred comment. He was right. I was not.)

Another very sad day.

"Where do we get such brave men?"


The Calgary Sun - Anti-firearms nuts dead wrong

The Calgary Sun - Anti-firearms nuts dead wrong: "If only we're made more defenceless, more sheeplike, somehow only then will we be safe.
The U.S. Department of Justice found the risk of serious injury for unarmed women who were victims of crime was 250% higher than those who -- Eek! Eek! -- had a gun. "

Hernando Today - Online Edition

Hernando Today - Online Edition: "All the while, the planet Mars is warming, according to 30 years of NASA research.
And I’ve never seen pictures of dirty smokestacks or horrendous traffic jams on Mars. "

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Columbus Dispatch : Duke lacrosse players owe woman apology

The Columbus Dispatch : Duke lacrosse players owe woman apology: "Duke lacrosse players owe woman apology
Tuesday, April 17, 2007 3:32 AM

I respond to the Associated Press article in Thursday's Dispatch, 'All charges dropped against players,' regarding the Duke lacrosse rape case.
As a 24-year-old white, male college student, I am appalled that a case so pregnant with issues of race, gender, income disparity and prejudice has been swept under the rug.
Even if these young men did not rape this young woman, they still acted in a racist, misogynist manner that should not be condoned in any society. It is disheartening to think that these young men are owed an apology.
Not only do these men owe this young woman an apology, but also this case should cast a spotlight on any demographic of white elites who may hold these principles dear.
If that is overstepping, ask yourself this question: Where would this case be if these young men were inner-city blacks and the young woman was the daughter of wealthy, white elites? I think we all know the answer.

Columbus "

Friday, April 13, 2007

Interesting quitting "explainations"

FOXNews.com - Illinois Principal, Teacher Quit Amid Videotaped Sex Tryst - Local News News Articles National News US News: "CHICAGO HEIGHTS, Ill. — A principal and teacher at a suburban Chicago elementary school have quit after a video surfaced showing the two having sex in the principal's office.
The attorney for the school board of Sandridge District 172, John Izzo, said Principal Leroy Coleman and science teacher Janet Lofton submitted their resignations on Thursday. Izzo said the principal cited health reasons and the teacher said she was quitting because a family member was ill.
Izzo said both the principal and the teacher indicated they didn't know there was a camera in the office -- raising concerns that somebody may have secretly planted it there.
It appears the activities occurred in December and January, according to Izzo. He said the video that was apparently mailed to parents of students at Sandridge Elementary School hasn't been turned over to the district."