Sunday, January 13, 2008

Romney leads McCain in Michigan poll

Romney leads McCain in Michigan poll: "Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who badly needs to win Tuesday's Michgian primary, has an 8-point lead over Sen. John McCain of Arizona in a McClatchy/MSNBC poll of Michigan voters to be released Sunday.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

ABC News: The Rezko Connection: Obama's Achilles Heel?

ABC News: The Rezko Connection: Obama's Achilles Heel?: "In sharp contrast to his tough talk about ethics reform in government, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., approached a well-known Illinois political fixer under active federal investigation, Antoin 'Tony' Rezko, for 'advice' as he sought to find a way to buy a house shortly after being elected to the United States Senate."

A Spot Check of Global Warming - TierneyLab - Science - New York Times Blog

A Spot Check of Global Warming - TierneyLab - Science - New York Times Blog: "Dr. Pielke calls it “a feast for cherrypickers.” In the Prometheus blog, where you can read the details of his computations, he writes: “One can arrive at whatever conclusion one wants with respect to the IPCC predictions. Want the temperature record to be consistent with IPCC? OK, then you like NASA. How about inconsistent? Well, then you are a fan of RSS. On the fence? Well, UAH and UKMET serve that purpose pretty well.”"

Sandcastle V.I. - The Fabulous Ventures - Billboard Top Hits

Sandcastle V.I. - The Fabulous Ventures - Billboard Top Hits

Big Sale!

Brooks Brothers?

Brooks Brothers Black Fleece Classic Wool Jacket: "Classic Wool Jacket

Strong, closely-woven plain weave fabric, usually made from cotton, linen or hemp. Originally used to make sails.
Boiled wool. Full canvas construction. 3-button, double back vent. Locker loop at back neck. Sterling silver buttons. Fully lined with signature stripe lining. Made in Italy. Dry clean only. Cover all buttons before cleaning.
Reg. $2500.00 Sale: $1250.00"


Progressive Blogmeister To His Troops: Vote for Mitt! | Threat Level from

Progressive Blogmeister To His Troops: Vote for Mitt! Threat Level from "Superstar blogger and progressive political activist Markos Moulitsas Zuniga on Thursday urged his netroots compatriots in Michigan to vote for Mitt Romney next Tuesday."

Public channel TV viewers will need to convert -

Public channel TV viewers will need to convert - "People have to state they want it for public education/government channels,' she said."

Friday, January 11, 2008

Anti-gay shirt fight continues :: Bolingbrook Sun :: News

Anti-gay shirt fight continues :: Bolingbrook Sun :: News: "This case arose two years ago after Neuqua students' varied recognitions of the annual Day of Silence, during which students are allowed to not talk throughout the school day unless doing so interferes with their grades."

Ms Magazine refused this ad?

The Volokh Conspiracy - -: "Yet this is what the American Jewish Congress reports happened when the ad was submitted to Ms. magazine:
When Director of AJCongress’ Commission for Women’s Empowerment Harriet Kurlander tried to place the ad, she was told that publishing the ad “will set off a firestorm” and that “there are very strong opinions” on the subject -− the subject presumably being whether or not one can say anything positive about Israel. Ms. Magazine publisher Eleanor Smeal failed to respond to a signed-for certified letter with a copy of the ad as well as numerous calls by Mr. Gordon over a period of weeks."

and there is no God?

Biggest black hole in the cosmos discovered - space - 10 January 2008 - New Scientist Space: "The most massive known black hole in the universe has been discovered, weighing in with the mass of 18 billion Suns."


Why I don't go to Barnes and Noble any more

I've had the same experience too many times before.
Thank god AlGore invented! -: "just went to the local Barnes & Noble where I found Keith Olberman's 'Truth and Consequences' prominently displayed on a middle of the aisle table - impossible to miss. Curious, I went in search of Jonah Goldberg's book and where did I find it? A single copy languished on the bottom row of the current events rack with just the binding end of the book showing. Coincidence?"


Reason Magazine - Hit & Run > Vaccine-Autism Panic Debunked Yet Again by New Study

Reason Magazine - Hit & Run > Vaccine-Autism Panic Debunked Yet Again by New Study: "For years, the scientific evidence has been accumulating. The latest, published this week, once again showed that thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative long used in childhood vaccines, does not cause the neurological disorders associated with the U.S. autism epidemic."

On This Day

On This Day:

1757 American founding father Alexander Hamilton was born in the West Indies.
His Momma told him to practise his pistol shootin'. He didn't.

1805The Michigan Territory was created.
First evidence of Detroit money pit.

1861Alabama seceded from the Union.
Latent aversion to Michigan finally won over.

1935Aviator Amelia Earhart began a trip from Honolulu to Oakland, Calif., becoming the first woman to fly solo across the Pacific Ocean.
Next woman to take that trip was asking "coffee, tea or milk".

1964U.S. Surgeon General Luther Terry issued the first government report saying smoking may be hazardous to one's health.
New report says "everything may be hazardous to one's health". Class action lawyers donate another $trillion to democrats.

1977France set off an international uproar by releasing Abu Daoud, a Palestinian suspected of involvement in the massacre of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics.
And they are offended that the world calls them "surrender monkeys"?

2003Calling the death penalty process 'arbitrary and capricious, and therefore immoral,' Illinois Gov. George Ryan commuted the sentences of 167 condemned inmates, clearing his state's death row two days before leaving office."
Gov. Ryan checked into prison shortly after his ruling.

"Outright Scientific Fraud"

Sadly, this is hardly a surprise to anyone who's followed the MSM these last few years. -: "BIG -- AND DEVASTATING -- NEWS ON THAT LANCET STUDY claiming massive civilian deaths in Iraq. A National Journal cover story by Neil Munro suggests the possibility of outright scientific fraud. Munro notes serious problems with the study, and a failure on the part of The Lancet's staff to determine if the data on which it was based -- data which the authors will not share -- were even true. In addition, there are problems with conflicts of interest and political bias."

Deer Collide With 1.5M Vehicles Each Year

New Ideas To Stop Car-Deer Crashes: "Each year more than 200 people die in similar accidents. Deer collide with vehicles 1.5 million times every year - causing more than $1 billion in damage."

Stem cell breakthrough leaves embryos unharmed - health - 10 January 2008 - New Scientist

Stem cell breakthrough leaves embryos unharmed - health - 10 January 2008 - New Scientist: "For the first time, human embryonic stem cells have been obtained without having to destroy the embryos they came from.
The breakthrough sidesteps the primary ethical objection to human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research – that embryos must perish to yield up hESCs.
The new technique generates stem cells by extracting and culturing a single embryonic cell, leaving the remaining embryo to develop normally." Bring Nuke back?

Isn't the choice more nuke plants or these guys?

Seeing The Light: "Energy: Most of France's electricity has been generated by nuclear power for years, and now Great Britain is again looking to atomic energy. Why can't we increase nuclear output in this country?"

Has the MSM no shame at all?

More MSM "science" garbage.
These people are seriously ignorant!

Junkfood Science: If only it were true...: "News around the world has reported that “healthy habits can add 14 years to your life.” As incredible as that sounds, more incredible is that not a single health or medical reporter appears to have read the study behind the headlines and accurately report its findings."

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Judges: Anti-Clinton Film Is Advertising

And michael More's films were OK?
Judges: Anti-Clinton Film Is Advertising: "The early reviews are in, and three federal judges appeared in agreement Wednesday that a movie lambasting Hillary Clinton seemed an awful lot like a 90-minute campaign advertisement.
Citizens United, a conservative advocacy group, is challenging the nation's campaign finance laws, which require disclaimers on political advertisements and restrict when they can be broadcast. The group argues 'Hillary: The Movie' and related television advertisements are not political advertising even though the New York senator is in the presidential race.
Attorney James Bopp argued that they should be considered 'issue- oriented' speech because viewers aren't urged to vote for or against the Democrat."

The class action lawyer attack on America

The Volokh Conspiracy: "the Bendectin litigation eventually drew thousands of plaintiffs and cost Merrell Dow several hundred million dollars in defense costs (though not a penny was ever paid to a claimant,"

University of Michigan "Gay" course

Plus you get 3 credits!

University of Michigan: "Just because you happen to be a gay man doesn't mean that you don't have to learn how to become one. Gay men do some of that learning on their own, but often we learn how to be gay from others"


This Day in History

The League of Nations was established as the Treaty of Versailles went into effect.
Guarantees that diplomacy will replace war in the future.

The first General Assembly of the United Nations convened in London.
Hundreds of wars and genocidal events soon follow.

The Beatles' first album in the United States, "Introducing the Beatles," was released.
Liberals warn that English imports will put Motown out of business.

Republican Edward W. Brooke of Massachusetts, the first black elected to the U.S. Senate by popular vote, took his seat.
Yes. He was a Republican.

The Soviet Union launched two cosmonauts aboard a Soyuz capsule for a rendezvous with the Salyut VI space laboratory.
One small step towards bankruptcy for the USSR.

America Online agreed to buy Time-Warner for $162 billion.
In AOL stock....doh!

North Korea withdrew from a global treaty barring it from making nuclear weapons.
Liberals shocked, shocked!

CBS issued a damning independent review of mistakes related to a "60 Minutes Wednesday" report on President George W. Bush's National Guard service and fired three news executives and a producer for their "myopic zeal" in rushing it to air.
Liberals still stand by the "essence" of the fabrication.

Iran resumed nuclear research two years after halting the work to avoid possible U.N. economic sanctions. The move was denounced by the United States and European governments.
Iran "shocked" by denunciations. Decide to double their research. Invite Maddie Albright over for tea.

President George W. Bush announced he would send 21,500 additional U.S. forces to Iraq to quell violence there.
Son of a gun, it worked!
Liberals ban war reports in MSM

Stunning ignorance!

Why not 6, 7 or even 10 years?

Sure hope our bankrupt state hires a bunch of new educators to administer this plan!

State reviews 5-year high school graduation plan: "State educators are considering a proposal seeking to raise the standard graduation time for some Michigan high school students.
The plan allows students in select programs five years to graduate rather than the traditional four. Students would have to be approved for the one-year extension on a case-by-case basis."


This guy is a conservative? NOT!

Sen. McCain just made my voting choice a bit easier.

Republicans expound on Michigan's hard times - "McCain said he empathized with the state and said helping it as president would be a top priority.
'I am here to look you in the eye and tell you that we are a nation that doesn't leave our people behind,' he said.
Borrowing a page from the economic populism of former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, McCain proposed federal payments to compensate for wage loss sustained by older workers forced into lower-paying jobs. He also proposed that local community colleges take on the central role of job retraining he said should be specifically tailored to a community's employment needs."


the anti-Muskegon Chronicle?

Imagine if newspapers went back to being the defenders of the citizen and not just shills for city bigshots and the democrat party.

My Ideal News, uh, Thingy Hear ItFrom.Us: "The way I see it, newspapers, for now, are positioned to provide three things that are at a high premium and that most blogs/bloggers can’t deliver. I think most would be wise to capitalize on these by shifting the state of mind from being a newspaper to becoming a news organization/outlet/center:"


Leave Hillary Alone!!!


Throw the bums out!

"Mrs. Granholm, tare down that legislative wall!"

Cut Legislature down to part-time size: "How can Michigan taxpayers justify the cost of our full-time Legislature, one of only four such lawmaking bodies in the nation?"

An e-mail sent to me outlined this glorious quest:

Attorney and business owner, Henry Woloson, from Clarkston, MI, is heading a movement to place a proposal on the 2008 ballot for a part-time legislature in Michigan.
Some facts he provided:

1 - 46 states have part-time legislatures.
2 - Michigan has 148 full-time legislators.
3 - Michigan has 23% more legislators than California . We have a population
Of 10 million. California 's is 36 million.

4 - California is the only state in the US that pays its lawmakers more than

5 - $115 million-plus is allocated each year for the operation of the
Legislature. This does not include lifetime health benefits for former legislators.

Under the new proposal:
1 - Legislative sessions would be limited to 90 days between Jan. 1 and April 30 each year.
2 - Special sessions could be called - no additional compensation.
3 - Elimination of lifetime benefits for legislators.
4 - Freezing salaries pending later review.
5 - Downsizing from 148 members to 100 members. (75 representative and 25 Senators)
6 - Estimated annual savings - more than $30 million.

Other current considerations:
1 - Extending term limits to 12 years for voters who value legislative Experience.
2 - Having terms of both representative and senators be 4 years with 1/2 of Each group standing for election every 2 years.

Quote: " Michigan needs our state government to become more productive and less Expensive with greater accountability. We hope concerned Michigan citizens Will support our efforts to let the voters decide if they wish to join the Vast majority of states effectively operating with a part-time legislature."


I thought we were broke?

Didn't the State just raise taxes because there wasn't enough money and there were no more possible cuts in spending?
State buys scenic land in Upper Peninsula: "The state of Michigan is working toward ownership of more than 1,000 acres of scenic land in the Upper Peninsula, officials said Wednesday."

GordoM-thinks-our-state-must-be-shaking-the-money-tree-again........... us-taxpayers