Sunday, January 20, 2008

Are teacher sick days taking a bite out of education? - Michigan News, Updates, Photos & Video | Detroit, Lansing -

No room to cut the budget and no school choice.

"Area public school teachers took an average of eight days for sick and personal leave last school year — nearly twice the rate for workers in other professions nationally."

"The leadership of Governor Granholm cannot be overstated"?


The Chronicle editorial board is in love with Jenny!

Who cares about unemployment, U-Hauls going one-way out of town and a bankrupt budget?

The religion of GREEN is paramount!

Regional pact right step for Michigan

The leadership of Gov. Jennifer Granholm on regional issues important to the Great Lakes and our state cannot be overstated. Her hard work on substantive matters that extend beyond Michigan's borders is vital in shaping a better region and world. .....

Granholm joined with others in creating regional pacts to reduce carbon emissions and setting up a "trading system" to meet the new targets, as has been done in other areas of the country by other regional gubernatorial teams. Fresh from her work at the governors' conference, Granholm got to work back home on attaining the proposed goals of reduced greenhouse emissions in this state by creating a 35-member Michigan Climate Action Council to bring a comprehensive climate action plan to the table for consideration.

Farmington Daily Times - Are Navajo Blueeyes seeing red?

Farmington Daily Times - Are Navajo Blueeyes seeing red?: "And there are plenty, Anglo and Navajo, who should share the blame for this disgrace. Sending as many a 400 people to Hawaii for a national conference on education, using precious and limited tribal money and federal funds intended to help Navajo school children, should be illegal.
Perhaps, that is the case. The Department of the Interior confirmed that its Inspector General investigation continues into whether taxpayer money was misused for so many to go so far, and for what?
There were not 400 Navajo representatives at the same conference in the three previous years, including when it was in much closer Phoenix and Denver."

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Country club sets a new course for the future - Muskegon Chronicle -

Country club sets a new course for the future - Muskegon Chronicle - "One of the options is changing the status of the private club -- long a favorite dining and recreational outlet for Muskegon executives and community leaders -- to semi-private or public."

Muhammad's Tribe

Muhammad's Tribe: "Why did the Muslim Middle East become so violent? Philip Carl Salzman explains how Bedouin politics became embedded in modern Islamic sociology"

Opinion: The fictional horrors of war | war, times, iraq, one, home -

Opinion: The fictional horrors of war war, times, iraq, one, home -

Stopping Iran: Why the Case for Military Action Still Stands

Stopping Iran: Why the Case for Military Action Still Stands - -: "VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: 'After reading most of the McCain animus on conservative blogs, I’m a little worried that some of it goes over the top. . . . McCain’s past support for the flawed immigration bill, McCain-Feingold, and opposition to tax cuts, as well as temper flare-ups at those who questioned his conservative fides are legitimate concerns. But many believe that the two key issues right now are winning, in conservative fashion, the war in all its theaters, and controlling out-of-control spending. He seems in the forefront there. Moreover it seems odd to fault him for telling the truth—however politically unwise—that all the jobs in the automotive industry simply aren’t coming back as before.'"

Founder of Anti-Gun Group Pleads No Contest to Weapons Charges - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News

News Articles National News US News:
"A former gang member who founded an anti-violence group called No Guns has pleaded no contest to federal weapons charges.
Hector 'Big Weasel' Marroquin, 51, and co-defendant Sylvia Arrellano, 25, entered pleas Thursday for three counts of manufacture, distribution and transport for sale of an unlawful assault weapon.
Arrellano also pleaded no contest to machine gun conversion and possessing a silencer and acknowledged that the crime was committed for the benefit of a criminal street gang."...

....Marroquin founded No Guns in 1996, ostensibly to reduce gang and gun violence. The group received $1.5 million from the city as a subcontractor on anti-gang efforts but its contract was canceled last year after authorities learned that Marroquin had hired relatives, including his son, Hector "Little Weasel" Marroquin. & WOOD TV8 - Grand Rapids news, weather, sports and video - Local economic confidence lowest since '95 & WOOD TV8 - Grand Rapids news, weather, sports and video - Local economic confidence lowest since '95: "Not since 1995 has confidence in the local economy been lower, according to Grand Valley State University economist Dr. Hari Singh."

Smoking foes in huff over GVSU's noncompliance -

Smoking foes in huff over GVSU's noncompliance - "The school began taking heat Wednesday after the student newspaper, The Lanthorn, reported GVSU maintained it did not have to follow the county's workplace smoking ban, which took effect Jan. 1.
'I regret that this is the position they're taking,' said Marcia Knol, chairwoman of Smoke Free Ottawa, the coalition that pushed for the smoking ban. 'This is a public health code regulation. They are required to comply with health code regulations.'
The university has continued to allow students to smoke at doorways and places ashtrays there for cigarette disposal, a conflict with the ordinance that requires 25 feet between smokers and any entrances and windows.
Tom Butcher, GVSU's general counsel, said universities have autonomy, but said Wednesday a group will study whether its policy should be updated.
'I think we will look at those as guidance to update our policy,' Butcher said.
GVSU Vice President Matt McLogan said the state constitution grants all 15 universities the power to set their own regulations, and the university already has a smoke-free building policy."

Friday, January 18, 2008

Watch What You Put on Trailer Hitches

Watch What You Put on Trailer Hitches: "It's one thing to dangle fuzzy dice from a rear view mirror, but decorating a trailer hitch with a large pair of rubber testicles might be a bit much in Virginia.
State Del. Lionel Spruill introduced a bill Tuesday to ban displaying replicas of human genitalia on vehicles," "States are trying to disconnect computer-generated political calls that are flooding the nation's households at election time."

Al Dente: Yet Another Reason We Should Be Able to Drink at Work

Al Dente: Yet Another Reason We Should Be Able to Drink at Work: "A recent article reports that German researchers just announced that drinking beer promotes good health. How could this lovely dream be possible? They say that, “preliminary studies indicate xanthohumol, a compound found in hops, inhibits a family of enzymes which trigger cancer, as well as help the body detoxify carcinogens.”"

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Joke leaves 'em gasping : Local News : The Rocky Mountain News

Joke leaves 'em gasping : Local News : The Rocky Mountain News: "A Greeley businessman apologized Wednesday after a joke about Illinois Sen. Barack Obama fell flat during the National Western Stock Show's annual Citizen of the West banquet.
William R. Farr was pretending to read telegrams congratulating this year's award recipient, University of Colorado President Hank Brown, when he pulled out a piece of paper and said, 'I have a telegram from the White House.'
Then he added, 'They're going to have to change the name of that building if Obama's elected.'"

Political parties spoiled the party for our primary -

Political parties spoiled the party for our primary - "Also, given the way the open primary is structured, a Democrat theoretically could put on a Grand Old Party hat for a day and try to shape that party's presidential field. While our formal position is that such a move is unethical, the reality is, this is a game Michiganders on both sides of the political fence love to play.
And it is allowable -- this goes for Republicans, too. You do not have to be a registered member of any party to vote, nor will requesting a partisan ballot make you a registered Republican or Democrat. While the political parties themselves are allowed to know who is and isn't voting, this information is not available to the general public."

MCC, GVSU study plan to serve North Ottawa -

MCC, GVSU study plan to serve North Ottawa - "Muskegon Community College and Grand Valley State University today will announce a joint effort that could provide new educational opportunities for North Ottawa County residents.
The plan would enable North Ottawa residents -- 25 years and older -- to complete their basic college courses at the MCC campus, said MCC President David Rule.
MCC and GVSU officials this afternoon will sign an agreement to conduct 'a feasibility study' of the plan that is expected to be completed by June"

Angry school leader warns of big 'ugly' cuts -

Angry school leader warns of big 'ugly' cuts - "Big spending cuts at Muskegon Public Schools are coming next year, and the results could be 'ugly.'
That was the warning Superintendent Colin Armstrong gave school board members Monday as district officials begin preparing a budget for the 2008-09 school year.
Current estimates are that $3 million will have to be slashed from the district's budget -- a proposition that makes Armstrong frustrated and angry at state funding for education."

Court orders state to tighten 'factory farm' regulations -

Court orders state to tighten 'factory farm' regulations - "The 200 concentrated animal feeding operations in Michigan, known as CAFOs, collectively generate more than 4 billion pounds of manure annually, according to state data. Nearly all of that manure is spread, untreated, on farm fields. The practice can pollute nearby streams with harmful bacteria.
There are at least 16 CAFOs in West Michigan. Several of the massive livestock operations, including den Dulk Dairy Farms in Ravenna and Ryzebol Dairy in Bailey, have been cited by the state in recent years for pollution violations"

Divided council rejects lake taxing board -

Divided council rejects lake taxing board - "A divided Norton Shores City Council rejected creation of a Mona Lake taxing district Wednesday -- shocking supporters who said the health of the lake and the channel to Lake Michigan will suffer without stable funding."

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Deal afoot to alter Klamath for users -

Deal afoot to alter Klamath for users - "A unique gathering of government agencies, Native Americans, farmers and fishermen Tuesday proposed removing four dams on the Klamath River, with a cornucopia of benefits running to river users ranging from $80 million to tribes to guaranteed irrigation water for farmers.
Yet the linchpin of the historic deal -- an agreement from Portland-based PacifiCorp to remove its four dams -- is missing.
Also absent are agreements from Oregon, California and Congress to pay nearly $1 billion in costs."

Men's 'sexually harassing' hairy chests get under gals' skin - Mainichi Daily News

Men's 'sexually harassing' hairy chests get under gals' skin - Mainichi Daily News: "Once a symbol of virility, hairy chests now gross out enough Japanese to see their exposure judged as a form of sexual harassment, according to Sunday Mainichi (1/27).
Earlier this month, East Japan Railway Co. (JR East) banned the display of a poster advertising the 1,000-year-old Somin Festival because it featured a photo of a loincloth-clad man with a bare but hairy chest.
JR East said it couldn't let festival organizers display the poster because it was sexually harassing in that many women were likely to find it offensive."

Jackson Hole energy pigs report consumption

Jackson Hole energy pigs report consumption: "He and his family talk about the energy question and his teenage son is part of the Jackson Hole Middle School Global Warming Hero League, a group of students raising awareness about climate change and its causes.

He said how energy impacts the environment is “something our family talks about a lot.”

As a member of the generation that helped build the valley economy and as a person who relied on petroleum to power his American Dream, Leeds now feels what some call “carbon guilt.”

“I have quite a bit of guilt as a member of a particular age group that is looking at passing on this sorry situation to these middle schoolers,” Leeds said."

Jackson Hole energy pigs report consumption

Jackson Hole energy pigs report consumption: "Lower Valley customers who don’t buy green power may find it difficult to determine the source of their electrons. The company buys electricity from Bonneville Power Administration, which generates energy with nuclear plants and dams centered around the Snake and Columbia river drainages. In one sense, when valley residents toast bread in the morning they generate nuclear waste and impede salmon runs."

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

'just when I had given up'

The Columbus Dispatch : Passer-by rescues motorist 'just when I had given up': "'I've got to turn around and at least go check,' Brown told himself."

Obama-Farrakhan connection?

The Volokh Conspiracy : "Barack Obama is a member of Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ. Its minister, and Obama's spiritual adviser, is the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. In 1982, the church launched Trumpet Newsmagazine; Wright's daughters serve as publisher and executive editor. Every year, the magazine makes awards in various categories. Last year, it gave the Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. Trumpeter Award to a man it said 'truly epitomized greatness.' That man is Louis Farrakhan."

"I.D.?" "We don't need no stinkin' ID!"

So much for "photo ID" necessary to vote in the Michigan primary.
I just voted and told the nice octogenarian lady that I had no photo ID.
"No problem, sir. Just fill out this form"
I only had to fill out a small form with "my" name, "my" address and "my" date of birth.
I then signed "my" name attesting that I had was "not in possession of" picture ID.
It was in my car.

Muskegon Heights endorses taxing board for Mona Lake

Norton Shores is going to get in bed with these same "water crooks" again?

And check out who will sit on the board that will spend the money!

City endorses taxing board for Mona Lake: "The Muskegon Heights City Council Monday voted unanimously to support efforts to create a board that would levy taxes for environmental improvements to Mona Lake.
The council still needs to schedule a public hearing before the new taxing district could be formed. The Norton Shores City Council has also endorsed formation of the lake board and set a public hearing for 7 p.m. Wednesday in the Norton Shores Public Library, 705 Seminole."

The Mona Lake Watershed Council and the Mona Lake Improvement Association have been studying the issue for a year. Their proposal would raise about $90,000 annually over five years for weed reduction, dredging and other improvements. Most of the 500 affected property owners and those with lakefront lots would pay $200 annually under the proposal. An estimated 95 property owners with deeded access but no frontage would pay 25 to 50 percent of that.
The new Mona Lake Board would be composed of representatives from Norton Shores, Muskegon Heights, the county drain commissioner's office and the Muskegon County Board of Commissioners, and a resident.

Should Michigan Really Matter to Candidates? - Should Michigan Really Matter to Candidates?: "While America mostly prospered from 2000 until 2007, Michigan lost 400,000 jobs and stands to lose another 51,000 in 2008, according to University of Michigan economists.
The reason why Michigan “artificially had a recession,” former Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos on Sunday, is “because its government is so bad, its taxes are so high, its unionized work rules are so destructive . . .”"

Michigan can't fix Michigan?

Detroit Free Press tells us it's not our fault, there's nothing we can do to make our state better.

ELECTION 2008: STEPHEN HENDERSON: The next president must pay attention to our problems: "But the payoff for Michigan won't come until there's a president who 'gets it' on the troubles facing U.S. manufacturing in general and the auto industry in particular, and is willing to focus on those issues, something Washington has barely done for eight years."

STEPHEN HENDERSON is the deputy editor of the Free Press editorial page.