Monday, February 18, 2008

I just saw on TV McCain standing next to Romney...

... sure Mitt is taller than Johnny McC but why the heck is Mitt's head about twice the size of McCain's?


Beef recall hysteria infects Grand Rapids school Board

Zombies on the GR BOE do what Zombies always do....
Beef recall hits Grand Rapids schools - Michigan Food Stories, Recipes and Reviews - "Officials said it was the largest beef recall in the United States, surpassing a 1999 ban of 35 million pounds of ready-to-eat meats. No illnesses have been linked to the newly recalled meat, and officials said the health threat was likely small."

In a freezer at the Grand Rapids Public Schools food service facility sits 20,000-pounds of hamburger that will never rest between a bun.
The meat, purchased by the district through a contract with the federal government, is part of a recall of meat by a California meat packer being investigated for abusing its cattle.

Deer dinner tonight!

Amazing what a 40# bag of corn will do.

Just who IS teaching our kids?

Again, the kids aren't even part of the equation.
Teachers 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.........

Schools cut secret deals with abusive teachers - "It would take months for the agency that licenses Oregon teachers to discipline a Salem-area teacher for inappropriately touching at least eight girls.
To get Kenneth John Cushing, then 44, away from Claggett Creek Middle School students immediately, administrators cut him a deal: If Cushing resigned, they would conceal his alleged conduct -- clutching students' waists, touching their buttocks and massaging their shoulders -- from the public.
Cushing signed the pact ... with Salem-Keizer Public Schools in 2004, and officials promised not to reveal the teacher's behavior if potential employers called looking for a reference. They would attribute his departure to 'personal reasons,' the document reads, and make 'no reference to this agreement.'"

Democrat politicians ALWAYS fire cops and cut our military

Lansing State Journal: Short-staffed state police see cases pile up: "The accident occurred in May. Police believe Russell Dunham was drunk and speeding in an Eaton County accident that killed two people.
Dunham was charged in August, but prosecutors didn't get word of the DNA test results on an air bag until late last month - eight months after the accident and barely a week before the case was scheduled for trial."

Blu-ray wins! HD DVD is the new Beta.... bummer dude...

Where are the Congressional hearings?
The consumer don't need no stinkin' hearings.....?
Never mind.
"Sony's Blu-ray technology is emerging as the likely winner in the format battle for the next generation of DVD players after Toshiba appeared ready to ditch its HD DVD business."

These people really are nuts

Olbermann Accuses 'Fascist' Bush of Engaging in 'Terrorism' "Calling the President a 'liar' who was 'slinging crap' and using 'a form of terrorism against his own people' to gain support, Olbermann accused President Bush of fascism: 'If you believe in the seamless mutuality of government and big business, come out and say it! There is a dictionary definition, one word that describes that toxic blend. You're a fascist! Get them to print you a T-shirt with fascist on it! What else is this but fascism?'"

Democrat leaders allied with terrorists! For money?

This is as bad as it gets.
Democrat leaders side with terrorists because their class action lawyer contributors bought the votes.
This is sick......

Robert D. Novak - Why Torts Trumped Terrorism - "The true reason for blocking the bill was Senate-passed retroactive immunity to protect from lawsuits private telecommunications firms asked to eavesdrop by the government. The nation's torts bar, vigorously pursuing such suits, has spent months lobbying hard against immunity."
Of the 29 Democratic senators who voted against the FISA bill last Tuesday, 24 took money from the trial lawyers (as did two absent senators, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama).

Ralph Nader ready to jump in?

I thought he had died.

Apparently not. I just got this E-mail from his campaign.

Warms the cockles of my cold, conservative heart.

Ralph's birthday - February 27 - is less than ten days away.
Ralph will decide soon whether to throw his hat into the ring to challenge the corporate powers that control our political system.
Over the past two weeks, we have been exploring whether or not anyone on the national political landscape is effectively addressing a whole slew of major issues......

GRCC gets tough on grades

A 13% graduation rate without minimum grade requirements?

Yout tax dollars ar work!

GRCC gets tough on grades?:
"Starting this fall, Grand Rapids Community College students will have to work harder if they want to stay in school
Minimum grade-point averages of 1.5 to 2.0 will be imposed for the first time...

Imagine the edjakatin' you get at GRCC with your new higher grade standard of 1.5!
Mom's gonna be SO proud......

Che Guevara and the Obama Campaign - HUMAN EVENTS

As if we really needed more proof.....

More proof of MSM bias- HUMAN EVENTS: "Imagine -- say -- Huckabee campaign volunteers in -- say -- 'Possum Gulch Arkansas, discovered with their offices displaying David Duke (who despite his looney ravings has killed no one, and who -- as far as I know -- has never advocated the nuclear extermination of the U.S. population) posters.
Do you think there might be a media hullabaloo, with the attendant harrumphing and extortion of apologies by Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson?"

Local stores begin selling artificial hormone free milk

At least, this is consumer preference and not government intrusion.

But there is NO science that suggests that "hormone free" cows produce different milk.

Junk science triumphs again: "The US Food and Drug Administration found no difference in milk from cows that were given r-BST and those that were not.

But, that doesn't convince everyone. Including Meijer customer Charlette Muller, who was shopping for her four children. She says, “I had actually pushed water a little more with all the hormone stuff going on. But, now that they have hormone free milk we will definitely drink more milk. That's a guarantee.'"

Of what? Simple "feel-good" idiocy?

Top shrink concludes liberals are clinically nuts!

That settles that.....
Top shrink concludes liberals are clinically nuts!: "Just when liberals thought it was safe to start identifying themselves as such, an acclaimed, veteran psychiatrist is making the case that the ideology motivating them is actually a mental disorder.
'Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded,' says Dr. Lyle Rossiter, author of the new book, 'The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.' 'Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave.'"

Sunday, February 17, 2008

How SubPrime Really Works

click the link and then click the cartoon to start the PowerPoint slide show.
Be patient while it loads.
Worth your time.
The Big Picture How SubPrime Really Works: "This hysterical piece of financial wit -- in Powerpoint no less -- has been circulating round Wall Street trading desks for a few days now."

Kudlow's Money Politic$: No Recession

We probably have dodged the "recession" bullet.
Hill/B Hussein want us back in the crosshairs of a real recession with their the punish-the-rich populism.
Kudlow's Money Politic$: No Recession: "Speaking in Warren, Ohio, this week, Sen. Clinton singled out oil, credit-card, insurance, pharmaceutical, investment, and student-loan firms in a massive attack on business. She’s attacking corporations that employ 23 million people and, by the way, pay higher than average wages. In other words, Clinton is attacking 23 million jobs. This is the forgotten middle-class. And they know that if politicians curb or confiscate the profits of their companies, it is they, the workers, who will be harmed.

This is what Hill-Bama fails to understand. This is why Hill-Bama policy would be so damaging to the economy. Corporations are profitable, sure. But wage earners get 70 percent of the profits; investors share the remaining 30 percent."

"Kathleen Turner saves cash by riding bus"

Meebee Kathy ought to take less bus and a bunch less eating out.

The former beauty could easily double as a Walmart greeter.

The Detroit News Online: "Kathleen Turner eats out less and often takes mass transit now that she's doing stage work instead of films - and she enjoys getting compliments on the bus."
GordoM-remembers-"Body Heat"-ummmm-Body-Heat....long-time-ago......

Dark Roasted Blend: Oops! Weirdest Accidents, Part 3

Oba-manians on endorphins?

How else do we explain the lack of SCREAMING OUTRAGE at Hillary stealing the Michigan delegates?

He played by the rules and she cheated.

ELECTION 2008: Mich. delegates may get seats, though it's unclear how: "Pretty much everyone expects some or all of Michigan's delegates to be seated at this summer's Democratic presidential nominating convention in Denver."


BLACKFIVE: American Alienation

A bit long but WELL worth your time.

Show it to the kids.

BLACKFIVE: American Alienation: "Wow! This is one of the coolest videos I have seen. It does a beautiful job of skewering the weakness of the left's arguments in a stylish and entertaining way. I don't know who Kafir Alalazoo is, but I like what he's doing."

Unofficial Tallies in City Understated Obama Vote - New York Times

Unofficial Tallies in City Understated Obama Vote - New York Times: "The history of New York elections has been punctuated by episodes of confusion, incompetence and even occasional corruption"

"in five years, you're gonna be blown away" Governor Granholm

Seems like Jenny was right.....

Kwame must of not been listening .....

Michigan taxes are killing our state!

When will Jenny start shouting "We're number one!"?

Taxes, rules sink Michigan with CEOs: "in the minds of 605 of the country's chief executives. Michigan was rated the third worst state to do business in behind New York and California, down from fifth worst last year, according to Chief Executive magazine's annual poll of business executives"

Pay equity. Death to Michigan?

Seriously, folks.

This could move the entire economy of Michigan to the level of Detroit.

Core Principles: On today's agenda: "we should let the government, through a commission which is tilted to the left, tell the private sector how much they should pay their employees."

"wear your seatbelt, drink milk and don't run with sissors...."

Our US Marines!

God love and protect them all.
Great, and funny, video of the young men who allow us to live our lives in peace. - A Marine and a Cab Driver in Iraq.

Totally unfair!

But this fake is racing through the blogosphere.

Kinda fun to see the racecard played against the primo racecard players.

Bummer dudes.....

(click the photo to engorge)

Michigan Math. Good news/Bad news?

The good news: The kid (or a kid surrogate) can write a short letter to the editor.
The bad news: He's in a class that "gives.....lots of hope and self-esteem". Proficiency
in math might be the better "gift".

The worse news: Our local paper printed this feel-good pap.
The even worse news: Only 53% of our kids meet or exceed MEAP math standards.... after 13 or MORE years in our public school disaster.

Student gives a big shout-out to math -
"I'd like to give thanks to my 5th-grade teacher Mr. Carter, math teacher of 'Sharks' at Reeths-Puffer Intermediate school. This man has given me lots of hope and self-esteem.
I love his class. I look forward to having his class every day. He is a good friend to everybody. I'm sure everybody loves him. Woo-hoo, let's go to math!
Shyanne Foster"

What, no Communist Party on the ballot?

Since Paul Keep has joined The Muskegon Chronicle, its leftward dive has been breathtaking.

I doubt that the current Democrat Party is left enough for Keep and his comrades.
Maybe that's why Mr Keep didn't vote in the primary?

Chronicle editors beyond left? -
"Letterwriter is right, The Chronicle is 'left'
Mr. Gray's letter published Jan. 17 was right on the money. His letter takes The Chronicle to task for its 'fanatical left-wing opinions.'
To be more specific, he criticizes the newspaper for an editorial that charged that the requirement to provide an approved I.D. to vote was a poll tax. Mr. Gray wrote that this requirement is 'a guarantee that each person gets one and only one vote and that each vote will count.' I agree with Mr. Gray and challenge the newspaper to refute his argument.
I presume the column by the publisher/editor of the paper that appeared on Jan. 20 reinforced Mr. Gray's opinion of The Chronicle. The editor states in his column that he didn't vote in the primary because the Democratic and Republican parties would know which party ballot he chose.
Who is the editor kidding? How naive does he think the readers are? We know the editor is a member of the editorial board that directs the development of the 'left-wing' editorials. I have no question which party the editor supports and votes for. Do you?
Frank Buck
Norton Shores"
Here's Keep's idiotic post on his blog:

My great grandfather's business partner

Tommy Ed!

Taken in 1912 and given to great grampa Bouquardez as a gift.

It's the original and hangs in my Muskey home.

Nifty, eh?

Classical Values :: More felonies, more felons!

It does seem that a whole lot of crimes are being "upgraded".
More felonies, more felons!: "I don't approve of trespassing (especially on occupied residential property), but traditionally it has long been considered a misdemeanor, and it was a bit startling to see evidence that it is becoming a felony.
Walk across a construction site, and lose the right to vote, as well as your Second Amendment rights, for the rest of your life?"

"EcoMoms" preach new nut-zone religion

Is an ignoramuse's mind a terrible thing to waste?

For ‘EcoMoms,’ Saving Earth Begins at Home - New York Times: “I used to feel anxiety,” said Kathy Miller, 49, an alliance member, recalling life before she started investigating weather-sensitive irrigation controls for her garden with nine growing zones. “Now I feel I’m doing something.”.....
“Activism can help counteract depression,” Ms. Buzzell added.
Sticking her nose into someone else's life sure does make some feel better....