Thursday, February 21, 2008


WHAT ARE THE CLINTONS HIDING? - New York Post: "So it turns out that Bill Clinton's ties to mining mogul Frank Giustra extend far beyond the lucrative contract he won in Kazakhstan after the two of them shared a dinner with that nation's president."

We’re Not in Lake Wobegon Anymore

"The party of Lincoln and Liberty was transmogrified into the party of hairy-backed swamp developers and corporate shills, faith-based economists, fundamentalist bullies with Bibles, Christians of convenience, freelance racists, misanthropic frat boys, shrieking midgets of AM radio, tax cheats, nihilists in golf pants, brownshirts in pinstripes, sweatshop tycoons, hacks, fakirs, aggressive dorks, Lamborghini libertarians, people who believe Neil Armstrong’s moonwalk was filmed in Roswell, New Mexico, little honkers out to diminish the rest of us, Newt’s evil spawn and their Etch-A-Sketch president, a dull and rigid man suspicious of the free flow of information and of secular institutions, whose philosophy is a jumble of badly sutured body parts trying to walk. Republicans: The No.1 reason the rest of the world thinks we’re deaf, dumb and dangerous."

Nice to see some "love" from Garrison Keillor....... or maybe a look into the mind of liberals and ......Obama?

It's about time!

Steven Pearlstein - Time for Wall Street to Pay - "Wall Street's hypocrisy on this topic is nothing less than breathtaking. When times are good, its champions will claim that their brilliance and hard work account for the spectacular returns. But when markets turn and investors lose their shirts, these same brilliant managers are sent off with golden parachutes and invariably scooped up by rival firms that are only too willing to chalk up their mistakes to bad luck."

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

In case you need a refresher.

IMAO: Hippie Punching FAQ: "Unfortunately, American society has gotten lax on hippie punching to the point I thought I should write an FAQ to better explain the issue to those who don't currently engage in the punching of hippies."

Good for them!

I'm not normally fond of more lawsuits but this one so filled with class-actionee goodness that I'll sit back and purr.

Dozens of Unindicted Lacrosse Players File Federal Lawsuit Against Duke: "More than three dozen current and former Duke lacrosse players plan to file a federal lawsuit against the university, the city of Durham and others involved in the case."

Trail project receives $400,000 from coalition - Muskegon Chronicle -

Trail project receives $400,000 from coalition - Muskegon Chronicle - "The project committee will now go ahead and apply for a grant from the Michigan Department of Transportation, which could produce anywhere from $200,000 to $400,000, officials said."

Mayor's climate aide gets $160,000 a year

Mayor's climate aide gets $160,000 a year: "Mayor Gavin Newsom recently created a $160,000-a-year job for a senior aide and gave him the ambitious-sounding title of director of climate protection initiatives."

The power of FOXNews?

Google Quietly Reinstates Work of News Organization Critical of U.N.

After years of falling sales, Sharper Image files for bankruptcy

After years of falling sales, Sharper Image files for bankruptcy

Green Party No 'Spoiler' for Obama, McKinney Says -- 02/20/2008

Green Party No 'Spoiler' for Obama, McKinney Says -- 02/20/2008: "Former Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-Ga.) said her bid for the White House as a Green Party candidate won't hurt Sen. Barack Obama or Sen. Hillary Clinton's chances for being the first African-American or woman U.S. president, respectively, because U.S. elections have been corrupted."

Big Retail Chains Dun Mere Suspects in Theft -

Big Retail Chains Dun Mere Suspects in Theft - "After Miami handyman Glenn Rudge was accused of shoplifting an $8 set of drill bits at Home Depot, he thought he'd settled the matter when he showed his receipt to prosecutors and they dropped the charge.
But a few weeks later, a law firm hired by Home Depot began sending him letters demanding first $3,000, then a total of $6,000, implying he'd be sued if he didn't pay it."

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Ron Paul soon to be unemployed?

Power Line: Blowing His Cover: "Paul is facing a strong challenge from an accountant and city councilman named Chris Peden, who currently leads Paul by around ten points in the polls."

Are CFLs the new "ASBESTOS"?

for class action lawyers, that is?

What the heck broke, how much deadly stuff snurffed through the Y and how different is that from a CFL break?

Mercury spill closes local YMCA: "A small amount of mercury discharged from a blood pressure monitor forced the Gainey Family YMCA to close on Monday."

Didn't this guy sing "On the road again"?

I never knew he lived in Cuba!

Musta been the tax problems he had.....

It's tough being a democrat party voter

click the link to see the Exit Poll.

Truth will rule!

IMAO: IMAO Exit Poll For Democrats: "We at IMAO strive to provide the most up to date and factual information available anywhere. If you're a Democrat who voted today, please take a moment and fill out our exit poll.
Thank You."

This Kid Deserves An Oscar on Yahoo! Video

WAAAAY Too funny!

This Kid Deserves An Oscar on Yahoo! Video

hat tip to MrD at

Does the UN control GOOGLE?

Banned from Google by the United Nations? - Journalist Who Exposes U.N. Corruption Disappears From Google
"It began with an innocuous-sounding yet chilling form letter from Google to Lee, e-mailed on Feb. 8:
'We periodically review news sources, particularly following user complaints, to ensure Google News offers a high quality experience for our users,' it said. 'When we reviewed your site we've found that we can no longer include it in Google News.'"
read it all.

Angry white men

Ummm. Red meat!

Read it all and enjoy!

Aspen Times News for Aspen Colorado - Aspen Times Weekly Opinion: "The Angry White Man comes from all economic backgrounds, from dirt-poor to filthy rich. He represents all geographic areas in America, from urban sophisticate to rural redneck, deep South to mountain West, left Coast to Eastern Seaboard.
His common traits are that he isn’t looking for anything from anyone — just the promise to be able to make his own way on a level playing field. In many cases, he is an independent businessman and employs several people. He pays more than his share of taxes and works hard."

The victimhood syndrome buzzwords — “disenfranchised,” “marginalized” and “voiceless” — don’t resonate with him. “Press ‘one’ for English” is a curse-word to him. He’s used to picking up the tab, whether it’s the company Christmas party, three sets of braces, three college educations or a beautiful wedding.


CRACK'D MUSKEGON NEWZ: "Reporting from the Gaza Strip of Muskegon, Michigan. Average income is moot do to lack of empolyment. Population is unknown."

Living Large with Drew Carey

This is the BEST feel-good video I've seen in a while.
Drew Carey on how things really are in our wonderful country. - Videos > Living Large

To hear the Lou Dobbses and Bill O'Reillys of the world--not to mention politicians ranging from Ron Paul to Hillary Clinton--the middle class of America (however you define that term) has never had it so tough. Between credit squeezes, out-of-control immigration, rising costs of education and health care and everything else, it's all darkness out there for those of us who are neither millionaires nor welfare cases, right?
In "Living Large," Drew Carey and examine the plight of the American middle class. What do they find? Click below to find out.

Obama and gun control

Read it all.
It gets worse.

The Volokh Conspiracy - -#1203383023#1203383023#1203383023: "Obama is proposing to make it a felony for a gun owner whose firearm was stolen from his residence which causes harm to another person if that weapon was not securely stored in that home. [!!!]"

This doesn't sound good.

Weblog Politics Blog: "Reuters now has a report from The Financial Times explaining that banks have quietly borrowed roughly $50 billion from the Federal Reserve the past few weeks."

Do you qualify for benefits?

BenefitsCheckUp - NCOA's Online Screening Service

from Kim

As a whole, we Americans are blessed. Compared to people in many other countries, we are wealthy. We also have access to education and quality health care.
Unfortunately, many older Americans have difficulty making ends meet. Some may be unable to pay for prescriptions or heating.
The good news is that there is help for older Americans. Programs at the federal, state and local level can provide assistance.
So if you need help, visit BenefitsCheckUp. First, you can apply for prescription drug coverage through Medicare.
Then, find more benefits programs that will help with utility bills, food, health care and other needs. You can also apply for these programs from the site.

The Church of Global Climate Change

If "change" is so popular among the Clinton/B Hussein crowd, why is climate change so unpopular?
"A belief which leaves no place for doubt is not a belief; it is a superstition". -Jose Bergamin, author (1895-1983)

Terrorists cutting telecom cables?

Weren't we "assured" that this was not possible?

Saboteurs may have cut Mideast telecom cables: UN agency: "There has been speculation that the sheer number of cables being cut over such a short period was too much of a coincidence and that sabotage must have been involved"

Parents fighting back!

Parents Rise Up Against A New Approach to Math: "many parents are lobbying the School Board to kill the program. Opponents have submitted a petition with 1,000 names and started a Web site, . They have been checking out a video called 'Math Education: An Inconvenient Truth.'"

Canadian health care meltdown!

Read the entire article..... and fear for our US healthcare system if the democrats get what they want.

Oh yeah. Fear for your own healthcare too!

In search of Canadian health care: "While waiting for three hours in a walk-in clinic, I finally understood first-hand the plight of our health-care system."

MSM "newspeak" Questions about Shootings at Universities::By Dennis Prager: "Question 1: Why are murderers always counted in the victims tally?"

Monday, February 18, 2008

When Is Participating "Not Participating?"

It's gotta be tough to be a democrat.

So many new definitions of words, every day!

When Is Participating "Not Participating?" - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime: "Hillary Clinton and Obama each spent about $130,000 in Michigan while Obama spent $1.3 million in Florida--more than any other Democratic candidate and more than eight Republican candidates, who were eligible to win delegates from the state."