Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Canadian "Free" healthcare collapses.

Well, duh....

Investor's Business Daily -- Promise Of Choice: "Actually, when 40% of the province's $60 billion budget is spent on health care, or when public health care costs in Canada are growing at twice the rate of the economy as a whole, we'd say the crisis point was reached long ago."

7,700 hours of overtime?

Something is wrong here.

Road commission plans $5.8 million in projects
"Through Monday, the Muskegon County Road Commission has spent $3.4 million in snow plowing, salting and sanding county roads in this winter of heavy snows, Hulka said.
That is $516,725 over budget with several more weeks of potential winter weather ahead. The cost overruns are being inflated by 7,700 hours of overtime for plowing already this winter due to the heavy snows, Hulka said."

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

"More Ballots Cast Than Voters Recorded"

"The report indicates 5,300 more ballots were cast than voters recorded, and it cites 1,305 unenterable on-site registration cards in Milwaukee as a possible reason for this voter gap."

Global warming to the rescue!

Snow may boost Lake Michigan by 6 inches
"If winter has you singing the blues, consider this: Above-average snowfall and brutally cold temperatures in recent weeks could keep Lake Michigan's sinking water level from hitting a record low this summer.
Above-average precipitation in January and extensive ice cover on Lake Michigan caused water levels to rise 3 inches last month, according to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers."

"A religion of peace...."

The Volokh Conspiracy5: "'Hamas Children TV Bunny ... Threatens to Kill Danes over Muhammad Cartoons':"

Forget global warming: Welcome to the new Ice Age

Forget global warming: Welcome to the new Ice Age: "China is surviving its most brutal winter in a century. Temperatures in the normally balmy south were so low for so long that some middle-sized cities went days and even weeks without electricity because once power lines had toppled it was too cold or too icy to repair them.
There have been so many snow and ice storms in Ontario and Quebec in the past two months that the real estate market has felt the pinch as home buyers have stayed home rather than venturing out looking for new houses."

His Dad's Flag

WGVU: Flag for a Father (2008-02-26):
Private First Class Jack G. Rasey died from shrapnel wounds sustained in Germany in 1945.
So in remembrance of his father, the younger Rasey recently purchased a 20-by-30-foot U.S. flag for 800 dollars and donated it to Muskegon County's Fruitport Township.
The township which flies it near the busy interchange of Interstate 96 and U.S. Highway 131.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Journalistic malpractice!

Our socialist newspaper treats exploding farm prices/profits as a wondrous event.

As if there were no corresponding increase in what the consumer pays.

Next day they'll bleat about high prices charged by Walmart.

No wonder the "cancel my subscription" calls just roll in every day at The Chronicle.

Winter-wheat plantings rise with price - Muskegon Chronicle - "Michigan corn prices are up 41 percent from January 2007, and soybeans are up 69 percent. So, depending on how the crop weathers the winter, the farmer who planted wheat last fall still 'may change his mind this spring and plow that field up' to make room for summer crops, Springborn said."

Accafellas singing "Breakfast at Tiffany's"

MG from Muskegon sends:

Amazing and these guys are gonna be piloting our jets in the future.

Gotta love America!

YouTube - [A Capella] Accafellas singing "Breakfast at Tiffany's"

Listen to the end.

Beer vs Food!

I like food.

I also like beer.

I'm also aware that we have a law in Michigan that required stores to give 10 times the difference of the mispricing.

But when I bought a case of beer at Walmart the price charged was different from the sticker on the case.

When I brought my proof to the supervisor, she told me that alcohol wasn't covered by the law.

Anyone know any different?,1607,7-164--134114--,00.html

Evil pharma?


Sure refutes a lot of what we hear EVERYWHERE.

Why can't we just fund R&D from pharmaceutical advertising budgets?: "People who rail against the pharmaceutical industry are fond of noting that about 20% of industry revenues go to marketing, with the implication that this is all wasted on advertising baldness cures during Golden Girls reruns. But just the top ten firms in the pharmaceutical industry took in about $350 billion in revenue in 2007, 20% of which is $70 billion. The entire US expenditure on advertising by all companies in all media forms totaled something like $150 billion in 2007. I know it seems like every other commercial you see is for Botox, but most advertising is not done by pharmaceutical firms.
In fact, advertising is only a small fraction of that marketing expense. Over half of it expense consists of free samples, the offering of which seems to me like an unalloyed public good."

RINO alert!

No prid quo pro?

GVSU prez: Universities need funding help - Muskegon Chronicle - "Committee member Sen. Bill Hardiman, a Kentwood Republican and GVSU grad, urged legislators to agree to a funding floor for universities."

GVSU! Gimme the facts, I'll give you the money.... maybe...

GVSU prez: Universities need funding help - : "Since the 1982-83 school year, Grand Valley has experienced a steep increase in enrollment but funding increases of only $50 per student, Haas said. Grand Valley now receives $3,172 per student in state aid.(from us Michigan taxpayers)"

Umm, Mr. GVSU prez.
What's your total per student increase including increased fees, tuition, Fed money and other revenue to the school?

Mr. GVSU. How 'bout giving us a nifty spreadsheet of GVSU expenditures and hours worked by teachers at GVSU?

Why do we continue to elect democrat pols?

"relatively restrained"?

We're getting killed in the "tax-out/spending-in war"!

My God. The entire state is becoming Detroit-like in its blind belief that democrats will stop being democrat-like.

Car-eating potholes ahead Detroit Free Press: "Michigan's congressional delegation, as it turns out, is relatively restrained compared to other states: The earmarks they put in the current bill work out to $53 per Michigander, compared to a national average of $86. But add in the fact that Michigan remains a donor state, getting back only 91-92 cents of every dollar that state drivers send to Washington, and it becomes obvious that any distortion in federal financing has a big impact on money available for road maintenance here."

Where is the money going?

Mona Shores to replace 600 computers - Muskegon Chronicle - "The district plans to replace 600 desktop computers in labs districtwide this summer, completing improvements funded with a 0.65-mill, $4.2 million bond issue approved by voters in 2005."

I don't know if they need new computers or not but I do know that I'd like to know where all the money is/has gone.

$4.2 million here, $4.2 million there.....

Don't they really mean "agitators"?

This is why folks are running away from newspapers.
What a vapid headline.
They don't want no stinkin' public at their meeting.
They want the self described "environmentalists"!

Public to have say on Muskegon Lake cleanup - "Muskegon Lake is much cleaner than it was 25 years ago, but serious problems remain,"

What do you bet that those "serious problems" will cost (lot's) and who do you think is gonna pay (us)?

Your tax dollars at work!

Report: Jackson flight school lacked oversight - Latest News - The Grand Rapids Press - "Jackson Community College officials say their internal investigation into an instructor using a plane for personal trips concluded the flight school lacked proper oversight of airplane keys and flight logs.
Keys to aircraft were left out in unsecured areas and flight logs were incomplete or missing, said JCC spokeswoman Cindy Allen.
The former director of the school, John Feldvary, resigned earlier this month in the wake of the probe after then-instructor Jeff Essenmacher flew a college-owned plane to Boyne Mountain on Jan. 18 to go snowboarding."

Sunday, February 24, 2008 - Former TV News Anchor Charged With Theft Found Dead - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - Former TV News Anchor Charged With Theft Found Dead - Local News News Articles National News US News

Supremes thwart Michigan-destroying democrat thugs

The "state lawmakers" who want to open the class action floodgates on businesses who comply with the FDA are democrat, job destroyers.
A redundancy, I'll admit.

High court ruling backs state's drug shield law: "The court this week limited the liability of medical device companies that comply with federal regulations.
State lawmakers should abandon efforts to repeal the Michigan law, which protects drug companies that comply with standards set by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and whose products were tested and approved by the agency."

Michigan's "taxpayer black hole"

"What can the REGION afford.....?"
Well now.
Detroit is bankrupt. Michigan is bankrupt. Just what "region" is he talking about?

Keep the next Cobo proposal simple: "What can the region afford and who's willing to pitch in? Those involved in the Cobo talks say a project in the $400 million to $450 million range -- everything included -- would be saleable."

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Springsteen loonies a bit late?


We won the war!

Springsteen, Young join anti-war soundtrack Entertainment Reuters: "Bruce Springsteen, Neil Young and Peal Jam have contributed tunes to the anti-war soundtrack"

Friday, February 22, 2008

Obama magic!

Power Line: He's good for what ails you, and Mexico too: "Most magically of all, Obama will fix Mexico's economy even while refusing to trade with Mexico unless it complies with U.S. labor and environmental standards.
I know the competition is fierce, but Obama may turn out to be the most intellectually dishonest Democratic presidential nominee of my lifetime
." | 02/21/2008 | Police concerned about order to stop weapons screening at Obama rally 02/21/2008 Police concerned about order to stop weapons screening at Obama rally: "Security details at Barack Obama's rally Wednesday stopped screening people for weapons at the front gates more than an hour before the Democratic presidential candidate took the stage at Reunion Arena.
The order to put down the metal detectors and stop checking purses and laptop bags came as a surprise to several Dallas police officers who said they believed it was a lapse in security."


DELI PIGOUT A CLINTON GUT BU$TER - New York Post: "The campaign didn't confirm what the charges were for, but it bragged just a few days before the new year about a plan to provide deli sandwich platters at caucus sites across the state in order to get Clinton's supporters to come early."

Smoking ban workaround catches on at bars across state

Smoking ban workaround catches on at bars across state: "Dozens of bars are expected to stage 'theater nights'' this weekend in which patrons are dubbed actors. The law, which went into effect in October, permits performers to smoke during a theatrical production."

Business Financial News, Business News Online & Personal Finance News at -

Business Financial News, Business News Online & Personal Finance News at - "Republican Rep. Rick Renzi of Arizona has been indicted on charges connected to land deals in Arizona. Full article coming soon."

NYT Suggests Unproven Adultery by McCain -- Unlike Clinton |

NYT Suggests Unproven Adultery by McCain -- Unlike Clinton "So The New York Times has released a story by a four-person investigative team alleging a potentially inappropriate relationship between Sen. John McCain, the apparent GOP nominee for president, and a lobbyist named Vicki Iseman, three decades his junior. There is no proof of an inappropriate romantic or sexual relationship, merely suspicions by staff members now said to be disgruntled. So why is the Times biting on this story? A look back at a few Clinton sex scandals suggests a different standard for Republicans and Democrats."

Power Line

Power Line: "You may have heard about an accident in southwestern Minnesota in which a school bus was rammed from the side by a van, killing four school children. After considerable heming and hawing, it has been confirmed that the woman who was driving the van, Alianiss Morales, is an illegal alien. Morales has been booked on suspicion of criminal vehicular operation."

We’re Not in Lake Wobegon Anymore -- In These Times

We’re Not in Lake Wobegon Anymore -- In These Times: "The party of Lincoln and Liberty was transmogrified into the party of hairy-backed swamp developers and corporate shills, faith-based economists, fundamentalist bullies with Bibles, Christians of convenience, freelance racists, misanthropic frat boys, shrieking midgets of AM radio, tax cheats, nihilists in golf pants, brownshirts in pinstripes, sweatshop tycoons, hacks, fakirs, aggressive dorks, Lamborghini libertarians, people who believe Neil Armstrong’s moonwalk was filmed in Roswell, New Mexico, little honkers out to diminish the rest of us, Newt’s evil spawn and their Etch-A-Sketch president, a dull and rigid man suspicious of the free flow of information and of secular institutions, whose philosophy is a jumble of badly sutured body parts trying to walk. Republicans: The No.1 reason the rest of the world thinks we’re deaf, dumb and dangerous."

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Barack inspires change in baby names - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper

Barack inspires change in baby names - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper: "Barack has been crowned Name of the Year by Laura Wattenberg, creator of Baby Name Wizard, a popular online trend-tracking tool for parents-to-be at, offering instant advice in the crucial baby-name derby."