Thursday, July 17, 2008

Environmentalists oppose more coal plants in state - Muskegon Chronicle -

Environmentalists oppose more coal plants in state

The headline says it all.


Grant money to boost state university research

Grant money to boost state university research
"Universities also are assisting the projects with their own resources, but more cash from foundations and businesses is needed to make the program successful.
'We have a responsibility in the economic development of this state,' Grand Valley State President Thomas J. Haas said"

Businesses, small and big, tell us they're leaving Michigan because of high taxes and onerous regulation.

Our state government and educational leaders tell us that more spending and government subsidized competition are what's needed.

No wonder we have a "single-state recession" that ain't gonna end soon.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

New Taxes!

(from an e-mail)
Proposed changes in taxes after the 2008 General election:


MCCAIN 0% on home sales up to $500,000 per home (couples). McCain does not propose any change in existing home sales income tax.
OBAMA 28% on profit from ALL home sales How does this affect you? If you sell your home and make a profit, you will pay 28% of your gain on taxes. If you are heading toward retirement and would like to down-size your home or move into a retirement community, 28% of the money you make from your home will go to taxes. This proposal will adversely affect the elderly who are counting on the income from their homes as part of their retirement income.


MCCAIN 15% (no change)
OBAMA 39.6% How will this affect you? If you have any money invested in stock market, IRA, mutual funds, college funds, life insurance, retirement accounts, or anything that pays or reinvests dividends, you will now be paying nearly 40% of the money earned on taxes if Obama becomes president. The experts predict that 'Higher tax rates on dividends and capital gains would crash the stock market, yet do absolutely nothing to cut the deficit.'


MCCAIN (no changes)
Single making 30K - tax $4,500
Single making 50K - tax $12,500
Single making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 60K- tax $9,000
Married making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 125K - tax $31,250

OBAMA (reversion to pre-Bush tax cuts)Single making 30K - tax $8,400 Single making 50K - tax $14,000 Single making 75K - tax $23,250 Married making 60K - tax $16,800 Married making 75K - tax $21,000 Married making 125K - tax $38,750 Under Obama, your taxes could almost double!


MCCAIN 0% (No change, Bush repealed this tax)
OBAMA Restore the inheritance taxMany families have lost businesses, farms, ranches, and homes that have been in their families for generations because they could not afford the inheritance tax. Those willing their assets to loved ones will only lose them to these taxes.

New government taxes proposed on homes that are more than 2400 square feet.
New gasoline taxes (as if gas weren't high enough already)
New taxes on natural resources consumption (heating gas, water, & electricity)
New taxes on retirement accounts, and last but not least....
New taxes to pay for socialized medicine so we can receive the same level of medical care as other third-world countries!!!

You can verify a lot of the above at the following web sites: (and there are many more to choose from, just use your favorite search engine)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Give citizens facts before Shores votes
After reading the article in the June 25 Chronicle concerning Norton Shores' proposed road millage, I feel compelled to write. First, I find it disingenuous and misleading that under the title "Road Tax Details," The Chronicle stated that the 1.5 mills would cost a homeowner of a $50,000 house an extra $75 per year. I do not know of many houses in Norton Shores that have a taxable value of $50,000!
Instead, the taxable value of most homes in the city range between $100,000 to $175,000, which for the average taxpayer translates into $150 to $263 more in annual taxes if the millage passes. I urge you not to play fast and loose with your readers, but instead be upfront and give them the facts. I know they would appreciate it.
And, being upfront brings me to my second point. I have been a Norton Shores resident nearly my entire life, and have witnessed our quickly deteriorating roads. While I question whether the city is being overzealous in asking its taxpayers for an extra 1.5 mills in these tough economic times, I know that something needs to be done, and done quickly. However, it appears that the city is once again not being upfront with its citizens.
That is, the city refuses to inform its citizens as to which roads would most likely be improved if the millage passes. It uses excuses such as it being "too difficult at this stage" to create a street improvement list. What are the difficulties? What makes it "too difficult" now in June than in December? The city concedes that it has an inventory of the conditions of the roads, so what else does the city need?
Clearly, the city fears that an informed citizenry will make ill-informed decisions at the voting booth, and thus the city has made a decision to keep them in the dark until after the November vote. I believe it is the obligation of our councilmembers, all of whom are elected officials, to ensure that their constituents, before they pull the lever this November, are well informed and privy to all of the facts surrounding the millage. Norton Shores, be upfront and honest with your citizens.
Dan Olson
Norton Shores

Monday, July 14, 2008

Obama tells NAACP blacks must take responsibility

Obama tells NAACP blacks must take responsibility

What a concept!

Seriously, that this would make national news tells us too much about how far "black" "leadership" has fallen.

And much about the liberal media.... sad

Bush pushes Congress to allow oil drilling

Bush pushes Congress to allow oil drilling: "President Bush has prodded Congress to allow oil drilling in offshore waters and in the Alaskan wildlife refuge, citing 'tough economic times' for the American people."

Yes, there is a difference between the two political parties!

University of California eyes admission changes

University of California eyes admission changes
"The University of California's admissions standards would undergo their most far-reaching overhaul in decades under a faculty proposal that would allow students who have not completed the prescribed college-prep courses or earned minimum test scores to have their applications considered.
Starting with the freshmen class of 2012, the revised policy also would promise a spot on one of UC's nine undergraduate campuses for all students who graduate in the top 9 percent of their senior classes
, compared with the 4 percent now promised admission.
The changes, scheduled to be discussed by the university's governing board on Wednesday, are designed to ensure the state is making room in its premier public colleges for promising students who are overlooked under current qualification requirements, said Mark Rashid, who chaired the faculty committee that developed the proposal"

Well, stupid students DO add to diversity.....

County pays for pulling land from tax roll

County pays for pulling land from tax roll
"Oakridge schools and Egelston Township will receive more compensation for property Muskegon County is buying -- and taking off the tax rolls -- for improvements to the wastewater system.
Payments in lieu of property taxes are included in an amended agreement for township fire coverage at the sprawling Muskegon County Wastewater Management System in Egelston and Moorland townships.
The county has been buying up land in the area"

Ah, those unintended problem, the County has oodles of extra moolah......

Contract OK saved Synagro $1 million

Contract OK saved Synagro $1 million
"A review of City Council minutes shows council members spent more time worrying about the contract's impact on labor unions, minority contractors and environmental health than on dollars and cents."

Oh, so satisfying!


Oh, so satisfying! Read this before watching Video...... At least the dog got away!!! Navy video from Iraq, shot at night with Infrared equipment. The narrative below tells the story. BUT...this is testimony to the spectacular accuracy of today's hi-tech weaponry. These guys have just taken action against US troops at night and are casually retreating, totally unaware that their every move is being watched from .87 miles away!!! Yep, .87 miles away and from an aircraft. That same aircraft unleashes their guns, and from .87 miles away they mow down these killers with NO shell being more than a foot or so off the target. I believe they could have landed the shells in the enemy's back pockets. This brief clip tells you how far we've come from the armaments used in WW II. Whew! Thi is a chilling clip. ese guys have just finished opening fire on US troops. These are the same people who think it's OK to strap bombs on kids and send them out as suicide bombers. Guess these guys shouldn't have taken the relaxed walk back to the mosque.Video taken on Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) sensor in Iraq. The FLIR Sensor produces a video picture based on heat all objects give off. These terrorists just completed an attack on an American position and had slowed downto a stroll thinking they were home free. WRONG!!!The Chain Gun onboard uses a 30 mm high energy explosive in the bullet. The gun is considered an area weapon, but as you can see it is very accurate; you can see the projectile coming in on these guys. The aircraft was watching them from approximately 1.45 Km or approxim ately 0.87 miles. As you can see, even though the gun is loud, they were far enough away that they don't even hear or know thatthey were being watched. A nasty weapon. As is said, younever hear the bullet that kills you. We also could have used a laser guided missile, but then a cost factor comes in, $122 worth of bullets vs a $60,000 missile with a 100 lb warhead. Tax dollars well spent!

Fannie Mayhem: A History -

Fannie Mayhem: A History -

Money machine!

Free money for 4 years!
"A nearly $6 million federal grant awarded to Muskegon Public Schools will expand 'Family Resource Centers' that connect families with local agencies.....

Muskegon Public Schools will hire a director for the program, a social worker/counselor and a parent coordinator, Wierenga said.

It sure is great the federal government has SO much "free" money to spend.

But what about the poor workers who will be let go in 4 years.... yeah right!

Inhofe: EPA too powerful, could damage economy

Inhofe: EPA too powerful, could damage economy: "Last month, he said, the Senate rejected a 'cap-and-trade' proposal that would allow companies to buy or sell allowances depending on their level of pollution.

'It is ironic that the EPA has proposed an even more economically destructive scheme this close to that bill's demise,' Inhofe said."

Sunday, July 13, 2008

How Chuck Schumer Caused the Second Largest Bank Failure in US History

How Chuck Schumer Caused the Second Largest Bank Failure in US History
"But Chuck Schumer is no FDR.
He doesn’t stop bank runs; he starts them.
Or, at least, has started one.
The collapse of Indymac bank, the second largest bank failure in American history, began with a letter from the office of Senator Charles Schumer on June 27. He questioned the viability of the bank. When a senior senator who is in a number of influential posts regarding oversight of bank regulators directly attacks the confidence of a depository institution, it matters.
Not surprisingly, the director of the Office of Thrift Supervision concluded that the collapse of the bank immediately following the Senator’s comments has not a coincidence.
Director Reich concluded that Senator Schumer had ‘given the bank a heart attack’."

British motorists face £100 fine for failing to wear fluorescent vests when driving in France | Mail Online

British motorists face £100 fine for failing to wear fluorescent vests when driving in France
"For years they’ve regarded British motorists as a soft target.....
And now French police have another excuse to hammer British holidaymakers – a new law insisting all cars carry a luminous yellow safety vest for the driver to wear in an emergency.
Those caught without a vest face a stinging £100 on-the-spot fine
– even though the law has received virtually no publicity on this side of the Channel"

Mon dieu!
(BHussein should be SO proud of GordoMuskegon)

An honest democrat?

Political Diary -
"Mr. Reid, who was evidently fed up with questions about drilling, suddenly exclaimed: 'Coal makes us sick, oil makes us sick; it's global warming. It's ruining our country, it's ruining the world. We've got to stop using fossil fuel.'
Mr. Reid's rant quickly became the No. 1 video on the Internet, approaching a half-million views. The pollster Rasmussen even took the unusual step of conducting a survey to see how many Americans agreed with the Nevadan's view. Let's just say he didn't win a majority.
But give Mr. Reid marks for honesty. To many liberal Democrats, cheap fossil fuels are the root cause of excessive materialism, suburban sprawl, a despoiled environment – and they've been demanding for decades that government raise the price of energy to discourage Americans from driving big cars and living in large, well-heated homes. Democrats may never have had the political courage to impose such towering European-style gasoline taxes directly, but Mr. Reid's policy diatribe at least explains why Democrats have found it so easy to sit on their hands rather than take steps to increase domestic supply and bring down $4 gasoline."

Saturday, July 12, 2008

New downtown statue gets a rise out of Tracy

"Here's a classic artist example: I was in The Chronicle art department about a year ago and I noticed the clock was off by around three hours. So, I said to one of the women there 'Um, your clock is off.' And she looked at it and said, 'Oh yeah, well, we're artists.'

See, that's what I need, I need that sweeping excuse"
"Art" is nice...sometimes.
But artists are not logical people.
And folks who spend public or donated money (someone else's MONEY) have a responsibility to spend it wisely... yeah, right....

Punditry | Professor Bainbridge

Punditry Professor Bainbridge: "The Imminent Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Debacle"

GOPer-DOH! -: "July 12, 2008
Much of the dissatisfaction with Congress is due to its unwillingness to do anything about the soaring price of gasoline. 'Right now, our strategy on gas prices is 'Drive small cars and wait for the wind,'•' a Democratic congressional aide told The Hill newspaper.

'So why are the Republicans running scared, and why aren't they going after the 'new Democratic Congress' hammer and tongs?' wondered Web logger Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit.
'Beats me. Because they're idiots, I guess.'
I disagree. Some Republicans in Congress are crooks, and many are cowards. But few are idiots. For idiocy, you have to look to the campaign of Sen. John McCain.
Ouch. But, yeah.
posted at 05:52 PM by Glenn Reynolds"

IndyMac Bank seized by federal regulators

IndyMac Bank seized by federal regulators - Los Angeles Times
IndyMac, which once employed 10,000, fell prey to a classic run on the bank, and regulators singled out Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) as having helped to fuel massive withdrawals. On June 26, Schumer said in letters to the FDIC, the OTS and two other federal agencies that IndyMac might have 'serious problems' with its loan holdings."

Senator Schumer caused the run?

The democrat .....?

I'm bettin' ya didn't hear that on your 6:00 news.

Dang, if he'd have been a GOPer they would have had screaming "SPECIAL REPORTS"!

Friday, July 11, 2008

The Wrong Education Fix -

The Wrong Education Fix -

Antioch faculty to keep teaching as school closes

Antioch faculty to keep teaching as school closes
"Antioch College, founded in 1852, doesn't grade classes, encourages students to develop their own study plans and combines academic learning with experience through a co-op program in which students leave campus to work in various fields."

Bad ideas belly-up.
Who'd of guessed?

US judge blocks gas drilling in Mason Tract area

US judge blocks gas drilling in Mason Tract area
A federal judge has overturned a decision by the U.S. Forest Service to allow oil and gas drilling in an environmentally sensitive area near the Au Sable River in Michigan's northern Lower Peninsula."

Two environmental groups, the Sierra Club and Anglers of the Au Sable, sued the government to halt the drilling.

Obama supporters, all!

The End of Britain

The Corner on National Review Online: "The End of Britain: An Ongoing Series"

Okay, toddlers who don't like foreign food are racists.
Non-Muslim kids who won't kneel to Allah are bigots.
Tall shrubs for gay swingers are a civil right.
And Al Qaeda's 'Ambassador in Europe' lives in a million and half dollar house and enjoys nearly $100K in government benefits.

That whirring sound you hear is Winston Churchill in his grave."

Condemn And Remove Congressman Murtha

Condemn And Remove Congressman Murtha
"Murtha has a long history of sleaziness as a congressman. The late 1970s FBI Abscan sting operation has a tape of him and FBI agents posing as middle-eastern businessmen discussing a $50,000 bribe for political favors. He said on the tape 'you know we do business for awhile, maybe I'll be interested.'

The Citizens Against Waste voted Murtha as the Top Porker of the Year in 2007.

These shenanigans indicate a less than honorable character but pales in comparison to his besmirching our troops in a time of war."

How Hostages, And Nations, Get Liberated

How Hostages, And Nations, Get Liberated
"On the day the Colombian military freed Ingrid Betancourt and 14 other long-held hostages, the Italian Parliament passed yet another resolution demanding her release. Europe had long ago adopted this French-Colombian politician as a cause celebre. France had made her an honorary citizen of Paris, passed numerous resolutions and held many vigils."

Thursday, July 10, 2008

California 8th-graders face algebra mandate

California 8th-graders face algebra mandate
"The tough new requirement, which takes hold in three years, is expected to send shock waves across middle schools throughout the state."

How awful!

University of Michigan regents increase tuition 5.6 percent; instate freshmen to pay about $11,000 in tuition & fees

University of Michigan regents increase tuition 5.6 percent
The U-M Board of Regents unanimously approved the university's budget for fiscal year 2009 and the tuition rates for the next academic year at the monthly regents' meeting on Thursday. The 5.6 percent tuition and fee increase applies to both in-state and out-of-state undergraduates."
Where is ALL the money GOING?!!!
......the question we dare not ask.....

Daughter of WWII pilot convicted of assault after reprimanding teenager who 'vandalised war memorial'

Daughter of WWII pilot convicted of assault after reprimanding teenager who 'vandalised war memorial'

"The daughter of a Second World War RAF pilot who reprimanded a teenager who she accused of vandalising a war memorial has been convicted of assault

Julie Lake, 50, believed the 15-year-old was one of a number of youths who had damaged the remembrance garden in her village dedicated to those killed fighting for Britain.

Mrs Lake claimed she was performing a 'moral obligation' following months of anti-social behaviour and vandalism at the memorial.

But weeks later she was arrested and yesterday was convicted of assault, criminal damage.......

You go girl!

An American life worth less today

An American life worth less today

Tell that to a lawyer.....