Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bank Mess

Bank Mess: It Started With Gov't Intervention: "Blaming the lenders is the party line of congressional Democrats as well. What we need is more government regulation of lenders, they say, to protect the innocent borrowers from 'predatory' lending practices.
Before going further down that road, it may be useful to look back at what got us into this mess in the first place."

YouTube - Lets see the Dog Whisperer do this!!

YouTube - Lets see the Dog Whisperer do this!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

No bias?

Rasmussen Reports™
"The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey found that 49% of voters believe most reporters will try to help Obama with their coverage, up from 44% a month ago."

With credibility gone, the MSM continues its "stay-the-course" plunge into denial.

Gay float takes top honor in Hall parade

Gay float takes top honor in Hall parade: "Tensions reached the point where an FBI agent holding a video camera followed the float in a golf cart during last year's Blossomtime parade, in case anyone perpetrated a hate crime, Gorman said."

Sunday, July 20, 2008

CARPE DIEM: Citizens More Taxed Now Than Under King George

CARPE DIEM: Citizens More Taxed Now Than Under King George

Brightest Ideas of the Week

Brightest Ideas of the Week

"Cut their pay, send them home
4 Facing an unexpectedly strong public outcry, Louisiana’s reformist Gov. Bobby Jindal reversed course and vetoed legislation that would have doubled the pay of Bayou State legislators from $16,800 to $37,500.
Details: “It is clear to me that the legislative pay raise is, in itself, a threat to our reform movement and our progress as a state,” Jindal said. Outraged voters had filed recall petitions against five legislative leaders pushing the raise.

Let people vote on tax hikes
5 A new Scott Rasmussen poll finds that 57 percent of those surveyed believe voters should have a chance to vote a tax hike up or down before it goes into effect.
Details: Nearly the same percentage told Rasmussen that government doesn’t need additional tax revenues to fund essential operations. And 51 percent said they expect Barack Obama to raise taxes if he’s elected president."

First to register handgun, owner 'doesn't fit' profile - Examiner.com

First to register handgun, owner 'doesn't fit' profile - Examiner.com: "McVey found the cops very encouraging of her gun ownership. “I asked them, ‘Do you mind good people owning guns?’ ” she said. “One said, ‘It will help make our job easier.’ ”"

Double JJ Ranch files for bankruptcy

Double JJ Ranch files for bankruptcy: "Just weeks after nearly 50,000 fans from across the United States came to the Double JJ Ranch for the Rothbury Music Festival, the owners filed for bankruptcy in federal court.
The owners filed a Chapter 11 bankruptcy petition in the US Western District Court."

CARPE DIEM: U.S. Exports More Than China or Japan

CARPE DIEM: U.S. Exports More Than China or Japan: "The U.S. exports more ($1.024 trillion) than any country in the world except Germany ($1.133 trillion), and more than China ($974 billion) or Japan ($590 billion). Data available here."

The Volokh Conspiracy - -#1216572130

The Volokh Conspiracy - -#1216572130: "interesting national Qunnipiac poll on various legal issues. Of particular interest, the poll asked the following question:
'The Supreme Court has recently ruled that a mandatory death penalty for child rape is unconstitutional. Do you favor or oppose the death penalty for persons convicted of child rape?'
Here are the results:
Favor: 55 percent
Oppose: 38 percent
DK/No Opinion: 7 percent
This would seem to further undermine Justice Kennedy's claim in Kennedy v. Louisiana that there is a national consensus opposing the death penalty for child rape."

Instapundit.com -

Instapundit.com -: "STRATEGYPAGE:
While the mass media continues to feature wars and terrorism, the overall trend continues away from such unpleasantness. Such stories are anathema to the mass media, because they do not attract eyeballs, and revenue. That's the way people are, and the result is a distorted view of trends in global violence.
Worldwide, violence continues to decline, as it has for the last few years. Violence has also greatly diminished, or disappeared completely, in places like Iraq, Nepal, Chechnya, Congo, Indonesia and Burundi. Even Afghanistan, touted as the new war zone, is seeing less violence this year than last.
All this continues a trend that began when the Cold War ended, and the Soviet Union no longer subsidized terrorist and rebel groups everywhere.
Now if we can just get the Saudis and Iranians to stop.
Read the whole"

'Time' Publishes Definitive Obama Puff Piece

'Time' Publishes Definitive Obama Puff Piece
"No news publication has dared to barely scratch the surface like this before,' columnist and campaign reporter Michael King wrote in The Washington Post Tuesday. 'This profile sets a benchmark for mindless filler by which all other features about Sen. Obama will now be judged."

Chefs invest in Muskegon downtown's future with bistro

Chefs invest in Muskegon downtown's future with bistro
"Longtime Muskegon residents will remember 1133 Third in downtown Muskegon as the site of Big Bob's Restaurant -- Muskegon's bygone 'omelet king.'
But two weeks ago, Jeremy and Jamie Paquin opened Mia & Grace, turning a classic 'greasy spoon' that sat vacant for more than 15 years into a sophisticated eatery that would fit in on a Manhattan street."

MSU coach Izzo makes summer home in Grand Haven

MSU coach Izzo makes summer home in Grand Haven
"'Two years in a row, I went to Kuwait for a week,' Izzo said. 'I lived in the barracks with U.S. troops; that was pretty interesting.'"

Most eligible state kids miss free summer lunches

Most eligible state kids miss free summer lunches: "The Michigan Department of Education took over the summer meal program in 2004, and its outreach efforts have added about 200 sites for a total of about 960. Even so, only about 15 percent of the 460,000 children who are eligible take advantage of it, the Detroit Free Press reported Sunday."

Instapundit.com -

Instapundit.com -: "Too much U.S. presence might interfere with corruption! 'As long as the American troops are in the country, auditors have armed protection and can be very effective at revealing the thefts and getting the thieves punished."

Saturday, July 19, 2008

For Some Ohioans, Even Meat Is Out Of Reach

For Some Ohioans, Even Meat Is Out Of Reach
"The rising cost of food means their money gets them about a third fewer bags of groceries — $100 used to buy about 12 bags of groceries, but now it's more like seven or eight. So they cut back on expensive items like meat, and they don't buy extras like ice cream anymore."

And not a minute too soon!

CARPE DIEM: Cartoons of the Day

CARPE DIEM: Cartoons of the Day


chizumatic.mee.nu: "In order for 'alternate energy' to become feasible, it has to satisfy all of the following criteria:

1. It has to be huge (in terms of both energy and power)
2. It has to be reliable (not intermittent or unschedulable)
3. It has to be concentrated (not diffuse)
4. It has to be possible to utilize it efficiently
5. The capital investment and operating cost to utilize it has to be comparable to existing energy sources (per gigawatt, and per terajoule).

If it fails to satisfy any of those, then it can't scale enough to make any difference. Solar power fails #3, and currently it also fails #5. (It also partially fails #2, but there are ways to work around that.)

The only sources of energy available to us now that satisfy all five are petroleum, coal, hydro, and nuclear."

Grand Valley State University board increases tuition 13 percent

Grand Valley State University board increases tuition 13 percent
"Trustee Noreen Myers said many families are struggling financially and will be devastated by a $1,000 hit. A freshman will pay $8,196, up from $7,240. Upperclassmen will pay slightly more.
'I'm really troubled by this increase in light of the troubled economy in Michigan at this time,' Myers said. She and Michael Thomas voted against the hike, a rare dissent on the board."

Grand Valley State University to offer benefits to any live-in partner

Grand Valley State University to offer benefits to any live-in partner
"In a surprise move, Grand Valley State University trustees on Friday added benefits for unmarried couples to the health insurance they offer employees.
The benefit will apply to gay couples, as well as any other live-in partner or friend who is an unrelated adult and has lived with a faculty member or staff member for 18 months or more."

McCain Talks with GM workers

McCain Talks with GM workers
".--Speaking to a group of General Motors Corp. employees, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) promised to provide a $5,000 tax credit for Americans who buy electric-powered cars such as the future Chevy Volt and 'other automobiles that put us on the path to energy independence,' even as he suggested he might alter his climate plan to aid the auto industry."

Friday, July 18, 2008

Do As They Say

Do As They Say
"Of course, this spartan existence would be for the masses only. The elites will still be able to live their lives of opulence, just as high-ranking communists in the Soviet Union, the nomenklatura, had private Chaika lanes in Moscow streets that members of the working class — Marx's proletariat — were forbidden to drive on."

'Rig' The Election

'Rig' The Election
"When President Bush lifted the executive order banning exploration and drilling in the Outer Continental Shelf, two things happened almost immediately: The world price for oil started to drop and the Democrats panicked. They could no longer hide under the umbrella the order provided.
On Sept. 30, when the Interior Department's 2008 appropriations expire, the Democrats will have to reauthorize the congressional ban and explain to the voters why."

Pictured: The incredible moment a leopard attacks a crocodile | Mail Online

Pictured: The incredible moment a leopard attacks a crocodile Mail Online

Texas approves major new wind power project

Texas approves major new wind power project
"Texas electric customers will bear the cost of construction over the next several years, paying about $3 or $4 more per month on their bills, according to Tom Smith, state director of the consumer group Public Citizen. But he predicted that increase would easily be offset by lower energy prices."


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Drowning boy saved by passers-by

Drowning boy saved by passers-by
"She was Sandy Butkis, 41, of Spring Lake, who saw the mother and heard people asking if anyone knew CPR."


Retired adminstrator to stay on at middle school under private contract

Retired adminstrator to stay on at middle school under private contract

"The district will pay Beaudoin $79,050, similar to his annual salary.
Superintendent Dave Sipka said the change will save the district about $36,000 in money it would have spent on health insurance benefits, FICA and annual retirement contributions."

Holy shittake!
$36,000 in benefits?
That's 46% added to his pay?

I wonder what the benefit package is for the rest of the school employees.

Norton Shores council supports wind turbine ordinance

Norton Shores council supports wind turbine ordinance
"Shared turbines for residential developments could be 70 to 200 feet tall, according to the draft ordinance."

This is so wrong on so many levels, but 200' tall towers all over Norton Shores?

And have we set aside money for all the PETA lawsuits?

West Michigan Film Office created to tout local movie settings

West Michigan Film Office created to tout local movie settings
"State film incentives legislation, which offers a 42 percent rebate for filmmakers,"

Apparently, our state "leaders" understand the concept of "reduce taxes, increase employers".

But only for Hollywood style boondoggles.