Monday, July 13, 2009

Public-employee pensions put cities, states in tight squeeze - Opinion -

Public-employee pensions put cities, states in tight squeeze - Opinion -

As Americans slaving away at private-sector jobs have watched their 401(k) retirement accounts pulled down about one-third by the stock market, they might have found some comfort in thinking everyone's in the same boat.
The comfort is not only small; it's false:
More than 80% of state and city government workers are guaranteed a pre-set, generous pension, and most also can retire early.
Such "defined benefit" pensions generally went out of style in private business and the federal government in the 1980s because of their cost.
They're a main reason why cities and counties across the country are in dire financial straits. Vallejo, Calif., filed for bankruptcy protection last year.
El Monte, Calif., narrowly avoided it June 30.
Others are considering it.
In New York City, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said last month that the pension system is "out of control."

Recent stock market declines have left public and private pension plans alike underfunded, but the problem is deeper for public plans because they offer bigger pensions and make them available earlier, particularly to public safety employees. Three-fifths of state-government pension funds owe at least 20% more money than they have. According to the National Association of State Retirement Administrators, the shortfall is $430 billion, or about $3,800 for every U.S. household. Other estimates put the number above $1 trillion

The great public-sector pension rip-off: Dodging the bill

Truth In Lending

Truth In Lending
"Behind The Meltdown:
Many Americans are unaware of the causes of the greatest economic calamity of our lifetime. A new congressional report details how government politicized housing, wrecking the economy"

David Gregory Grills Sen. McCain About...Sarah Palin

David Gregory Grills Sen. McCain About...Sarah Palin
"We're in the middle of the worst recession in decades.
Congress is currently debating sweeping changes to healthcare and energy policy that could cost trillions of dollars in new taxes in the foreseeable future.
We've got soldiers risking their lives on two fronts in the Middle East, and despots in North Korea and Iran developing nuclear weapons.
Yet, when one of the most powerful men in Washington visited "Meet the Press" Sunday, host David Gregory spent almost 30 percent of the time allotted grilling him about -- wait for it! -- Sarah Palin. "

And the liberal MSM wonders what it can do to increase viewer/readership....

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Ride The High Horse

Ride The High Horse
"Otherwise, well, no Selma fantasies here. Sorry." News Forum - Thread News Forum - Thread

Congressman: Michigan could hit 20% jobless thanks to Obama

Congressman: Michigan could hit 20% jobless thanks to Obama

Michigan's unemployment rate could hit as high as 20 percent with the Obama administrationto blame, one Michigan congressman warned Friday.

Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (R-Mich.) said that Michigan's unemployment — already the highest in the country at 14.1 percent — could go even higher as General Motors and Chrysler continue to shed jobs after their government-financed bankruptcies.

'Sadly, we've seen estimates, because of the radical restructuring that the auto task force demanded, that this year, Michigan wind up over 20 percent unemployment,' McCotter said during an appearance on a conservative news radio program.

The Wolverine State hasn't yet exceeded its previous record for unemployment in modern history, when it reached 16.9 percent in November of 1982."
And the response from our democrat leaders is more automatic raises for state employees, more annual step-ups in pay for state employees, bigger retirement benefits for state employees, MORE state employees.
And more taxing and regulation for those few foolish businesses left in Michigan.

Detroit Public School System Ponders Bankruptcy

Detroit Public School System Ponders Bankruptcy

"This looks like a done deal to me.

The employment contracts and pension plans are untenable, wage and benefit reductions of 50% outside of bankruptcy are virtually impossible, and there is no money to be found anywhere unless Obama comes to the rescue.

No large school district nationwide, has ever filed for bankruptcy...

With that, the pension time bomb has finally gone off.

And if the judge dramatically slashes wage contracts and pensions, which is what every taxpayer everywhere should be hoping, it will set a nice precedent for other over-burdened school districts to follow suit."

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
How this bombshell is handled will set the tone for future fixin' or future destruction of our local schools.

How San Jose workers do in retirement: a comparison

How San Jose workers do in retirement: a comparison

Social Security
Average annual retirement benefit: $13,386
Age to qualify: For full benefit, 66 or 67; 62 for reduced early benefit.

S.J. civilian workers
Federated City Employees' Retirement System
Average annual pension: $37,376
Age to qualify: 55 with at least five years of service; any age after 30 years of service.

S.J. public safety workers
Police and Fire Department Retirement Plan
Average annual pension: $73,818
Age to qualify: 50 with 25 years of service; 55 with 20 years of service; any age after 30 years of service.

Backpack giveaways in Muskegon County to start again this month

Backpack giveaways in Muskegon County to start again this month
"Fundraising -- including working with corporate sponsors and seeking grants -- for the effort has turned into a year-round effort"

This may (or maybe not) be a noble idea but it is another taxpayer-money-to-"the poor"-program with little credit given to the evil "rich" and "corporations" who pay most of the taxes (and straight up money!) for programs such as this one.

Just more po folks who expect more and more freebies at the same time they and their leaders demonize those who provide the gifts.

The end of Obamania

The end of Obamania
"Barack Obama has fallen back to Earth.

When he ran for president, Obama said his election would be 'the moment the rise of the oceans began to slow.'"

10 Most Unfortunate Store Names

10 of the Worst Restaurant Names ever

How much damage did the Times do?

How much damage did the Times do?
"Risen and Lichtblau mostly airbrush these assessmetns out of their highly selective story today. The reason is obvious. They have a vested interest in minimizing the damage that their own reporting -- also unmentioned in today's story -- has done to the national security of the United States.
Given their own role in this story, the Times shouldn't let Risen and Lichtblau continue to report on it. They have an obvious conflict of interest. The conflict is manifested in the lousy job they do fairly reporting on the IGs' report on the NSA program today."

Boxer faces 'challenge of a lifetime' on climate change bill

Boxer faces 'challenge of a lifetime' on climate change bill
"If the Senate doesn't pass a bill to cut global warming, Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer says, there will be dire results: droughts, floods, fires, loss of species, damage to agriculture, worsening air pollution and more."

What, no pestilence?

Good grief, what about bankrupting every business in the country?!!!!!!!
Simply to give Al gore and his democrat, religious zealots our money... and our economy!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Ed Driscoll » Getting Squeezed By The Parentheses States

Ed Driscoll » Getting Squeezed By The Parentheses States: "Tom Wolfe likes to call New York and California “the Parentheses States”, as he mentioned to the Wall Street Journal back in 2006:"

Michelle Malkin » The ghoulish spirit of Margaret Sanger lives

Michelle Malkin » The ghoulish spirit of Margaret Sanger lives
"Looks like Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg isn’t the only one who’s been channeling abortion champion/eugenicist Margaret Sanger.

Internet sleuth Zombie has a new report on John Holdren, President Obama’s science czar:

• Single mothers and teen mothers should have their babies seized from them against their will and given away to other couples to raise;

People who “contribute to social deterioration” (i.e. undesirables) “can be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility” — in other words, be compelled to have abortions or be sterilized.

A transnational “Planetary Regime” should assume control of the global economy and also dictate the most intimate details of Americans’ lives — using an armed international police force.

Impossible, you say? That must be an exaggeration or a hoax. No one in their right mind would say such things.

Well, I hate to break the news to you, but it is no hoax, no exaggeration. John Holdren really did say those things, and this report contains the proof.

B-17 in Muskegon!

Do you want to fly in a WW2 B-17, Flying Fortress?

Everyone in W. Michigan will have that opportunity on Saturday, July 25.

The Yankee Air Museum has offered to visit us with their WW2 B-17 Flying Fortress, Yankee Lady, at Muskegon Airport.

The cost will be about $400 each, depending on how many sign up for a flight.

It's not cheap but well worth it to support Yankee Museum and their efforts to keep our Warbirds flying. Plus it's a once in a lifetime thrill for anyone who has marveled at the bravery of our young World War 2 fliers.

I took a ride last month on their B-25 Mitchell Bomber and it was like nothing I've ever experienced. I still get a thrill when I think of that flight.

Call or E all your friends (and fathers!) and tell them about this once-in-a-life-time opportunity!

We recently flew in their B-25 Mitchell Bomber
( from MKG over Lake Michigan, down south of Grand Haven, east to the end of the county, up to White Lake and back over W Muskegon county to the airport.

We will do the same in a B-17!

Please pass the word out to all your friends and their Dads!

E me at if you are interested!

Blueberry crop delayed by cool weather

Blueberry crop delayed by cool weather
"Although the frost did not cripple the crop at Reenders Blueberry Farms in Grand Haven Township, the cool spring temperatures have pushed the harvest behind schedule, according to partner Ken Reenders.
'We're a little behind,' Reenders said. 'The cool spring has caused that.'
U-pick has begun on the farm, but the only blueberries currently available are small, early varieties, Reenders said.
The most popular, commonly-picked 'blue crop' will not be ready for another 10 days or so."

What a stupid article.
A farm product about 10 days late for picking?!!!
10 whole DAYS!!!

How could that happen when every newspaper writer knows that Al gore promises all crops ripen at the same rate always.....unless it's Global Warming!!!

That's the ticket!

State Rep. Goeff Hansen wants tax havens for start-ups

State Rep. Goeff Hansen wants tax havens for start-ups
"Rep. Goeff Hansen, R-Hart, said he plans to introduce a bill that would exempt start-ups from paying real property taxes, personal property taxes and the Michigan Business Tax during their first two years in business.
Those taxes would phase in during the next three years, he said."

Excellent idea! And look how quickly the statists and their willing enablers in the media try to knock it down.

Anyone notice this article fails to interview a business owner or entrepreneur?

Of course not!

Former Institute for Healing Racism director says he can't quit

Former Institute for Healing Racism director says he can't quit
"For 10 years, Gordon Rinard's been in constant dialogue.As executive director of the Institute for Healing Racism-Muskegon, he's been engaged in an ongoing "conversation on race," challenging the community at large on what he calls the "-isms.
"And a new one -- capitalism -- that really divides us as a society," he says.

Holy shittake!
Capitalism divides us as a society?!!!!!
This man is a menace!
And so is his evil mission!

"global governance"???????

TigerHawk: "Gore touted the Congressional climate bill, claiming it “will dramatically increase the prospects for success” in combating what he sees as the “crisis” of man-made global warming.

“But it is the awareness itself that will drive the change and one of the ways it will drive the change is through global governance and global agreements.”

Anybody who thinks that 'global governance' is anything other than a profound evil is a woefully misguided dreamer, a nut, or an authoritarian. The only question is whether it is a necessary evil. Let us hope not"

Sotomayor backers urge reporters to probe New Haven firefighter

Sotomayor backers urge reporters to probe New Haven firefighter
"Supporters of Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor are quietly targeting the Connecticut firefighter who's at the center of Sotomayor's most controversial ruling.
On the eve of Sotomayor's Senate confirmation hearing, her advocates have been urging journalists to scrutinize ..... firefighter Frank Ricci.

.....'The whole business of getting Supreme Court nominees through the process has become bloodsport,' said Gary Rose, a government and politics professor at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, Conn."

The Obama left using "journalists" to destroy a firefighter? I am shocked, shocked to find that personal destruction is going on in here! !

SO HOW’S THAT STIMULUS THING WORKING? (CONT’D): Stocks post 4th straight week of losses.

SO HOW’S THAT STIMULUS THING WORKING? (CONT’D): Stocks post 4th straight week of losses.
"I’m beginning to feel that this business of shoveling money out to cronies isn’t really helping the economy as much as was promised."

That unbiased MSM is really on this one, aren't they......

Obama Says Economic Stimulus Worked

Obama Says Economic Stimulus Worked as Intended, Urges Patience
"President Barack Obama said his $787 billion stimulus bill “has worked as intended” as he pushed back against Republican criticism that his recovery program has failed to rescue the economy.
It has already extended unemployment insurance and health insurance to those who have lost their jobs in this recession,” Obama, who is traveling today in Ghana, said in his weekly Saturday radio and Web address. “It has delivered $43 billion in tax relief to American working families and business.”
Were it not for the stimulus program, the president said, “state deficits would be nearly twice as large as they are now, resulting in tens of thousands of additional layoffs -- layoffs that would affect police officers, teachers, and firefighters.”"

Ummm, Barry hussein told us the trillion dollars spent would INCREASE jobs not pay for unemployment benefits.

Is Obama More Catholic Than the Pope?

Is Obama More Catholic Than the Pope?
"In truth, though, Obama's pragmatic approach to divisive policy (his notion that we should acknowledge the good faith underlying opposing viewpoints) and his social-justice agenda reflect the views of American Catholic laity much more closely than those vocal bishops and pro-life activists.
When Obama meets the pope tomorrow, they'll politely disagree about reproductive freedoms and homosexuality, but Catholics back home won't care, because they know Obama's on their side. In fact, Obama's agenda is closer to their views than even the pope's."

Friday, July 10, 2009

Michigan St: No longer second to Michigan -

Michigan St: No longer second to Michigan - "Right now, Dantonio is assembling a winner in East Lansing. His three seasons on campus have proven that. Rodriguez is still in the early stages of his construction project, with a much different blueprint, and it’s too early to tell whether or not he’ll be successful. Two different approaches with two similar goals. In a few years, the schools could have comparable results.
And a whole new take on an old sibling rivalry."

Fix Medicare First

Fix Medicare First
"Well, to be honest, there's already a public plan, and it's hurtling toward insolvency."

Pot smokers: patriotic and generous?

TigerHawk: "Plus, there's all the extra sales taxes from the extra-large packages of Oreos and Doritos."

Laughing Heartily (Once Again)

Laughing Heartily (Once Again) at Andrew Sullivan
"Is there a bigger Internet fool than The Atlantic's Andrew Sullivan, who spends most of his time doing a cheap imitation of a scummy Chicago Democratic Party precinct captain with his lips firmly attached to President Barack Obama's backside?

Andrew Sullivan: (emphasis added)

John McCain picked Sarah Palin because he was a) desperate, b) has no integrity, c) cares much more about his career than national security, and d) couldn't take his eyes off her boobs."