Wednesday, August 26, 2009

To find lost time, Secretary of State offices to close late | Detroit Free Press |

To find lost time, Secretary of State offices to close late Detroit Free Press "Secretary of State branch offices are to remain open two extra hours Monday and Sept. 8 to handle a crush of business that follows state worker furlough days.

The offices are to remain open those two days from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. instead of closing at 5 p.m., Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land said."

Anyone think there's gonna be whole lot o overtime goin' on.

And the net savings for all the "free friday's off" is......?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Woe, Canada!

Woe, Canada!
"Medical Care:
A leaked report shows that Vancouver's health authority is considering cutting thousands of surgeries to balance the budget.
However organized, government-run health care inevitably leads to rationing."

Picturing The Enemy

Picturing The Enemy
"Security: The ACLU sneakily photographing CIA officers near their homes, then showing the shots to the imprisoned planners of the 9/11 attacks.
A fruitcake fantasy?
The government is looking into exactly this."

Donations pay for Camp Pendalouan improvements

Donations pay for Camp Pendalouan improvements
"The YMCA's Camp Pendalouan has undergone a series of improvements made possible through individual donations"

What! No government money!!!!!
This just can't be true!

'Clunkers' program aims to get bowling ball sales rolling

'Clunkers' program aims to get bowling ball sales rolling
"A local business is running its own Cash for Clunkers program -- bowling ball style.
The federal government's car trade-in program is all the rage these days, and has spawned spinoffs in other industries"

What! No free government money?!!!!!!
What are these people thinking!!!!!!

Video: Is Obama’s loss Wall Street’s gain?

Video: Is Obama’s loss Wall Street’s gain?

Monday, August 24, 2009

NY Gov Paterson blames "Racism"!

"He suggested that Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, the country's only other African-American governor, also is under fire because of his race.
'We're not in the post-racial period,' Paterson said.
'The reality is the next victim on the list - and you can see it coming - is President Barack Obama,
who did nothing more than trying to reform a health care system.'"

"Racism"! The cure all for everyone.... (well not EVERYONE) losing a political race.

10 Weirdest Theme Parks

10 Weirdest Theme Parks
"Love Land is a park about sex."

We could have a fat-sex version in Muskegon!
How cool would THAT be.......


"watching media supporters of President Obama's health care package puzzle over the obscure motivations of the noncompliant Americans rallying against it.
'Racial anxiety,' guessed New York Times columnist Paul Krugman.
'Nihilism,' theorized Time's Joe Klein.
'The crazy tree blooms in every moment of liberal ascendancy,' historian Rick Perlstein proclaimed in the Washington Post.
While the commentariat's condescension is almost comical, the whole evil-or-stupid explanation misses the elephant in Obama's room: Americans of all stripes, it turns out, aren't very keen about the government barging into their lives."

Justice Dept. Report Advises Pursuing C.I.A. Abuse Cases

Justice Dept. Report Advises Pursuing C.I.A. Abuse Cases
"The Justice Department’s ethics office has recommended reversing the Bush administration and reopening nearly a dozen prisoner-abuse cases, potentially exposing Central Intelligence Agency employees and contractors to prosecution for brutal treatment of terrorism suspects, according to a person officially briefed on the matter.
The recommendation by the Office of Professional Responsibility, presented to Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr."

Obama Approves New Team to Question Key Terror Suspects

Obama Approves New Team to Question Key Terror Suspects
"President Obama has approved the creation of an elite team of interrogators to question key terrorism suspects, part of a broader effort to revamp U.S. policy on detention and interrogation, senior administration officials said Sunday.
Obama signed off late last week on the unit, named the High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group, or HIG.
Made up of experts from several intelligence and law enforcement agencies, the interrogation unit will be housed at the FBI but will be overseen by the National Security Council -- shifting the center of gravity away from the CIA and giving the White House direct oversight."


"PRESIDENT Obama and con gressional Democrats are now fixing their gun sights on health insurers, but their broader, underlying goals remain unchanged: socializing costs and extending Washington's control of the health-care sector.
This takes what Obama told Joe the Plumber about 'spreading the wealth' a step further. Because not only do the reforms redistribute wealth by shifting costs; they also put government in charge of spending even more of the nation's money.
And they can do it via a 'public option' or heavy insurance regulation and mandates."

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Mercury Marine: Fond du Lac union rejects changes, so we'll move south by 2012

"Following the union’s vote, the company will consolidate much of its Fond du Lac manufacturing operations with its existing operations in an expanded Stillwater, Okla., facility."

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Strange things are happening to the Obama administration

Strange things are happening to the Obama administration and quickly so.
His polls are diving and may not stop at 50/50, the most precipitous drop in approval of a first-year President since Bill Clinton in 1993 (cf. Hillary care).
First, here are some of the problems the President faces:"

Detroit MSM starting to notice: Why are Canadians getting health care in Detroit?

"Obviously, the Canadian system can't work that well if they have to outsource their healthcare to the U.S. In addition, neither piece mentions the individuals coming over here from Canada and the U.K. that are paying for healthcare out of pocket in dire circumstances. Doesn't fit the narrative I guess.

Exit question: what the heck are Canadians going to do for health care once Obama destroys the U.S. healthcare system?"

CARPE DIEM: Historical Examples of Erroneous Health Care Cost Estimates; Don't Trust Those Government Forecasts

CARPE DIEM: Historical Examples of Erroneous Health Care Cost Estimates; Don't Trust Those Government Forecasts

Officials Find Swine Flu Hits Minorities Harder

Officials Find Swine Flu Hits Minorities Harder
"Young people are more at risk of getting swine flu, and pregnant women, among others, have a higher chance of hospitalization from the new flu. Now public health officials are discovering that blacks and Latinos have a substantially higher risk of both.
It is apparently not because of race or ethnicity, per se; it's because of the social circumstances of many African-Americans and Hispanics."

4-Block World

4-Block World

Friday, August 21, 2009

Second Wave Of The Credit Crisis: Collapsing Commercial Real Estate

Second Wave Of The Credit Crisis: Collapsing Commercial Real Estate
"It appears owners have lost their entire down payments on $1.3 trillion worth of property.
In the first six months of this year, commercial properties in default, foreclosure or bankruptcy doubled.
That pace may accelerate because commercial usually lags residential by a year."

Anyone in the MSM screaming out "iceberg ahead" on this one?

Traffic noise could be ruining sex lives of frogs

Traffic noise could be ruining sex lives of frogs
"CANBERRA, Australia -- Traffic noise could be ruining the sex lives of urban frogs by drowning out the seductive croaks of amorous males, an Australian researcher said Friday.
A well-projected and energetic croak is the male frog's most important asset"

Ayn Rand and Socialized Medicine - Ayn Rand Admirers at The Atlasphere

Ayn Rand and Socialized Medicine
"its plot revolves in a crucial way around the compulsory “administration” of healthcare, doctors, and even the dispensing of medicine, by bureaucrats mired in corruption, favoritism, envy, revenge, power lust. It can become an acquired taste, the lust for power to decide whether a person lives or dies.its plot revolves in a crucial way around the compulsory “administration” of healthcare, doctors, and even the dispensing of medicine, by bureaucrats mired in corruption, favoritism, envy, revenge, power lust. It can become an acquired taste, the lust for power to decide whether a person lives or dies."


As Vets Suffer, VA Staff Get $24M Bonuses

As Vets Suffer, VA Staff Get $24M Bonuses
"Thousands of Employees Receive Big Bucks While Wounded Veterans Face Financial Hardship, Reports Show"

Lawyers Showed Photos of Covert CIA Officers to Guantanamo Bay Detainees

Lawyers Showed Photos of Covert CIA Officers to Guantanamo Bay Detainees
"The Justice Department recently questioned military defense attorneys at Guantanamo Bay about whether photographs of CIA personnel, including covert officers, were unlawfully provided to detainees charged with organizing the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, according to sources familiar with the investigation.
Investigators are looking into allegations that laws protecting classified information were breached when three lawyers showed their clients the photographs, the sources said."

This is our new america under Obama.

Most Michigan state government offices closed Friday for furlough

"Most state government offices are closed Friday, the fifth of six unpaid furlough days for 37,400 employees intended to save the state $21.7 million."

It isn't the "pay" that's killing our state it's the benefits and ridiculous retirement packages.

Official I Am Sorry I Voted For Obama Website

Official I Am Sorry I Voted For Obama Website

Anger Grows Over Hero’s Welcome for Libyan Convict

"British and Scottish officials joined the United States on Friday in criticizing the way Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi, the only person convicted in the 1988 Lockerbie bombing, was welcomed home in Tripoli, Libya, as a hero late Thursday after the Scottish government ordered his early release from prison on compassionate grounds."

The Bush administration would never have let this happen!

And now BOTH countries express shock?

A pox on all their heads!

Death panel in Oregon NOW!

"The “Death Panels” get liberals hackles up more than the thought of “rationing” healthcare.
But let’s be real.
Given limited resources and government funding, at some point your healthcare will be the subject of a cost/benefit analysis by a government bureaucrat.
Now here’s the funny thing: it is already happening.
We posted on this earlier, but the clip over 3 minutes and 30 seconds.
For those of you who have radio shows, etc. and want to run this, I’ve pared down this news story to a manageable 1 minute and 28 second segment.
You can easily catch what’s going on — a lady’s doctor recommends she get medical treatment. The state run healthcare system says no and refers her to an assisted suicide specialist.
The bureaucrat in charge of what amounts to a real death panel admits that the money could be better spent elsewhere, so the patient is going to have to die.
It is an inevitable fact of life that the more the government outlays to keep you alive, the more your life becomes subject to a cost/benefit analysis.
Here’s the audio/video proving death panels are, in fact, real:"

click the link in the article to see the video..... very chilling!

Honest Debate Needed on End-of-Life Talk

Honest Debate Needed on End-of-Life Talk
"We also have to tell the defenders of the notorious Section 1233 of H.R. 3200 that it is not quite as benign as they pretend. To offer government reimbursement to any doctor who gives end-of-life counseling -- whether or not the patient asked for it -- is to create an incentive for such a chat.
What do you think such a chat would be like?
Do you think the doctor will go on and on about the fantastic new million-dollar high-tech gizmo that can prolong the patient's otherwise hopeless condition for another six months?
Or do you think he's going to talk about -- as the bill specifically spells out -- hospice care and palliative care and other ways of letting go of life?"

700 0f 796 "new" jobs not really new!

The report also revealed that through the end of June that stimulus money created or saved 796 jobs, with 700 of those state workers who did not have to get laid off thanks to the federal grants, Fitch said.
Federal highway money accounted for 75 jobs and weatherization programs kept or added 16 to the payroll, he added

All of these "new" jobs for only $16.1 million!
When are we gonna see a "cash for crotchety seniors" program?
Just pay us "money" to go away.....