Friday, February 12, 2010

Muskegon Heights High School gets state's lowest academic ranking

Muskegon Heights High School gets state's lowest academic ranking
"When it comes to athletics and the marching band, the students of Muskegon Heights High School can be a force to be reckoned with"

Golden Gate Bridge district approves suicide net, toll increase

Golden Gate Bridge district approves suicide net, toll increase
"The Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District's Board of Directors certified this morning a final environmental report on a proposed $50 million net system beneath the bridge that is intended to deter suicides"

New tax bombshell: 20% VAT

New tax bombshell: 20% VAT - Times Online
"Alistair Darling and George Osborne, the Shadow Chancellor, are both considering raising VAT to as high as 20 per cent — the European average — from the current rate of 17.5 per cent, The Times has learnt."

This is the Europe the American left (and Obama) tells us is our economic model and goal.

Obama’s National Defence Review ignores Iran and Islam in favour of… climate change!

Obama’s National Defence Review ignores Iran and Islam in favour of… climate change!
"However, it’s not what is in the document that surprises the reader – it’s what was left out.
There presence of two elephants in their living room apparently escaped the notice of American’s top civilian and military leaders.
Islamic radicalism does not receive any mention whatsoever in the American Defence Review and the threat posed by a nuclear Iran is mentioned in only one general sentence at the end of a document (page 101).
To put this lack of discussion in proportion, contrast this non-discussion with other security issues mentioned in the document.
For example, the security effects of climate change are highlighted and discussed in depth in eight pages of the document."

Paul Ryan's Lonely Challenge

Paul Ryan's Lonely Challenge
"Paul Ryan, a six-term Republican congressman from Wisconsin who is the ranking minority member of the House Budget Committee, has yanked himself from obscurity by doing something no one else in Congress or apparently the White House has done: design a specific plan to control long-term government spending and budget deficits.

That he stands virtually alone is a damning commentary on our politics."

Greece debt bailout: EU leaders split over euro crisis

Greece debt bailout: EU leaders split over euro crisis
"The European single currency is facing an 'inevitable break-up' a leading French bank claimed yesterday."

The lighthouses of Michigan

The lighthouses of Michigan

Social Security coffers drying up

Social Security coffers drying up
"In all the angst about Sarah Palin writing notes on her palm and President Barack Obama pronouncing corpsman as 'corpse man,' the American commentariat has paid scant attention to a hugely significant report, the one about Social Security's funding scare in 2009 and the red ink it will likely be bathed in this year and next.

Here it is, fellow Americans, a forerunner of what we will have – big time – starting in 2016, a harbinger of what could be the single most threatening domestic issue we face as a people, and this is what I would like to ask all those who have continuously told us not to worry about Social Security: Where's your trust fund now?

That's been the big lie, you know...."

And social security disaster is NOTHING compared to the Medicare/Medicaid shortfall.

Demand accountability from congress and the president NOW!

Governor Christie Declares "New Jersey on Edge of Bankruptcy"

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Governor Christie Declares "New Jersey on Edge of Bankruptcy"
"Christie froze aid to more than 500 school districts and public colleges and universities, ordered the end to several state programs and the Office of Public Advocate, and seized unspent money across state government.

'Today, we come to terms with the fact that we cannot spend money on everything we want,'' Christie told a special joint session of the legislature.

'The days of Alice in Wonderland budgeting in Trenton are over.''"

THIS is what we need in Michigan.

Ask EVERY candidate for Michigan governor this question:

"What are you going to do about state spending on public worker and teacher compensation?"

One Economist Predicts Taxpayer Revolt Over Public v. Private Sector Pay Differentials

One Economist Predicts Taxpayer Revolt Over Public v. Private Sector Pay Differentials
"According to an economist from the University of Michigan-Flint, public employees now make an average of 45% more than private sector employees."

6 Caribbean Islands to Avoid

Caribbean Islands to Avoid

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Kennedy won't run for re-election in RI

Kennedy won't run for re-election in RI
"Rep. Patrick Kennedy has decided not to seek re-election to Congress, saying his life is 'taking a new direction' just months after the death of his father and mentor, Sen. Edward Kennedy."

The death of the inbred dynasty!

Our country is a better place.

Mary Jo K is smiling somewhere in heaven.....

Public-sector unions bleed taxpayers

Public-sector unions bleed taxpayers
"Public-sector unionism is a very different animal from private-sector unionism.
It is not adversarial but collusive.
Public-sector unions strive to elect their management, which in turn can extract money from taxpayers to increase wages and benefits -- and can promise pensions that future taxpayers will have to fund.

The results are plain to see.
States such as New York, New Jersey and California, where public-sector unions are strong, now face enormous budget deficits and pension liabilities.
In such states, the public sector has become a parasite sucking the life out of the private-sector economy.
Not surprisingly, Americans have been steadily migrating out of such states and into states like Texas, where public-sector unions are weak and taxes are much lower."

GOPers won't address this cancer.

Will the Tea Parties stand tall?

Local reaction to Granholm's proposed budget

Local reaction to Granholm's proposed budget
"Rep. Mary Valentine, D-Norton Shores, candidate for the 34th State Senate District:

'I am pleased to see that the budget restores funding for education and the Promise Scholarships.

A strong education system is key to creating a world-class work force that will attract job providers and prepare our children for jobs in the 21st Century economy."

This retired teacher (on a VERY posh pension) is bonkers!

Our secondary "education" system is a disaster and our college graduates are leaving the state like ........well... like employers, jobs and investment!

The only "attraction" generated by the Granholm/Valentine big union give-away scheme is our graduates and jobs being attracted to other states.

This woman is a menace to anyone hoping for job in our state.

Or hoping to provide private sector jobs to our citizens.

Angela Merkel dashes Greek hopes of rescue bid

Angela Merkel dashes Greek hopes of rescue bid
"Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, mounted stiff resistance tonight to any swift bailout of Greece, as a rift opened up between European capitals over how best to tackle the risks posed to the euro."

This could be the tip of an iceberg.......with the EU as a big, stupid boat.

Tunnel assault on girl sparks security debate

Tunnel assault on girl sparks security debate

"Public safety is our top priority"

Another 10 Far-out Valentine's Gift

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

More West Michigan schools offer free breakfast to all students

"As students filed into the cafeteria one recent morning at Godwin Heights Middle School, custodian-turned-breakfast-pitchman Jose Rivera welcomed them with food.
'Here, you like cheese? Take a milk, too.'
Then, when a boy slipped past the table empty-handed, Rivera called him back.
'Free breakfast! Come on down, buddy. Take one of each, please.'"

Benefits of breakfast
Academic and nutritional claims for students who eat a morning meal:
• Less tardiness and fewer abscences
• More energy
• Fewer disciplinary problems
• More attentiveness in the classroom
• Lower body-mass index
• Higher standardized test scores
• Better diet of nutrients, vitamins and minerals

This is so wrong on so many levels:
1. We are paying an adult to cajole kids into putting food on their tray that the kids don't want.
Nice carbon footprint of uneaten food going to the dump, right.
2. Let's teach our kids that "free food" is the normal way of life in America at an early age!
3. With SOOO many reasons ("Why it matters") to give more free food to kids, why aren't we already seeing all the wondrous benefits from "free lunch"? Oh, it's a bogus lie? OK.
4. If free lunch and breakfast are producing such marvelous benefits to our children's education, why not free dinner?
5. Where is all this "free" money coming from?
Gimme a break!

CARPE DIEM policy vs politics

Michael Barone -- About one-third of the $787 billion stimulus package was directed at state and local governments, which have been facing declining revenues and are, mostly, required to balance their budgets.

The policy aim, Democrats say, was to maintain public services and aid.

The political aim, although Democrats don't say so, was to maintain public-sector jobs -- and the flow of union dues to the public employees unions that represent almost 40% of public-sector workers."

United Solar Ovonics reports $39 million loss in second quarter

United Solar Ovonics reports $39 million loss in second quarter
"USO's parent company, Energy Conversion Devices Inc., reported a grim $39 million loss for its second quarter Tuesday, disappointing analysts and sending its stock to record lows."

No homeowner or any company would buy their worthless products so they depend on "extra" government money (like Jenny's mansion) to pay for their boondoggle.

And government mandates that energy producers to use 10% "green" energy.

Just another way to say "tax" to us fools who vote for the AlGore koolaid drinkers in our state government.

Most of whom are are in the democrat party.

Yes Virginia. There is a Santa Clause...but he ain't in government.

10 of the Dumbest Cops Ever

10 of the Dumbest Cops Ever -

You've GOT to click on the first video.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Big Government: Big Labor's "Bread and Butter"

Big Government: Big Labor's "Bread and Butter"
"In it, NILRR points out that in 2008 and the first 11 months of 2009, unionized private-sector workers lost their jobs at more than double the rate than their private-sector non-unionized colleagues.
Meanwhile, for the first time ever, more than half of our nation's government workers are now under union boss monopoly bargaining control and the number is growing with disastrous consequences:"

State Pension Funds Fall Off a Cliff

ALEC State Pension Funds Fall Off a Cliff
"The financial crisis encountered over the past decade reveals that many state pension plans are fundamentally fawed.
Using more realistic assumptions regarding the rate of return on assets, as well as assumptions regarding the actuarial value of liabilities, it is highly unlikely that these plans will achieve actuarial balance over the amortization period.

The solution to the funding crises in state pension plans will require fundamental reform.

Everything should be on the table, including changes in benefits and increased employee contribution rates, as well as employer contribution rates.
These plans should consider replacing their defined benefit plans with defined-contribution plans for new employees."

Snowpocalypse now?

Snowpocalypse now?
Watch hilarious weather video and heed National Weather Service's winter storm warning

Patrick Henry Hughes


Recession chugs on, except in government

"But the back story behind the figures provides cold comfort.

First, the drop to 9.7 percent unemployment does not reflect the creation of new jobs that normally accompanies an economic recovery.

Second, anybody who thinks the job situation is going to improve dramatically in coming months is not paying attention to what's going on behind the unemployment rate. ...."the labor force participation rate is the lowest since mid-1985." This means that fewer Americans are in the labor force.

Third, among the few sectors of the economy showing net employment growth over the past year is the federal government.
The federal civil service is rapidly expanding as Obama increases the size of government, with 33,000 new positions being added in January alone.
Only 9,000 of those new slots were for temporary census jobs.

In other words, what we are seeing is good times for the public sector and the growing prospect of a continuing and perhaps even deepening recession for everybody else.

A Tale Both Positive and a Cautionary: President Obama's Phantom $15 Billion Program for Small Businesses

A Tale Both Positive and a Cautionary: President Obama's Phantom $15 Billion Program for Small Businesses
"Last March 16, President Obama and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner announced a new $15 billion program to help encourage loans to small businesses -- the Unlocking Credit for Small Businesses, or UCSB program.
Subsequently, wrote Neil Barofsky, Special Inspector General of the Troubled Asset Relief Program, in his latest report, 'two additional initiatives were announced to support small-business lending, and Treasury announced an increase of the TARP funding dedicated to support these efforts to $30 billion.'

But oddly, Barofsky noted, as of December 31, 2009, 'the details of the initiative under this program had not been announced and no funds had been disbursed.'

A $15-30 billion program for small businesses and no details have been released?

And no money disbursed??"

The Secret History of the Birthers

The Secret History of the Birthers - The Daily Beast
"Investigating the roots of the Obama birthplace conspiracy theory, John Avlon—author of Wingnuts: How the Lunatic Fringe Is Hijacking America, available now on Beast Books—uncovers the first Birther and finds she's a Hillary Clinton supporter also implicated in Dan Rather's exit from CBS."

Monday, February 08, 2010

Sarah Palin caught with crib notes on her hand

"A close examination of the former vice-presidential candidate speaking at the National Tea Party Convention in Nashville at the weekend revealed she had the words 'Energy', 'Tax,' and 'Lift Americans Spirits' scrawled in ink on the inside of her left hand.

'Budget cuts' was written and then crossed out."

Hell Hath No Fury More Childish Than Andrea Mitchell Scorned

Hell Hath No Fury More Childish Than Andrea Mitchell Scorned NewsReal Blog

Pretty pathetic for the not pretty feminist NBC "gal".