Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Hoyer knew of Massa allegations

Hoyer knew of Massa allegations
"First-term Rep. Eric Massa announced Wednesday that he will not seek reelection, saying his doctors have told him that he can’t continue to “run at 100 miles an hour.”
But several House aides told POLITICO that the House ethics committee has been informed of allegations that the New York Democrat, who is married with two children, made unwanted advances toward a junior male staffer."

Why I took a stand-Jim Bunning

Why I took a stand - Opinion -
‘If the Senate cannot find $10 billion to pay for a measure we all support, we will never pay for anything.’"

Specter Tells Business He’ll Back Pro-Union Card Check

Specter Tells Business He’ll Back Pro-Union Card Check
"Sen. Arlen Specter, D-Pa., will vote for cloture on card check if the pro-union legislation comes up for a vote, he told businessmen Tuesday."

Remember ex-GOPer, RINO Specter when you vote in the primary elections!

Federal Grand Jury Set to Indict John Edwards, Report Claims

Federal Grand Jury Set to Indict John Edwards, Report Claims

Democrat presidential candidate.
Democrat senator.
Class action lawyer.

Britain Grapples With Debt of Greek Proportions -

Britain Grapples With Debt of Greek Proportions -
"As Greece’s debt troubles batter the euro, Britain has done its utmost to stay above the fray.

The pound fell to $1.4954 on Tuesday, its lowest level against the dollar in months.

Until now, that is.
Suddenly, investors are asking if Britain may soon face its own sovereign debt crisis if the government fails to slash its growing budget deficits quickly enough to escape the contagious fears of financial markets."

This is a worldwide disaster and the worst is yet to come.


Political Correctness is Jihad against our military

Political Correctness is Jihad against our military
"What most of us don’t seem to understand, including our own military criminal investigators, President and congress is that our troops are innocent until proven guilty."

President Obama Wants Your Kid!

For a Better Day
President Obama Wants Your Kid!
Looking for an internship?

According to the Altas Shrugs website, students in an Ohio high school were given these applications in class for internships with President Obama's Organizing for America program, a political activism organization.

But why is the President using his campaign icon and platform to actively recruit children to push his agenda?

Why are they being trained to use the Democratic Party voter record system?

Why are they focusing on implementing government run healthcare?"

Sadly, I think we all know why.
Our schools have been taken over by socialist/progressive activists who have seen their greatest success with the AlGore global warming brainwash movie.
They got away with it then.
They think they have free reign over our children's political indoctrination.
And they will continue have that control until we start going to school board meetings all over our country.

Makes sense to me

(from an e-mail)

The last 4 letters in American is ... I CAN

The last 4 letters in Republican is ... I CAN

The last 4 letters in Democrats is ... RATS

Gen Y explained

Gen Y Cartoon
"Why is Generation Y called Generation Y you might ask."
(HT vcm)

Nasa reveals most-detailed images of Earth | Mail Online

Nasa reveals most-detailed images of Earth Mail Online
These spectacular 'blue marble' images are the most detailed views of Earth to date.
click to see a better image.

Newseum | Today's Front Pages | Map View

Newseum Today's Front Pages Map View

This is very cool!

Just put your mouse on a city anywhere in the world and the newspaper headlines pop up... Double click and the page gets larger... you can read the entire paper on some if you click on the right place.

Also, if you look at the European papers, the far left side of Germany will pop up as The Stars & Stripes (European edition, of course).. AND, this site changes every day with the publication of new editions of the paper.

State halts practice of giving diplomas to special-education graduates

State halts practice of giving diplomas to special-education
"State law is forcing local high schools to stop their practice of awarding diplomas to all graduating seniors, regardless of their abilities.
That means students with significant cognitive impairments at Muskegon High School will instead receive 'certificates of completion' when they attend commencement along with their classmates.
Muskegon and Muskegon Heights high schools are among very few statewide that have handed out high school diplomas to low-functioning special education students who complete an 'adaptive curriculum.'"

Those Muskegon and Heights grads must be SO proud of their diplomas...

How pathetic!

When will we citizens take back control of our schools from the big education, thug unions?

Frequently asked questions about Michigan's transportation funding

Frequently asked questions about Michigan's transportation funding

We spend $3 billion/yr on our roads and this article focuses on the need for MORE money from taxpayers but never questions just how our state spends the $3 billion.

Anyone wanna bet that a full review of how Jenny's bureaucrats spend our tax dollars might just be embarrassing to those who do the spending?

American reliance on government at all-time high

Washington Times - American reliance on government at all-time high
"The so-called 'Great Recession' has left Americans depending on the government dole like never before.

Without record levels of welfare, unemployment and other government benefits as well as tax cuts last year, the income of U.S. households would have plunged by an astonishing $723 billionmore than four times the record $167 billion drop reported last month by the Commerce Department.

Moreover, for the first time since the Great Depression, Americans took more aid from the government than they paid in taxes."

Argentina celebrates diplomatic coup as Hillary Clinton calls for talks over Falklands

Argentina celebrates diplomatic coup as Hillary Clinton calls for talks over Falklands - Times Online
"What began as a last-minute change to Mrs Clinton’s itinerary on her five-day sweep through Latin America has snowballed into a major diplomatic incident that has emboldened Argentina and caught the US largely un- awares."

Ohio Mayor Seeks To Eliminate Public Unions

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Ohio Mayor Seeks To Eliminate Public Unions;
Come Senators, Congressmen Please Heed the Call For the Times they are A-Changin'
"Mayor Don Robart of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio is seeking to eliminate public sector unions.
That is certainly a welcome event and hopefully the start of a major trend towards fiscal sanity in cities across the country."

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Words Fail: 'Farouk's on Fire'

Words Fail: 'Farouk's on Fire' - The New Editor
"Words Fail: 'Farouk's on Fire'
Farouk Shami is running for Governor of Texas in the Democratic Party primary."

FuturePundit: Pain Killers Accelerate Hearing Loss With Age?

FuturePundit: Pain Killers Accelerate Hearing Loss With Age?
"In a study published in the March 2010 issue of The American Journal of Medicine, researchers determined that regular use of aspirin, acetaminophen and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) increases the risk of hearing loss in men, particularly in younger men, below age 60."

Upate: Grand Haven school board trustee Brandon Hall hasn't ruled out resigning

Upate: Grand Haven school board trustee Brandon Hall hasn't ruled out resigning
"In the wake of the school board’s censure for his larceny conviction, a Grand Haven school board member said he would resign if several conditions are met, including him approving whoever replaces him."

Seriously, if this guy isn't booted NOW, we deserve the scum who we so often elect!
Gimme a break!

Health Care BS

Health Care BS
"In other words, AP counts some Dems as potential switchers simply because they didn’t bother to respond.
And others are counted because they refused to state a position, probably fearing they would be misquoted."

Student apologizes for noose in UC San Diego library -

Minority student apologizes for noose in UC San Diego library
"In a letter published Monday on the front page of the UC San Diego student newspaper, the Guardian, the student wrote that the incident was 'a mindless act and stupid mistake' and was not meant to recall the lynching of blacks.

'As a minority student who sympathizes with the students that have been affected by the recent issues on campus, I am distraught to know that I have unintentionally added to their pain,' the student wrote."

She's a "minority".
Never mind.....
Yes, we have two Americas...
How sad.

Survey: 26 pct of Americans get news via phone

Survey: 26 pct of Americans get news via phone
"Just over a quarter of American adults now read news on their cell phones, according to a new report from the Pew Research Center."

The GOPers gotta get on board with tech or they got trouble.

Big time!

Democrats need unions to win governorship

Democrats need unions to win governorship

Well, duh!
The unions have destroyed our state.
Now they will destroy their democrat party.

Detroit Mayor Dave Bing on Public Sector Unions: 'Either they can't read, they can't add or they can't comprehend' - The New Editor

Detroit Mayor Dave Bing on Public Sector Unions: 'Either they can't read, they can't add or they can't comprehend'

Maryland's Pension Tsunami

Maryland's Pension Tsunami
"The Pew Center on the States released earlier this week 'The Trillion Dollar Gap: Underfunded State Retirement Systems and the Roads to Reform.'
It should have been called 'The Road to Serfdom' like the Hayek classic.
According to the report, Maryland's 'management of its long-term pension liability is cause for serious concern.'
It shows that Maryland's liabilities grew 77 percent from 1999 to 2008 while assets only grew 43 percent, a recipe for MUCH higher taxes."

Crushing the Competition

Power Line - Crushing the Competition
"It's rumored that during the Olympics, when a curling match carried over into Keith Olbermann's time slot, ratings plunged when the curling ended and Olbermann came on.
Well, that makes sense.
I'd rather watch curling than Olbermann.
But then, I'd rather get a root canal than watch Olbermann, too."

Obama to spell out rebates for energy efficiency

Obama to spell out rebates for energy efficiency
"The price tag for Home Star could be in the range of $6 billion, said one official.
Cash for Clunkers was a $3 billion program that ran for about a month last year, from July 27 to Aug. 25"

The Flu Season That Fizzled

Young voters increasingly identify with conservative politics

Young voters increasingly identify with conservative politics
"A recent Pew Research Center report said 40 percent of voters ages 18 to 28 lean Republican, up from 30 percent last year.
Fifty-four percent of those voters said they lean Democratic, down from 62 percent last year."

Very interesting article.
Note that young folks lean more with conservative politics than with republican politicians.

The GOPers need a real plan to connect with these young voters at the grass roots level.
They have NO plan yet.

Hey Washington! Economy has us very worried

Hey Washington! Economy has us very worried
"Then, ABC News reported that its Consumer Comfort Index plunged to the minus-50 mark and now hovers just four points from its record low.

The Conference Board survey is particularly interesting because it's broken up into two components.
The 'Present Situation Index' -- meaning, how's your life today? -- dropped nearly six points to 19.4.
But the 'Expectations Index' of how those surveyed believe the economy will be six months from now declined a whopping 13.5 points.

Holy crisis!

Even with the stock market still bubbling and media trying its damnedest to convince us at least a million times a day that there's an economic recovery, the American public isn't buying it.
Worse, we've become a clinically depressed nation that doesn't think the situation will ever get better.

OK, so what's really going on?
Well, this is what you get when the government lies to people and when those in elected office believe their own fibs."