Man convicted in Muskegon County for embezzlement, receives $9.1 million state tax credit
"Among his parole conditions: He is barred from having a checking account, charge account or credit card. He is also barred from leaving Michigan.
“This case is alarming,” Tague said after learning of the multi-million-dollar tax credit.
“It shows the ineptness at the state level of our government.
Not only are we doing a wholesale release of prisoners from our prison system, but we’re granting major financial rewards to parolees."
Important stuff you won't get from the liberal media! We do the surfing so you can be informed AND have a life!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Cahill rips governor on health care plans
Cahill rips governor on health care plans -
"“If President Obama and the Democrats repeat the mistakes of the health insurance mandate on a national level, they will bankrupt this country within four years,”
Cahill said.
“It is time for the President and the Democratic leadership to go back to the drawing board and come up with a new plan that does not threaten to wipe out the American economy.”"
"“If President Obama and the Democrats repeat the mistakes of the health insurance mandate on a national level, they will bankrupt this country within four years,”
Cahill said.
“It is time for the President and the Democratic leadership to go back to the drawing board and come up with a new plan that does not threaten to wipe out the American economy.”"
Obama Orders Army NOT To Fly U.S. Flag in Haiti « Publius Forum
Obama Orders Army NOT To Fly U.S. Flag in Haiti « Publius Forum: "Obama Orders Army NOT To Fly U.S. Flag in Haiti"
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: The $2 Trillion Public Pension Hole and What You Can Do About It
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: The $2 Trillion Public Pension Hole and What You Can Do About It: "Populist Rage
That was page one of a three page article. I encourage everyone to read it all.
I am very grateful to Barron's for the opening sentence 'LIKE A CALIFORNIA WILDFIRE, populist rage burns over bloated executive compensation and unrepentant avarice on Wall Street.'
I get a lot mail suggesting I have been giving too much attention to unions and pensions. In reality, I have not been giving enough attention to the issue, or at least bloggers in general haven't.
There are a dozen blogs covering every aspect of the housing bubble, bailouts, and wall street salaries. Yet I am aware of no other major blogs covering the enormous pension problem in depth. Moreover, I have hardly shied away from bailout fraud, calling for the indictment of Geithner, Lewis, Bernanke and others on numerous occasions. Here is a list."
That was page one of a three page article. I encourage everyone to read it all.
I am very grateful to Barron's for the opening sentence 'LIKE A CALIFORNIA WILDFIRE, populist rage burns over bloated executive compensation and unrepentant avarice on Wall Street.'
I get a lot mail suggesting I have been giving too much attention to unions and pensions. In reality, I have not been giving enough attention to the issue, or at least bloggers in general haven't.
There are a dozen blogs covering every aspect of the housing bubble, bailouts, and wall street salaries. Yet I am aware of no other major blogs covering the enormous pension problem in depth. Moreover, I have hardly shied away from bailout fraud, calling for the indictment of Geithner, Lewis, Bernanke and others on numerous occasions. Here is a list."
Obama's illusions of cost-control
Obama's illusions of cost-control -
"How often, for example, have you heard the emergency-room argument?
The uninsured, it's said, use emergency rooms for primary care.
That's expensive and ineffective.
Once they're insured, they'll have regular doctors.
Care will improve; costs will decline.
Everyone wins.
Great argument.
Unfortunately, it's untrue.
A study by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation found that the insured accounted for 83 percent of emergency-room visits, reflecting their share of the population."
The main reason is the liberal MSM "reports" EVERYTHING the lying liberals tell them.
"How often, for example, have you heard the emergency-room argument?
The uninsured, it's said, use emergency rooms for primary care.
That's expensive and ineffective.
Once they're insured, they'll have regular doctors.
Care will improve; costs will decline.
Everyone wins.
Great argument.
Unfortunately, it's untrue.
A study by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation found that the insured accounted for 83 percent of emergency-room visits, reflecting their share of the population."
The main reason is the liberal MSM "reports" EVERYTHING the lying liberals tell them.
Joint Strike Fighter Massively Behind Schedule, Over budget
Joint Strike Fighter Massively Behind Schedule, Over budget - HUMAN EVENTS
"If the F-35 Lightning falls further behind, it will not only be bad news for the Air Force and it's fighter gap.
The Navy estimates it could be short 250 fighters in five years.
Levin called it 'a shortfall that's large enough that if it were realized could cause us to tie up aircraft carriers at the pier for lack of aircraft to send with them."
This is a big deal!
"If the F-35 Lightning falls further behind, it will not only be bad news for the Air Force and it's fighter gap.
The Navy estimates it could be short 250 fighters in five years.
Levin called it 'a shortfall that's large enough that if it were realized could cause us to tie up aircraft carriers at the pier for lack of aircraft to send with them."
This is a big deal!
Obama Aides See ‘Extended Period’ of Unemployment

Obama Aides See ‘Extended Period’ of Unemployment
"U.S. employers won’t hire enough workers this year to lower the jobless rate much below the level of 9.7 percent reached in February, three Obama administration economic officials said today.
The proportion of Americans who can’t find work is likely to “remain elevated for an extended period,” .....
Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner, White House budget director Peter Orszag and Christina Romer, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, said in a joint statement.
The officials said unemployment may even rise “slightly” over the next few months as discouraged workers start job-hunting again."
"U.S. employers won’t hire enough workers this year to lower the jobless rate much below the level of 9.7 percent reached in February, three Obama administration economic officials said today.
The proportion of Americans who can’t find work is likely to “remain elevated for an extended period,” .....
Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner, White House budget director Peter Orszag and Christina Romer, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, said in a joint statement.
The officials said unemployment may even rise “slightly” over the next few months as discouraged workers start job-hunting again."
The ghost of Jimmy is descending on BarryO.
And that ain't good for Americans.
GRASSroots group to hold second meeting
GRASSroots group to hold second meeting
"The group, also known as GRASS, plans to focus the meeting on three specific areas of interest: city employees' health insurance benefits package, city employee wages and wage increases, and the city's pension system, representatives told 24 Hour News 8.
The health insurance benefits package is too expensive, GRASS alleges, and wages for city employees have surpassed comparable jobs in the private sector.
Group representatives also claim the city's pension system is not sustainable."
85% of the disposable spending of most cities is on employee/retiree compensation.
It's about time some group investigated where our public dollars are going.
You go GRASS!
"The group, also known as GRASS, plans to focus the meeting on three specific areas of interest: city employees' health insurance benefits package, city employee wages and wage increases, and the city's pension system, representatives told 24 Hour News 8.
The health insurance benefits package is too expensive, GRASS alleges, and wages for city employees have surpassed comparable jobs in the private sector.
Group representatives also claim the city's pension system is not sustainable."
85% of the disposable spending of most cities is on employee/retiree compensation.
It's about time some group investigated where our public dollars are going.
You go GRASS!
Woman championed by Obama eligible for aid
Clinic: Woman championed by Obama eligible for aid
"A woman championed as the Obama administration's emblem for health care reform does not have to choose between her home and her health, according to officials at the Ohio hospital where she is being treated.
With a self-reported annual income of about $6,000, Natoma Canfield is a prime candidate for financial aid in the form of Medicaid - the federal health care program for low-income and disabled people - or charitable assistance."
Think about it!
The "brilliant" BarryO and his equally "brilliant" comrades searched the entire country to find the poster child of America's miserable health care system.
And they came up with a gal who is covered already.
I mean...this ought to be a big deal to Obama, right?
And they can't even find an American who is suffering from our "unfair" health system/
And they want even more power over our system?
Gimme a break!
"A woman championed as the Obama administration's emblem for health care reform does not have to choose between her home and her health, according to officials at the Ohio hospital where she is being treated.
With a self-reported annual income of about $6,000, Natoma Canfield is a prime candidate for financial aid in the form of Medicaid - the federal health care program for low-income and disabled people - or charitable assistance."
Think about it!
The "brilliant" BarryO and his equally "brilliant" comrades searched the entire country to find the poster child of America's miserable health care system.
And they came up with a gal who is covered already.
I mean...this ought to be a big deal to Obama, right?
And they can't even find an American who is suffering from our "unfair" health system/
And they want even more power over our system?
Gimme a break!
Funding crunch shines light on White River Light Station museum budget
Funding crunch shines light on White River Light Station museum budget
"'It's not something we want to do,' St. Amour said.
'We're not sure where the money is going to come from.'
Amy VanLoon, executive director of the White Lake Area Chamber of Commerce, said her staff receives hundreds of inquiries a year about the lighthouse museum.
'People come from far and wide to see it,' VanLoon said."
Everyone says the lighthouse is a treasure...but everyone says someone else ought to pay for it.
Sounds oh, so familiar.
"'It's not something we want to do,' St. Amour said.
'We're not sure where the money is going to come from.'
Amy VanLoon, executive director of the White Lake Area Chamber of Commerce, said her staff receives hundreds of inquiries a year about the lighthouse museum.
'People come from far and wide to see it,' VanLoon said."
Everyone says the lighthouse is a treasure...but everyone says someone else ought to pay for it.
Sounds oh, so familiar.
How going green may make you mean
How going green may make you mean Environment The Guardian
"When Al Gore was caught running up huge energy bills at home at the same time as lecturing on the need to save electricity, it turns out that he was only reverting to 'green' type.
According to a study, when people feel they have been morally virtuous by saving the planet through their purchases of organic baby food, for example, it leads to the 'licensing [of] selfish and morally questionable behaviour', otherwise known as 'moral balancing' or 'compensatory ethics'."
"When Al Gore was caught running up huge energy bills at home at the same time as lecturing on the need to save electricity, it turns out that he was only reverting to 'green' type.
According to a study, when people feel they have been morally virtuous by saving the planet through their purchases of organic baby food, for example, it leads to the 'licensing [of] selfish and morally questionable behaviour', otherwise known as 'moral balancing' or 'compensatory ethics'."
West Michigan Reform Review
West Michigan Reform Review
"Does State Rep. Mary Valentine support
late-term partial-birth abortion?
We believe she does, based on
her 2008 vote against a proposed
ban of partial birth abortion in
Her recent letter to the
editor of the Muskegon Chronicle
disputes that conclusion, at least
to some degree."
She's caught in her own lie and is scrambling to cover up the real facts.
Good job, "Reform Review" in keeping her votes front and center!
And a pretty good website too!
"Does State Rep. Mary Valentine support
late-term partial-birth abortion?
We believe she does, based on
her 2008 vote against a proposed
ban of partial birth abortion in
Her recent letter to the
editor of the Muskegon Chronicle
disputes that conclusion, at least
to some degree."
She's caught in her own lie and is scrambling to cover up the real facts.
Good job, "Reform Review" in keeping her votes front and center!
And a pretty good website too!
Six Stupid Things Candidates Do to Mess Up Their Campaigns

Pajamas Media » Six Stupid Things Candidates Do to Mess Up Their Campaigns
"Americans are tired of politicians’ smooth answers, refusal to follow principles, and slick campaign talk.
However, some campaigns are doomed to defeat because they’re making basic errors.
As a former candidate, I made a couple big mistakes that I wish someone would have told me to avoid.
If people want to make a difference, they should avoid giving their money and energy to campaigns that have doomed themselves to political oblivion.
Here are the warning signs."
Anyone considering a run for ANY office should read this!
(HT Atlanta Lou)
"Americans are tired of politicians’ smooth answers, refusal to follow principles, and slick campaign talk.
However, some campaigns are doomed to defeat because they’re making basic errors.
As a former candidate, I made a couple big mistakes that I wish someone would have told me to avoid.
If people want to make a difference, they should avoid giving their money and energy to campaigns that have doomed themselves to political oblivion.
Here are the warning signs."
Anyone considering a run for ANY office should read this!
(HT Atlanta Lou)
My Way News - ACORN branches rename, rebrand after video scandal
My Way News - ACORN branches rename, rebrand after video scandal
"Affiliates of the once mighty liberal activist group ACORN are remaking themselves in a desperate bid to ditch the tarnished name of their parent organization and restore federal grants and other revenue streams that ran dry in the wake of a video scandal.
The letters A, C, O, R and N are coming off office doors from New York to California.
Business cards are being reprinted.
New signs with new names are popping up in front of offices."
New name, same crooks.
They will continue to thrive unless we stop them!
"Affiliates of the once mighty liberal activist group ACORN are remaking themselves in a desperate bid to ditch the tarnished name of their parent organization and restore federal grants and other revenue streams that ran dry in the wake of a video scandal.
The letters A, C, O, R and N are coming off office doors from New York to California.
Business cards are being reprinted.
New signs with new names are popping up in front of offices."
New name, same crooks.
They will continue to thrive unless we stop them!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: The $2 Trillion Public Pension Hole and What You Can Do About It
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: The $2 Trillion Public Pension Hole and What You Can Do About It: "The cover story of Barron's is on public pensions, an issue I have been railing about for years, and heatedly so for several months. Please consider The $2 Trillion Hole."
Bracket breakdown: Midwest, West, East and South
Bracket breakdown: Midwest, West, East and South
"Georgia Tech (No. 10 seed) is young and super talented.
Michigan fans will have a nice flashback when they watch freshman guard Glen Rice Jr . (5.2 ppg) come in off the bench."
"Georgia Tech (No. 10 seed) is young and super talented.
Michigan fans will have a nice flashback when they watch freshman guard Glen Rice Jr . (5.2 ppg) come in off the bench."
MSU's Tom Izzo has no regrets about his disciplinary decisions
MSU's Tom Izzo has no regrets about his disciplinary decisions
“I realize that everything I did was good,” Izzo said.
“I don’t regret one iota of it.
I say that, and I think it’s the best I’ve felt in a year.
There’s one thing I’ve always done in this job, and I’ve gotten personal with every guy.
I feel like I always have their best interest in mind.”"
“I realize that everything I did was good,” Izzo said.
“I don’t regret one iota of it.
I say that, and I think it’s the best I’ve felt in a year.
There’s one thing I’ve always done in this job, and I’ve gotten personal with every guy.
I feel like I always have their best interest in mind.”"
U.S. & U.K. Closer to Losing AAA Credit Rating, Moody’s Says. Related: Fortune: Wel…
U.S. & U.K. Closer to Losing AAA Credit Rating, Moody’s Says.
OH, GOODY: U.S. & U.K. Closer to Losing AAA Credit Rating, Moody’s Says.
Fortune: Welcome to the United States of Iceland.
Are things really that bad? I don’t think so, but a budget-busting health-care entitlement won’t help . . . .
Also: China, Japan reduce holdings of U.S. Treasury debt."
OH, GOODY: U.S. & U.K. Closer to Losing AAA Credit Rating, Moody’s Says.
Fortune: Welcome to the United States of Iceland.
Are things really that bad? I don’t think so, but a budget-busting health-care entitlement won’t help . . . .
Also: China, Japan reduce holdings of U.S. Treasury debt."
Turkey bans trips abroad for artificial insemination
BBC News - Turkey bans trips abroad for artificial insemination
"Now they will face punishment of one to three years in prison for doing so."
Ain't government health care great?
"Now they will face punishment of one to three years in prison for doing so."
Ain't government health care great?
Funding crunch shines light on White River Light Station museum budget | -
Funding crunch shines light on White River Light Station museum budget
"The proposed budget lists McDonnell's salary at $13,806 and her health insurance at $6,444.
The museum's portion of the budget also calls for $4,000 in utility expenses, $1,000 for repairs and maintenance, and $1,000 for printing and publishing, among other items."'re out of taxpayer's money.
Fire her and save $30-40,000.
If the local won't support it, bulldoze it!
Are we ever going to realize that rich folks want the rest of us to pay for their hobbies?
"The proposed budget lists McDonnell's salary at $13,806 and her health insurance at $6,444.
The museum's portion of the budget also calls for $4,000 in utility expenses, $1,000 for repairs and maintenance, and $1,000 for printing and publishing, among other items."'re out of taxpayer's money.
Fire her and save $30-40,000.
If the local won't support it, bulldoze it!
Are we ever going to realize that rich folks want the rest of us to pay for their hobbies?
Butler University Deems Chief Justice Roberts Too Controversial for Commencement Address
Butler University Deems Chief Justice Roberts Too Controversial for Commencement Address
"When John Roberts' niece graduates in May from Butler University this May, the Supreme Court chief justice may attend as a relative — but he has been deemed too controversial to take the stage as commencement speaker."
The lunatics are running the asylum.
Will we never learn?
"When John Roberts' niece graduates in May from Butler University this May, the Supreme Court chief justice may attend as a relative — but he has been deemed too controversial to take the stage as commencement speaker."
The lunatics are running the asylum.
Will we never learn?
Super-sized mother determined to become world's fattest woman in two years | Mail Online
Super-sized mother determined to become world's fattest woman in two years
"'My favourite food is sushi, but unlike others I can sit and eat 70 big pieces of sushi in one go,' she said.'
I do love cakes and sweet things, doughnuts are my favourite.'"
You go girl...nothing says "female empowerment" like government subsidized suicide!
"'My favourite food is sushi, but unlike others I can sit and eat 70 big pieces of sushi in one go,' she said.'
I do love cakes and sweet things, doughnuts are my favourite.'"
You go girl...nothing says "female empowerment" like government subsidized suicide!
Workers' compensation for illegal immigrants? State Rep. Rashida Tlaib introduces bill
Workers' compensation for illegal immigrants? State Rep. Rashida Tlaib introduces bill
"State Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Detroit) on Thursday introduced legislation that would extend workers' compensation rights to illegal immigrants in Michigan."
"State Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Detroit) on Thursday introduced legislation that would extend workers' compensation rights to illegal immigrants in Michigan."
Sunday, March 14, 2010
LSJ Blogs: Hey, Joe: The basics

LSJ Blogs: Hey, Joe: The basics: "The basics"
March 14, 2010
The basics
Friday's game does indeed start at 7:20 p.m. Eastern, three cheers for the ink-stained wretches. Chris Allen will play, and Tom Izzo and Durrell Summers did meet Sunday.
Also: * The Spartans will essentially be playing to avenge Illinois on Friday. At least, that's how you could look at it considering New Mexico State is a "bid bandit" that stole an at-large slot away. I have to think Illinois was the last team left out, or awfully close to it. * The Aggies are fast, athletic and high-scoring, with six guys shooting above 33 percent from long range. And you may as well ignore everything this team did in the first half of the season. Athletic forwards Troy Gillenwater (6-8, 234, 14.4 ppg, 6.4 rpg) and Wendell McKines (6-6, 224, 10.8 ppg, 9.9 rpg) joined the team in February and December, respectively, after they gained academic eligibility. This is a totally different team with those two, and a huge reason the Aggies won the WAC tourney. * The Aggies also give it up on defense (77 points, 45 percent shooting) and have poor rebounding numbers. But again, they didn't have the 16 rebounds a game Gillenwater and McKines give them. * No tickets available for this one, it's sold out and MSU's 350 will go to the luminaries and top donors. However, I'm thinking that sellout has a lot to do with Gonzaga fans expecting the Zags to be there (instead of, say, Buffalo!) so if you can find a way out to Spokane, I'll bet you can find good seats at a good price outside the arena. * For Lansing-area residents, MSU's team banquet is Monday night, at Breslin for the first time. Admission is free, concessions open, doors open at 7:30 with the program starting at 7:45. You can sit in the green seats. * Arizona was not included, meaning MSU now has the third-longest NCAA streak with 13. Kansas is at 21 and Duke at 15. MSU's streak is the second-longest in Big Ten history. Indiana went to 18 straight from 1986 to 2003. * Izzo repeated that he will "mix it up" this week and look at lineup variations. Draymond Green, though, will stay in that sixth man role. Izzo said Kalin Lucas is out to prove something, in a good way.
March 14, 2010
The basics
Friday's game does indeed start at 7:20 p.m. Eastern, three cheers for the ink-stained wretches. Chris Allen will play, and Tom Izzo and Durrell Summers did meet Sunday.
Also: * The Spartans will essentially be playing to avenge Illinois on Friday. At least, that's how you could look at it considering New Mexico State is a "bid bandit" that stole an at-large slot away. I have to think Illinois was the last team left out, or awfully close to it. * The Aggies are fast, athletic and high-scoring, with six guys shooting above 33 percent from long range. And you may as well ignore everything this team did in the first half of the season. Athletic forwards Troy Gillenwater (6-8, 234, 14.4 ppg, 6.4 rpg) and Wendell McKines (6-6, 224, 10.8 ppg, 9.9 rpg) joined the team in February and December, respectively, after they gained academic eligibility. This is a totally different team with those two, and a huge reason the Aggies won the WAC tourney. * The Aggies also give it up on defense (77 points, 45 percent shooting) and have poor rebounding numbers. But again, they didn't have the 16 rebounds a game Gillenwater and McKines give them. * No tickets available for this one, it's sold out and MSU's 350 will go to the luminaries and top donors. However, I'm thinking that sellout has a lot to do with Gonzaga fans expecting the Zags to be there (instead of, say, Buffalo!) so if you can find a way out to Spokane, I'll bet you can find good seats at a good price outside the arena. * For Lansing-area residents, MSU's team banquet is Monday night, at Breslin for the first time. Admission is free, concessions open, doors open at 7:30 with the program starting at 7:45. You can sit in the green seats. * Arizona was not included, meaning MSU now has the third-longest NCAA streak with 13. Kansas is at 21 and Duke at 15. MSU's streak is the second-longest in Big Ten history. Indiana went to 18 straight from 1986 to 2003. * Izzo repeated that he will "mix it up" this week and look at lineup variations. Draymond Green, though, will stay in that sixth man role. Izzo said Kalin Lucas is out to prove something, in a good way.
Instapundit » Blog Archive » THE OBVIOUS SOLUTION IS UNARMED COPS. You know, like in Britain. AP: Memphis police at fault in Pe…
Instapundit » Blog Archive » THE OBVIOUS SOLUTION IS UNARMED COPS. You know, like in Britain. AP: Memphis police at fault in Pe…: "March 14, 2010
THE OBVIOUS SOLUTION IS UNARMED COPS. You know, like in Britain. AP: Memphis police at fault in Pentagon shooting. Disarm the police now! If it saves just one life, it’s worth it . . . .
Also: “We need to close the police department loophole.”"
THE OBVIOUS SOLUTION IS UNARMED COPS. You know, like in Britain. AP: Memphis police at fault in Pentagon shooting. Disarm the police now! If it saves just one life, it’s worth it . . . .
Also: “We need to close the police department loophole.”"
NICE rejects ten drugs (allowed in Europe) that could have extended 20,000 cancer patients' lives
NICE rejects ten drugs (allowed in Europe) that could have extended 20,000 cancer patients' lives
"Up to 20,000 people have died needlessly early after being denied cancer drugs on the NHS, it was revealed yesterday.
The rationing body NICE has failed to keep a promise to make more life-extending drugs available.
Treatments used widely in the U.S. and Europe have been rejected on grounds of cost-effectiveness, yet patients and their loved ones have seen the NHS waste astronomical sums.
Last week it emerged that £21billion - a fifth of the entire annual budget - was spent on failed schemes to tackle inequality."
"Up to 20,000 people have died needlessly early after being denied cancer drugs on the NHS, it was revealed yesterday.
The rationing body NICE has failed to keep a promise to make more life-extending drugs available.
Treatments used widely in the U.S. and Europe have been rejected on grounds of cost-effectiveness, yet patients and their loved ones have seen the NHS waste astronomical sums.
Last week it emerged that £21billion - a fifth of the entire annual budget - was spent on failed schemes to tackle inequality."
The Cost-Control Illusion
The Cost-Control Illusion -
"Above all other reasons, voters who oppose ObamaCare cite their fear over costs:
They think it will cause their insurance premiums to soar and result in far higher taxes to fund a vast new entitlement.
The public is right on both counts, which is why White House smokejumpers have been dispatched to put out this fire as the final votes approach.
Let's take their claims one by one, as a public service while everyone else focuses on the whip count."
Read this and weep...
"Above all other reasons, voters who oppose ObamaCare cite their fear over costs:
They think it will cause their insurance premiums to soar and result in far higher taxes to fund a vast new entitlement.
The public is right on both counts, which is why White House smokejumpers have been dispatched to put out this fire as the final votes approach.
Let's take their claims one by one, as a public service while everyone else focuses on the whip count."
Read this and weep...
Happy Pi day: Five tasty facts about the famous ratio
Pi day: Five tasty facts about the famous ratio - physics-math
"Mathematics enthusiasts will this weekend be celebrating Pi day, which falls on 14 March in honour of the famous ratio's first few digits, 3.14.
You probably know that pi is the circumference of a circle divided by its diameter, but here are some less familiar facts about the mathematical constant.
We did consider giving you 3.14 facts but alas we had five…"
"Mathematics enthusiasts will this weekend be celebrating Pi day, which falls on 14 March in honour of the famous ratio's first few digits, 3.14.
You probably know that pi is the circumference of a circle divided by its diameter, but here are some less familiar facts about the mathematical constant.
We did consider giving you 3.14 facts but alas we had five…"
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