Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Playing the Victim - Well Blog - NYTimes.com

Playing the Victim - Well Blog - NYTimes.com

"In today’s Mind column, psychiatrist Dr. Richard A. Friedman explores the puzzling world of self-defeating behavior, when people blame others for their misfortune and feel victimized by bad luck.

So what explains those men and women who repeatedly pursue a path that leads to pain and disappointment?

Perhaps there is a hidden psychological reward.

I got a glimpse of it once from another patient, a woman in her early 60s who complained about her ungrateful children and neglectful friends.

As she spoke, it was clear she felt that all the major figures in her life had done her wrong.

In fact, her status as an injured party afforded her a psychological advantage: she felt morally superior to everyone she felt had mistreated her.

This was a role she had no intention of giving up.

As she left my office, she smiled and said, “I don’t expect that you’ll be able to help me.”

She was already setting up her next failure: her treatment."

Would it be cruel to say this fool is almost certainly a liberal democrat?.........

CEO Says ACORN 'Isn't Dead Yet' : NPR

CEO Says ACORN 'Isn't Dead Yet' : NPR:

"ACORN isn't disbanding despite a scandal that has caused membership to dwindle and revenues to dry up, the embattled activist group's chief executive officer told NPR on Tuesday.
'We're not dead, yet,' ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis told NPR's Allison Keyes on Tuesday's Tell Me More. 'Some of our state chapters have chosen to go their own way. We haven't been able to maintain the resources, state-by-state, that we had, so we have gotten a little bit smaller. We've had to change some of our programming.'"

14 Attorneys General Are Filing Suit on ObamaCare

14 Attorneys General Are Filing Suit on ObamaCare
"Fourteen Attorneys General have filed suits against ObamaCare.

Is your AG on this list?

If not, contact them and get them to stand up!

The fight to stop ObamaCare isn't over yet, and we can still win!"

MI AG Cox is on board!

Health-Care Overhaul Changes to Start Taking Effect This Year

Health-Care Overhaul Changes to Start Taking Effect This Year
"Indoor tanning salons will charge customers a 10 percent tax beginning today in just one of the changes Americans will see as a result of the U.S. health-care overhaul signed into law by President Barack Obama."

NCAA.com – The Official Website of NCAA Championships - NCAA

NCAA.com – The Official Website of NCAA Championships - NCAA

This is a great site for Spartan NCAA tournament hoops!

ACORN disbanding because of money woes, scandal

ACORN disbanding because of money woes, scandal

"ACORN's board decided to close remaining state affiliates and field offices by April 1 because of falling revenues, with some national operations will continue operating for at least several weeks before shutting for good, Whelan said Monday."

Don't believe this for a second!

They have suffered less funding but they're simply changing the name and the signs.

The same scumbags are still getting our state, federal and charity money as before.

Be ever vigilant!

The Old Jarhead: I'm tired

The Old Jarhead: I'm Tired
"I’m tired of being told how bad America is by leftwing millionaires like Michael Moore, George Soros and Hollywood entertainers who live in luxury because of the opportunities America offers.

In thirty years, if they get their way, the United States will have the religious freedom and women’s rights of Saudi Arabia, the economy of Zimbabwe, the freedom of the press of China, the crime and violence of Mexico, the tolerance for Gay people of Iran, and the freedom of speech of Venezuela.

Won’t multiculturalism be beautiful?"

He's tired of a lot more.
Read it all.

Another County board meeting today 3:30 at County building

Today (3-23-2010) there will be a full board meeting of the Muskegon County Commission.

Among other items I found these most interesting:

1. I'm against ANY porky funding for this type of public event but especially when our financial future is so bleak.

But look at the funding for the Heights "Festival".


Does the county board "spread the money around" to the other cities?

Or is the heights just "special"? Either way, it ought to stop
They've already spent us broke.

They shouldn't have the fun of spending us broker.

CD/SP1 0103 -03To approve the financial contributions be made and that the funds be utilized from the CVB's Community Promotions (902020) line item:
Muskegon Heights "Festival in the Park" -$3,000.00;
The Associationof Concert Bands 2011 National Convention Committee -$500.00;
the Miss Michigan Scholarship Pageant -$3,000.00.

2. Most every trolley I've seen was empty or mostly empty.

Has there ever been a study of ridership vs cost?

Wouldn't it be nice to see that report?

TRlO/03-12 Move to approve operation of a 2010 Trolley Route Program as proposed.

3. They "waive" just about every meeting.

Maybe we citizens ought to get an explanation?

To waive the hiring freeze and allow the Human Resources Department to fill the vacant Human Resources Analyst position #N39502 at step 1 and change the funding from 100% 1010-0226 to 75% 1010-0226 and 25% 6770-0203.

4. Wait-a-minute!

County retirees get dental benefits??!!!!

What's that cost?

Do you get retirement dental?

Gimme a break!

To approve Professional Benefits Services (PBS) for the Third Party Administration of the Muskegon County retiree dental plan from 4/1/2010 -9/30/2012 at a rate of $1.90 per line item.

5. Probably nothing here but anytime I see vague wording, I get the ginchies.
"..grant the authority to sign NECESSARY contracts...."
I'd just like a bit more info sir.....

To grant the Chairperson of the Muskegon County Board of Commissioners and the County Clerk the authority to sign necessary contracts with Web Tecs, Inc., and Ottawa County.

6. This one is minor but says volumes about our state.

They want to hire a kid and pay him about $5,700 but the worker's comp is $1,011 for this part timer!!!!!

No wonder jobs keep leaving our state.

Requested Position Class/Pos. Description WATER SYSTEM ENG AIDE/SEASONAL Requested Table/Grade/Hourly Range $850~/HR~

Salary and Wages Social Security Hospitalization Ins. Life Ins. Retirement
Worker's comp

Come on and join me in these meetings!

Every Tues and Thurs at 3:30 at the County Building.

Exempted From Obamacare: Senior Staff Who Wrote the Bill

Exempted From Obamacare: Senior Staff Who Wrote the Bill The New Ledger
"One such surprise is found on page 158 of the legislation, which appears to create a carveout for senior staff members in the leadership offices and on congressional committees, essentially exempting those senior Democrat staffers who wrote the bill from being forced to purchase health care plans in the same way as other Americans."

Muskegon County meeting today 1:00-be there!

These are the big issues today:

1. Equalization and assessments. That's your property taxes, folks!

2. The new casino in Fruitport. Lot's of money to be spread around in this deal.

3. Long range financial planning for the County. The county is broke. This is something EVERYONE needs to understand. This is BIG!

4. The county commissioner's travel budget. Just how much do they really spend? Who's the biggest spender?

5. County purchasing policy. They spend our money. How do they decide?


There will be an open "planning session" meeting of the full Muskegon county board tomorrow from 1-3:00 PM at the Muskegon County convention and visitors bureau building.

That's the old train station across from the Eagles, corner of 7th and Western.
All citizens are legally entitled to attend.

This is where much of the real policy info is discussed and in the past, the commissioners have had the luxury of little citizen attendance or input.

So they could do just whatever they and those with their hands out wanted.
With little public scrutiny.

Let's change that!

I'll be there tomorrow at 12:45, outside by the front door to greet any of you patriots who will stand tall and attend.

It is YOUR future and your money they will be talking about!

See you there!

Madam Pelosi's House Of Ill Repute

Investors.com - Madam Pelosi's House Of Ill Repute
"Conned by the promise of an ephemeral executive order, the last holdouts cave and ObamaCare advances.
It doesn't add a single doctor or hospital room, but needs 17,000 new IRS agents to enforce it."

Monday, March 22, 2010

Althouse: "Are tea parties racist?"

Althouse: "Are tea parties racist?"

"Welch attended a rally:

But if there was anything “overwhelming” about the protest it was the percentage—which I would place well above 90—of signage and conversation specifically referring to government spending, economic policy, and creeping federal interference into various areas of life.

I saw nothing about affirmative action, nothing about welfare, nothing about illegal immigration, almost nothing about hot-button social conservative issues, and very little on foreign policy.

If race played a central role, 100,000 people did a good job of hiding it."

Florida Senate: Rubio 45%, Meek 25%, Crist 22%

Florida Senate: Rubio 45%, Meek 25%, Crist 22% - Rasmussen Reports™
"Former Florida House Speaker Marco Rubio for now runs well ahead in a three-way race for the U.S. Senate in Florida, should Governor Charlie Crist decide to run as an independent."

The Tea Partiers aren't just a passing fad...right?

Health-Care Overhaul Fight Moves to States, Agencies

Health-Care Overhaul Fight Moves to States, Agencies
"Health legislation passed yesterday by the U.S. House changes some rules immediately on insurance coverage while leaving much of the fight over how to remake the medical system to federal regulators, states and courts."

It ain't over until the GOPers give up.

It's up to us "little people" to give 'em some gumption!

N.J. Town Out To Ban Dog Barking Round-The-Clock

N.J. Town Out To Ban Dog Barking Round-The-Clock
"But now in Piscataway an ordinance about incessant barking between 8 p.m. and 8 a.m., has been expanded to include barking around the clock.
And, yes, you could be fined."

This can't be good for Rosie O'donnell....or Queen Nancy Pelosi....

Interesting e-mail from MoveOn.org to ME!

We conservatives and Tea Party activists can and MUST learn from folks like the George Soros funded MoveOn.org.

They respond quickly.

They personalize. They demonize. (Saul Alinsky)

And they make it easy for their citizen-army to move/call/e-mail quickly by providing all the info on a well written e-mail.

And they punish those who deviate from the dogma.

Sadly, this seems to be our new communication future.

We ignore their successes at our own, and our country's, peril.
(the rest of their excellently crafted e-mail is in the "comments" below)

Dear MoveOn member,
Yesterday, the House of Representatives made history. Even with the bill's flaws, health care reform is the most important piece of progressive legislation in decades.
Below is a list of ten of the most important things health care reform will accomplish for everyday Americans—all of which Representative Pete Hoekstra opposed by voting no.1
We've got to show that there are consequences for standing in the way of progress. To let Rep. Hoekstra know how upset voters are that he sided with Big Insurance to oppose health care reform, we've set a goal of making 14 calls from Muskegon to his office today—can you join in?
Here's where to call:
Representative Pete HoekstraPhone: 202-225-4401
And after you call, take a moment to check out the list and share it with all your friends. Big Insurance and right-wing extremists are already ratcheting up their campaign to spread misinformation about the bill, so it's critical that we get the truth out as widely as possible.
Thanks for all you do.
–Kat, Lenore, Laura, Michael, and the rest of the team

Steve Gunn: Remember, we deserve the government we get

Steve Gunn: Remember, we deserve the government we get
"The point is that some people, despite their best intentions, should never be elected to public office in the first place. They only get elected, and remain in office, because we the voters are too lazy to pay attention to what’s happening in local government.

Luckily, there is a group forming that wants to increase citizen participation in local government and demand accountability from local officials.

The Muskegon Patriots are a fledgling group that rose out of last year’s April 15 Tea Party protest at Heritage Landing.

One of the group’s main goals is to recruit and train citizens to attend local government meetings, ask tough questions and report back to the rest of the community through blog entries."

Breakdown of Medicare Expenditures

Breakdown of Medicare Expenditures Mercatus
"In addition, growing deficits in the Hospital Insurance Trust Fund will need to be proactively addressed by new legislation to avoid a future interruption of service.
Medicare funding must be cut; these cuts must be deliberate, not due to a legislative loophole."

Big meeting tomorrow 1:00PM!

There will be an open "planning session" meeting of the full Muskegon county board tomorrow from 1-3:00 PM at the Muskegon County convention and visitors bureau building.
That's the old train station across from the Eagles, corner of 7th and Western.

All citizens are legally entitled to attend.

On the agenda will be discussion about:
1. Equalization and assessments.
2. The new casino in Fruitport.
3. Long range financial planning for the County.
4. The county commissioner's travel budget.
5. County purchasing policy.

This is where much of the real policy info is discussed and in the past, the commissioners have had the luxury of little citizen attendance or input.

So they could do just whatever they and those with their hands out wanted.
With little public scrutiny.

Let's change that!

I'll be there tomorrow at 12:45, outside by the front door to greet any of you patriots who will stand tall and attend.

It is YOUR future and your money they will be talking about!

See you there!

"It's the SPENDING Stupid!"

"The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them." -Patrick Henry, revolutionary (1736-1799)

Three-card Monte and Medicare Part D

from wikipedia:
Medicare Part D - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"The plan requires Medicare beneficiaries whose total drug costs reach $2,700 to pay 100% of prescription costs until $4,350 is spent out of pocket...
This coverage gap is known as the 'Donut Hole.'

The original gap between $2700 and $4350 was inserted to reduce the overall "cost" of the drug bill.

Now the "hole" has been closed so "fairness" rules.

This is the "three-card Monte" game politicians, and their willing enablers in the liberal media, have been playing for decades on us poor, unsuspecting mokes here in flyover country.

They create "savings" in one bill and "fix" it in another bill.

Quick...look....your money was here.....and now it's ......there...!

This happens dozens of times monthly at the local, state and federal level.

Will anyone stand with the Tea Party watchdogs and tell the people the truth?

Investors Chase Risk in Junk Bonds at Fastest Pace Ever

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Investors Chase Risk in Junk Bonds at Fastest Pace Ever

"The Bloomberg article said this is a sign markets are returning to normal.


Was chasing risk in summer of 2007 normal?
How well did it work out?

Let's not confuse the willingness of the greater fool to finance global junk at the highest rate ever with 'normal'.
Instead I would advise focusing on corporate real estate, credit card defaults, and especially housing starts.
The latter typically leads normal recoveries.

Music Still Playing?

But hey, everyone likes a party.
Let's party like it was summer of 2007 again.

I have the perfect quote to match.
It's from July 2007 - Quotes of the Day / Top Call
Chuck Prince: “When the music stops, in terms of liquidity, things will be complicated. But as long as the music is playing, you’ve got to get up and dance. We’re still dancing'.

The Music Stopped for Chuck Prince On November 2, 2007 when his last dance was a two-step out the door.

Rest assured things will 'get complicated' again.
I just wish I could tell you when."

What is it about "human nature" that suppresses even the most recent memory of historical/economic events?

Anger mounting over tax increases to pay for public pensions

Anger mounting over tax increases to pay for public pensions
"MoneyWatch’s editor-in-chief Eric Schurenberg predicts that public employees will soon be going through their own version of a cold reality bath as anger mounts over tax increases to pay for government pensions, and that “they can’t count on pension promises that states can’t afford to keep.”"

There won't be enough anger until the taxpayer finds out what is happening.

The liberal MSM won't report it.

Tell your friends!

Shout it from top of tall buildings!

If we let them, they will take ALL of our money.

Public Pension Deficits Are Worse Than You Think

Andrew G. Biggs: Public Pension Deficits Are Worse Than You Think - WSJ.com
"Pension plans for state government employees today report they are underfunded by $450 billion, according to a recent report from the Pew Charitable Trusts. But this vastly underestimates the true shortfall, because public pension accounting wrongly assumes that plans can earn high investment returns without risk.

My research indicates that overall underfunding tops $3 trillion.

The problem is fundamental:

According to accounting rules adopted by the states, a public sector pension plan may call itself 'fully funded' even if there is a better-than-even chance it will be unable to meet its obligations.

When that happens, the taxpayer is on the hook."

(the rest of this article is posted in the "comments section" below. Sometimes the WSJ doesn't publish the entire article. GordoM did NOT write the comment)

So, the states adopt a rule that would be illegal for private companies and lie to the taxpayer until it is too late to fix. And then they simply demand more taxes from the fools who were duped.

And they think/know we are the fools, folks!

This scam will destroy our cities and states.

And no one in public office is talking about it.

We, the people, must make noise or we'll be rolled again!

Join a Tea Party now!


Sunday, March 21, 2010

What America Will Look Like If The White House Gets Its Way

What America Will Look Like If The White House Gets Its Way
"A picture of America’s future under Obamacare can be revealed, though, after peeling away the pages and digging through the dirt.
Here’s 10 things you can expect:"

Read this and weep.

Vote no quickly or get treated 'like a piñata'

Democratic defector: Vote no quickly or get treated 'like a piñata'
"A Democrat who has long committed to opposing healthcare reform legislation has advised his fellow defectors that they should vote no early on Sunday and then immediately leave the House chamber.

Otherwise, Rep. Gene Taylor (D-Miss.) told The Hill, they will be treated 'like a piñata.'"

"Fringe Group" Controlling GOP

"Fringe Group" Controlling GOP - The New Editor
"In a 60 Minutes interview with CBS' Katie Couric, President Obama's chief of staff Rahm Emanuel calls the Tea Party movement a ''fringe group' that's taken control' of the Republican Party.

Hey, don't mess with Rahmbo:"

The Real Arithmetic of Health Care Reform

The Real Arithmetic of Health Care Reform - NYTimes.com
"Could this really be true?
How can the budget office give a green light to a bill that commits the federal government to spending nearly $1 trillion more over the next 10 years?

The answer, unfortunately, is that the budget office is required to take written legislation at face value and not second-guess the plausibility of what it is handed.

So fantasy in, fantasy out.

In reality, if you strip out all the gimmicks and budgetary games and rework the calculus, a wholly different picture emerges:

The health care reform legislation would raise, not lower, federal deficits, by $562 billion."

YouTube - Key House Democrat: "There Are No Rules Here ... We Make Them Up As We Go Along"

YouTube - Key House Democrat: "There Are No Rules Here ... We Make Them Up As We Go Along"

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Bank regulators given big bonuses

Bank regulators given big bonuses
"Just as bank executives got bonuses despite taking on dangerous amounts of risk, regulators got taxpayer-funded bonuses despite missing or ignoring signs that the system was on the verge of a meltdown.

The bonuses were part of a reward program little known outside the government.
Some government regulators got tens of thousands of dollars in perks, boosting their salaries by almost 25 percent. Often, though, rewards amounted to just a few hundred dollars for employees who came up with good ideas.

During the 2003-06 boom, the three agencies that supervise most U.S. banks - the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC), the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) - gave out at least $19 million in bonuses, records show.

Nearly all that money was spent recognizing 'superior' performance.

The largest share, more than $8.4 million, went to financial examiners, those employees and managers who scrutinize internal bank documents and sound the first alarms.

Analysts, auditors, economists and criminal investigators also got awards."