Thursday, April 01, 2010

10 Greatest April Fool's Day Hoaxes

10 Greatest April Fool's Day Hoaxes -

Eight U.S. militia members enter not guilty pleas

Eight U.S. militia members enter not guilty pleas
"The question is where they actually serious, or just a bunch of guys beating their chests and issuing rants?' said Jerry Flynn, his court-appointed attorney.
'There are a lot of allegations with very little proof.'"

I suspect this big media event was contrived by the Obama administration and all those big mouth fools will go free.
And soon.
And the liberal MSM will provide excuses for BarryO and his feddies.
This country has really been turned upside down!

Mitch Albom: Dot on Tom Izzo's résumé: Seven weeks in Oklahoma

Mitch Albom: Dot on Tom Izzo's résumé: Seven weeks in Oklahoma
"The winds howled.
The sky was purple-black.
A young Tom Izzo pulled his car off the highway, got out and did what they had told him to do:
He crawled under the car for safety.
There, beneath the chassis, pressed against the earth, he prayed, 'Dear Lord, don't let me die here.'
He was a man against the elements, Tom vs. Tornado, a stranger in a strange land ..."

UAW membership sinks to post-WWII low

UAW membership sinks to post-WWII low
"The ranks of UAW members fell to a new post-World War II low in 2009 as the bankruptcies of General Motors and Chrysler led to thousands of manufacturing job losses."

Farhat drops Senate bid, joins Hoekstra campaign

Farhat drops Senate bid, joins Hoekstra campaign
"David Farhat, a former Muskegon County state representative, is exiting the race for the 34th state Senate District and turning his attention to helping a West Michigan candidate for governor."

Good for Dave and Pete.
Bad for us Muskegon voters.
Dave would have been an excellent senator.

YouTube - 3-25-2010_Hank_Johnson_Guam_Tip_Over.wmv

YouTube - 3-25-2010_Hank_Johnson_Guam_Tip_Over.wmv

You MUST see this democrat congressman.....and fear for our nation.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Protecting Public Pensions

Protecting Public Pensions
"The city of Evanston, Illinois is a suburban municipality located directly north of the city of Chicago and has approximately 74,000 residents.
This city has had a long history of underfunding its police and fire pension plans and it still dealing with these problems today despite prior litigation.
The underfunding of the police and fire pension plans continually worsened with the City now facing a $159 million unfunded accrued liability for the police and fire pension plans with plan assets covering only 42% of the benefits owed.
To put these figures in context, the unfunded liability is about $2,000 per Evanston resident or $4,500 per household."

4 dead in Southeast DC drive-by shooting

4 dead in Southeast DC drive-by shooting
"The shooting victims are six men and three women. Most are in their 20s and 30s. One is a teen."

It's obvious we've lost the war against crime and criminal government in DC.
Isn't it time we considered pulling our troops and police out of harms way?

Works and Days » We Are All Pods Now

Works and Days » We Are All Pods Now
: "Go to Sleep, Wake up a Pod

I am catching on to this new year-old society; I think I am at least.

Paying an underwater mortgage is sort of what wealthy and dubious people do; defaulting on one is proof of legitimate victimhood.

There is no more immigration law — unless you are a foolish German, Russian, or Aussie who overstays his visa without claim on a proper -ism.
Budgeting for your private health care plan is proof of privilege; a maxed out credit card is better proof of corporate conspiracy.

And paying no federal income taxes is evidence that you belong to the good 50% of Americans — or are mega-rich, savvy, and able enough to pay on your income instead at the capital gains rate.

There is no more interest on your meager passbook account; just on your mortgage: you pay the bank 5% for a house loan; they pay you a tenth of that at .5% for having $10,000 in your savings.
They are dubbed “evil” by Washington and given more perks and latitude than ever before.

You are to pay higher local, state, federal, payroll, and heath care taxes, with the assumptions that you will not help to pay down the debt and you, the greedy bastard, should pay even more taxes than you do.

Wake up, and get with it, reader: either you are a pod now — or everyone else is."

A Trip Down Memory Lane

A Trip Down Memory Lane

"Not too long ago, taking to the streets to protest your government was considered a patriotic act.

It’s true!

But it seems that publicly airing your grievances stopped being patriotic right around noon on January 20th, 2009.
Once President Obama was sworn in, protesting became incitement to violence.

If you’ve opened up a newspaper or watched a cable news program in the past week or so, you’ve probably seen members of the media painting Tea Party activists as dangerous bigots.

That’s because disagreeing with President Obama on issues like government spending and high taxes makes you a racist, you see.

What’s interesting about the media’s latest freak-out is that there were radicals a-plenty under President Bush.
They protested in the streets.
They talked openly about revolution and killing.
But oddly, the violent imagery used by people claiming to be advocates for peace never registered with the media.
They were too busy fawning over Cindy Sheehan.

Why the difference in coverage?

Did the media cheerlead the protests against President Bush to hurt him politically?

Are they trying to marginalize the increasingly powerful Tea Party movement because they favor President Obama’s agenda?

One thing’s for sure: If there is such a thing as dangerous rhetoric, then the media is at least one president too late in reporting the story.

Don’t believe me?

Well, then let’s take a trip down memory lane..."

Click the link to see Evan's 4 minute movie.
And then tell me there is no media bias.

Power Line - Evan Coyne Maloney remembers

Power Line - Evan Coyne Maloney remembers
"... During the Bush administration, Evan was out in the field with his camera observing protests and interviewing protesters.
He is therefore in a good position to recall the signs and symbols of the left-wing opposition to the Bush administration's post-9/11 national security policies.
How do they compare to the Tea Party protesters expressing their opposition to Barack Obama's program of national socialism?

Evan has now produced a timely new video splicing together footage that he calls 'A trip down memory lane.'

He describes it as four minutes of nonstop examples of violent imagery and extremist rhetoric employed by left-wing anti-Bush protesters.

He writes: 'For some reason, despite it being well documented at the time by me and many others, the media chose to ignore it.'


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

NCAA Final Four and Championship live in 3D At Celebration! Cinema

NCAA Final Four and Championship live in 3D At Celebration! Cinema
"Come watch the Michigan State vs. Butler game LIVE in 3D on April 3rd and the NCAA championship game live in 3D on April 5th!

Tickets for the MSU-Butler final four matchup and the NCAA championship game are on sale below:

Michigan State vs. Butler
Click here to buy tickets for the Michigan State vs. Butler matchup in the Final Four!

NCAA Championship Game
Click here to buy tickets for the NCAA Championship Game!

Additional Info:
Tickets are $20.

There will be a cash bar available for both games."

This is pretty cool!

Does MSU really belong among college baskeball elite?

Does MSU really belong among college baskeball elite?
"But think about the track record. Izzo has now taken MSU to consecutive Final Fours TWICE in his career.
Only five other coaches have ever done that.
And only four coaches now have ever gone to more Final Fours than Izzo has."

The Costs of Expanding Medicaid Will Bankrupt the States

The Costs of Expanding Medicaid Will Bankrupt the States

"One of the central aspects ObamaCare, besides the individual mandate to purchase insurance, is the expansion of Medicaid eligibility to 133 percent of the poverty level.

To entice Democrat lawmakers, especially in the Senate, to vote for this, Senate leaders assured the states that the federal government would cover the costs of the expansion until 2014.

After that, they said, the states would be responsible for paying for 10 percent of the expansion.

According to the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, the Medicaid expansion would “result in large increases in eligibles in most states and many new enrollees.
Not only would eligibility standards be extended but the individual mandate, though somewhat difficult to enforce at these income levels, will mean that large numbers of both previously eligible and newly eligible people will enroll.”

In other words, costs will go up. A lot."

Obama To Take Over Control of College Textbooks?

Obama To Take Over Control of College Textbooks? « Publius Forum
"National Review quotes George Mason economics professor Donald J. Boudreaux as saying that this act seems to be “a first step toward federal oversight of the contents of college textbooks.”
As proof he points specifically to section C, the publisher requirements section.

"(C) A description of the substantial content revisions made between the current edition of the college textbook or supplemental material and the previous edition, if any."

Why does Obama’s overlords need to know what revisions have been made to a textbook?
This act is supposed to be concerned with pricing and availability, not content… isn’t it?"

Karl Rove Gets Branded 'War Criminal' At Beverly Hills Book Signing

Karl Rove Gets Branded 'War Criminal' At Beverly Hills Book Signing
"KCAL 9's Dave Bryan was there and said Rove 'was shouted down and forced to leave the stage.'

Another woman screamed at Rove, 'The only comfort I take is're going to rot in hell.'"

Did Lawmakers Play “Race Card” to Smear Protesters?

Did Lawmakers Play “Race Card” to Smear Protesters?
"In one case, there simply is no evidence.
Video shows the congressmen walking to the Capitol, while protesters shouted “Kill the bill!”
No racial slurs can be heard. In another case, emerging facts seem to expose the lie;
Cleaver claimed that a protester spat on him and was arrested, yet Capitol Police spokesman Sgt. Kimberly Schneider said that no arrests were made that day."

Pet shop owner who sold goldfish to boy hauled before court and ordered to wear electronic tag | Mail Online

Pet shop owner who sold goldfish to boy hauled before court and ordered to wear electronic tag
"Buying a goldfish at a pet shop used to be an innocent childhood pleasure.
But today an elderly pet shop owner told how she was 'entrapped' into selling a goldfish to a 14-year-old schoolboy, then warned she could face jail.
She had breached a law introduced in 2006 which bans selling live fish to anyone under 16."

The Associated Press: Prudential to take $100M health care charge in 1Q

The Associated Press: Prudential to take $100M health care charge in 1Q
"Insurer Prudential Financial Inc. said Monday that it will take a $100 million charge in the first quarter in relation to the recent health care overhaul legislation."

NASA Data Worse Than Climate-Gate Data, Space Agency Admits

NASA Data Worse Than Climate-Gate Data, Space Agency Admits

No Time for a Real Threat as ABC and CBS Skip Arrest of Man Targeting GOP’s Cantor

No Time for a Real Threat as ABC and CBS Skip Arrest of Man Targeting GOP’s Cantor
"Yet after the networks led last week with less-immediate threats against Democrats, they weren’t so interested in a real case of a death threat against a Republican as neither CBS nor ABC aired a word about the arrest and NBC’s Brian Williams gave it short-shrift after leading last Wednesday with Democrats as the victims:
“It's getting ugly as anger over health care reform erupts into some over-the-top rhetoric, including threats now against members of Congress.”"

American music during World War Two-World War II song Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy.

American music during World War Two - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"An article published in Stars & Stripes during WWII credits Clarence Zylman of Muskegon, Michigan, as the original Boogie Woogie Bugler."

James Lovelock: Humans are too stupid to prevent climate change

James Lovelock: Humans are too stupid to prevent climate change
"One of the main obstructions to meaningful action is 'modern democracy', he added"

CNN Fails to Stop Fall in Ratings

CNN Fails to Stop Fall in Ratings
"CNN continued what has become a precipitous decline in ratings for its prime-time programs in the first quarter of 2010, with its main hosts losing almost half their viewers in a year."

Monday, March 29, 2010

Rep. Burgess: If Mandate To Buy Health Insurance Upheld By Court, No Limit To What Govt Can Force People To Buy

Rep. Burgess: If Mandate To Buy Health Insurance Upheld By Court, No Limit To What Govt Can Force People To Buy
"Representative Michael Burgess (R-Texas) told that if the mandate in the health care law requiring individuals to purchase health insurance or be penalized is upheld by the courts, the federal government could mandate anything, such as requiring all Americans to purchase a General Motors car."

Sunday, March 28, 2010

My Way News - Many felony pot cases getting tossed out of court

My Way News - Many felony pot cases getting tossed out of court: "Police in a northern California town thought they had an open-and-shut case when they seized more than two pounds of marijuana from a couple's home, even though doctors authorized the pair to use pot for medical purposes."

Seven arrested in FBI raids linked to Christian militia group

Seven arrested in FBI raids linked to Christian militia group
Seven arrested in FBI raids linked to Christian militia group"

Most Say Tea Party Has Better Understanding of Issues than Congress - Rasmussen Reports™

Most Say Tea Party Has Better Understanding of Issues than Congress - Rasmussen Reports™: "The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 52% of U.S. voters believe the average member of the Tea Party movement has a better understanding of the issues facing America today than the average member of Congress. Only 30% believe that those in Congress have a better understanding of the key issues facing the nation."

STEYN: A healthy dose of catastrophe

STEYN: A healthy dose of catastrophe
"Which is to say that right now, the future lies somewhere between the certainty of decline and the probability of catastrophe.
What can stop it?
Not a lot."

Coward Russ Carnahan Pushes Bogus Tea Party Lie to Media

Coward Russ Carnahan Pushes Bogus Tea Party Lie to Media– Claims Prayer Service With Coffin Was a Violent Threat - Big Government
"Claims Prayer Service With Coffin Was a Violent Threat

Remember as you read this: There is nothing the democratic-media complex will not do to lie about the tea party patriots or to prop up these horrid leftists who are transforming our country into some kind of quasi-socialist state.

On Sunday night several members of the St. Louis Tea Party Coalition held a prayer vigil at Russ Carnahan’s office for the millions of babies that will be slaughtered under the democrat’s pro-abortion health care bill.

We also prayed for the handicapped and the elderly who will be turned away as they face the death panels created by this bill.
And, as we stood outside his office in the rain, we prayed for our country and for the democrats in Washington DC who were stealing away our freedom at that very moment.

We brought a coffin with us to represent the millions of Americans who will suffer from inadequate treatment and perish under Obamacare."

Read this and fear for YOUR freedoms.