Friday, April 30, 2010

Meddlers at the gate

Meddlers at the gate - The New Editor
"How many voters are aware that the pending Senate reform bill includes a payback to unions in the form of a 'proxy access' that would allow labor to manipulate company boards?
How many are aware that the bill may give the Treasury Department the right to seize private property and businesses without any significant judicial review?"

A Rosemary Woods moment

I called the county earlier this morning to buy an audio CD of yesterday's full county board meeting.
The official minutes sorta left out much of the content out:
"Public Participation
Jim Riley addressed the Board regarding Board Rules and public participation.
John McNally addressed the Board.
Chuck Woods thanked the Board for letter of support regarding Muskegon River Trailways
and Regional Association Letter of Support.
Chairman Mahoney recognized Dave Kieft, Muskegon Charter Township Supervisor, Mike
Thompson, Egelston Township Supervisor and Chuck Woods, City of North Muskegon
Council Member."
I was told someone would call me back when they were available and a nice woman just called and told me she was checking the "tape" but it had stopped about half way during the meeting.

The county clerk's office just called me and said they were sorry but the second half of the county commission full board meeting was just "not on the recording" so I wouldn't be able to buy a copy.

So, "they" have decided to abbreviate the official minutes.

To the benefit of our community?

Or is the county board of commissioners going to the mattresses?

Or is it the clerk who has decided just what the public should or should not see?

And now the recording just poofed away.

But the county web site still proclaims "Muskegon County welcomes public participation".

Yeah right....

Rosemary Woods would be proud.

Fun with Numbers: GM ‘Payback’ of Taxpayer Loans.

Instapundit » Blog Archive » TOM BLUMER: Fun with Numbers: GM ‘Payback’ of Taxpayer Loans.

“Taking money from one bailout kitty to pay back another bailout fund.”

When I talked with Mark Tapscott yesterday, he called those GM bailout-payback commercials the most dishonest claims he’s seen in 30 years of covering politics and the auto industry.
“It is a lie.”"

How to Tackle Government Labor Costs

Gary Shilling: How to Tackle Government Labor Costs -
Years ago, there was an informal "social contract"—public employees generally received lower wages than private-sector workers, and in return they got earlier retirement and generous pensions, allowing them to catch up. That arrangement has long since gone by the boards.

The result is a remarkable trend. State and local government employees for years have received pay increases in excess of inflation, and BLS figures show they now have wages that are 34% higher on average than in the private sector.

.... The average quit rate among state and local employees is a third of that in the private sector.

Public employees also have a 70% advantage in benefits..... In 2009, BLS figures indicate that the costs of health insurance were 2.18 times as much for state and local employees as for private-sector workers.

In the private sector, defined-benefit pensions have declined over the years in favor of defined-contribution plans such as the 401(k). In 2009, defined-benefit plans were available to only 21% of private-sector workers—but to 84% of municipal employees, according to the Cato Institute. And public-sector defined-benefit plans paid retirees about twice as much as those in the private sector.

Public-sector retirement costs also are high because many can retire at age 55 after 30 years of employment with pensions equal to 60% or more of final salary, which is often jacked up by lots of overtime in final working years. In some states, employees can "double dip" by retiring early and then resuming their previous jobs or taking other government positions. So they get salaries and pensions at the same time.

The answer to the problem is to attend to the problem, public sector unions, union rules and overpaid, underworked employees.

If you don't acknowledge the problem, you won't fix the problem.

Pension Pulse: Beyond the Greek Crisis: Will Capitalism Survive?

Pension Pulse: Beyond the Greek Crisis: Will Capitalism Survive?
"'We have to go this route,' he said.
'We are not defending Greece, we are defending the stability of our currency.'"

No shirt sherlock!

France Girds Itself For Pension Reform

France Girds Itself For Pension Reform - Wealth of Nations Blog

This ain't gonna be bon.

Broke state declares April ‘financial literacy month’

Broke state declares April ‘financial literacy month’ - OC Watchdog : The Orange County Register
"We hooted recently over the Orange County Business Council’s new Web site,, which targets the “distractions” elected officials pursue at the expense of more important public business."

This might be hilarious if we didn't have the exact same thing happening here in Michigan and Muskegon.

Of course we don't have time for financial "literacy" month here yet.

We're still celebrating National County Government Month!

GVSU students forced to move from Copper Beech apartments during finals

GVSU students forced to move from Copper Beech apartments during finals
"When Grand Valley State University senior Jacob Taykowski took over another student's lease at Copper Beech Townhomes last year, he didn't realize it ended in late April, before he got a chance to tackle his five finals
'It's just a hassle trying to move your stuff out and studying for finals at the same time,' Taykowski said.
'It's just a pain.'"

And these "students" expect to be hired by any company?

I'd definately add them to my "do not hire cuz they're too stupid" list.

And you gotta love the GRP who decided this idiocy was worth publishing.

"No other worries here in Michigan that we might send our reporters to investigate".

And they wonder why their readership tanked.

Too Hot Not to Note: Coulter: Washington Takes Break From Porn Surfing to Bailout Wall Street

Too Hot Not to Note: Coulter: Washington Takes Break From Porn Surfing to Bailout Wall Street
"Democrats have decided that in order to prevent Wall Street from starting more financial meltdowns, wrecking the economy and leaving the American taxpayer holding the bag, we need to give more oversight authority to the same government employees who were busy surfing Internet porn as private investors frantically tried to warn them about Bernie Madoff."

Bailouts for Dummies Bailouts for Dummies
"The Dodd – Goldman Sachs financial services takeover bill can be intimidating to understand for many people, including myself.
However, when all the smoke clears it really comes down to four basic points:"

Well done.

The coming catastrophe

The coming catastrophe - The Boston Globe
"Let’s hope so, for the deficit challenge will loom like an appointment for a root canal once the recovery takes hold. Confronting it requires a recognition that tough choices simply can’t be avoided.

Indeed, Reischauer, who led CBO from 1989 to 1995, had this blunt advice for the panel.
First, don’t waste time looking for silver bullets or new approaches that hold out the promise of painless sacrifice,’’ he said.
“There are none to be found.’’"

7 Lies In Under 2 Minutes

YouTube - 7 Lies In Under 2 Minutes

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Advice to Tea Partiers
"Advice to Tea Partiers
Posted by Chris Moody
The Tea Party movement may endure, but its endurance will be a testament to its ability to understand that cutting government means having a long-term focus, says John Samples, author of the Cato book The Struggle to Limit Government. In a new video, Samples outlines an assessment of what Tea Partiers should do if they want to sustain an effort to cut government.
He offers five pieces of advice for members of the Tea Party movement:
1. Republicans aren’t always your friends.
2. Some tea partiers like big government.
3. Democrats aren’t always your enemies.
4. Smaller government demands restraint abroad.
5. Leave social issues to the states."

Instapundit » Blog Archive » MEGAN MCARDLE: The most terrifying words I’ve seen written so far about the growing crisis in Gre…

Instapundit » Blog Archive » MEGAN MCARDLE: The most terrifying words I’ve seen written so far about the growing crisis in Gre…: "April 28, 2010
The most terrifying words I’ve seen written so far about the growing crisis in Greece were penned by Yves Smith yesterday: “So the whole idea that the financial crisis was over is being called into doubt. Recall that the Great Depression nadir was the sovereign debt default phase. And the EU’s erratic responses (obvious hesitancy followed by finesses rather than decisive responses) is going to prove even more detrimental as the Club Med crisis grinds on.”
The Great Depression was composed of two separate panics. As you can see from contemporary accounts–and I highly recommend that anyone who is interested in the Great Depression read the archives of that blog along with Benjamin Roth’s diary of the Great Depression–in 1930 people thought they’d seen the worst of things.
I hope that history isn’t repeating itself.
Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 6:28 pm"

Did the Tea Party win the debate over the N-word accusations?

Did the Tea Party win the debate over the N-word accusations?
"At the March 20th Tea Party protest in Washington, Rep. Andre Carson, D-Ind., Rep. John Lewis D-Ga., and Rep. Emanuel Cleaver D-Mo. accused protesters of of yelling the N-word some 15 times at the black lawmakers.

Since then, no proof that this happened has emerged despite the presence of numerous cameras.

Well, Tea Partiers pushed back against the claims of racism hard — and an article in the Christian Science Monitor, “Why ‘tea party’ defenders won’t let N-word claims rest,” suggests they have had some success at convincing the mainstream media they were wrong to run with the accusations sans evidence"

GM's Phony Bailout Payback

GM's Phony Bailout Payback - Reason Magazine
"But when Whitacre says GM has paid back the bailout money in full, he means not the entire $49.5 billion—the loan and the equity.
In fact, he avoids all mention of that figure in his column.
He means only the $6.7 billion loan amount."

These liars could never get away with these misleading ads without the wholehearted support of the liberal media.

This is a national disgrace that Americans are lied to on national TV that GM has paid EVERYTHING back.
It is a lie!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Big doin's today at County commission meeting
3:30 today, tuesday april 27.

New parking ramp (again), airplane rentals subsidized?, more melting of the hiring freeze!

Be there or pay the price for your lethargy.

GVSU promises to immediately cut tuition 5 percent if lawmakers guarantee minimum funding

GVSU promises to immediately cut tuition 5 percent if lawmakers guarantee minimum funding
"Grand Valley State University would immediately lower tuition by 5 percent, if lawmakers pledge give the school the same level of funding the other state universities get, President Thomas Haas says."

Another bait and switch scam from the same folks who have given us underworked, overpaid, early-retiring educators who provide our state with a 52% graduation rate.

Sure promise the kids and their parents a quick fiscal fix now.

But keep the automatic faculty raises and benefits out of the conversation.

Oh yeah, and bump up the taxes for everyone left in our bankrupt state.

When will we begin to see these parasites for what they really are?

Earth Day predictions of 1970. The reason you shouldn’t believe Earth Day predictions of 2009

Earth Day predictions of 1970. The reason you shouldn’t believe Earth Day predictions of 2009. Conservative News from "Need proof?
Here are some of the hilarious, spectacularly wrong predictions made on the occasion of Earth Day 1970."

I'm thinking many of these same "experts" are around today.

Even abusive public employees can't get fired

Steven Greenhut: Even abusive public employees can't get fired Washington Examiner
"Some of the most stunning articles I've read in a long while were in the Los Angeles Times' 2009 investigative series, 'Failure gets a pass,' which documents the near impossibility of firing unionized public school teachers in the massive Los Angeles Unified School District -- even those teachers credibly accused of sexually molesting or harassing their students"

If we continue to allow this, it will continue to grow, their power will grow and the end of our republic will be near.

We can stop this if we start attending local governmental meetings...NOW!

Public-sector unions bankrupting America

EDITORIAL: Public-sector unions bankrupting America - Washington Times
"By 2013, the amount of retirement money promised to employees of these public entities will exceed cash on hand by more than a trillion dollars."

Why are no (except Gov. Cristie) republicans running on this issue?

Poll stunner: Sen. Bennett on brink of defeat

Poll stunner: Sen. Bennett on brink of defeat - Salt Lake Tribune
"A new Salt Lake Tribune poll of Republican delegates shows Bennett running in third, behind GOP challengers Mike Lee and Tim Bridgewater.
Lee logged 37 percent support in the survey, while Bridgewater came in at 20 percent, and Bennett lagged at 16 percent."

This is what the tea party movement MUST continue to do.
Oust the RINOS and win elections!

The New Fat Cats

The New Fat Cats The Weekly Standard
"John Edwards was right.

There are two Americas, just not his two (the rich and powerful versus everyone else).
The real divide today is, on one side, the 20 million people who work for state and local governments and the additional 3 million who’ve retired with fat pensions.

On the other, the rest of us, roughly 280 million Americans.

In short, there’s a gulf between the bureaucrats and the people"

We tighten our belts so they can buy new, bigger belts.
Are we so timid that we will continue to let the unions destroy our fiscal lives....and out country?

Bill to check city bankruptcies advances

Bill to check city bankruptcies advances -

While San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders insists bankruptcy is not on the city’s agenda, his administration is nevertheless alarmed over a labor-mounted campaign to take away the right of municipalities to declare insolvency and cancel contracts with their public employee unions.

The Senate Local Government Committee on Monday approved legislation that would require cities to first secure permission from an obscure appointed state agency before they could file for bankruptcy.

This simply means that a democrat/union controlled "agency" would deny a city's obligation to declare bankruptcy when there was no other option..... unless there was the option of forcing taxpayers to pay more.

No need to change union pay/benefits/retirement just like any other bankruptcy,

This will doom any hope of our municipalities to survive the attack of the public service union onslaught.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Economists say the stimulus didn't help

Economists say the stimulus didn't help
"The recovery is picking up steam as employers boost payrolls, but economists think the government's stimulus package and jobs bill had little to do with the rebound, according to a survey released Monday.
In latest quarterly survey by the National Association for Business Economics, the index that measures employment showed job growth for the first time in two years -- but a majority of respondents felt the fiscal stimulus had no impact."

Carbon storage premise 'totally erroneous'

Carbon storage premise 'totally erroneous'
"A RESEARCH paper from American academics is threatening to blow a hole in growing political support for carbon capture and storage as a weapon against global warming.
The paper from Houston University says that governments wanting to use carbon sequestration have overestimated its value and says it would take a reservoir the size of a small US state to hold the carbon dioxide produced by one power station."

Remember that ash cloud? It didn't exist, says new evidence

Remember that ash cloud? It didn't exist, says new evidence
"Jim McKenna, the Civil Aviation Authority's head of airworthiness, strategy and policy, admitted:
'It's obvious that at the start of this crisis there was a lack of definitive data."

This disaster cost hundreds of millions and more than a week of suffering and inconvenience.

And the nannies who made this decision had no "definitive" data?!!!

There's something in London......

Obama’s National Security Advisor Tells Joke Depicting Jews as Greedy Merchants » Obama’s National Security Advisor Tells Joke Depicting Jews as Greedy Merchants

This guy is our country's National Security Advisor?!!!

Imagine the "outrage" if he was a republican.

Imagine the "outrage" if he'd made a similar "joke" about a black.... or a muslim!

Obama seeks to 'reconnect...young people, African-Americans, Latinos, and women' for 2010

Obama seeks to 'reconnect...young people, African-Americans, Latinos, and women' for 2010 - Ben Smith -
"The Democratic National Committee this morning released this clip of the president rallying the troops, if rather coolly, for 2010. Obama's express goal: 'reconnecting' with the voters who voted for the first time in 2008, but who may not plan to vote in the lower-profile Congressional elections this year.

Obama speaks with unusual demographic frankness about his coalition in his appeal to 'young people, African-Americans, Latinos, and women who powered our victory in 2008 [to] stand together once again.'"

White males need not apply?

Imagine Mitch McConnell's comparable "speech".... "We want to reconnect with seniors, euro-Americans and of course, our manly-Americans, who all stand tall to propel our victory in 2010."

Why, in America today, is Obama be able to say what he said and a republican would be exoriated if he said the above?

The Big Brown Union Bailout: UPS and the Teamsters vs. FedEx

The Big Brown Union Bailout: UPS and the Teamsters vs. FedEx -
"If you can't beat 'em, have Congress hobble 'em.

That's the motto of some in corporate America, and Exhibit A might be United Parcel Service's campaign to get Washington to impose its labor woes on rival Federal Express.
This would be one more union bailout at the expense of business competition and economic efficiency.

House Transportation Chairman James Oberstar (D., Big Labor) last year slipped 230 words into a spending bill that would make it easier for the Teamsters to unionize FedEx.
This ambush was included at the urging of UPS, which has been saddled with the Teamsters for decades ..."